DRAFT MINUTES GREENWICH INLAND WETLANDS AND WATERCOURSES AGENCY August 18, 2014 Members present: Vice Chairman Elliot Benton, Joe Rogers, James Carr, Norma Kerlin Alternates present: Scott Salisbury Staff present: Michael Chambers, Agency Director; Robert Clausi, Senior Wetlands Analyst Others present: Peter Finkbeiner, Rob Frangione, Donald Mitchell, Joe Pajones, Bill Kenny, Matt Popp, Robert Brehm, Robert Natale, Todd Smith, Jeff Westermeyer, John Tesei, Joseph Heatley PUBLIC MEETING Due to a delay in the arrival time of the Agency Director, Vice Chairman Elliot Benton called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. in the Town Hall Meeting Room on the first floor of Greenwich Town Hall. Agency Session Seating of alternates It was the decision of Elliot Benton to seat Scott Salisbury in the absence of Stephan Skoufalos. Review and approval of draft minutes of July 28, 2014 A motion to accept the draft minutes of July 28, 2014, without correction, was made by Joe Rogers, second Jim Carr. The motion carried 5-0. Review and approval of draft minutes of August 11, 2014 Normal Kerlin requested the minutes be revised to reflect a request made of Mr. Finkbeiner by the neighborhood’s engineer, John Giancola, to respond to specific requests outlined during the Agency’s consideration of Application #2014-077. The motion to approve the minutes with said correction was made by Joe Rogers, second Jim Carr. The motion carried 5-0. Page 2 – Minutes – August 18, 2014 Director’s Report IWWA REPORT Current Month Previous Month Year to Date Start Date 22-Jul-14 17-Jun-14 01-Jul-14 End Date 11-Aug-14 21-Jul-14 30-Jun-15 GREEN SHEET SUMMARY Total Submitted No Permit Required Permit Required 55 53 2 101 97 4 117 115 2 Soils Reports Active Permits 5 0 1 1 6 0 No Permit Required but Wetlands Present 13 31 35 Office Review Field Review 51 4 86 16 102 16 79 81 60 0 0 2 4 5 10 84 87 54 1 0 0 5 16 11 128 133 95 1 0 2 4 13 18 INSPECTION LOG SUMMARY Total Submitted Total Number of Inspections Compliance Final Inspection Extensions Violations Staff Drive-by Public Inquiry Other INCOMING APPLICATION SUMMARY TOTAL SUBMITTED 24 NEW MOD AA 19 3 2 Page 3 – Minutes – August 18, 2014 Intern Project Agency members were introduced to Lindsey Tomaszewski. Ms. Tomaszewski is a graduate student at the University of Sacred Heart participating in an ongoing cooperative program between the Agency and the University. Ms. Tomaszewski is currently working on an invasive species study, which was initiated last year by another graduate intern from the University. Agency Director Michael Chambers said the results of the study would be closely monitored and hopefully, utilized as a basis for conditions to control invasive species on project sites as a condition of approval. Ms. Tomaszewski’s PowerPoint presentation which was provided to the Agency will be made available on the Agency’s web page for public viewing. Agent Approvals The Agency was presented two legal notices for Agent Approvals issued since the last regularlyscheduled meeting. Members offered no questions regarding the activities authorized by Agency staff. No public comment was received. Compliance Report Michael Chambers referred to the Compliance Summary sheet that was distributed in the meeting packets, which included a breakdown of bond releases (5 requested, 7 initiated by Staff, 3 released), and deadlines set by the Agency that are upcoming or have passed. 1038 Lake Avenue was issued a Stop Work Order and was discussed under the Violation section of the Agenda. Public Discussion Session Consent Approvals #2014-103 – 0 Quail Road – The Greenwich Land Trust, Inc. – Tax # 10-4135 The staff report prepared by Doreen Carroll-Andrews recommended the issuance of a Permit for activities conducted on site within and adjacent to wetland and watercourse areas. No persons appeared before the Agency on behalf of the application. No public comment was received. The motion to approve was made by Joe Rogers, second Norma Kerlin. The motion carried 5-0. #2014-113 – 23 Nearwater Lane – Christopher and Melissa Baxendale – Tax # 12-2263/s The staff report prepared by Doreen Carroll-Andrews recommended a Permit to maintain portions of a stone wall and continue its construction