Term Dates 2014 Term 3 Monday 21 July - Friday 26 September 2014 Term 4 Monday 13 October - Thursday 18 December 2014 School closed Friday 24 October: Teacher Only Day School Closed Monday 27 October: Labour Day Important Dates for your Diary 7 August Rata visit Parliament 13 August 11am Y6 City Library 14 August 7.30pm Light House Cuba The One Hundred-Foot Journey 19 August Nikau & Rimu visit Zealandia depart 9.15am 22 August Y7/8 Girls Self Defence 25/26 August Rata/Kowhai Science Fair in Matai 29 August Daffodil Day Self Defence in morning 3 September Inter School Speech Finals 5 September WALA Performance 11.30am 18 September Art Exhibition 5-7pm 25 September School Photographs from 9am 26 September End of Term 3 Nga mihi ki a koutou - Greetings to you all Tena tatou katoa e te whanau. Dobar dahn, Nabad, Hola, Ciao, Ni hao, Namaste, Talofa, Bonjour, Konnichiwa, Kia orana, Bula, Buon giorno Welcome to Yazid, Albatol, and Fion who have joined our school community this week. Yazid joined Katie in Ruma Kowhai; Albatol joined Claire in Ruma Koromiko; and Fion joined Dawn in Ruma Kauri. On Monday morning we held a powhiri for all the new students who had joined our school whanau since our Term 2 powhiri. Our powhiri continues to evolve as our senior students have asked to contribute to the organising of the event. A group of Year 8 students have been working with Alwyn on a Monday afternoon and are now confidently supporting me and our new students and their families on the paepae. New entrant enrolments Bernice, Gail and I would really appreciate it if you have a pre-schooler turning five in the next 12 months or you have a neighbour whose child is turning five in the next year can you please complete a school enrolment form. Having information about who is joining our new entrant class allows us to ensure we can plan ahead regarding staffing. Skipping in Ruma Tarata and Tawa In Ruma Tarata and Tawa we are learning to skip. It was fun coming out on Tuesday morning into the sun to skip. – Izzy I can skip backwards. I taught myself. My goal is to skip many times. – Hanchen Skipping is cool. I am learning to skip. – Tyson The class goal in skipping is to keep on trying even when things get hard. Skipping is cool. – Ethan Skipping is fun. I am good at going forward and backwards. - Elke News from the senior school We’re heading to Parliament this week and we get to hold a debate in the replica debating chamber. We’re debating whether we should prohibit dangerous dogs. We’ll be in two teams. I hope I get to speak against the moot. – Zenith I entered the Elsie Locke writing competition last week. The topic was water was a crucial resource. I wrote a snipbit of a longer story focussing on a boy collecting water from a resource truck because there was a severe drought here In New Zealand. I had to write between 500 – 600 words. I went over the word limit and then had to edit my story. I wrote three versions before submitting my competed story. – Norma I am working with Atakura on our science fair investigation. We’re investigating which rechargeable battery lasts the longest. We’re going to begin our actual testing of the batteries after school today. – Mack We’re each working on a collage in class of ourselves. We chose a photo of ourselves at camp and had to then choose an archetype that suited our photo. I chose ‘creator’ as this archetype is an innovator and a creator of new things. We then have to take a photo of us being the opposite archetype. My photo will show me being a’ regular guy’ which is the opposite of my ‘creator’ archetype. - Billy P R I N C I P A L : S U E C L E M E N T , 3 6 0 T H E T E R R A C E W E L L I N G T O N P H O N E / F A X 0 4 3 8 4 2 8 6 0 Y M C A O S C A R 0 2 7 7 0 3 5 7 0 5 4 7 A U G U S T 2 0 1 4 E M A I L A D D R E S S : O F F I C E @ T E A R O . S C H O O L . N Z Wellington College Year 9 Enrolments 2015 Monday 4 August 2014: Applications for Year 9 2015 to be received by 4pm (out of zone applications received after 4 August will not be considered) Friday 15 August 2014: If a ballot is required for out of zone enrolments it will be held on this day. Wednesday 20 August: Parents will be informed of the result of the ballot within 3 school days and will have 14 days to respond to an offer of place. Thursday 20 November 2014: Year 9 Induction Day, which includes testing and tours, commences 9am in the College Hall. Thursday 27 November 2014: An information evening for parents of Year 9 students 2015 will be held on this day. For more information please contact Lynda Woods, Enrolment Officer, Wellington College 8022520 etn 721. News from the Principal’s Desk Te A r o S c h o o l N e w s l e t t e r 2 3 / 2 0 1 4 A BIG part of our city community A Parenting Programme you Can’t Miss A different approach different response: improving relationships with your teens. Understanding the internal working model of your child Identify signs of substance abuse Support your child through their journey to independence Gain an understanding of the brain and how this impacts on your child Learn about attachment and what happens under stress Meet others going through and experiencing what you are. Starting 19 August for 8 weeks 7-9pm, Cost $80. Contact: [email