RAD 1409 - Pan-European Annex LE Route Restrictions within ECAC Airspace Valid From 21/08/2014 Change record AIRWAY FROM TO Point or Airspace AMD VERSO NEW SARGO UN725 LAPIT OSPOK UM191 RIDAV DIPOL UN870 UL27 UN864 UN10 UREDI ANZAN NEA CRISA DIPOL CJN Utilization Not available for traffic DEP LEMH/SL Except with ARR LF** With RFL Below FL185 Only available for traffic ARR/DEP LEMH/SL Not available for traffic 1. DEP LEGE Above FL305 2. DEP LEBL Above FL325 3. DEP Baleares Group Not available for traffic ARR LEMD Only available for traffic 1. Via NVS UM871 PDT M/UM871 NANDO 2. Via RBO R870/UN870 PONEN. Only available for traffic 1. Via LATEK 2. ARR LEZG Not available for traffic Via AMTOS/BLV/ OMILU/SNR ARR Madrid Group With RFL Above FL345 Not available for traffic ARR LEZG ABOVE FL345 ORBIS VTB LOGRO Not available for traffic ARR Madrid Group UN10 THUNE PPN Not available for traffic DEP EB**, EH**, EL**, Paris Group With ARR LEMD UN857 BEGUY PPN Not available for traffic DEP EH**, EB**, EL**, Paris Group With ARR LEMD BCN CCS A33 CJN CLS UM176 ALT CLS UM176 MANDY Not available for traffic DEP LELC Above FL315 CLS ABUPI/BATAX GODIV A5 TURON ASDEB A5 STG MEGAT G41 R1 ATLEN STG DEVAR KORAV Not available for traffic 1. DEP Palma Group via LUMAS 2. DEP Madrid Group, LPPCFIR With ARR LIRRFIR, LG**, LT**, HE** 3. DEP LIRRFIR With ARR Madrid Group, LPPCFIR From April AIRAC until October AIRAC Not available for traffic 1. DEP Madrid Group With ARR NAT Above FL315 2. Via LPPCACC Above FL245 With ARR LEMD Not available for traffic With RFL above FL155 Not available for traffic 1. ARR LELC Above FL325 2. ARR LEAL. Not available for traffic DEP EG** With ARR GCLP/TS Not available for traffic DEP LEVX Above FL305 Compulsory for traffic DEP LPPR Via FRASAI Airspace Compulsory for traffic DEP LEVX Via LOTEE Compulsory for traffic ARR LEAS Via ATLEN Compulsory for traffic DEP LEVX Via KORUL Restriction Applicability ID Number H24 LE2399 H24 LE2402 H24 LELF1008 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2380 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2063 Operational Goal Remark/s To avoid 90º turn at CHELY and to force traffic on shorter route. Traffic should file via SID MJV – ADX – UN863/UN861 ATC Unit NAS/FAB LE LE 1 & 2. To avoid LECBMNU sector and to force the traffic into the LFMMDL sector LoA LECBACC/LFMMACC 3. To avoid sharp turn at LAPIT LE To force traffic on the RIDAV STAR LE To stop traffic turning. To prevent integration of East/West traffic flows into Northerly flows LE LOA LECM/LECS 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2021 LE To keep traffic out of the LECMDGU sector 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2312 LE LoA LECM - LECS 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2400 LE LoA LECM - LECS H24 LE2401 Tue, Wed, Thu and Sun 18.20-2100 (17.20-20.20) (Arrival time to LEMD) LE2271 Tue, Wed, Thu and Sun 18.20-21.00 (17.20-20.20) (Arrival time to LEMD) LE2272 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2001 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LELP1004 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2047 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2340 LE 1. To balance arrivals LEMD between the two landing runways. This traffic should file: 1. NENEM-UN867-BLV-UL14-NEA-UN864-ORBIS 2. SSN-UP181-NEA-UN864-ORBIS 3. SOVAR-UN869-ZAR 1. To balance arrivals LEMD between the two landing runways. This traffic should file 1. NENEM-UN867-BLV-UL14-NEA-UN864-ORBIS 2. SSN-UP181-NEA-UN864-ORBIS 3. SOVAR-UN869-ZAR 1. To avoid creative FPL via BCN. This traffic should file via MEROS LUMAS 2. To force traffic onto UM871 to offload the LECMTZI sector (permanent ) and the LECB northern sectors ( summer ) 3. To force traffic onto UN733 to offload the northern sectors 05.00 - 14.00 (04.00 - 13.00) 15.00 - 05.00 (14.00 - 04.00) LE2227 LE LE 1. To keep traffic in the LECMZML sector FL315 is to position traffic for NAT clearance 2. To segregate arriving traffic with overflying. This traffic should file via OGERO CCS temporarily replaced with BAKRU. See LE AIP SUP 07/14 (effective until 2014/10/14) To segregate eastbound and westbound traffic This traffic should file 1. BAN R10/UN10 CJN L/UL150 NANDO M/UM871 ABOSI 2. NVS DCT PDT M/UM871 ABOSI 3. NANDO M/UM871 ABOSI (DEP LEMD/TO) 1. CLS temporarily replaced with PWP TUMUL. See AIP SUP 16/14 (effective until 24/07/2014) 2. BAN temporarily replaced with BANVO. See LE AIP SUP 43/13. (effective until 21/08/2014 EST) CLS temporarily replaced with PWP TUMUL. See AIP SUP 16/14 (effective until 24/07/2014) CLS temporarily replaced with PWP TUMUL. See AIP SUP 16/14 (effective until 24/07/2014) To keep traffic below the LECBLGU/LVU sectors 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE To offload LECBLVL and LECBLVU. LoA LECB-LECM LE LE LE LE LE2389 To offload LECMASI sector. This traffic should file via ASPOR, PINEK, AGADO or DEMOS LE LE2390 To segregate this traffic from traffic on BALNO DCT LOTEE [only allowed between 15.00 - 05.00 (14.00 - 04.00),and above FL315] LE This traffic must be managed by Galicia TACC H24 LE2391 H24 LE2392 LE This traffic must be managed by Galicia TACC LE This traffic must follow lower ATS route structure below FRASAI airspace. H24 LE2393 LE This traffic must be managed by Galicia TACC H24 LE2394 LE Change record AIRWAY R107 R107 FROM MAVOS LOTEE TO Point or Airspace LOTEE MAVOS T326 INSID ASPOR