B er na r ds Tw p No. Plainfield Boro Middlesex County War r en Tw p Plainfield City Qal Qws Qs Qs QsQs Qs Qs Qs Qs Qs Qs Qs Qs Qal Qwfv Qs Qwde Bound Brook Boro Qs Qal Qws Qtl Qwtr Qwic Qwde Qal W o o d b r i d g e To w n s h i p Qal Qwde P i s c a t a w a y To w n s h i p Qal Qwmtr Qwde Qmm Qmm Qal Qal Qwde Qwcp Qwic Qwde Metuchen Borough Qtl Qal Qal Qwde Qs Qmm Qwde Qal Qal Qtu Qwde Qs Qal Manville Boro Qal Qs Qws Qwfv Carteret Borough Qwde Qal Qwfv Qe Qal Qs Qal Qs Qs South Plainfield Borough Qwfv Qmm Qal Qwfv Middlesex Borough Qmm Qal Qs Qal Qs Qs Qwfv Qe Qmm QmmQmm Qmm Qal Qal Qwfv B r i dge wa te r Tw p So. Bound Brook Boro Rahway City Qal Qal Qal Qwfv Linden City Qmm Dunellen Borough Somerville Boro Qal Qal Qs Qs Gr e en B r oo k Tw p Surficial Geology Clark Twp S c ot c h P l ai n s Tw p Qal Tp Qmm Qal Qtl Qal Qwde Qwfv Qws Tp Qmm Qal Perth Amboy City Tp QalQws Qal Qal Millstone Boro Qal Qws Qal Tp Qal Tp Qtu Qtu Qwcp Qal Qwd Qcl Qtl Qcl Qcl Tp Qal Rocky Hill Boro Qal Qwd Qws Qws P r i nc et on Tw p Qwd S o u t h B r u n s w i c k To w n s h i p Qws Qws Tp Qws Qtl Qws Qcl Qtl Qtl Qtl Qtl Qtl Qcl Qal Qwcp Qwcp Qwcp Qal Qwcp Qcl Qwcp Qs Qs Tp Qwcp Qwcp Qs Qwcp Qwcp Qcl Qwcp Qal Qwcp Qwcp Qs Qs Qs Qs Qs Qal Qwcp Qwcp Qal Qwcp Qwcp Tp Qwcp Qal QalQal Tp Qwcp Qal Qal Qwcp Qcl QwcpQwcp Qcl Qwcp Qal Qal P l a i n s b o r o To w n s h i p Qal Qwcp Qcal Qtl Qcal Qtl Qtl M o n r o e To w n s h i p Qtl Tp Qtl Qtl C r a n b u r y To w n s h i p Qwcp Qtl Qwcp Qtl Qwcp Tp Qtl Tp Tp We s t W i nds o r Tw p Qwcp Qtl Qcl Qwcp Qe TpQwcp Tpg Qwcp Qwcp Tpg Qtl Qcl Hightstown Boro 2.5 5 Miles Qtl East Windsor Twp Surficial Geology Qtl Qcal Qcal Qcal QcalQwcp Qcal Qwcp Qal Qtu Qtu (Qwf) LATE WISCONSINAN GLACIOFLUVIAL DEPOSITS (Qwfv) LATE WISCONSINAN GLACIOFLUVIAL PLAIN DEPOSITS (Qwmtr) LATE WISCONSINAN TERMINAL MORAINE DEPOSITS, RAHWAY TILL Qwcp Qwcp Qtl Qe Qtl Qwcp Qtu Qtl Qwcp Qtu Qtu Qtl Qe Aberdeen Twp TgTg Tg Qal Tg Tg Qtl Ho l m de l Tw p Qtl Qtl Qwcp Qtl Qtl Qwcp Marlboro Twp Qwcp Qwcp Geo Name Lithology ALLUVIUM Sand, gravel, silt, minor clay and peat; reddish brown, yellowish brown, brown, gray. As much as 20 feet thick. ALLUVIUM AND COLLUVIUM BEACH AND NEARSHORE MARINE SAND Manalapan Geo Age Geo Notes Holocene and late Pleistocene Contains variable amounts of organic matter. Deposited in modern floodplains and channels. Interbedded alluvium as in unit Qal and colluvium as in units Qcg, Qcb, Qcd, Qcs, Qcc, Qccb, and Qcl. As much as 20 feet thick. Holocene and late Pleistocene Deposited in headwater areas of valleys. Sand and pebble gravel, very pale brown to light gray. As much as 50 feet thick but generally less than 20 feet thick. Holocene Windblown fine sand and silt; very pale brown, yellowish