in a sloped upland area east of Mianus Pond. Owners Christopher and Melissa Baxendale were present, however no objections to the staff report were offered. No public comment was received. The motion to accept the staff recommendation was made by Joe Rogers, second Norma Kerlin. The motion carried 5-0. Page 4 – Minutes – August 18, 2014 Pending Applications #2014-055 – 29 Angus Lane –Minchul Cho and Elsie Vasquez – Tax #07-2223/s The staff report prepared by Doreen Carroll-Andrews outlined revisions to the site drawing which had occurred since the last regularly-scheduled meeting. The report found that the revisions were satisfactory and addressed earlier concerns associated with potential impacts to wetland and watercourse systems. Appearing before the Agency on behalf of the applicant was Peter Finkbeiner, P.E. of Sound View Engineers and Land Surveyors, LLC. Mr. Finkbeiner offered no objections to the staff comments. The motion to approve was made by Joe Rogers, second Jim Carr. The motion carried 5-0. New Applications #2014-099 – Langhorne Lane Lot 6 – Landmark Greenwich, LLC – Tax #10-2919 – Public Hearing The staff report prepared by Michael Chambers recommended a Delay and further stated the Agency should consider a Public Hearing for the construction of a new single-family residence. Members were reacquainted with the history of this development site, which included at least one Withdrawal and one Denial for concerns relating to likely and unavoidable impacts to wetland and watercourse systems. The staff report shared that the current development plan had expanded the footprint approved by the Agency in 2006 and now, more reflected designs that were not authorized by the Agency. Appearing before the Agency to hear staff comments and Agency concerns was Matt Popp, Landscape Architect and principal owner of Environmental Land Solutions, LLC. Mr. Popp offered no response to the staff concerns and simply stated that it was his intent to speak with the project engineer following the meeting to address staff and Agency concerns. Jim Carr questioned where vernal pools had been determined on site. Joe Rogers expressed disappointment with the plan’s expanded footprint. After extended deliberations, members of the Agency agreed that a Public Hearing was necessary in order to better consider the application. The motion to Delay and schedule a Public Hearing was made by Joe Rogers, second Jim Carr. The motion carried 5-0. #2014-101 – 25 Meadowcroft Lane – Thomas Melly – Tax #11-1536 The staff report prepared by Aleksandra Moch and presented by Michael Chambers identified specific phytoplankton within the pond, which the applicant proposes to treat with chemical algaecides and herbicides. No persons appeared before the Agency on behalf of the applicant. Jim Carr questioned how the depth of the pond was determined, since the 8’depth provided seemed extremely deep for an old, eutrophic pond experiencing algal blooms. Elliot Benton questioned whether it was possible the pond could have been dredged, without the knowledge of the Agency, a question the Director responded was unlikely due to the size of the pond and the amount of material that would have to be removed. Joe Rogers added that the Agency may be able to control or influence the continued application of harmful chemicals in ponds would by informing pond owners and permittees of the added costs that come with dredging due to the use of these chemicals. For this reason, it was suggested that a condition be added to all pesticide permits requiring soil testing before considering any future dredging. Testing would require soil analysis to be performed by a Licensed Environmental Professional at a certified laboratory to determine whether elevated levels of heavy metals or hydrocarbons were contained within the pond spoils. Norma Kerlin also suggested that Condition #6 be revised to include an added statement that alternatives are to be reviewed and approved by Agency Page 5 – Minutes – August 18, 2014 staff. Hearing no further objections, a motion to approve was made by Joe Rogers, second Normal Kerlin. The motion carried 4-1. (Jim Carr did not support the motion.) #2014-102 – 2 Ashton Drive – Randolph P. Eddy – Tax #10-3501/s The staff report