JOB: 2916 BN DESIGN ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING & DESIGN LEJLA IZIC (DP-AD 16150) DATE: REVISION 23 SEPTEMBER 2014 15 / 05 / 2014 UNIT 104 (FIRST FLOOR) NO.22-30 WALLACE AVE. POINT COOK VIC 3030 PROPOSED: PROPOSED MULTI-UNIT DEVELOPMENT AT: LOT 1, NO.142 DUKE STREET, BRAYBROOK 3019 FOR: KIEU & MINH TEL: (03) 9018 9016 FAX: (03) 8360 3448 MOB: 0421 706 334 TOWN PLANNING 02 OCT 2014 The Street Duke Street is a street with North to South alignment. It allows for minimal kerb side parking but the design response allows for parking for vehicles of the residents. There are several existing mature trees and vegetation planted along the street however the vegetation selected for planting will reflect that of the neighbourhood yards with an emphasis on native and indigenous species chosen. The Site Lot 1 Duke Street has a total of 745 rn2. As seen in the photos provided throughout the proposal, the block is located within an established suburb with a variety of single storey style houses. As well as these, shop and reservations are also located nearby. Currently, there are developed properties along all adjoining boundaries. The style of dwellings within this area vary with single and double storey dwellings. At present, the site has little vegetation with no significant fall on any axis. SUBJECT SITE FROM DUKE STREE1 LOT 1, NO.142 EXISTING SINGLE STOREY DWELLING NO.115 EXISTING SINGLE STOREY DWELLING NO.117 EXISTING SINGLE STOREY DWELLING NO.121 EXISTING SINGLE STOREY DWELLING NO.119 EXISTING SINGLE STOREY DWELLING NO.123 EXISTING SINGLE STOREY DWELLING NEWMAN STREET VIEW OF PROPERIES ACROSS THE ROAD FROM SUBJECT SITE GENERAL NOTES: BN DESIGN & ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING DESIGN UNIT 104, N0.22-30 WALLACE AVENUE, POINT COOK 3030 PH. 9018 9016 FAX. 8360 3448 MOB. 0421 706 334 *All measurements & levels to be checked prior to construction *Provide impervious floor & wail finish to all wet areas *Provide safety glass where required to A.S. 1288 -2006. *Provide control joints at approx 5.0 M ctrs max *Provide smoke detectors as per A.S. 3786 NOTE: ALL MEASUREMENTS & LEVELS TO BE CHECKED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION BY BUILDER OR OWNER. 0 COPYRIGHT - THESE PLANS BELONG TO BN DESIGN AND ARE NOT TO BE COPIED OR SOLD. AREA SCHEDULE UNIT .1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 TOTAL152.12 m = 16.4 SQ. Kieu & Minh TOTAL 155.06 m2 = 16.7 SQ. p2 OCT 7c14, Site Description Project numberJob #2916 TOTAL 151.47 m2 = 16.3 SQ. 1 0F16 Date W IIE1= 91‘41May 2014 Lot 1, No.142 Duke Street BRAYBROOK 3019 Drawn by NDT DP -Ad 18150 Checked by LEJLA IZIC Scale •••• • II. ••• I • I.-, , .• I? .. 7 ... -- .....-.; ... — I ; • - Ii 111 .11 ;1.'rl....... -.4. • • - - ...- ... • ai•. 1111•1 '' Isi.....iwr illb...11 • ••• • :tic._ „C., 1 "4166441; ! ..-••• •....,. . 4,...t., -....... _BEI • '• '''7 "1,' . 1, -, . % A. — ^ I.11 • . • • .:•' I. 4 III' 13 .t -. - .. ._. v. V - • ...4.. . - ,,,...... ....,I• • - C•y5 I'' ' e.•.. 7. ° ''' .'t '1' -.;!....i.,,,A ...• • •I • •• - . . ••••• .• ,..." •, i•,` '. . . ' -5: : ..., •• t 1.1.; ••• $11; )ar • , . ", .. ' — ••••:' --`•••••44.14.•,-... . • NO.148 EXISTING SINGLE STOREY DWELLING NO.146 EXISTING SINGLE STOREY DWELLING ' NO.144 EXISTING SINGLE STOREY DWELLING BURNETT AVENUE fl LOT 1, NO.142 EXISTING SINGLE STOREY DWELLING 7.1UNMErtil.M.15,519111r.11:1." , , , • • NO.140 EXISTING SINGLE STOREY DWELLING NO.136 EXISTING SINGLE STOREY DWELLING NO.138 EXISTING SINGLE STOREY DWELLING MCLENNAN STREET 02 OCT 20 4 GENERAL NOTES: BN DESIGN ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING Ex DESIGN UNIT 104, NO.22-30 WALLACE AVENUE, POINT COOK 3030 PH. 9018 9016 FAX. 8360 3448 MOB. 0421 706 334 *All measurements & levels to be checked prior to construction *Provide impervious floor & wall finish to all wet areas *Provide safety glass where required to A.S. 1288 - 2006. *Provide control joints at approx 5.0 M ctrs max *Provide smoke detectors as per A.S. 3786 NOTE: ALL MEASUREMENTS & LEVELS TO BE CHECKED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION BY BUILDER OR OWNER. C) COPYRIGHT - THESE PLANS BELONG TO BN DESIGN AND ARE NOT TO BE COPIED OR SOLD. AREA SCHEDULE UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 TOTAL 152.12 m2 = 16.4 SQ. Kieu & Minh TOTAL 155.06 m2 = 16.7 SQ. Site Photos Project number TOTAL 151.47 m2 = 16.3 SQ. RE Lot 1, No.142 Duke Street BRAYBROOK 3019 Date23 Drawn by Checked by Job #2916 2 OF 16 may 2014 NDT LEJLA IZIC Scale LOT LEGEND A. Access to public transport is available within approx. 