T328 ELTEP ASPOR ANETO/PERDU Utilization Compulsory for traffic DEP LEAS Via LOTEE Compulsory for traffic ARR LEAS Via LOTEE Compulsory for traffic ARR LPPR Via BAKUP/ATLEN Compulsory for traffic ARR LPPR Via BEGAS/KORUL/LOTEE Not available for traffic 1. ARR Barcelona Group, Palma Group , LEIB 2. DEP LFBP/BT Not available for traffic DEP Seville Group Except ARR LEZG ANZAN/VTB BARDI BGR BGR/GIR CJN/CMA CRISA DRAGO EBROX ETAKA GALAT GIROM/OKABI HIE IZA KABRE LAMPA LANDA LATEK/LUSEM LUSEM/URUNA MAMEB Not available for traffic DEP Madrid Group With ARR NAT Above FL315 Compulsory for traffic DEP LEGE With ARR Baleares Group Not available for traffic ARR LEMH/SL Above FL315 Not available for traffic DEP LEAL Via VLC Compulsory for traffic DEP Madrid Group With ARR LEMG, LXGB, GMTT Not available for traffic DEP Palma Group Via OKABI Not available for traffic ARR LERS Except via GODOX/PAPOS Not available for traffic ARR LPPR Not available for traffic DEP Palma Group Via GIROM Not available for traffic 1. DEP LEGE 2. DEP LEBL/RS Above FL305 3. DEP LEDA Above FL245 Compulsory for traffic DEP/ARR GCLP/TS/XO Via GOBEG/INSAD/IXIKU/KETID/KUXOV/LAPTU/ NEXUX/OSLEV/PIBIL/RIPOD Not available for traffic DEP Palma Group Except ARR LEIB ------------------------------------------------------------------Compulsory for traffic DEP Palma Group With ARR LEIB Compulsory for traffic DEP LEIB With ARR LEMH/SL Compulsory for traffic DEP LEIB With ARR Palma Group Not available for traffic DEP LEGE Not available for traffic DEP LEPP/RJ Not available for traffic DEP LEZG Not available for traffic DEP LEMH Except with ARR Palma Group -----------------------------------------------------Compulsory for traffic DEP LEMH With ARR Palma Group Restriction Applicability ID Number Operational Goal Remark/s ATC Unit NAS/FAB This traffic must follow lower ATS route structure below FRASAI airspace. H24 LE2395 LE This traffic must follow lower ATS route structure below FRASAI airspace. H24 LE2396 LE This traffic must be managed by Galicia TACC H24 LE2397 H24 LE2398 LE This traffic must be managed by Galicia TACC 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LELF1006 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2171 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LELP1007 LE 1. To force traffic on a specific route ( via PUMAL or GEANT), and avoid unusual 90 degree turns. 2. To avoid mountainous terrain (LF requirement) To segregate departing/arriving traffic from overflying traffic. To offload sectors LECSCOR, LECSALC, LECSBAIL. Traffic above FL245 should file 1. Via PONEN: a. PARKA UN858 TLD DCT RBO UN870 PONEN b. VIBAS UM985 VLC 2. Via LATEK : PARKA UN858 SIE UT430 MIRPO UN976 LATEK Other traffic should file HIJ Z230 TLD To position traffic for NAT clearance LE LE LE SID/STAR requirement 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2120 LE To segregate arrivals to LEMH from arrivals to LEPA/IB 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2346 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2321 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2177 H24 LE2381 LE SID/STAR requirement To stop FPLs on unusual routes This traffic should file 1. ASTRO L/UL150 NANDO 2. CATON A33/UN733 PRADO To force traffic via the LECSMAR sector which specialises in LEMG arrivals Traffic ARR GMTT should file CRISA UN10/R10 LINTO To segregate departing traffic and avoid crisscrossing flows Traffic shall file via GALAT. LE LE LE SID/STAR requirement 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2131 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2383 H24 LE2382 H24 LE2052 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2313 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2137 ----------LE2320 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2350 LE To segregate arriving traffic from overflying traffic. LoA with LPPC To segregate departing traffic and avoid crisscrossing flows. Traffic shall file via DRAGO 1. Traffic should file via GEANT due to the roundabout principle 2. To keep traffic below the LECBP1L and LFBBN2 sectors 3. LoA between LECBACC and LFBBACC To avoid Sky Quality Protection Area F12 Roque de Los Muchachos ( LE AIP ENR 5.6.6 ) Traffic ARR GCLP should file HIE TOMOS LPC Traffic ARR GCTS should file HIE TFS Traffic ARR GCXO should file HIE MOROD TESEL To force traffic onto the correct SID LE LE LE LE LE SID/STAR requirement LE SID/STAR requirement 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2351 H24 LE2385 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LELF1007 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LELF1011 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2352 -----------LE2353 LE To avoid dangerous dog leg over BGR. Traffic DEP LEGE ARR LEPA should file BGR - KENAS LoA LECMACC and LFBBACC This traffic should file via [DITOP R10]/[PPN R299] BTZ LoA LECMACC and LFBBACC. This traffic should file GRAUS UN860 ANETO SID/STAR requirement LE LE LE LE Change record AIRWAY FROM TO Point or Airspace MAMUK MAR MEROS MHN MOGIL MORAL MUREN NEVIC PEPAS PTC PUMAL RBO RBO/SIE REBUL RIDAV SIE TOLSO VIBAS XAVIR A6 SURIB TUKRO A25 LUNIK BCN A27 KANIG KENAS A33 MHN CDP A43 NVS ZMR A43 NVS TLD A67 SARGO VERSO Utilization Compulsory for traffic 1. DEP LEIB, Palma Group With ARR LEGE 2. ARR LEDA Via BGR Not available for traffic DEP LEJR Except with ARR LEGR/MG Compulsory for traffic DEP LEMH/SL With ARR LEGE Not