brown. As much as 15 feet thick. ICE-CONTACT DEPOSITS Sand, pebble-to-cobble gravel, few to some boulders, minor silt; yellowish brown to reddish brown. As much as 150 feet thick. late Pleistocene, late Wisconsinan Form knolls and ridges higher than adjacent glacial-lake levels or glaciofluvial plains. Deposited in ice-walled basins Colts Neck during the late Wisconsinan glaciation.. LATE WISCONSINAN GLACIAL DELTA DEPOSITS Sand, pebble-to-cobble gravel, minor silt; yellowish brown, reddish brown, light gray. As much as 150 feet thick. late Pleistocene, late Wisconsinan Deposited in deltas and other ice-contact landforms in glacial lakes during the late Wisconsinan glaciation. late Pleistocene, late Wisconsinan Form plain and terraces (undifferentiated) deposited by glacial streams during the late Wisconsinan glaciation. Where plains and terraces are differentiated they are mapped separately as units Qwfv and Qwft, respectively. LATE WISCONSINAN PLAIN T wGLACIOFLUVIAL p DEPOSITS LATE WISCONSINAN TERMINAL MORAINE DEPOSITS, RAHWAY TILL Qtu Sand and pebble-to-cobble gravel, minor silt; yellowish brown to reddish brown. As much as 50 feet thick. late Pleistocene, locally of early to middle Pleistocene and Pliocene age on uplands Sand, pebble-to-cobble gravel, minor silt; yellowish brown to reddish brown. As much as 80 feet thick. late Pleistocene, late Wisconsinan Rahway Till as in unit Qwtr forming morainic ridges and knolls. As much as 200 feet thick. late Pleistocene, late Wisconsinan Sand, silt, minor clay and pebble gravel; yellow, yellowish brown, reddish yellow, light gray. As much as 20 feet thick, generally less than 10 feet thick. late Pleistocene Qtu Tpg Tpg Qtu Qtu Qal Qtu (Qcs) SHALE, MUDSTONE, AND SANDSTONE COLLUVIUM (Qs) SWAMP AND MARSH DEPOSITS (Tg) UPLAND GRAVEL (Qcu) UPPER COLLUVIUM (Qtu) UPPER STREAM TERRACE DEPOSITS (Qwcp) WEATHERED COASTAL PLAIN FORMATIONS Form plains deposited by glacial streams during the late Wisconsinan glaciation. Deposited directly from glacial ice along the terminal ice margin during the late Wisconsinan glaciation. Forms aprons at the base of slopes on Coastal Plain formations. Graded to lower stream terraces or the modern floodplain. LOWER STREAM TERRACE DEPOSITS Sand, pebble gravel, minor silt and cobble gravel; reddish brown, yellowish brown, reddish yellow. As much as 30 F r e e h o l d Blate o rPleistocene, o feet thick. late Wisconsinan PENSAUKEN FORMATION Sand, clayey sand, pebble gravel, minor silt, clay, and cobble gravel; yellow, reddish yellow, white. Sand typically includes weathered feldspar. Locally iron-cemented. As much as 140 feet thick. Pliocene PENSAUKEN FORMATION, GLAUCONITIC PHASE Sand, clayey sand, and pebble gravel, minor silt