100M of the site to the NORTH to bus route 410 (along Duke Street) which connects with Sunshine Train Station (1.4km West) Mile connecting other routes (216, 219, 400, etc.) along Station PI, to connect the site to the surrounding suburbs. 4 T 59 NO.38 ISTING SINGLE STING SINGLE OREY DWELLING S DliEY DWELLING ,4 l$T1 G SlNG,LEG ckobeOVER. Additos-- B. Access to shops - Local shops are located throughout the area such as the "Sunshine Centre Plaza" (within 1.03km) located along Hampshire Rd, as well as smaller local shops along Devonshire Rd. (several shops along this road) MIDDAY SUN Burnett C. Access to parklands/schools - There are many parklands and schools accessible to residents of the site within walking distance. Located within approx. 380m to the South-East Is Kinda Smith Reserve with open reserves and recreational centre. Also, within 780m of the site to the South-East is Lance Reichstein Playground with large playground, reserve, basketball court and community centre. Schools within the area are the "Sunshine Harvester Primary School " (190m South), "Caroline Chisholm Catholic College" (550m South), "Braybrook College" (400m North) and 'Victoria University" (1.1km North-West) A,3 LOT\t NO.35 XISTING\SINGLE TORFY IWNLLING 41 GLE E Ll.ING 'OST. LOT NO.144 1-YiSTING SINGLE SR H Y DWELLING D. The site is comprised of a land with a total site area of approx. 745 m2. The site is currently an existing single storet dwelling with several immature trees found on the site. Dwellings of varying styles populate the area of the Braybrook Suburb. These all have front setbacks of similar depths given the location of the site being in a linear style street. At present, all adjoining boundaries are existing properties. The area contains various styles of facades and use of materials. LOT 60, NO.40 • (1,4 WELLING F. The open space of all adjoining areas is protected from overlooking with the use of obscure glass and high set windows- they will have little or no affect on either the overlooking and overshadowing of the neighbouring properties in the future. G. Front gardens to the adjoining properties are at present established and the proposed landscaping plan attached (see landscaping plan) shows that the development will maintain the existing standard and set a higher standard for future developments in the area. 151 N0,119 TINL; SINGLE REY DWELLING LOT 1 NO.14 auN H. The subject site is approximately 17.07m in width with a West / East alignment. It is a suburban street that connects to the main road Ballarat Road which connects to many other suburbs. The street is riot recommended to have any street parking so the site will be providing sufficient number of parking spaces. ING SIN _Y OW/ LI G Building Styles in the area are generally established face brick veneer Mellings with tiled roofs though there are several houses to the immediate vicinity with rendered finishes and colorbond roofing. 53 NO.115 111116 INGLE LING NEIGHBOURHOOD & SITE DESCRIPTION CROSSOVER -1' CROSSOVER scale 1:500 if GENERAL NOTES: BN DESIGN ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING Sc DESIGN UNIT 104, NO.22-30 WALLACE AVENUE, POINT COOK 3030 PH. 9018 9016 FAX. 8360 3448 MOB. 0421 706 334 *All measurements & levels to be checked prior to construction *Provide impervious floor & wall finish to all wet areas *Provide safety glass where required to A.S. 1288 -2006. *Provide control joints at approx 5.0 M ctrs max *Provide smoke detectors as per AS. 3786 NOTE- ALL MEASUREMENTS & LEVELS TO BE CHECKED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION BY BUILDER OR OWNER. @ COPYRIGHT THESE PLANS BELONG TO EN DESIGN AND ARE NOT TO BE COPIED OR SOLD. AREA SCHEDULE UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 TOTAL 152.12 m2 = 16,4 SQ. TOTAL 155.0G m2 = 16.7 SQ. TOTAL 151.47 m2 = 16.3 SQ. Kieu & Minh Neighbourhood & Site Analysis 02 OCT 2014 Project number gem Lot 1, No.142 Duke Street BRAYBROOK 3019 Job #2916 Date May 2014 Drawn by NDT Checked by DP-Ad 18150 LEJLA IZIC 3 OF 16 Scale 1 : 500 M..110 •T16 &TINGLE Fa 'if DWELL ING A. The site is to be used as a multiple occupancy development. The total site area is approx. 