prepared by Aleksandra Moch and presented by Michael Chambers recommended the issuance of a Permit for the chemical treatment of a pond. Members were informed of the target species within the pond’s water column that the applicant intended to control by use of various chemicals, similar to the prior application. Members questioned both the depth of the pond as well as the appropriateness of including a condition informing the permittee that future dredging would require soil testing to be performed by a Licensed Environmental Professional at a certified laboratory. It was again stated that Condition #6 should be revised to include the statement, “subject to the review and approval of Agency staff.” All changes were supported unanimously by the members in attendance. The motion to approve was made by Joe Rogers, second Norma Kerlin. The motion carried 4-1. (Jim Carr did not support the motion.) #2014-104 – 18 Halock Drive – Todd Smith – Tax #09-1745/s – Delayed The staff report prepared by Bob Clausi recommended the Agency Delay action on the applicant’s request to demolish and construct a single-family residence at 18 Halock Drive. Members were informed that the residence had been demolished on site, without the prior consent of the Agency, despite notice from staff that a Permit would be required for such activities. For this reason, additional fees were required. The staff report further noted that additional drainage revisions were required. These comments were shared with the applicant’s engineer in advance of the meeting. In attendance to address staff comments were Robert Frangione, P.E., working on behalf of Sound View Engineers and Land Surveyors, LLC and owner Todd Smith of American Carpentry, LLC. Mr. Frangione acknowledged the need for the requested information and shared the revisions to the drainage report were minor and would be satisfied in advance of the September meeting. Owner Todd Smith requested relief from the additional filing fee, for the demolition of the structure without the prior consent of the Agency. After careful deliberation, it was determined that the additional fee would be required. No public comment was received on this matter. The motion to Delay was made by Joe Rogers, second Scott Salisbury. The motion carried 5-0. #2014-106 – 37 Burying Hill Road – David and Amanda Russekoff – Tax #10-2790 – Delayed The staff report prepared by Michael Chambers recommended a Delay, pending submission of a revised plan that relocated the dock to an area behind the lake house. Appearing before the Agency on behalf of the applicant was Jeff Westermeyer of Coastline Consulting and Development, LLC. Mr. Westermeyer shared that the request to relocate the dock was not favored by the client, since access to the suggested area was restricted, forcing seasonal removal to be done by hand. Michael Chambers responded that the seasonal structure should be removed by hand and that prior Agency action on the site had limited access to the rear of this property to emergency vehicles only, post completion of ongoing construction and restoration of cleared wetland areas. After careful consideration of the matter, members requested revised drawings provide an as-built condition for the site with topography and the proposed activities to be included. In the absence of this information a motion to Delay was made by Joe Rogers, second Jim Carr. The motion carried 5-0. Page 6 – Minutes – August 18, 2014 #2014-107 – 120 Meadow Road – Eric and Heather Wise – Tax #05-2548/s – Delayed The staff report prepared by Michael Chambers recommended the Agency Delay the applicant’s request to demolish and construct a single-family home. Members were informed that drainage revisions were required. Staff comments also requested revision to the landscape plan since it included a request to remove existing vegetation within the wetland, in favor of a woody planting scheme, which only served to beautify the hydric area. Members’ opinions were split on the matter and both Robert Frangione, P.E. of Frangione Engineering, LLC and Robert Rem, Landscape Architect with Granoff Architects were asked to speak with staff and make corrections based on the comments provided. The motion to Delay was made by Joe Rogers, second