and clay; reddish yellow to yellowish brown. Sand typically includes glauconite. As much as 40 feet thick. Pliocene A phase of the Pensauken Formation deposited by tributaries from the Coastal Plain. Qwcp (Tpg) PENSAUKEN FORMATION, GLAUCONITIC PHASE Form sand sheets and, locally, dunes. Forms nonglacial stream terraces with surfaces 5 to 20 feet above modern floodplains. Terraces grade to late Wisconsinan glaciofluvial deposits in the Delaware, Millstone, and Raritan valleys. In erosional remnants of a former river plain that occupied the broad valley between South Amboy and the Salem area. Elevation of the top of the deposit grades from 160 feet at South Amboy to 80 feet in the Salem area. Qtu Qwcp Deposited during Holocene sea-level rise. EOLIAN DEPOSITS POSTGLACIAL STREAM TERRACE DEPOSITS RAHWAY TILL Sand, silt, pebble-to-cobble gravel; yellowish brown to reddish brown. As much as 20 feet thick. Holocene and late Pleistocene Clayey silt to sandy silt with some to many pebbles and cobbles and few boulders; reddish brown, reddish yellow, r e eAshmuch o l das 100 T wfeet p thick, yellowish brown, F brown. generally less than 40 feet thick. late Pleistocene, late Wisconsinan SWAMP AND MARSH DEPOSITS Silt, sand, peat, clay, minor pebble gravel; brown, darkbrown, gray, black. As much as 300 feet thick in the Hudson valley, 100 feet thick elsewhere. Sandy silt to clayey silt with shale, mudstone, or sandstone fragments; reddish brown, yellow, light gray. As much as 30 feet thick. Peat and organic clay, silt, and minor sand; gray, brown, black. As much as 40 feet thick. UPLAND GRAVEL Sand, clayey sand, pebble gravel, minor cobble gravel; yellow to reddish yellow. Locally iron-cemented. As much as 20 feet thick. Pliocene-early Pleistocene UPPER COLLUVIUM Sand, silt, minor clay and pebble gravel; pale brown, yellow, reddish yellow. As much as 20 feet thick. middle Pleistocene UPPER STREAM TERRACE DEPOSITS Sand and pebble gravel, minor silt and cobble gravel; yellow, reddish yellow, yellowish brown. As much as 20 feet thick. middle to late Pleistocene SALT-MARSH AND ESTUARINE DEPOSITS SHALE, MUDSTONE, AND SANDSTONE COLLUVIUM (Qcl) LOWER COLLUVIUM (Qwd) WEATHERED DIABASE (Qtl) LOWER STREAM TERRACE DEPOSITS (Qws) WEATHERED SHALE, MUDSTONE, AND SANDSTONE WEATHERED DIABASE Surface Water WEATHERED SHALE, MUDSTONE, AND SANDSTONE surficialgeology.mxd JS 6/29/12 Qe Qtu Qal Aberdeen Twp Qwcp WEATHERED COASTAL PLAIN FORMATIONS (Tp) PENSAUKEN FORMATION Qtl Qtu Qtu Qe LOWER COLLUVIUM Tpg Qal Qcl Qtu Tg LATE WISCONSINAN GLACIOFLUVIAL DEPOSITS Qtl Qcl Tg Qtl Qtl Qtl Tpg Qwcp Qal Qe Qtl Roosevelt Boro (Qwde) LATE WISCONSINAN GLACIAL DELTA DEPOSITS Qe Qwcp Englishtown Boro (Qmm) SALT-MARSH AND ESTUARINE DEPOSITS Upper