745M2 with appropriate dimensions to allow for a multi development. LOT VAC GLE EY DWELLING B. The proposed development is to be orientated such that the existing single cross-over is to accommodate vehicles for units 2 & 3 and the new proposed single cross-over will provide access to Unit 1. One cross-over is to Unit 1 on the northern side of the site with another single cross-over to accomodate for Unit 2 and Unit 3 on the southern boundary. At present, there are existing dwellings on the streetscape in all directions. VOL LOT 60, NO.40 XISTING SINGLE *DWELLING T 59 NO.38 TING SINGLEISTING INGLE EY DWELLINGOREY DWELLING MIDDAY SUN Burnett Ave 2101111111WP-1111, C. The proposal is for three double storey units to be built on the site which is presently a single storey property. The proposed dwellings is to be constructed of Brick Veneer on the ground floor and Light Weight Polystyrene Panels with a render finish for the Upper Floor and concrete tiled roofing. In this way, it is proposed that the development will meet the existing standard of present developments and set a high standard for future developments. 41 cLE E LLING D. The materials used to construct the dwelling will be brick veneer (Exposed face) throughout the ground floor with selected awning windows. The Upper floor will be constructed of a light weight Polystyrene Panel with a Render Finish as well as selected walls to be treated with a feature Timber Cladding. 7. lie positioning of the proposed development has been designed in order to occupy three individual units and to maximise the solar orientation throughout the year. It's articulated facade and modern finishes add to the pleasant character of the neighbourhood. NOON 0.121A. SUN IS ISINGLE-‘ VvFI INC, T F. Based on the March 21 -September 23 equinox, and the aspect of the land, the proposed development will have some to the properties of it's boundaries. G. There is to be no open space connecting the dwellings and all landscaping and fencing will be chosen in order to maximise privacy and minimise overlooking and overshadowing. LOT'l., NO 35 •GLEXISTING\SINGI F FLUNGTOREY OVVE cLLINi LOT 1 NO 142 --ROPOSED MULTIUNIT DEVELOPMENT LOT 1 NO.14 FIN INOL •T51 NO.119 .TING SINGLE REY DVELLING H. The site will be appropriately landscaped to reflect the open characteristics of the area while also keeping visual and acoustic privacy between the development and any future neighbours (refer to landscaping plan) Note: The proposal is for three double storey dwellings. The proposal will not cause any excessive pressure on the infrastructure currently in existence. The dwellings to be constructed will be .9 character with the general neighbourhood character and will not effect the general setbacks of Duke Street to any detriment. T 50.117 ING ING YDWJJ.LIJI3 53 NO.115 GsiNcd I Y DM LL PESIGN RESPONSE CROSS- OVER scale 1:500 i‘det in n St .••••t v GENERAL NOTES: BN DESIGN ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING St DESIGN UNIT 104, NO.22-30 WALLACE AVENUE, POINT COOK 3030 PH. 9018 9016 FAX. 8360 3448 MOB. 0421 706 334 *All measurements & levels to be checked prior to construction *Provide impervious floor & wall finish to all wet areas *Provide safety glass where required to A.S. 1288 -2006. *Provide control joints at approx 5.0 M ctrs max *Provide smoke detectors as per A.S. 3786 NOTE: ALL MEASUREMENTS & LEVELS TO BE CHECKED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION BY BUILDER OR OWNER. C) COPYRIGHT - THESE PLANS BELONG TO BN DESIGN AND ARE NOT TO BE COPIED OR SOLD. AREA SCHEDULE UNIT 1 TOTAL 152.12 m2 =16.4 SQ. UNIT 2 TOTAL 155.06 mz =16.7 SQ. UNIT 3 TOTAL 151.47 mz =16.3 SQ. Kieu & Minh Lot 1, No.142 Duke Street BRAYBROOK 3019 Design Response Project number Job #2916 DateNan May 2014 Drawn by Checked by 4 02 OCT 20I4 4 OF 16 NDT OP-Ad 18150 LEJLA IZIC Scale 1 : 500 concrete path 144 single storey. 15,40 ridge weatherboard house POS NH / ES NH 9,1m setback LO cD. ri) CD N pergola o 01 (0 SEWER DETAILS 0.1 \ REFER TO CITY WEST WATER SEWER INFORMATION FOR ALL DETAILS 90deg.54' 41.