Christ Church
Praying in unity for...
Heather Rodgers and her family after her recent medical diagnosis
Those away from home over Christmas, especially those involved
in ministry, including John Sexton and Stuart Broughton
Those required to work over Christmas in hospitals and emergency
Church services over this Christmas season
The Middle East - still in crisis and those bringing comfort after the
horrific massacre in Pakistan
Those in care homes or hospital over Christmas, including Bill
Harvey, Stan Lang, Harry Burnett and Freda Crossley
Liz Rimmer, recovering from her accident in Australia
Tina Powsey in her new role as admin assistant
Christ Church Week of Prayer begins January 5 - 10th,
with guided, themed prayertimes in hourly intervals.
Please choose an hour and join us.
A church that prays together, stays together.
Weekly News Bulletin
Sunday 21st - 28th December 2014
Happy Christmas
from Christ Church!
21st December
24th December
Ann Searle
Jane Sephton
John Sexton
First Service
Christmas Celebration
Luke 2:8-20 Msg
Pat Goodridge
Heather Fielding
Second Service
Youth-Led Christmas Celebration
Christmas Carol Service
Midnight Communion
25th December 10:30am Short Christmas Morning Service
(followed by Holy Communion)
28th December
Sheila Schofield
Lesley Scott
Pheona Scott
First Service with Communion
Are You Ready?
Matthew 25: 1-13
Speaker: Alan Buckley
Angela Thompson
Leader of Service
Second Service (Same Theme, Reading and Speaker)
Susan Purcell
Tina Powsey
Café Church
JeSuS, LorD at thy Birth
erhaps for some, the all-time favourite carol is “Silent Night.” The last line of the
carol is the most important – “Jesus, Lord at Thy birth.” At Christ Church, over
the past week, there have been four occasions when children from local schools,
including a nursery, have performed their nativity plays. More than 500 parents have
attended these occasions and tonight, at the main church carol service, if previous
years are anything to go by, the church will again be full.
The question arises as to why these occasions attract such large numbers. One
explanation could be that there is a nostalgia which takes us back to our childhood
experience, or that Christmas speaks of a folk religion which implies we are all
looking for “significance,” and a religious experience may satisfy such an internal
Personally, I think whatever our life experience or current circumstance, we find
reassurance and hope in Christmas; reassurance that God has entered our disorderly
and turbulent world, where this week, 132 children were shot dead in their school,
and offers a way out of the mess we have made of humanity. Nothing other than an
encounter with the Living God will bring mankind to its senses. This may not
necessarily be through the birth narrative, but more likely through His second coming
as a Royal Judge and King, when our world will be held to account and where the
words we so readily sing, “Jesus, Lord at Thy birth” are fulfilled through the Lordship
of Christ at His return in glory.
Monday 22nd December:
Vivesco Café
Monday 29th December:
Vivesco Café
tuesday 23rd:
tuesday 30th:
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day:
Saturday 27th:
Sunday 28th:
Joint Churches’
prayer time
Vivesco Café
10 - 10:30am
Joint Churches’
prayer time
Open Bible Study
Vivesco Café
 our Gift Day total has now reached £19,000; thank you so much!
 the 2015 Christ Church travel Club Programme is now on the
noticeboard and online. If you have not yet booked for Sorrento, tomorrow
(22nd Dec) is your last chance to secure the best rate. Please see Mary Brew
 Mince Pies are still needed for tonight’s carol service.
 the Soup Kitchen has received a generous amount of clothing
donations; no additional clothes are needed at this time. Thank you for your
support. There will be no Soup Kitchen on Christmas Day, but it will be open on
New Year’s Day.
 A retiring collection for the benefit of our Thursday night Soup Kitchen
will be held following tonight’s carol service (21st Dec). Thank you in advance
for your support of this vital ministry.
 Vivesco Café will be open 10am -3pm on Christmas Eve to meet any respite
needs during last-minute Christmas shopping. Why not drop in!
 Emails are a great communication tool at Christ Church and periodically,
we do like to send emails pertinent to all our members. If we don’t have a
current email address for you, please update the office by sending us an email
to [email protected].
 the Living room, an ecumenical outreach ministry for guests of the
Soup Kitchen, is looking to grow their team of pastoral volunteers. If you are
interested in learning more, please see Tina Powsey.
 Urgent appeal - Additional laptop and camera operators needed. Please
speak to Stewart if you are able to help with these important ministries.
 Please note, there will be no early morning prayertime on Boxing Day.
 We are pleased to announce our new part-time admin assistant (20 hours)
is Tina Powsey.
 Joint churches’ prayertime continues on Tuesday mornings through
December at Christ Church.
Wednesday 31st
Vivesco Café
Vivesco Café
Midnight Communion
New year’s Day:
Christmas Service
Christmas Service
Friday 2nd January:
Café Open
First Service with
Holy Communion
Second Service
Café Church
Early morning prayers
Saturday 3rd:
Café Open
Sunday 4th:
Joint Service
Café Church with Holy
Jeremiah 32:27
Christ Church Southport Verse of the year 2015