available for traffic DEP Palma Group Except ARR LEMH/SL ----------------------------------------------------Compulsory for traffic DEP Palma Group With ARR LEMH/SL Not available for traffic ARR DAAG Compulsory for traffic DEP Malaga Group With ARR Madrid Group Not available for traffic ARR LEBL/GE/LL Above FL295 Compulsory for traffic DEP LEMH With ARR LEIB Not available for traffic DEP Malaga Group Via VIBAS Not available for traffic DEP Palma Group Except ARR LEMH/SL Not available for traffic ARR LEMH Above FL295 Compulsory for traffic DEP LEMD 1. Via ABRIX/SSN With ARR E***, L***, U*** a. Between 05.00-14.00 (summer 04.00-13.00) b. Between 14.00-21.00 (summer 13.00-20.00) Except ARR EB**, EH**, EL**, Paris Group 2. With ARR LEPP/SO Compulsory for traffic DEP LEMD Via ABRIX/SSN With ARR EB**, EH**, EL**, Paris Group Compulsory for traffic DEP Baleares Group With ARR LEDA Compulsory for traffic ARR LEMD Via BARDI Compulsory for traffic DEP LEMD Via ABRIX/SSN With ARR EB**, EH**, EL**, Paris Group Not available for traffic ARR LEIB, Palma Group Except 1. DEP LEBL/LL/RS 2. With RFL Below FL195 Not available for traffic DEP LEMG Via ARPEX/ROLAS Not available for traffic DEP/ARR GMTT Not available for traffic DEP LEIB Only available for traffic DEP LEMH/SL With ARR LEBL/DA/LL/RS Below FL195 Not available for traffic ARR Palma Group 1. Except DEP LEGE 2. Above FL195 Not available for traffic DEP LEMH/SL Not available for traffic DEP LEMD/TO Not available for traffic DEP LEMD Only available for traffic DEP LEMH/SL With ARR LF** Below FL185 Restriction Applicability ID Number Operational Goal Remark/s ATC Unit NAS/FAB 1. To reduce T1 sector complexity 2. To force traffic onto H110, and avoid flow ARR LEBL. 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2310 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2327 LE To avoid the turn North to LOGRO LE To create a roundabout structure and to avoid arriving traffic 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2311 LE SID/STAR requirement 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2319 H24 LE2111 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2178 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LELF1009 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2354 LE To segregate arriving traffic from overflying traffic LoA with DAAA This traffic should file GENIO-A27/UN855-BUYAH To keep traffic out of the LECMCJL sector and to force it into the LECMTLL sector Profile information to anticipate descent avoiding LECBMNU sector and complying with STAR profile. LoA between LFMMACC and LECBACC SID/STAR requirement LE LE LE LE SID/STAR requirement 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2359 LE SID/STAR requirement H24 LE2356 H24 LE2386 LE To reduce complexity in CCC sector. This traffic should file ROCAN – GEANT UN727 SARGO LE To balance departures LEMD between the two departing runways. 1. 05.00 - 21.00 (04.00 - 20.00) 2. 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2184 18.00 - 21.00 17.00 - 20.00) LE2187 LE To balance departures LEMD between the two departing runways. LE To force traffic onto REBUL STAR 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2322 LE2370 LE To force traffic on to the RIDAV STAR Traffic should file BARDI B47/UM191 RIDAV LE To balance departures LEMD between the two departing runways. 14.00 - 18.00 (13.00 - 17.00 ) LE2186 H24 LE2149 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2323 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2328 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2364 H24 LE2002 LE 1. SID/STAR requirement 2. To keep traffic in the LEBL TMA sectors H24 LE2108 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2360 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2185 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2172 H24 LE2005 LE SID/STAR requirement. This traffic should file PEPAS UM445 ARPEX or ROLAS B46/UN851 To avoid Prohibited Area GMP21. Traffic should file via PIMOS UN869/B11 GALTO and vice versa. To avoid dangerous dog-leg Dedicated route to segregate departures/arrivals from overflying traffic, and to prevent crossing other major traffic flows 1. To segregate arriving traffic from overflying traffic, to clear the LEGE arrival area. 2. This traffic should file ALBER B384 GIR P84 LORES To force traffic on EPAMA SID To force traffic on the ZMR SID Traffic should file ZMR SID To segregate departing/arriving traffic from overflying traffic To segregate departures/arrivals from overflying traffic, and to prevent crossing other major traffic flows. To keep traffic below LEPA inbounds LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE Change record AIRWAY FROM TO A293 IZA GODOX A293 EPAMA EBROX A871 MAR VTB A873 GDV SAMAR B11 BLN MGA B28 BCN PEXOT B28 VLC SOPET B31 SLL BCN B31 MOGIL GENIO B42 PIMOS MAR B47 RIDAV NVS B60 NVS CCS B112 AMR PALOS B112 ALT PALOS B190 DGO CEGAM G5 CJN BRITO G5 CJN BLN G7 NEXAS CJN G7 LANDA BCN H70 BCN SARGO UL14 BLV NEA UL14 NEA ADINO UL27 CJN BRITO UL27 CJN BLN UL129 SURIB TUKRO UL150 ALT ASTRO UL155 NVS ZMR UL155 ZMR ADORO UL176 DGO CEGAM UL185 NVS CCS UM30 OXACA HIJ UM182 AMPOL RES UM601 BLV PPN UM601 RONKO MARIO Point or Airspace Utilization Not available for traffic ARR Palma Group Not available for traffic DEP Palma Group Not available for traffic ARR LECU/GT Not available for traffic ARR GCFV/LA/LP/RR/TS/XO Not available for traffic ARR