% existing 1.6m hi ,S.21 co' PIPE OFFSET FROM:EAST BOUNDARY: 0,76m APPROX. DEPTH TO PIPE INVERT: 2.27m APPROX. 153 mm PIPE SIZE: weatherboard shed 12.85 top of gutter 12.70 eave T-B-M- Rivet in Concrete Path R-L- 10.00 Arbitrary galvanised iron garage existing low chain wire mesh fence c)• '-771 PROPOSED CROSS-OVER CAR SPACE 4903x2660 TMES NE RUBBISH BINS P.O.S 35.64 ml P.O.S 40.139 RAIN WATER TANK I P.O.S 04.60 mq NOT WATER SYSTEM 5700 'UNIT 31 DOUBLE GARAGE DUKESTREET GARAGE MEALS FAMILY co FAMILY MEALS 6 4:8 3011 KITCHEN 24012. Rev! LA or • M.BED 1 3 2 123 L.1,11,1,401,FA.00, OT WATER .3Y TEM 14 -rS11 IT E II 4O 6 7 .pcs9 Ewi !".14 (1.1 uj "TM/ A - 4,1 REED cr MAR PORCH 1570 v CO z 3560 E co4,12 IROBB!SH BINS t011411' n.) r.) A Lot I (745m9 PROPOSED MULTIUNIT DEVELOPMENT EXISTING CROSS-OVER CAR SPACE 49002600 5 GARAGE 2028 co^ notC.D*3 fenced • co a) existing 1.6m high pa ingfence -1'1 • _4_3_4_10rnm270deg.54' 43 41m Co on- crr Ehlk130 WALL BUILT ON BOUNDARY RAIN WATER TANK co 8 LE a) galvanised iron shed cp. a) _Ne a Ci AREA SUMMARY POS -a 140 single storey cement house (1) SITE & GROUND FLd.OR PLAN SCALE 1:100 @ A2 SHEET g, or 7.6m setback AREA SCHEDULE GENERAL NOTES: BN DESIGN iiiRCHITECTURAL DRAFTING & DESIGN UNIT 104, NO.22-30 WALLACE AVENUE, POINT COOK 3030 PH. 9018 9016FAX. 8360 3448MOB. 0421 706 334 *nt All measureme & levels tos be checked prior to construction *Provide Intpervious floor & wall f nIsh to all wet areas safety glass where requIred to A.S. 1288 • 2006. *ProvIde control Joints at approx 5.0 M ctrs max 'Provide mem detectors as per A.S. 37813 NOTE: ALL MEASUREMENTS & LEVELS TO BE CHECKED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION BY BUILDER OR OWNER. 0 COPYRIGHT - THESE PLANS BELONG TO BN DESIGN AND ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE COPIED OR SOLD. .pr.,Ade overgrown yard GROUND 71.24 r rt. • Kieu & Minh UNIT 3 UNIT 2 UNIT 1 GROUND 68.37 m. GROUND 47.32 IT? GARAGE 24.32 rri. PORCH 2.97 m. PORCH 3.25 rr? Lot 1, No.142 Duke Street BRAYBROOK 3019 MN. 155.08 ro'. 111.7 34 Ma OCT 2-0142- NDT LEJLA IZIC Scale1 : 100 CAM 13i32 FIRST 37.20 m7 ep 2 May 2014 47.42 Of 400m. 11{2.12 rif • im Site & Ground Floor Pla rb Drawn by Checked b y FIRST GARAGE BALCONY TOTAL BUILDING AREA ON GROUND FLOOR: 310.66 Ma CONCRETE DRIVEWAY COVERAGE:177.88 Ma = 23.87% 310.86 M2 = 41.73% SITE % COVERAGE: PERMIABILITY MIN, REQUIRED 20%:258.28 M2 = 34.40% DateREVT.$1011 23 SEP 14 49.05 rr. 24.17 ro. Da& GROUNDFIRSTGARAGEPORCHOPEN SPACE UNIT 171.24 W49 05 M*24.17 NP3.66 M.35.64 W UNIT 268.37 M 47.42 M.37.20 M.2.07 M.40.89 M' UNIT 376, 58 M.47.32 M.24.32 M.3.25 M.64.60 M. TOTAL 216.19M. 140.79M' 85.69M0 8.98M' 141.13M' MB n ? FIRST 3E8 in. SITE AREA: 745 M2 Project numberJob GARAGE PORCH Tts 461,47 in' • 18.3 sq, #2916 5 OF 16 144 single storey weatherboard house - 15.40 rAge POS galvanised iron garage • concrete path • NH g NH g tO 0 9.1m mr-• setback 1.0 NH (ow N N Cn \hi 10 2 \ pergola \ SEWER DETAILS weatherboard shed I/ of gutter 12.70 eave 12.85 top PIPE OFFSET FROM:EAST 0,76m APPROX, BOUNDARY: DEPTH TO PIPE INVERT: 2,27m APPROX. 150 mm PIPE SIZE: REFER TO CITY WEST WATER SEWER INFORMATION FOR ALL DETA LS E (4-1 .0 .0 0,3 T-B-M- Rivet in c6b Concrete Path R-L- 10.00 Arbitrary 03.O'cb' cb• FA. No. I existing low chain wire mesh fenceg. 43. r- - 90deg.54' t, existing 1.6m high 43870mm paling fence 4:1CO 01)100 I ftROPOSED CROSS-OVER • • • • 3200 DUKE STREET •549=44474 a. BED 2 5234 10 ROBE • 0023 op 4.2 UNIT I • Ort.VI'" vaA UPON DONN IUNIT 2 Bap 2. 14 13 12 1 3430 10 • -/ •-•• 1955 1/41 .4 M11111111111' ' BATH 8745 INI 8E03 BED L F.XISTING CROSS-OVER Lot 1 745m2 PROPOSED MULTIUNIT DEVELOPMENT • not4D fenced existing '‘ 43 Cs: • 1.6m highCP palingfence Co 4341rpm270deg.54' 43_4im es. • galvanised iron shed 02 OCT 2014 AREA SUMMARY POS 140 a. SITE & FIRST FLOOkEPLAN SCALE 1:100 A2 SHEET cn -§ 7.6m setback ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING DESIGN UNIT 104, NO.22-30 WALLACE AVENUE, POINT COOK 3030 PH, 9018 9016 FAX. 8360 3448 MOB. 0421 706 334 GROUNDFIRSTGARAGEPORCHOPEN SPACE UNIT 171.24M'49.05W24.17W3.68W35.64W UNIT 268.37W47,42W37.20 M22.07 PP40.89 Ise UNIT 378.58 M.47.32 M'24.32 M.3.25 M.84.80 M' TOTAL 216,19W143,78W85.69W8.9E M'141.13W TOTAL BUILDING AREA ON GROUND FLOOR: 