Freehold Twp Qe Qe Qtl Qwcp Qwcp Matawan Boro Qwcp Qtl (Qwtr) RAHWAY TILL (Qbs) BEACH AND NEARSHORE MARINE SAND (Qwic) ICE-CONTACT DEPOSITS Qwcp Qe (Qst) POSTGLACIAL STREAM TERRACE DEPOSITS (Qcal) ALLUVIUM AND COLLUVIUM Hamilton Twp Qe Qtl Qe Qe Qtl Qe M i l l s to ne Tw p Twp (Qe) EOLIAN DEPOSITS Qcal Qcal Qe Qtu Legend Qtl Qwcp Tpg Qtl Qtl Qtl Hazl et Twp Qtu Qe Tg Qtl Qwcp Qwcp Qtl Qcl Qwcp Qwcp Qcl Qcal Qtu Qtl QtlQcal Qtl Qwcp Qwcp Qcal Qcal Qwcp Qwcp Qtl Qcl Qwcp Qwcp Qtl Qcal Qtl QwcpQcal Qcl Qcal QcalQwcp Qwcp Tpg Qtl Qcl Qcal Qcal Qtl Qtl Qtl Qcal Qwcp Qwcp Qwcp Qwcp Qwcp Qwcp Qcal Qtl Qtl Qwcp Qcl Qcu Qcl QwcpQcalQwcp Qcl QclQcal Qcl QwcpQcal Qtl Qal QclQcal Qwcp Qcal Qtl Qcal Qtl Qwcp Qcl Qcl QwcpQcal Qtl QwcpQwcp Qcal Qcl Qcl Qtl Qcl Qtl Qcal Qwcp Qcl Qwcp Qtl Qcal Qwcp Qwcp QclQwcp Qcal Qtl Qtl Qcal Qcl Qcl Qwcp Tpg Qcal Qcal Qwcp Qtl QwcpQcal Qcu Qtl Qcl Qcal Qwcp Qcal Qwcp Qwcp Qwcp Qwcp QtlQcl Qcal Qcal Qcal Qcu Qcal Qcal Qwcp Qcal Qtl QwcpQcal Qtl Qwcp QcalQwcp Qcal Qcal Qwcp Qtl Qcl Qwcp Qtl Qcl Qtl Qwcp Qtu Qwcp Qwcp Qtl Qcu Qcu Qtl Qe Qcal Qwcp Qtl Qe Qwcp Qcl Qtu Qtl Qwcp Qwcp Qwcp Robbinsville (Qal) ALLUVIUM Qtl Qtl Qwcp Qwcp Qtl Qe Qe Tg QeQwcp Qtl Qe Qcl QtlQtl Qcl QeQtl Qwcp QeQwcp QwcpQwcp Qcal Qtl Qcl Qcal Tp 1.25 Tpg Qcal Qtl Qwcp Qal Qe Qwcp Qwcp Qwcp Qwcp 0 Qcl Qtl Qtl Tpg Qe Qtl Tg Qtu Qtl Qe Qe Qwcp Qe Qe Qtu Keyport Boro Qe Qtl Tg Qe Qcal Tp Qtl Qwcp Qs Qcal QeQcal Qcal Qe Qcal Qe Qal Qtl Qtu Qcl Qwcp Qtl Qe Qwcp Qcl Qtl Qcal Qal Qe Qtl Qwcp Qwcp Qcal Qcal Qcal QclQwcp Qcal Qtl Qal Qal TgQcl Qwcp Qtl Qtl Qwcp QwcpQtl Qwcp Qtl Qtl Qmm Tpg Qe Qwcp Qtl Qtu Qtu Qal Qwcp Qtu Qtl Qtu QwcpQwcp Qwcp Qal Qtu Qal Qmm Qcu Qe Qtl Qtl Qtl Qs Qal Qcl Qe Qtl Qal Qal Qal Qtl Qal Qcal Qwcp Qtl Qtl Qtl Tp Qwcp Qwcp Qs Qmm QclQtu Qal Qtl Qe Qtu Tpg Qe Qtl Qtl Qwcp S p o t s w o o d B o r o u g h Qwcp Qtl Qal Tpg Qwcp Qwcp Qtl Qwcp Qcl Qtl Qtl Qtl Qal Qtu Qs Qwcp Qcu Qtl Qtu Qal Qtu Qal Qal Qtu Qal Qal Qal Qal Qal Qtu Qtu Qtu Qwcp Qwcp Qtu Qtu Qwcp QtlQal Qwcp Qal Qal QalQal Qtl Qcu QcuQcuQcu Qcu Qtl Qtl Qwcp Qwcp Qs Jamesburg Borough Qws Qwcp Qcl Qcl Qwcp Tp Qcl Tpg Tpg Qtl Qtu Qal Qwcp Qwcp Qwcp Qwcp Qtl Qtl Qtl Qtl Qtu Qbs Qwcp Qcl Tpg Qcu O l d B r i d g e To w n s h i p Qwcp Helmetta Borough Qwcp Tp Tp ¯ Qal Qwcp Qal Qwcp Qwcp Qal Tp Qtl Qwcp Qwcp Qal Qcl Qal Qwcp Qwcp Qal Qcl Qwcp Qtl Tp Qwcp Qal Qcl Qwcp Qcl Qal Qcl Qwcp Qwf Qcl Qtl Qtl Qal QclQcl Qwcp Tp TpQwcp Qcl Qal Qwcp Qwcp Qwcp TpTp Qal Qtu Qal QclQtl Qal Qwf Qws Qcal Qcal Tp Tp Tp Tp Qal Qwcp Qwd Princeton Boro Qtl Qwcp Qwcp Qwcp Qwcp Qwcp Qwd Qws Qal Qws Qs Qwcp Qwcp Tp Qal Qtl Qcu Qwcp Qws Qws Qcl Tp Qtu Qal Tp Qtl Qwcp Qwcp Qwcp Qwcp Qws Qal Qtu Qal Qcl Qwcp Tp Qcl Qal Qal Qcl Qal E a s t B r u n s w i c k To w