Jim Carr. The motion carried 5-0. #2014-110 –59 Dandy Drive – Donald Mitchell – Tax #08A-1076/s The staff report prepared by Bob Clausi recommended a Permit for the construction of an addition with utility connections. Appearing before the Agency on behalf of the application was Donald Mitchell, owner of 59 Dandy Drive. Mr. Mitchell offered no objections to staff comments. Motion to approve was made by Joe Rogers, second Norma Kerlin. Motion carried 5-0. #2014-111 – 37 Day Road – 37 Day Road, LLC – Tax #10-2091 – Postponed At the request of the applicant, the matter was postponed. No Agency action was required. #2014-114 – 0 Indian Spring Road and 0 Midwood Drive – INCT, LLC – Tax # 10-3662, 10-1520, 101319, 10-3664; Tax #10-3626 The staff report prepared by Bob Clausi recommended the issuance of a Permit with additional fees for activities which commenced on site without the prior consent of the Agency. Appearing before the Agency on behalf of the application was Bill Kenny, Landscape Architect and principal owner of William Kenny Associates, LLC. Mr. Kenny offered no objections to staff comments. The motion to approve with the conditions provided was made by Joe Rogers, second Jim Carr. The motion carried 5-0. New Modifications #2013-111 – 120 Perkins Road – Burning Tree Country Club, Inc. – Tax # 11-2504 The staff report prepared by Michael Chambers recommended the Agency issue a Permit Modification and maintain conditions attached to the active Permit. Appearing before the Agency to address staff comments was Attorney John Tesei of Gilbride, Tusa, Last and Spellane, LLC and Head Groundskeeper of the Burning Tree Country Club, Mike Barton. Neither party offered any objections to staff comments. The motion to approve was made by Joe Rogers, second Norma Kerlin. The motion carried 5-0. #2014-083 – 25 Flagler Drive – Sophia Hartch – Tax #11-1221 The staff report prepared by Bob Clausi recommended the issuance of a Permit for the replacement of an existing drain. Appearing before the Agency on behalf of the applicant was Robert Natale, P.E. of Rocco V. Page 7 – Minutes – August 18, 2014 D’Andrea, Inc. Mr. Natale offered no objections to staff comments. The motion to accept the staff recommendations was made by Joe Rogers, second Jim Carr. The motion carried 5-0. Violations Cease & Correct Order #2014-019 – 1038 Lake Avenue – Chene Vert, LLC – Tax #10-2014 The violation summary prepared by Doreen Carroll-Andrews and presented by Michael Chambers noted activities on site which had resulted in the unauthorized clearing of vegetation within and adjacent to a wetland area. Appearing before the Agency on behalf of the owner was Joseph Heatley. Mr. Heatley shared that the clearing was done to remove discarded trash and other construction items which had been placed within the wetland proper and its buffer areas by the property’s prior owner. Mr. Heatley shared that his client, Carrie Otto, was more than willing to comply with the conditions of the Agency and had not intentionally acted to harm the wetland areas on site. To strengthen the point, Mr. Heatley provided the Agency items which were recently removed from the area in question. After full consideration of the matter, Agency members acted to remove the Cease & Correct for the property and required staff to work with the owner to address outstanding compliance issues on site. The motion accepting this recommendation was made by Scott Salisbury, second Joe Rogers. The motion carried 5-0. Bond Releases Application #2011-123 – Permit #2012-17 for Charles and Pouli Otton at 5 Lighthouse Lane. The $4,000 bond to be returned to Charles Otton. Application #2012-115 – Permit #2012-82 for Peter and Laura Knobloch at 19 Beechcroft Road. The $4,000 bond to be returned to Peter Knobloch. Application #2013-104 – Agent Approval #2013-18 for John and Patricia Dudzik at 11 Lakewood Circle North. The $5,000 bond to be returned to John and Patricia Dudzik. A motion to release the bonds was made by Joe Rogers, second Norma Kerlin. The motion carried 5-0. A motion to adjourn was made by Joe Rogers, second Norma Kerlin. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Michael N. Chambers Wetlands Director
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