LEMG Not available for traffic ARR LEAL Except 1. DEP LEGE 2. With RFL below FL245 Not available for traffic DEP LEAL Above FL125 Not available for traffic ARR LERS Not available for traffic Except ARR LEPA Not available for traffic DEP GMTN/TT, LEMG, LXGB Not available for traffic ARR LEMD Not available for traffic DEP LEMD/TO Only available for traffic DEP/ARR LELC Only available for traffic DEP/ARR LELC Not available for traffic ARR LEBB Not available for traffic DEP LEMD Not available for traffic ARR Seville Group. Not available for traffic ARR LETO Not available for traffic 1. ARR Palma Group, LERS 2. With RFL below FL195 Only available for traffic ARR LEMH/SL DEP LEBL/DA/LL/RS Below FL195 Not available for traffic ARR Madrid Group Above FL345 Not available for traffic ARR LPPT. Not available for traffic DEP LEMD Not available for traffic ARR Seville Group. Not available for traffic DEP LEIB Not available for traffic 1. DEP LELC Above FL305 2. DEP LEAL Not available for traffic DEP LEMD/TO Only available for traffic ARR LPPR, NAT Not available for traffic ARR LEBB Not available for traffic DEP LEMD/LETO Only available for traffic Via BRITO/ SEGRE Only available for traffic ARR LEGE/LL Not available for traffic ARR LEMD/GT Not available for traffic DEP LE**, LP** With ARR Barcelona Group Above FL305 Restriction Applicability ID Number 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2279 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2362 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2159 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2286 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2335 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2378 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2008 H24 LE2387 H24 LE2348 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2318 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2379 Operational Goal LE2189 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2011 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2151 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2324 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2325 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2180 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2013 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2100 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2112 ATC Unit NAS/FAB LE To force traffic on DRAGO SID LE To segregate departing/arriving traffic from overflying traffic LE To force traffic on the SAMAR SID LE To force traffic onto the BLN STAR LE LE To segregate LEAL departures from LEVC traffic, to force this traffic via MITOS To force the traffic above FL125 on to the MITOS SID To reduce complexity in T1 TMA sector. This traffic should file via GIR STAR LE LE LoA with DAAA. This traffic should file via SADAF To avoid traffic in the opposite direction ARR LEMG, LXGB LE LE To force traffic on the RIDAV STAR To force traffic on the CCS SID 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) Remark/s To force traffic on B46 which is a shorter route LE CCS temporarily replaced with BAKRU. See LE AIP SUP 07/14 (effective until 2014/10/14) To facilitate arriving traffic Dedicated LELC arrival/departure route To facilitate departing traffic Dedicated LELC arrival/departure route To force traffic on the DGO STAR LE LE LE LE To avoid dangerous dog-leg. LE To offload LECSBA1L sector. LE To segregate arriving traffic from overflying traffic This traffic should file via CMA Z/UZ596 TERSA To segregate overflying traffic below FL195 with arrivals to Barcelona Group. To avoid LEBL TMA. Traffic ARR LERS should file MAMES-UN595/G7-BGR-H110/UM984GIR. Other traffic should file MAMES-G7-BGR -H110/UM984-SEROX To segregate departures/arrivals from overflying traffic and to prevent crossing major traffic flows (roundabout structure). Dedicated departure route LE LE LE To keep traffic out of the LECMDGU sector 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2303 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LELP1000 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2325 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2181 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2364 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2225 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2190 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LELP1001 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2324 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2192 LE To segregate arriving traffic from overflying traffic To keep traffic out of the LPPCCENL sector To avoid dangerous dog-leg. To off load LECSBAIL sector LE2168 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2026 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2308 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2029 LE To avoid dangerous dog-leg LE To offload LECBLVL and LECBLVU. LoA LECB-LECM Traffic DEP LEAL should file via a lower airway LE To force traffic on the ZMR SID LE To segregate arriving and North Atlantic traffic from other overflying traffic LE To force traffic on the DGO STAR To force traffic on the CCS SID 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE LE To segregate arriving traffic from overflying traffic. Traffic ARR Madrid Group should file via OXACA UN858 PARKA UZ165 SOTUK To segregate arriving traffic from overflying traffic To balance