n s h i p Qcl Qcl Tp Qcl Qtl Qal Qwcp Tp Tp Qcl Qal Qal Qtl Qs Tp Qws Qtl Qws Qws Qcl South River Borough Qal Qal Qwcp Qwd Tp Tp Qtu Qwcp Qs Tp Qal Tp Qtu Qal Qwcp Qwd Qwd Qwd Qtl Tp QwdQtlQtl Qwd Tp Tp Qwcp Qwcp Qs Qtl Qtl QwdQwd Tp Qcl Qwcp Qal Qwd Tp Tp Tp Tp Qal Sayreville Borough Qwcp Tp Qcl Qwcp Qws Qal Qcl Qws Qwcp Qal Tp Tp Qws Qtl Tp Qal Qcl Qwcp South Amboy City Qal Qcl Qtl Qal Qtl Qtl Qcl Tp Tp Qwcp Qal Qcl Qtl Qcl Tp Milltown Borough Qtl Qtu Qal Qwcp Qtu Qtl Tp Qtu Qws QwsQtu Qtl QwcpQtu Qtl Qws Qcl Tp Qmm Qtu Qws Qws Qwcp Qcl Tp Qcs Qws Qcl Qcl Qtl Tp Qws Qal Qws Qws Qal Qwcp Qal Qcs Qal Qws Qwcp Qal Qws Fr a nk l i n Twp Qbs Qal Qal Fr a nk l i n Twp Prepared by: Middlesex County Office of Planning Division of Data Mgmt. & Tech. Services October 2014 Qal Qwcp New Brunswick City Qwf Qtl Qtl Qtu M on tg om e r y Tw p Qal Qwf Qtu M on tg om e r y Tw p Qal E d i s o n To w n s h i p Highland Park Borough N o r t h B r u n s w i c k To w n s h i p Qwcp Qtl Qal Qst Hi l l s b or ou gh Tw p Qwcp Tp Exposed sand and clay of Coastal Plain bedrock formations. Includes thin, patchy alluvium and colluvium, and pebbles left from erosion of surficial deposits. Clayey sand to silty clay with diabase fragments and boulders; reddish yellow, yellow, brown, light gray. As much as 20 feet thick. Silty sand to silty clay with shale, mudstone, or sandstone fragments; reddish brown, yellow, light gray. As much as 10 feet thick on shale and mudstone, 30 feet thick on sandstone. Holocene Pleistocene late Pleistocene and Holocene Chiefly Pleistocene, locally Miocene and Pliocene. Pleistocene Pleistocene Form stream terraces with surfaces up to 40 feet above the modern floodplain. Where more than one terrace occurs, the youngest is designated Qst1; the older, higher terrace is Qst2. Laid down after late Wisconsinan glacial deposition ended. Ho we l l Tw p Deposited directly from glacial ice during the late Wisconsinan glaciation. Contain abundant organic matter. Deposited in salt marshes, estuaries, and tidal channels during Holocene sea-level rise. Forms aprons at the base of slopes on weathered shale, mudstone, and sandstone. Deposited in modern freshwater wetlands. Includes fluvial and minor colluvial deposits in erosional remnants capping hilltops and interfluves. On grade, in places, to the Pensauken Formation. Forms aprons at the base of slopes on Coastal Plain formations. Graded to upper stream terraces. Form nonglacial stream terraces 20 to 50 feet above the modern floodplain. Topographic position and weathering characteristics are similar to Illinoian glaciofluvial deposits. Terraces grade to, or are onlapped by Cape May Formation, unit 2. Twp
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