310.88 M2 CONCRETE DRIVEWAY COVERAGE:177.813 M2 = 23.87% 310.88 M2 = 41.73% SITE % COVERAGE: PERMIABILITY MIN. REQUIRED 20%: 258.28 M2 = 34.40% AREA SCHEDULE GENERAL NOTES: BN DESIGN & I overgrown yard single storey cement house SITE AREA: 745M2 'All measurements & levels to be checked prior to construction 'Provide impervious floor & wall finish to all wet areas 'Provide safety glass where required to AS. 1288 -2006. *Provide control Joints at approx 5.0 M ctrs max 'Provide smoke detectors as per 3788 A.a NOTE: ALL MEASUREMENTS & LEVELS TO BE CHECKED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION BY BUILDER OR OWNER. El COPYRIGHT.THESE PLANS BELONG TO BN DESIGN AND ARE NOT ALLOVVED TO BE COPIED OR SOLD. UNIT 2 UNIT 1 Kieu &Minh UNIT 3 GROUND 71.24 of GROUND 08.37 of GROUND 75.5e m' FIRST 49.05 rtf FIRST 47.42 rre FIRST 47.32 of GARAGE 24.17 ft? GARAGE 37.20 of GARAGE 24.32 of PORCH 2.07 of PORCH PORCH BALCONY TOTAL 3.04 m' 3.25 of 4.00 of 152.12 n? .16.4 Sci, 12/N. 155.04 ni'• 147 SO 1081 161.47 ro.. 16.35Q Site & First Floor Plan Project number Job #2916 Date Lot 1, No.142 Duke Street BRAYBROOK 3019 REVISION 23 SEP 14 May 2014 6 OF 16 Drawn by NDT LEJLA01100ZIC Checked by Scale1 : 100 NOTE. It is builders responsibility to establish the finished floor levels and finished wall heights in relation to the relevant ground levels during setout and before any excavation works are undertaken so as to ensure that all design assumptions are fully realized in practice and comply with the relevant building codes and sitting requirements. FINISHED FLOOR LEVELS: UNIT GROUND FLOOR GARAGE/PORCH UNIT 2 & 3 GROUND FLOOR GARAGE I PORCH FFL.9.93 FFL.9.844 LIGHT WEIGHT 190mm POLYSTYRENE WALL WITH TIMBER FRAME AND RENDER FINISH FFL.9.83 FFL.9.744 SELECTED ROOFING, ROOF TILES ra 22.5° AS PER OWNERS CHOICE UNIT 1 SELECTED COLORBOND FASCIA 8, GUTTERS CL FEATURE TIMBER CLADDING TO SELECTED WALL NOTE: Should any discrepancy between structural and architectural drawings be noted with regards to locations and dimensions the builder is to notify bn. design drafting office to seek clarification. FFL. , v GFL, [ rE: All frame openings to be @ 2.1m head from ffl. unless noted differently NGF.2800w X 2 Kb PANEL L FT DOOR SELECTED RENDER FINISH AS PER OWNERS CHOICE SELECTED AWNING WINDOWS AS PER OWNERS CHOICE West Elevation 1 : 100 FEATURE TIMBER CLADDING TO SELECTED WALL FEATURE TIMBER CLADDING TO SELECTED WALL SELECTED ROOFING, ROOF TILES 22.5° AS PER OWNERS CHOICE LA' I UNIT LIGHT WEIGHT 190mm POLYSTYRENE WALL WITH TIMBER FRAME AND RENDER FINISH SELECTED COLORBOND FASCIA 8 GUTTERS OBSCURE GLASS UP TO 1.7m HIGH ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR LEVEL AS PER OVER-LOOKING PROTECTION UNIT 2 PARAPET WALL WITH BOX GUTTERS TO BOTH SIDES UNIT 3 • SELECTED ROOFING, cv ROOF TILES a 22,6° AS PER OWNERS CHOICE 6 SELECTED COLORBOND FASCIA 8. GUTTERS '1 CL. —NS N/ . Eri FFL. _ 0 SPOUTING TO SIT ON _/ // TOP OF BRICKWORK ,i)LA.4°0 r-- r?. „• ▪ •'• . .; GPO GFL. GFL. NGF. South Elevation 21:100 PROVIDE OBSCURE SAFETY GLASS TO ALL BATHROOM WINDOWS 4800w X 2180h PANEL LIFT DOOR SELECTED AWNING WINDOWS AS PER OWNERS CHOICE 02 OCT 2014 GENERAL NOTES: BN DESIGN ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING & DESIGN UNIT 104, NO.22-30 WALLACE AVENUE, POINT COOK 3030 PH. 9018 9016 FAX. 8360 3448 MOB. 0421 706 334 NGF. SELECTED RENDER FINISH AS PER OWNERS CHOICE *All measurements & levels to be checked prior to construction *Provide impervious floor & wall finish to all wet areas *Provide safety glass where required to A.S. 1288 - 2006. *Provide control joints at approx 5.0 M ctrs max *Provide smoke detectors as per AS. 3786 NOTE: ALL MEASUREMENTS & LEVELS TO BE CHECKED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION BY BUILDER OR OWNER. © COPYRIGHT - THESE PLANS BELONG TO BN DESIGN AND ARE NOT TO BE COPIED OR SOLD. AREA SCHEDULE UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 TOTAL 152.12 ms = 16.4 SQ. Kieu & Minh TOTAL 155.06 ms . 