arrivals to LEMD between the 2 landing runways. To offload LECMPAL/PAU sectors. This traffic should file via BLV-UL14-NEA-UN864-ORBIS To keep traffic out of the LECBPP2 sector. LoA LECMACC – LECBACC LE CCS temporarily replaced with BAKRU. See LE AIP SUP 07/14 (effective until 2014/10/14) LE LE LE LE LE Change record AIRWAY UM601 UM601 UM601 FROM GRAUS MARIO MARIO TO CEGAM GRAUS PPN UM603 MHN CDP M/UM871 GODOX EDULI UM871 MABUX LASPO UM985 VLC SOPET UM985 BCN LUMAS UM985 BCN PEXOT UM985 VIBAS YES UM985 YES ASTRO UM985 BARPA PIMOS UM985 PIMOS BARPA UM985 PIMOS MGA UN10 SVL HIJ UN10 HIJ VTB UN10 VTB CJN UN725 LARDA VAKIN UN725 DGO VASUM UN725 VAKIN LOBAR UN725 VAKIN ZARKO UN725 VAKIN VASUM UN727 GEANT SARGO UN850 SORAS Point or Airspace Utilization Not available for traffic ARR Cantabrico Group Above FL315 Not available for traffic ARR Barcelona Group Above FL325 Not available for traffic DEP Palma Group, Valencia Group With ARR EG**, EI** Not available for traffic DEP LEMH/SL Not available for traffic DEP LEIB Not available for traffic ARR LEIB Above FL325 Not available for traffic DEP LEAL Not available for traffic 1. DEP LEAL/AM/IB/LC/PA 2. ARR Montpellier Group, Nice Group, Provence Group, Rhone Group, Toulon Group Not available for traffic ARR LEAL Not available for traffic With RFL between FL265-FL460 Except 1. DEP LEGR 2. When UM445 is unavailable Not available for traffic With RFL between FL265-FL460 Except: 1. ARR Valencia Group 2. When UM445 is unavailable Not available for traffic 1. DEP GMTT 2. Via VTB Not available for traffic ARR GMTT Not available for traffic Via ROLAS/TOSTO Not available for traffic Via VTB Except 1. Via BRITO/LARDA 2. DEP Seville Group Not available for traffic 1. ARR LECU/GT 2. Via DGO Not available for traffic DEP LEMD Not available for traffic DEP LE**, LP** With ARR Barcelona Group Above FL305 Not available for traffic ARR Madrid Group Not available for traffic ARR Barcelona Group Above FL325 Not available for traffic DEP Palma Group, Valencia Group With ARR EG**, EI** Restriction Applicability 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) ID Number LE2229 LE FRI 16.30 (15.30) - MON 08.00 (07.00) LE2033 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2361 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2358 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2233 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2034 H24 LELF1005 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2263 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2329 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2349 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2331 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2332 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2333 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2162 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2038 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2325 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2292 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2231 FRI 16.30 (15.30) - MON 08.00 (07.00) LE2041 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2365 LE2232 LE2042 Not available for flights DEP/Overfly GM** 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2169 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2241 H24 LE2109 MGA UN855 KANIG KENAS Not available for traffic DEP Palma Group, LEMH/SL Not available for traffic ARR Palma Group Except DEP LEGE SID/STAR requirement. Traffic should proceed via KABRE/MHN To offload LECBLVU sector LoA LECBACC and LECMACC To segregate LEAL traffic from LEVC traffic Traffic management in the LECBLVL sector 1. To offload LECB WEST sectors and to force traffic onto a shorter route Traffic DEP LEAL/AM/LC should file MITOS UN851 PTC UZ238 CHELY UN853 LUMAS 2. LoA between LECBACC and LFMMACC To offload LECB WEST Sectors. Traffic should file 1. VATIR UN852 PIVUS UZ237 OKITI UM603 GERVU 2. UN855 SISMO UZ237 OKITI UM603 GERVU When LER63 is active by NOTAM above FL265, UM445 may be unavailable When LED97A is active UM445 may be unavailable Traffic should file via ARPEX UM455 ETURA To segregate North and Southbound traffic When LER63 is active by NOTAM above FL265 UM445 may be unavailable When LED97A is active UM445 may be unavailable Traffic should file via ARPEX UM455 ETURA To segregate North and Southbound traffic 1. To avoid Prohibited Area GMP21. Traffic should file via GALTO UN869/B11 PIMOS. 2. To avoid unusual routes To avoid Prohibited Area GMP21. Traffic should file via PIMOS UN869/B11 GALTO. Traffic should file via 1. PIMOS UM445 TOSTO. 2. PIMOS UM445 RAKOR DCT ROLAS To segregate North and Southbound traffic. To segregate departing/arriving traffic from overflying traffic Traffic DEP Seville Group should file via PARKA if ARR LEMD Traffic ARR Madrid Group should file via SVL-UZ180-OXACA-UN858PARKA-UZ165-SOTUK Other traffic should file via SVL-UZ180-OXACA-UN858-TLD To segregate departing/arriving traffic from overflying traffic. Traffic ARR LECU/GT should file [PARKA UZ165]/[HIJ Z/UZ230] SOTUK To avoid a dangerous dog-leg LE2040 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) ISTER To offload the LECMPAU and LECMZGZ sectors Traffic should proceed via 1. CJN-DCT-RBO-UN867-BLV 2. CJN-UN733-ZMR-UM30-VES To force traffic on EPAMA SID LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE To keep traffic out of the LECBPP2 sector. LoA