Mijatov MFI#1—Tab 6—pages 16–17 [PDF 1MB]

These FAAA elections will be the most significant in our history. Why? - Because the outcome of the current EBA
negotiations that Michael Mijatov is leading, along with close friends and colleagues Steven Reed and Lee Lam, will
determine if there is a viable ongoing future for Ollr QAL members and will also determine whether our hard fought
conditions are protected for a further period of several years.
These negotiations are being conducted against a backdrop of extremely difficult times for Qantas international
operations and the Company is looking for any "chink" in the FAAA armoul~ any sign of industrial inexperience;
ready to pounce on any tactical error or industrial naively on the FAAAs part, in order to implement far reaching cost
luctions (meaning lower income and higher hours).
Now is not the time for a divided FAAA. Nearly half of Ollr team has already been elected unopposed. Do not create
instability and infighting in the 'FMA, by voting for our opposition.
The choice you have is stark:
Michael Mijatov {s the most experienced Secretary in Len Morrison, is running for the Secretary's position, the
our union's history, followed closely by our next most key and 5'en[01' position in the FAAA. If you elecled Len, you
would be electing the most inexperienced persoll ever to
senior officials, Steven R<;ed and Lee Lam ..
occupy the key position in the FAAA.
A demonstrated record of achicvcment in deli,(ering Len Morrison and Greg Broome were the people who
the two very best EBA outcomes in FAAA history on our, delivered you EBA6 in 2003. With 110 guarantees on A330
watch; EBA 7 and EBA8. These agreements have protected Hying.
the job security and conditions for OUl' QAL members.
This EBA resulted in massive swathes of international
flying being diverted to Short Haul and crealed wave after
We will deliver another., EBA outcome this year, that will
wave of redundancies in Long Haul.
protect our members jobs and conditions and ensure that
key provisions that we negotiated in the current EJ3A, .such
Their EBA also resulted in the expiry of the overseas cap
as the redilndancy provisions, the redundancy formula, the
that then allowed Qantas to confidently set lip their London
overseas c~p, no overseaspromotionsapmt frorn the London
base, guaranlees on new flying etc ani cOJltinu~d in the new
Under Michael Mijatov's leadership, the FAAAhas pursued a
course that' will ensure ~l1r members will not be "locked out"
and stood down Without pay and then have our new EBA
"imposed" upon llS by the Industrial Umpire.
, 1
Greg Broome and Leanne Dalton, together with their team
members in 2003, "revved" the members up atthe Randwick
stop work meeting in 2003, distributed 'I'ecognition'
T-shirts and lhen led a humiliating and disgraceful FAAA
retreat that allowed Qantas to achieve all of its objectives.
The company remembers this episode very well and would
relish the prospector Len and Greg leading the FAAA during
these crucial EBA negotiations .
We have not increased yoUI' fees foi' 8 years iufd will not do Greg Broome is the President of the Qantas Aircrew club.
so for tIle next 4· years, sllCh has beenolir' mctlClIIousand' Len Morrison is also on the committee of the Qantas
Aircrew club. They incrcased membcrship fees by 218%
pl'ude,nt nlnnagement of the FAAA a.ud yourfunds. ,.
to introduce a compulsory "travel insurance" product
Our comJnunication frequency and quality of ·our for all Aircrcw club members, without any reference to or
communications are· second to none. We treat YOllas agreement by all members. Imagine what they would do
adults and we always have told you the .truth, without wilh FAAA funds if they had the opportunity.
We have always believed that the vast majority of our members are sensible and intelligent people. The choice you
make in these FMA elections will determine your job security, your conditions and your income.
Our team and its leadership have a demonstrated record of achievement and our senior officials are both talented
and highly experienced. We will deliver a secure outcome for our QAL members. Unlike our opposition, we
do not insult your intelligence with a Mickey Mouse four-point plan for your future. If only it was as simple
as that! Our strategies and plans are immeasurably more detailed and complex than our opponent's
"plan" and will not be found in an advertisement better suited for a lawn mowing service.
Our opposition has a dismal record. They have been unable to mount any convincing reason or argument
Nhatsoever to remove our team from office. They have not even fielded a full team in these elections; they are
not taking you seriously. They can't even tell the truth as to who is on their team and who their team represents.
They want to lead the FAAA, to Jearn on the job, to serve their "industrial apprenticeship" during the toughest and
most complicated negotiations in our history; a very scary proposition indeed. Clearly, our opposition are not
ready or capable to lead the FAAA and we have explained why this is the case.
We have too much to lose by going back to those dark days of a poorly run FAAA; run more like a social club for the
boys, where your interests take a back seat to the next surf carnival or golf day.
On behalf of our team, we urge every single member to ensure they vote in these elections. Take the two
minutes of your time to secure your future. Do not leave it to others to determine your future.
It is imperative that you vote for Michael Mijatov and Steven Reed, for the two senior positions and our
four QAL team members Sonia Fabbro, Nick Kenny, Leo Close and David Horsfall for the QAL Divisional
Councillor positions.
Senior Qantas executives closely watch union elections and their outcomes and they plan their industrial
strategies accordingly. Please ensure your jobs and conditions continue to be protected by voting for our
team and its proven track record.
Michael Mijatov
Steven Reed
Written, authorised and paid for by the Your FAAA Team.