16.7 SQ. Elevations Project number TOTAL 151.47 m2 .16.3 SQ. ffacr4 Date Lot 1, No.142 Duke Street BRAYBROOK 3019 Drawn by Checked by Job #2916 7 OF 16 May 2014 NDT DP.A.d 18150 LEJLA IZIC Scale 1 : 100 NOTE It is builders responsibility to establish the finished floor levels and finished wall heights in relation to the relevant ground levels during setout and before any excavation works are undertaken so as to ensure that all design assumptions are fully realized in practice and comply with the relevant building codes and sitting requirements. n FINISHED FLOOR LEVELS: UNIT GROUND FLOOR GARAGE/PORCH UNIT 2 & 3 GROUND FLOOR GARAGE/PORCH PROVIDE OBSCURE SAFETY GLASS TO ALL BATHROOM WINDOWS FFL.9.93 FFL.9.844 SELECTED ROOFING, ROOF TILES 22.5g AS PER OWNERS CHOICE FFL.9.83 FFL.9.744 LIGHT WEIGHT 190mm POLYSTYRENE WALL WITH TIMBER FRAME AND RENDER FINISH NOTE: Should any discrepancy between structural and architectural drawings be rioted with regards to locations and dimensions the builder is to notify bn. design drafting office to seek clarification. FFL. rb TE: All frame openings to e @ 2.1m head from ffl. unless noted differently CL. CL GFL. GFL. NGF. NOF. SELECTED SLIDING WINDOWS AS PER OWNERS CHOICE East Elevation CO 1 :100 UNIT 3 UNIT 2 VG HEIGHT PARAPET WALL WITH BOX GUTTERS TO 90TH SIDES ca UNT1 SELECTED ROOFING, ROOF TILES CO 22.5g AS PER OWNERS CHOICE a z _bos LIGHT WEIGHT 190mm POLYSTYRENE WALL WITH TIMBER FRAME AND RENDER FINISH — CL. FEATURE TIMBER E CLADDING TO!7,1 SELECTED WALL SELECTED ROOFING, ROOF TILES 22.5°AS PER OWNERS CHOICE LIGHT WEIGHT 190mm POLYSTYRENE WALL WITH TIMBER FRAME AND RENDER FINISH SELECTED COLOREOND ASCIA & GUTTERS FFL. CL GFL. GFL NSF. SELECTED SLIDING WINDOWS AS PER OWNERS CHOICE PROVIDE OBSCURE SAFETY GLASS TO ALL BATHROOM WINDOWS NGF SELECTED RENDER FINISH AS PER OWNERS CHOICE 7--North Elevation )1 : 100 02 OCT 201i, \.2 GENERAL NOTES: BN DESIGN iN ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING & DESIGN UNIT 104, NO.22-30 WALLACE AVENUE, POINT COOK 3030 PH. 9018 9016 FAX. 8360 3448 MOB. 0421 706 334 *All measurements & levels to be checked prior to construction *Provide impervious floor & wall finish to all wet areas *Provide safety glass Mere required to A.S. 1288 -2006. *Provide control joints at approx 5.0 M ctrs max *Provide smoke detectors as per A.S. 3786 NOTE. ALL MEASUREMENTS & LEVELS TO BE CHECKED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION BY BUILDER OR OWNER. © COPYRIGHT - THESE PLANS BELONG TO BN DESIGN AND ARE NOT TO BE COPIED OR SOLD. AREA SCHEDULE UNIT 1 UNIT 2 TOTAL 155.06 m' = 16.7 SQ. UNIT 3 TOTAL 151.47 m' = 16.3 SQ. TOTAL 152.12 ma = 16.4 SQ. Kieu & Minh Lot 1, No.142 Duke Street BRAYBROOK 3019 Elevations Project number Job #2918 DateNs\/F4 May 2014 Drawn by Checked by 8 OF 16 NOT OP-Ad 18150 LEJLA IZIC Scale 1 : 100 UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 LETTERBOXLETTERBOXLETTERBOXMETERBOX 2300 dr < 470 0 II '91 BRICKWORK WITH RENDER FINISH , 11 55 0 - -• " •,•. BRICKWORK WITH RENDER FINISH • • . .•, ,• , , • , • „••, • NGF. NGF. NGF. • Letterbox/Metrebox - East 2 1 : 20 Letterbox/Metrebox - South 1 : 20 470 2300 " •' •".••: -,• - • . BRICKWORK WITH RENDER FINISH • , • „ BRICKWORK WITH RENDER FINISH . .•'• .'-• ••,1 „ .' .. • . „•• .„ 0 ' r p• '" ". • . ' . ' NGF. • . .•.• , . . • , - 0 .• NGF. •;• • Letterbox/Metrebox - West Letterbox/Metrebox - North GENERAL NOTES: ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING St DESIGN UNIT 104, NO.22-30 WALLACE AVENUE, POINT COOK 3030 PH. 9018 9016 FAX, 8360 3448 MOB. 0421 706 334 02 OCT 2014 1 : 20 1 : 20 1111%.'BN DESIGN NGF. „ *All measurements & levels to be checked prior to construction *Provide impervious floor & wall finish to all wet areas *Provide safety glass where required to A.S. 1288 - 2006. *Provide control joints at approx 5.0 M ctrs max *Provide smoke detectors as per A.S. 3786 NOTE: ALL MEASUREMENTS & LEVELS TO BE CHECKED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION BY BUILDER OR OWNER. C) COPYRIGHT - THESE PLANS BELONG TO BN DESIGN AND ARE NOT TO BE COPIED OR SOLD. AREA SCHEDULE UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 TOTAL 152.12 m2 = 16.4 SQ. Kieu & Minh TOTAL 155.06 m2 = 16.7 SQ. TOTAL 151.47 mz = 16.3 SQ. Lot 1, No.142 Duke Street BRAYBROOK 3019 Letterbox / Metrebox Elevations Project number Job #2916 Datef2Vasn May 2014 Drawn by Checked by 8a OF 16 NOT DP-Ad 18150 LEJLA IZIC Scale i : 20 SELECTED ROOFING, ROOF TILES el 22.5° AS PER OWNERS CHOICE SELECTED ROOFING, ROOF TILES 22.5° AS PER OWNERS CHOICE a FEATURE TIMBER