LECMACC - LECBACC 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) VJF NAS/FAB LE POS MHN ATC Unit To smooth the descent to Barcelona Group. LoA LECBACC - LECMACC Only available for traffic ARR LEMH/SL Not available for traffic ARR Palma Group, LEMH/SL UN851 Remark/s LE2228 Not available for traffic ARR Madrid Group UN851 Operational Goal To offload LECMPAU. LoA LECBACC-LECMACC LE To avoid unusual routes/ doglegs To smooth the descent to Barcelona Group. LoA LECBACC-LECMACC To offload LECMPAM and LECMZAR sectors. To avoid doglegs via LATEK This traffic should file a. CJN DCT RBO UN867 BLV b. CJN UN733 ZMR UM30 VES To avoid dangerous dogleg. Traffic should file via a. SOVAR UN869 ZAR UZ245 TERSA for ARR LEMD/TO, b. NEXAS UN975 ADUXO for ARR LEMD c. CMA UZ596 TERSA for ARR LETO To segregate arriving from overflying traffic, and to force traffic onto a dedicated arrival route To keep traffic out of LECBACC, this traffic is transferred directly from LFMMACC to LECPACC To force traffic via the RIXOT STAR To keep traffic out of Sector LECSVEJ. This traffic should file [XAVIR B28/UM985]/[GALTO B11/UN869] PIMOS To offload LECBMNL. LoA LECBACC-LECPACC. To force traffic on the SID To segregate arriving traffic from overflying traffic This traffic should file ALBER-UP84-LORES LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE Change record AIRWAY FROM TO UN856 EPAMA EBROX UN858 PARKA TLD UN858 SIE DGO UN859 MOGIL GENIO UN864 SNR NEA UN864 PIMOS MAR N/UN865 BLN VIBAS UN865 BLN MORAL UN865 MORAL VTB UN865 SIE BUGIX UN866 KONBA BRICK N/UN867 VTB ANZAN N/UN867 GASMO DGO UN867 NENEM BLV UN867 VTB RBO UN867 RBO NATUL UN867 RBO DGO UN869 SOVAR SURCO UN869 ZAR ADUXO UN869 ZAR BLN UN869 BLN MGA UN869 MGA BLN UN869 PIMOS MGA UN870 PONEN SEROX UN871 VTB SEGRE UN871 SEGRE LATEK UN975 BGR BCN UN975 NEXAS CJN UN976 PPN LATEK UP75 OMILU NEA UP152 NENEM PPN UP181 SSN VRA R10 BTZ PPN R10 R10 BAN VTB PPN CJN Point or Airspace Utilization Not available for traffic DEP Palma Group Not available for traffic ARR Madrid Group Not available for traffic DEP LEMD Above FL345 Except via ABRIX/CEGAM/MIRPO Not available for traffic Except ARR LEPA Below FL285 Not available for traffic ARR Madrid Group With RFL Above FL345 Not available for traffic DEP GMTN/TT, LEMG, LXGB Not available for traffic ARR LEMG Not available for traffic DEP Seville Group Not available for traffic Via CJN Not available for traffic DEP LEMD Above FL345 Only available for traffic ARR GC** Not available for traffic ARR GMTT, LEMG, LXGB Not available for traffic ARR LEPP/SO. Not available for traffic ARR Madrid Group Not available for traffic Via BLV UM601 DELOG With RFL above FL325 Not available for traffic DEP Madrid Group Above FL285 Not available for traffic DEP LEMD Above FL345 Except via ABRIX/CEGAM/MIRPO Not available for traffic Via MARIO/ LARDA/RONKO/VAKIN Not available for traffic ARR LEMD Not available for traffic ARR Seville Group Not available for traffic ARR LEMG Not available for traffic DEP LEJR Not available for traffic Via ROLAS/TOSTO Not available for traffic ARR LEGE Above FL325 Not available for traffic DEP LEMD Compulsory for traffic DEP LEMD/TO Via LATEK Not available for traffic ARR LERS Not available for traffic ARR LETO Not available for traffic DEP LEBB Above FL265 Not available for traffic ARR Madrid Group Above FL345 Not available for traffic ARR LEMD/GT Not available for traffic ARR LEAS/CO/VT/VX Not available for traffic Via MARIO. Not available for traffic DEP Madrid Group Except with ARR LEPP/SO Not available for traffic DEP LEMD Restriction Applicability ID Number 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2363 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2048 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2316 H24 LE2348 Operational Goal Remark/s To force traffic on DRAGO SID ATC Unit NAS/FAB LE To segregate arriving traffic from overflying traffic To force traffic on to the SOTUK STAR To keep traffic out of the LECMDGU sector LE LE LoA with DAAA. This traffic should file via SADAF LE To keep traffic out of the LECMDGU sector 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2304 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2318 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2334 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2258 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2060 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2339 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2262 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2366 LE To avoid traffic in the opposite direction ARR LEMG, LXGB LE To force traffic onto the BLN STAR LE To off load LECSCEN sector LE To stop traffic turning to CJN in order to balance traffic between LECMCJL and LECMTLL sectors To keep traffic out of the LECMDGU sector LE LE To segregate arriving traffic from overflying traffic LE To avoid traffic in the opposite direction from same airports 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2261 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2372 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2337 To segregate departing/arriving traffic from overflying traffic This traffic should file RBO N/UN867 GASMO T/UT430 LPA G52/UN976 PPN To segregate arriving traffic from overflying traffic. To force traffic onto shorter route. To force traffic onto a shorter route. This traffic should file via VTB UN865 DELOG 