protected] or phone 8025767 Student Council and Leadership Team Special Pizza Lunch The student council with support from one of Kristin’s leadership teams have organised a special pizza lunch for students on Tuesday 26 August. Initially the organising team tried to organise pita pockets but they were too expensive at $7.50 $8.50 per order. Like last year students have to pre-order and pay for their pizza lunch by Friday 22 August. Order forms will go home next week. Students can choose to order one of four different pizza for $4. They can choose from: ham and cheese; or ham, cheese and pineapple; or mushrooms, capsicums, tomatoes, pineapple and feta; or cheese and fresh tomato salsa. Maths-a-thon Thank you to all the families who supported our recent maths-a-thon fundraiser. Thank you for helping your child to learn their allocated facts. Thank you for sponsoring them and for helping them to gather additional sponsors. With the money raised we are purchasing a new set of Maths resources which will be used across the school. Please send all sponsorship money to the school office in a named envelope. Keeping up with our Te Reo Last week’s new word was heihei or chicken. This week’s new word is poitarawhiti or netball. Film Evening We are looking forward to sharing a great night at the movies with you—ticket sales have been very sluggish. We need your support to make this evening a success. Please send you order and money to the school office. Tickets are $20 each. The movie “The One Hundred Foot Journey” stars Helen Mirren. It is a drama/comedy. The evening starts at 7.30pm. Looking forward to seeing you there. Nga mihi nui ki a koutou, Sue Term 3 Week 3 Sports Events and News Wellington West Netball Competition The netballers played their first games of the term on Saturday 2nd August after a long break. All the teams played extremely well in challenging windy weather. Here are the results: The Year 4 Te Aro Tuis played incredibly well against Karori West Roar and won 4-0. The Year 5/6 Pukeko team had a great win against the Karori Normal Hurricanes with the final score 18-2. It was a close game for the Year 7/8 Kakapo girls and they just lost 5-4 against the Samuel Marsden Willerings. Well done to all the players! Look out for an e-mail with the details for this week’s draw. For details of all games coming up, please visit: http://www.foxsportspulse.com/club_info.cgi?client=1-7022-101560-0-0. You can find cancellation details, and register to receive instant text messages when games are cancelled, on the Wellington West Netball website at: http://www.foxsportspulse.com/club_info.cgi?c=1-7022-101560-00&sID=208595. Good luck to all the teams for the games this week and here’s hoping for calmer weather! Miniball and Basketball This term we have two teams entered into the Wellington Basketball Association Primary and Intermediate Leagues. Our Year 3/4 Tuatara miniball team play their games every Wednesday and the Year 7/8 Taniwha play their basketball games on Tuesdays. Both teams play at the ASB Sports Centre in Kilbirnie and you can find details for upcoming games on the following website: http://www.foxsportspulse.com/assoc_page.cgi?client=0-2854-0-311130-0 Here are the results from the games so far: Year 3/4 Tuataras Last week, the Year 3/4 Tuatara team had a fantastic start to their season and won their very first game 8-4. They are a really enthusiastic team and committed to their practice sessions with Rachel Griffiths and Sarah Paterson at lunchtimes on Tuesdays. Their results from their game this week will be in the next newsletter. Year 7/8 Taniwha We have a keen group of Year 7 and 8 students representing Te Aro School in the intermediate basketball league this term. They had a tough start to their season, losing their game last week 52-10. However, their spirits remained high and they worked hard during their second coaching session with Matiu Julian on Friday to improve their skills. This paid off and they won their second game on Tuesday 24-20. Keep up the good work and training team! Calling all students in Years 5 and 6! Are you in Year 5 or 6 and keen to be part of a Year 5/6 miniball team next term? If so, make sure you participate in the coaching sessions on Wednesday lunchtimes and look out for a letter about joining the team towards the end of this term! Good luck to all the teams for the games this week! School Photographs School photographs will be taken here at school on Thursday 25 September from 9am. Families planning their Term 3 holidays are asked to consider keeping children at school for this momentus occasion. Please diary this date now. Children will need to be at school on the day by 9am so that they are included in their class photograph. StoryLines Festival Michael Fowler Centre Sunday 24 August 10am-3pm The StoryLines Festival is a great time to celebrate the joy of reading. Come and share the excitement of NZ books with children and families and the Wellington community at the Storylines Free Family Day. Checkout the website for writing and illustration workshops www.storylines.org.nz and for more details regarding competitions, themes and participating authors, illustrators and performers.
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