CLADDING TO SELECTED WALL LIGHT WEIGHT 190mm POLYSTYRENE WALL WITH TIMBER FRAME AND RENDER FINISH —\\ SELECTED COLORBOND FASCIA & GUTTERS SELECTED COLORBOND FASCIA & GUTTERS CL CL CL. CL. LIGHT WEIGHT 190mm POLYSTYRENE WALL WITH TIMBER FRAME AND RENDER FINISH FEATURE TIMBER CLADDING TO SELECTED WALL \ FFL. Cs1 FPL. CL v v GFL ^ NGF. SELECTED RENDER FINISH AS PER OWNERS CHOICE c Unit 1 - West Elevation 1 SELECTED RENDER FINISH AS PER OWNERS CHOICE GFL. GFL. NGF NGF. SELECTED AWNING WINDOWS AS PER OWNERS CHOICE Unit 1 - South Elevation 1 : 100 1 : 100 SELECTED ROOFING, ROOF TILES 22.5° AS PER OWNERS CHOICE PROVIDE OBSCURE SAFETY GLASS TO ALL BATHROOM WINDOWS PROVIDE OBSCURE SAFETY GLASS TO ALL BATHROOM WINDOWS LIGHT WEIGHT 190mm POLYSTYRENE WALL WITH TIMBER FRAME AND RENDER FINISH LIGHT WEIGHT 190mm POLYSTYRENE WALL WITH TIMBER FRAME AND RENDER FINISH CL SELECTED ROOFING, ROOF TILES (22 22.5° AS PER OWNERS CHOICE SELECTED COLORBOND FASCIA & GUTTERS CL. CL. F‘34 FFI, _ FR_ CL • • CL ADJOINING UNIT 2 GARAGE WALL OFL, NGF. FACE BRICKWORK 3) GR. GFL. NGF. NGF. GENERAL NOTES: DRAFTING & DESIGN UNIT 104, NO.22-30 WALLACE AVENUE, POINT COOK 3030 PH. 9018 9016 FAX. 8360 3448 MOB. 0421 706 334 NGF. 02 OCT 2014 1 : 100 1 : 100 ARCHITECTURAL SELECTED RENDER F NISH AS PER OWNERS CHOICE Unit 'I - North Elevation Unit 1 - East Elevation 'bi--BN DESIGN GFL. *All measurements & levels to be checked prior to construction *Provide impervious floor & wall finish to all wet areas *Provide safety glass where required to A.S. 1288 - 2006. *Provide control joints at approx 5.0 M ctrs max *Provide smoke detectors as per AS. 3786 NOTE: ALL MEASUREMENTS & LEVELS TO BE CHECKED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION BY BUILDER OR OWNER. © COPYRIGHT - THESE PLANS BELONG TO BN DESIGN AND ARE NOT TO BE COPIED OR SOLD. AREA SCHEDULE UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 TOTAL 152.12 m2 .. 16.4 SQ. Kieu & Minh TOTAL 155.06 m* = 16.7 SQ. Unit 1 - Elevations Project number TOTAL 151.47 m' . 16.3 SQ. Date Lot 1, No.142 Duke Street BRAYBROOK 3019 gm Drawn by Checked by Job #2916 9 OF 16 May 2014 NDT DP-Ad 113150 LEJLA IZIC Scale 1 : 100 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 SELECTED ROOFING, ROOF TILES 22.5 AS PER OWNERS CHOICE FEATURE TIMBER CLADDING TO SELECTED WALL FEATURE TIMBER CLADDING TO SELECTED WALL CL FFL. FFL. CL ADJOINING UNIT 1 GARAGE WALL OFL. GFL. SELECTED RENDER FINISH AS PER OWNERS CHOICE NOP. C-1 ) 2800w X 2180h PANEL LIFT DOOR NGF. Unit 2 & 3 - West Elevation 1 : 100 FEATURE TIMBER CLADDING TO SELECTED WALL OBSCURE GLASS UP TO 1.7m HIGH ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR LEVEL AS PER OVER-LOOKING PROTECTION UNIT 2 PARAPET WALL WITH BOX GUTTERS TO BOTH SIDES g UNIT 3 SELECTED ROOFING, ROOF TILES @ 22.5 AS PER OWNERS CHOICE SELECTED COLORBOND FASCIA 8 GUTTERS CL A ; , • — • FFL FL. CL SPOUTING TO SIT ONj TOP OF BRICKWORK .4 • r GEL . 2 c 4800w X 2180h PANEL LIFT DOOR SELECTED AWNING WINDOWS AS PER OWNERS CHOICE Unit 2 & 3 - South Elevation NGF SELECTED RENDER FINISH AS PER OWNERS CHOICE 1 : 100 2 OCT 2014 GENERAL NOTES: BN DESIGN ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING & DESIGN UNIT 104, NO.22-30 WALLACE AVENUE, POINT COOK 3030 PH. 9018 9016 FAX. 8360 3448 MOB. 0421 706 334 *All measurements & levels to be checked prior to construction *Provide impervious floor & wall finish to all wet areas *Provide safety glass where required to A.S. 1288 -2006. *Provide control joints at approx 5.0 M ctrs max *Provide smoke detectors as per AS. 3786 NOTE: ALL MEASUREMENTS & LEVELS TO BE CHECKED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION BY BUILDER OR OWNER. © COPYRIGHT - THESE PLANS BELONG TO BN DESIGN AND ARE NOT TO BE COPIED OR SOLD. AREA SCHEDULE UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 Kieu & Minh TOTAL 152.12 m2 = 16.4 SQ. TOTAL 155.06 m2 = 16.7 SQ. Unit 2 & 3 - Elevations Project number TOTAL 151.47 m2 = 16.3 SQ. Date Lot 1, No.142 Duke Street BRAYBROOK 3019 ffgrial Drawn by Checked by Job #2916 10 OF 16 May 2014 NDT DP-Ad 16i10 LEJLA IZIC Scale 1: 100 PROVIDE OBSCURE SAFETY GLASS TO ALL BATHROOM WINDOWS SELECTED ROOFING, ROOF TILES © 22.5° AS PER OWNERS CHOICE LIGHT WEIGHT 190mm POLYSTYRENE WALL WITH TIMBER FRAME AND RENDER FINISH