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2373 To facilitate a better integration of departing traffic with overflying traffic by LECMDGL sector LE LE LE LE LE To keep traffic out of the LECMDGU sector 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2316 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2101 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2315 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2182 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2335 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2377 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2333 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2369 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2325 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2341 LE To stop traffic turning LE To force traffic onto a shorter route via the TERSA STAR. Flight efficiency. LE To off load LECSBA1L sector LE To encourage the use of the BLN STAR LE To froce traffic onto a shorter route via MAR SUD. Flight efficiency. Traffic should file via 1. PIMOS UM585 TOSTO 2. PIMOS UM445 RAKOR DCT ROLAS. To segregate North and Southbound traffic. To smooth the descent to Barcelona Group. LoA LECB-LECM. LE LE LE To avoid a dangerous dog-leg LE To offload LECMPAL/PAU sectors 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2069 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2070 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LELF1010 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2374 LE To segregate overflying traffic from arriving traffic To force traffic on the GIR STAR To segregate overflying traffic from arriving traffic To force traffic on the TERSA STAR. This traffic should file via CMA UZ596 TERSA LoA LECMACC and LFBBACC. To avoid the transfer of climbing flights over the border LE LE LE To offload LECMDGU sector 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2309 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2073 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2307 LE To balance arrivals to LEMD between the 2 landing runways. To offload LECMPAL/PAU sectors. This traffic should file via NENEM-UN867-BLV-UL14-NEA-UN864ORBIS To force traffic onto a shorter route To stop traffic turning To segregate overflying traffic from arriving traffic 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2338 LE2325 LE LE To avoid dangerous dog-leg. LE BAN temporarily replaced with BANVO. See LE AIP SUP 43/13. (effective until 2014/08/21 EST) LE LE Change record AIRWAY FROM TO R29 ALT CLS R60 SAURA MATEX R60 AMPOL RES T/UT100 ORTOP SOTAX T/UT100 SOTAX ORTOP T/UT113 ARBEK OKABI T/UT430 GASMO VABAR UT520 RUBEO CMA UT600 PONEN CASPE W2 ADX VNV W850 VAB VLC W850 VLC VAB UZ165 PARKA SOTUK Z/UZ167 BCN LORES Z/UZ167 LORES POS Z/UZ174 BCN CORDA Z/UZ224 ODSEN IBA Z/UZ230 SOTUK TLD UZ230 HIJ SOTUK Z245 ZAR CJN Z/UZ298 ZMR ORBIS Z/UZ298 ORBIS ZMR Z308 GIR SLL Z308 SLL GIR UZ409 OGERO ROLDO Z/UZ596 NEXAS CMA Z/UZ596 CMA TERSA Point or Airspace Utilization Not available for traffic DEP LEAL Above FL230 Only available for traffic DEP LEVC Only available for traffic ARR LEGE/LL Not available for traffic Except Type Military Not available for traffic Except Type Military Not available for traffic Except DEP LERS. Below FL305 Not available for traffic ARR LEBB Not available for traffic ARR LEMD Not available for traffic ARR LEBL/RS Above FL325 Only available for traffic DEP Palma Group With ARR LEBL/GE/LL Only available for traffic DEP LEAB Only available for traffic ARR LEAB Not available for traffic ARR Madrid Group Above FL325 Only available for traffic ARR Palma Group Above FL195 Not available for traffic ARR LEPA/SB/SJ Only available for traffic ARR LEIB Above FL195 Not available for traffic ARR Palma Group Not available for traffic ARR LEMD Not available for traffic ARR Madrid Group Above FL355 -------------------------------------------------------Below FL355 Only available for traffic DEP Seville Group With ARR Madrid Group Only available for traffic ARR Madrid Group Not available for traffic ARR LEMD Not available for traffic DEP LEMD Only available for traffic ARR LELL Only available for traffic DEP LELL Only available for traffic ARR Madrid Group Not available for traffic ARR LEMD Only available for traffic ARR LETO Restriction Applicability ID Number Operational Goal To offload LECBLVL- LoA LECB-LECL H24 LE2078 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2080 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2081 H24 LE7000 H24 LE7001 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2083 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2375 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2160 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2255 To facilitate departing traffic. To facilitate arrivals and to segregate the traffic from overflying traffic Remark/s CLS temporarily replaced with PWP TUMUL. See AIP SUP 16/14 (effective until 24/07/2014) ATC Unit NAS/FAB LE LE LE LE LE To facilitate departures and to segregate departing traffic from overflying traffic To keep traffic in the LECBDDN sector. Other traffic should file EBROX DCT LATRO To force traffic on the DGO STAR. This traffic should file GASMO N/UN867 DGO To segregate arriving traffic from the East, from that coming via ZAR To smooth the descent to Barcelona Group. LoA LECB-LECM. LE LE LE LE To segregate arriving traffic from other