Monroe A. Miller Jr. 19 Big Spruce Lane Waynesville, NC 28786 January 9, 2015 Subject: Summary of HCGOP Executive Committee Meeting of 1/8/2015. This is a summary of the Executive Committee meeting held at Organic Beans at 6:30 pm on January 8, 2014. For a lead-up to this meeting, including preliminary agenda and prior minutes for approval, see: There were about 14 voting members, a quorum was achieved. The meeting was recorded by audio, and some portions by audio and video. I won a bet with someone that we would never get to New Business. Brian Strum was belligerent regarding anything that had to do with minutes. He changed his e-mail address to a private address, and said anyone requesting a change should call him or send stuff to him by USPS, and he would make the change. He attempted to do this with the 9/11/2014 and 10/9/2014 minutes, but had evidently forgotten that the executive committee had already pointed errors out, and he acknowledged them as agenda items during the last meeting. See Items 2 and 3 of last meetings added agenda items He refused to resend out these minutes (how could he, he changed his e-mail address), so he will send them to Pat Carr and she will send them to Executive Committee members. Minutes for 9/11/2014 were again tabled. Minutes for 10/9/2014 were approved because there was one simple change, and we are to trust Brian Strum to actually make the change. Two items came up for discussion for the 11/13/2014 minutes: • • Inconsistencies with Pat Carr’s knowledge of when and how the Armory was reserved, and having her go through a tortured explanation of how a deposit was made on 9/18/2014, and Item 5 from the amended agenda, and the wording surrounding the phrase ad hominem. The meeting essentially broke down at that point, Pat Carr threw up her hands and declared that she was going to create a committee to listen to whoever made recordings of the prior meeting, and insure that minutes accurately reflected what happened. Unfortunately, the minutes were tabled, and since we never got to New Business (because the meeting descended into chaos and everyone disbanded before New Business was addressed), Pat Carr never created this committee. So there is not much hope of these minutes ever getting approved. By the way, no Letters of Rebuke were ever presented to the Executive Committee. It is doubtful Pat Carr ever created these. Getting back to Item 5, from the minutes: “The fifth item for discussion was an ad hominem attack on Ted and Pat Carr, alleging that Ted Carr told ‘her’ he could not support Denny King and that he was supporting Democrat Michael Sorrells. The identity of ‘her’ was not revealed. No first person testimony was given accusing Mr. Carr, only hearsay. Carr denied all such allegations.” -1- Carr denied all such allegations? Listen to the Ted Carr Confession on and tell me if you agree with this. Treasure’s Report. Given by Brian’s Aunt Susan (Susan Brown). Ending balance as of December 31, 2014, $817.95. That did not coincide with the POLITICAL COMMITTEE DISCLOSURE REPORT, which as of 10/18/2014 showed an end balance of $0.00. When asked about this discrepance, both Pat Carr and Susan Brown became hostile, and said, yes, we are running two sets of books. We would discuss this further under old business. Unfortunately, the meeting disintegrated before we ever got to that. Reports From Officers & Standing Committees. The agenda committee presented a revised order of the agenda, and it was approved. It was offered that the HCGOP website is owned by Brad Brothers, and he wants to sell it. The Social Media Committee was given limited latitude to attempt to purchase it. Unfinished Business. We started where we last left off at the last meeting, when Brian’s Aunt Susan, Brian Strum and Hannah Strum scattered like a flock of birds at the last meeting. 11/5/14 Agenda Requests from Eddie Cabe. 1. Carr to get out minutes. 2. Minutes were approved. Anyone want to bet that we will never see a corrected version? 3. Pat Carr to set up a committee (which she never did). [Editors Note: Does anyone else see the idiocy in this? A committee to create minutes?] 4. There are 280 people and e-mail addresses that Carr absolutely refuses to provide to the Executive Committee. Eddie Cabe was handed a sanitized list of Executive Committee members and Vice Chairs. 5. This is where Pat Carr threw Todd Poole under the bus. When pressured why she would not make either bank statements or check registers available for inspection to Executive Committee members, she had originally indicated it came as advice from legal counsel at NCGOP. When pressured for a name, it was not David Sawyer, but Todd Poole (who is not a lawyer). 6. Still no (secret) Nominating Committee. 7. Information relating to the 2015 Convention. We will get to that, indicated Pat Carr, but we never did. The next two agenda items were deleted per my request. continuing... HCGOP Web site, Who is it owned by? 11/7/14. It was established that it is owned by Brad Brothers. -2- “Show us the Money” - Jonnie Cure, 11/7/14. Long discussion that when people use the “Donate” link on the GOP website, no one knows where the money goes. Pat Carr attempted to throw Tracy Coward under the bus because he did not give that information up when he quit after one month after being elected at the last convention. Then, no one knows the password. It turns out that money is delivered to: And here is who has control over the PayPal money: [email protected] Who has access to [email protected] ? That is being investigated as we speak. In fact, during the writing of this summary, a Haywood County Republican decided to donate to the Haywood County GOP using the GOP website. Here is a copy of the transaction. When the issue of Susan Brown forking over the Bank Statements and Check Register came up again, she went postal. She read an e-mail from Jonnie Cure, began shaking so badly, I expect that Cal Tech’s seismology equipment could have picked up the tremors. I thought we might have to call EMS. It was a classic melt-down. She gathered up her belongings and stormed out of the room, shaking. [re: recording]. Not to be out done, Savannah Tedesco launched into a similar melt-down, since it was going to be her and Matthew Hebb’s last meeting, and she said she didn’t care. [re: recording] -3- Both of these would make great clips for Someone yelled - “Motion to adjourn”, there was chaos. Someone yelled “Yes”, and everyone scattered to the four winds. Unfortunately, according to Roberts Rules of Order, the motion needed to be seconded, have some discussion, and then a vote. A majority vote would be required to adjourn. The meeting was still open... Fortunately, a group of Executive Committee members remained after the smoke cleared, (a quorum), and additional business was conducted. This portion of the meeting was recorded both by audio and video. Lisa Womack was present as Vice Chair, and conducted the meeting, since Pat Carr had already made a hasty exit. [Editors Note: The extremely loud banging that can be heard during the audio recording was Ted Carr purposely slamming the legs up on the folding tables.] Jonnie Cure made a motion regarding the upcoming County Convention. Proposed Haywood County Republican Party Plan of Organization “I move the following be approved by the Haywood County Executive Committee to present to the Haywood County Republican Convention: The Haywood County Executive Committee moves the following for the Haywood County Republican Party Plan of Organization: The Haywood County Republican Party adopt the North Carolina Republican Party Plan of Organization dated June 7, 2014 to be effective upon the passing of this motion, subject to the following: In accordance with the North Carolina Republican Party Plan of Organization dated June 7, 2014, Article III, Section B., 1., the Haywood County Republican Executive Committee shall consist of: 1. The duly elected County Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer 2. The duly elected Precinct Chairmen 3. The duly appointed Finance Chairman This also modifies Article III, Section A., 2., b., ii Additionally, in accordance with Article III, Section B., 3., a quorum for the transaction of business shall be 25% of the Executive Committee.” The motion was seconded, discussion, and was approved unanimously. A quorum was still present. There was a motion to adjourn, seconded, discussion, and was approved unanimously. Most everyone retired to Sagebrush for a well deserved beer. -4-
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