CL. " GFL. NGF. SELECTED SLIDING WINDOWS AS PER OWNERS CHOICE FACE BRICKWORK--/ Unit 2 & 3 - East Elevation 1 : 100 OBSCURE GLASS UP TO 1 7m HIGH ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR LEVEL AS PER OVER-LOOKING PROTECTION I UNIT 21 UNIT 3 SELECTED ROOFING, ROOF TILES 22° AS PER OWNERS CHOICE PARAPET WALL2 WITH BOX GUTTERS a TO BOTH SIDES LIGHT WEIGHT 190mm POLYSTYRENE WALL WITH TIMBER FRAME AND RENDER FINISH • FEATURE TIMBER CLADDING TO SELECTED WALL CL • • cr FFL. GFL.. NGF UI 8 \---• SELECTED SLIDING PROVIDE OBSCURE SAFETY GLASS TO ALL BATHROOM WINDOWS WINDOWS AS PER OWNERS CHOICE FACE BRICKWORK Unit 2 & 3 - North Elevation 2 1 : 100 GENERAL NOTES: 1N BN DESIGN ARCHITECTURAL, DRAFTING & DESIGN UNIT 104, NO.22-30 WALLACE AVENUE, POINT COOK 3030 PH, 9018 9016 FAX. 8360 3448 MOB. 0421 706 334 *All measurements & levels to be checked prior to construction *Provide impervious floor & wall finish to all wet areas *Provide safety glass where required to A.S. 1288 - 2006. *Provide control joints at approx 5.0 M ctrs max *Provide smoke detectors as per A.S. 3786 NOTE: ALL MEASUREMENTS & LEVELS TO BE CHECKED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION BY BUILDER OR OWNER. COPYRIGHT - THESE PLANS BELONG TO SN DESIGN AND ARE NOT TO BE COPIED OR SOLD. 02 OCT 2014 AREA SCHEDULE UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 Kieu & Minh TOTAL 152.12 mz = 16.4 SQ. TOTAL 155.06 mz = 16.7 SQ. TOTAL 151.47 mz = 16.3 SO. Lot 1, No.142 Duke Street BRAYBROOK 3019 Unit 2& 3 - Elevations Project number Job #2916 DateRE9Pirl May 2014 Drawn by Checked by 11 OF 16 NDT DP-Ad 10150 LEJLA IZIC Scale 1: 100 FINISHED FLOOR LEVELS: UNIT 1 GROUND FLOOR GARAGE / PORCH UNIT 2 & 3 GROUND FLOOR GARAGE / PORCH FFL.9.93 FFL.9.844 FFL.9.83 FFL.9.744 ] (I 02 OCT am T North-West Elevation 3D ELEVATIONS ARE FOR PRESENTATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. REFER TO FLOOR PLANS AND ELEVATIONS FOR ALL DETAILS GENERAL NOTES: BN DESIGN ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING Ex DESIGN UNIT 104, NO.22-30 WALLACE AVENUE, POINT COOK 3030 PH. 9018 9016 FAX. 8360 3448 MOB. 0421 706 334 *All measurements & levels to be checked prior to construction *Provide impervious floor & wall finish to all wet areas *Provide safety glass where required to A.S. 1288 -2006. *Provide control joints at approx 5.0 M ctrs max *Provide smoke detectors as per A.S. 3786 NOTE: ALL MEASUREMENTS & LEVELS TO BE CHECKED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION BY BUILDER OR OWNER. C) COPYRIGHT - THESE PLANS BELONG TO BN DESIGN AND ARE NOT TO BE COPIED OR SOLD. AREA SCHEDULE UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 Kieu & Minh TOTAL 152.12 m2 = 16.4 SQ. TOTAL 155.06 rre = 16.7 SQ. TOTAL 151.47 m = 16.3 SQ. Lot 1, No.142 Duke Street BRAYBROOK 3019 3D North-West Elevation Project number Job #2916 DateNO°4 May 2014 Drawn by Checked by 11 a OF 16 NOT DP-Ad 101515 LEJLA IZIC Scale FINISHED FLOOR LEVELS: UNIT GROUND FLOOR GARAGE/PORCH UNIT 2 & 3 GROUND FLOOR GARAGE/PORCH FFL.9.93 FFL.9.844 FFL.9.83 FFL.9.744 330 fl ti South-West Elevation 3D ELEVATIONS ARE FOR PRESENTATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. REFER TO FLOOR PLANS AND ELEVATIONS FOR ALL DETAILS GENERAL NOTES: liN BN DESIGN ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING iSt DESIGN UNIT 104, NO.22-30 WALLACE AVENUE, POINT COOK 3030 PH. 9018 9016 FM. 8360 3448 MOB. 0421 706 334 *All measurements & levels to be checked prior to construction *Provide impervious floor & wall finish to all wet areas *Provide safety glass where required to A.S. 1288- 2006. *Provide control joints at approx 5.0 M ctrs max *Provide smoke detectors as per A.S. 3786 NOTE: ALL MEASUREMENTS & LEVELS TO BE CHECKED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION BY BUILDER OR OWNER. © COPYRIGHT - THESE PLANS BELONG TO BN DESIGN AND ARE NOT TO BE COPIED OR SOLD. AREA SCHEDULE UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 Kieu & Minh TOTAL 152.12 m2 = 16.4 SO. TOTAL 155.05 m2 m 16.7 SO. TOTAL 151.47 rn2 n 16.3 SO. Lot 1, No.142 Duke Street BRAYBROOK 3019 3D South-West Elevation Project number Job #2916 Dater2A-W4 May 2014 Drawn by Checked by llb OF 16 NDT DP-Ad 115150 LEJLA IZIC Scale
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