traffic flows 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2084 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2092 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2093 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2305 H24 LE2085 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2256 H24 LE2086 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2226 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2345 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2388 -----------LE2167 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2088 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2343 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2344 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2265 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2306 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2367 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2166 05.00 - 22.00 (04.00 - 22.00) LE2152 LE To facilitate departing traffic Dedicated arrival/departure route To facilitate arriving traffic Dedicated arrival/departure route To keep traffic out of the LECMTLU sector LE LE LE To segregate arriving traffic from overflying traffic To keep traffic out of the LEBL TMA Traffic below FL195 should file BCN - TOLSO To force traffic on the LORES STAR To segregate arriving traffic from overflying traffic Traffic below FL195 should file BCN-TOLSO To force traffic on a shorter route via GODOX To force traffic onto the SOTUK STAR To segregate arriving traffic from overflying traffic To avoid upper sector LECMTLU -------------------------------------------------------------------To segregate arriving traffic from overflying traffic Other traffic ARR Madrid Group should file via PARKA-UZ165-SOTUK To segregate arriving traffic from overflying traffic To force traffic on to the ZMR STAR To force traffic on to the ZMR SID To force traffic on a specific route ( H110) and to segregate from LEBL arrivals. To force traffic on a specific route ( H110) and to segregate from LEBL arrivals. To segregate arriving traffic form overflying traffic To segregate arriving traffic from overflying traffic This traffic should file via NEXAS-G7/UN975-ADUXO To segregate arriving traffic from overflying traffic LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE Column content explanation “Change record” Describes current status of each Routing Restriction. It might be either "BLANK BOX" or AMD or NEW or DEL. “AIRWAY” Identification of ATS route where relevant Routing Restriction is applied. Identification is by relevant Route Designator (RD) letter with or without prefix "U". The prefix "U" in the RD differentiate relevant ATS route in lower and upper airspace. “FROM” Describes first/start point of ATS route segment where relevant Routing Restriction is applied It contains either two or three letter abbreviation of relevant NAVAID or five-letter name code (5LNC) of relevant waypoint. “TO” Describes last/end point of ATS route segment where relevant Routing Restriction is applied. It contains either two or three letter abbreviation of relevant NAVAID or five-letter name code (5LNC) of relevant waypoint. “Point or Airspace” Describes the point or airspace where relevant Routing Restriction is applied. It contains either two or three letter abbreviation of relevant NAVAID or five-letter name code (5LNC) of relevant waypoint or airspace name as coded in CACD. “Utilization” Describes the utilization of each Routing Restriction structured in accordance with RAD General Description provisions. The column shall not describe “Restriction Applicability” Describes the time period in which each Routing Restriction is applied. Times applicable during the “summer period” are given in brackets. “ID Number” Identification for each Routing Restriction based on RAD General Description. ID number is required for each Routing Restriction. “Operational goal” Describes the reason for applying each Routing Restriction presented by the States/FABs/ANSPs. For each Routing Restriction the operational goal is mandatory and this column shall not contain "BLANK BOX". “Remark/s” Describes for each RAD unit, all possible remarks concerning the utilization. “ATC Unit” Describes for each DCT segment the relevant ATC Unit coding to which it belongs/passing. The column is for searching purposes as only possibility to sort the DCT segments by State/ANSPs as ID number is not compulsory. The relevant ATC Unit code is not required for the NM systems and for States/ANSPs with more than one ACC/UAC different codes might be used. ATC Unit codes might be either for ACC or UAC. Legend for "Change record" column: BLANK BOX - existing Routing Restriction. AMD - Routing Restriction amended. The row blank box will be replaced by abbreviation AMD. Amendments are depicted in BLACK BOLD text. If there are NO amendments in next RAD edition the row abbreviation AMD will be withdrawn and blank box NEW - Routing Restriction new. The row abbreviation is NEW and whole row is depicted in BLACK BOLD text. If there are NO amendments in next RAD edition the row abbreviation NEW will be withdrawn and blank box will appear. DEL - Routing Restriction deleted. The row blank box will be replaced by abbreviation DEL. Deletion is presented as BLACK BOLD "Strikethrough" text. Note: The abbreviations above are used only for the RAD purposes.
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