Add. D.G.P. I.G.R tTre.) $r.0.S._(Trg.) O.3. { Irg.) Dated. l l t{Wz0tt in,wardNo.l/FSl2 No. l -8(5yCs l -?81201,*.?01 i ,t DEIECnVE rxii*nt{GBcHooL of lndia - MHA - BPR&D Ramanthapur, Hyderebad.500 0{ 3. {Phone270381 82, ?7038€S.Fax (040)220368C9} hVuerlo3d@yahoo. co. in J le-mail: ffi Det€d: Te Xo Sub: Course on "Crime Scene lnvestigation'at CDTS, Hyderabad from 0€.12-201 4 b 12-12-2oJ !t9r Dy. SP/tnspr./St/ASt. *** Sir, i -,.',ri' |,'. $qone lnvess$tion - ufting *!d Factlng-of :nat$!ilw$"be cDTs-Hy{erabad nom 0a-tz-207,1 to {z-tz:zgr4 foithe otrcers of the m1qL${oq i{ rank of Dy. SP/l nspectors/Sub-l nspectors/AS ls of Police. I 2. 04 aeats have been allofted to your State and 09 copi€s of -toirgq lffictione are enclosed, one set for fie personal Ferusd of the Head of ttit Unit ftryh w]rere fire Offcen are nominated, one set br record and the rest for fansmission to the nominees fu compliance 3. T:h+ fqninatisns agatpt the satg allo&d may kindty be sent to the Principol, CDTS, Ramanthapur, Hyderabad-s00 013, so as to rea-ch Oy ig-f f -eOfl. It is raguxH that Wttile nomin-ating officers, an equal nurnber of officers may also be nominated as reserve. " Thg,.baF.*.9q,sllgtlkk e directed to re-pgrtto the Princiml,,@T,S*tyderabad by the ehlng of'0?-*e-2oi*,'!ositivety. lt i$ ieEuested etat att coqcertuO *uircnafytdi informed accordlngly ',.,- ', Youns faithtulg, Qd,,l,q AIIRIT.RA:I,IPS INGJPRII{CfPAL E SCENE INVESTIGATION MATERIALS (5 DA - LIFTING AND PACKTNG OF Scene Management Collection, Preservation and forwarding of DNA material and Visit to DNA Lab, CFSL Handling, labeling, packing and preparation of forwarding note to expert (Theory & Practical) Crime Scene Investigation - Search Methods - Lifting of Surface Foot Prints by Advanced Scientific Methods Lifting of Finger Print (Theory and Practical) HLP Fractical HLP of Forensic evidence in Burglary, Dacoity, Robbery and accident cases (Paints, pigments, fibre, toolmarlis, glass, etc.) HLP of explosive particles (For forensic examination) - Criteria for acceptance of forensic samples at CFSL HLP of Forensic evidence in Burglary, Dacoity, Robbery and accident cases (Paints, pigments, fibre, toolmarks, glass, etc.) HLP of explosive particles (For forensic examination) - Criteria fbr'acceptance of forensic samples at CFSL HLP and Preparation of forwarding note to expert (Theory & Practical) Crime Scene Photography HLP of Forensic evidences in Burglary, Dacoity, Rpbbery and accident cases (Paints, pigments, fibre toolmarks, glass, etc.) Brain Fingerprinting, Narco Analyis, Polygraph HLP of explosive particles (for forensic examination) Criteria for acceptance of forensic samples at CFSL Collection of GSR Particles Computer Crime Scene Mandgement, Seizure Memo, Search and Seizure, Guidelines, queslionnaire, handling, labeling, packing etc. with practical CENTRAL DETECTIVE TRAINING SCHOOL. HYDERABAD. Course on "Crime Scene lnvestigation" (08-12-2014 to 12-12-20141 JOINING INSTRUCTIONS The Officers nominated should report at the CDTS, Hyderabad by the evening of 0712-2014. The Course will commence from 08-12-2014. 2' Location: The CDTS is located at Ramanthapur' near Doordarshan Kendra (Hyderabad), at a distance of about 10 kms from Hyderabad/Secunderabad Railway stations. The Hostel is situated within the School Campus. City buses, autorikshaws and taxis ply from Hyderabadlsecunderabad Railway stations where all trains are received. 3. Administration: Each nominee will bring with him four recent passport size photographs in working dress bare-headed. Registration forms will be supplied by the School wherein the nominees will be required to fill up particulars of their service, such as date of birth, date of entry into force, details of work done in different branches up-to-date, etc. Trainees will come prepared to furnish these particulars. During the period of training, no leave will be granted. As the Course is very short, it will not be possible to spare the trainees for Court work during the training period. Trainees should finish their evidence in Courts before leaving for CDTS training or seek suitable adjournments beyond the training period. Trainees should not bring any service or private weapons and ammunition. 4. Dress: All the trainees will bring with them the uniform of their rank; working dress will be worn by the trainees during training, 5. Accommodation: Hostel accommodation is arranged within the School Campus. lt is compulsory for the trainees to stay in the Hostel. Each trainee is required to pay Rs.5/- per day towards Hostel rent and Rs.10/- per day towards maintenance charge at the conclusion of the Course. On arrival at the Hostel, the trainees should find out the room number allotted to them from the Hostel notice board and occupy the rooms accordingly. Families/quests ?re not allowed to stav in the Hostel. Each trainee will be provided with a cot, mattress, pillow and mosquito net, table and a chair in the Hostel. They should bring only the bed sheets/blankets. A Washerman has been provided in the Hostel at approved rates. He is the only authorized person to enter the Hostel premises for collection and return of clothes after wash. 6. Messinq: The Hostel Mess provides both vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals and the mess charges are borne by CDTS, Hyderabad (BPR&D). 7. Rail/Air Reservation: Each trainee will provide himself with necessary Railway warrant for the lourney from his place of duty to the School and back. The CDTS will not provide the same to the trainees. 8. Phone Nos: Office - 040-27038896; 27032708 Hostel: 040-27037945 (can be contacted 24-hours) e-mail: cdtshyderabad@nic. in 9. Pgstal Address: Principal, Central Detective Training School, Ramanthapur, Between Hyderabad Public School & Doordarshan Kendra, Ramanthapur, Hyderabad-500 01 3. ***
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