Wet Weather: Training will be cancelled any morning or evening when heavy constant rain has been falling. Obedience Tuesday Mornings 10:30am Puppies, Grades 1, 2, 3 11:15am New Members Talk Grades 4 & 5, Competition Classes Hot Weather: Tuesday morning classes will be cancelled if the forecast February 2014 SAODC Training Times: February to November February 2014 Chatter Sheet Official Publication of The South Australian Obedience Dog Club Inc Teaching People to Train Dogs since 1955 maximum temperature, broadcast at 9am that day, is 32C or over. cl as s? Obedience Tuesday Evenings Grades 4 & 5 Competition Classes ho 8:15pm o Puppies, Grades 1, 2, 3 New Members Talk To 7:30 pm tf or 6:30pm onwards: Utility and Open Hot Weather: Tuesday evening classes will be cancelled if the temperature at 5pm is 35C or over. You can check by phoning the club on 8223 6626 after 10.00am on Tuesday morning or after 6.30pm on Tuesday evenings. Agility Wednesday Evenings 6:45pm - 7:30pm Foundation: 1 month course beginning first Wednesday of the month (weather permitting) Commencing March 5th. (Note: Dogs must be 12 months old and have completed grade 5 to be eligible) 7:00pm - 7:45pm Beginners Class 7:45pm - 8:30pm Intermediate 7:00pm - 8:30pm Trialling Class Hot Weather: Wednesday evening AGILITY training will be cancelled if the temperature at 4pm is 32C or over. Wet Weather: Training will be cancelled if it is raining at 5pm or if the grounds are deemed to be unsafe at 5pm due to heavy rain during the day. www.sadogobedience.org.au Clubrooms phone: 8223 6626 Postal Address: SAODC Secretary, PO Box 7049, Hutt St, Adelaide 5000 OTHER TITLES GRANTED BY DOGS SA IN 2013 COMMITTEE President: Bev Dodd Vice President: Christine Oerman Secretary: Yve Rixon Treasurer: Sharon Taylor Chief Instructor: Marie Wells Immediate Past President: Pin Needham Committee: Kerry BrandtWilson Hilary Cree Margaret Durant John Farmer Ann Farndell Ruth Johns Penny MacLaren Debbie Reid Brian Scholz Gina Smith Judy Zollo Wednesday 5th March 6:45pm SAODC Calendar of Events First Foundation Class, Weather permitting. Bring dog, flat collar, lead, tug toys and treats 8th March Not before 6pm SAODC Obedience Trial (January journal) Set up from 3pm. Sunday 13th April 9am and not Before 1pm Agility Trials Recycling If you don’t need your paper Chatter Sheet, please hand it in at the clubroom where it can be made available for others to read. There is a copy to download on our website on the membership page if you prefer. Cover Story: One of S.A.O.D.C.’s 2013 Annual Award Winners; Sally Milan’s dog Inneslake Royal Kiss CCD ADX JDO JDM SD (Maya) winner of the Excellent Agility Trophy (ADX), Open Jumping Trophy (JDO), Master Jumping Trophy (JDX) and Top Agility Trialling Dog. TRACKING DOG (TD) Ann Farndell Julie Fieldhouse Chris Oerman Scotsdream Snow Storm Ch Neut Ch Trahern Glenariff Elemental Heartbreaker TRACKING DOG EXCELLENT (TDX) Paul Daly Jessie Hughes Gr Ch Waldwiese Penthouse Pet Dual Ch (T) Trilby Fitz The Bill DUAL CHAMPIONS TRACKING (T) Paul Daly Jessie Hughes Gr Ch Waldwiese Penthouse Pet Dual Ch (T) Trilby Fitz The Bill HEELWORK TO MUSIC STARTER (HTM.S) Julie Brown Julie Brown Julie Brown Asher Collieston Kentucky Sage Collieston Virginia Woof DANCES WITH DOGS FREESTYLE STARTER (DWDF.S) Julie Brown Asher AGILITY GAMES TITLES GRANTED BY DOGS SA IN 2013 GAMBLERS DOG (GD) Kathy Brown Vanessa Loughlin Kathy Millington Kim Glenmave Chain Reaction Ch Sherbrooke Highway Hannah GAMBLERS DOG EXCELLENT (GDX) Kathy Bannister Helen Tamassy Michelle Vuaran Riverhaven Copper Leaf Oakridge Limelight Mysticskye SNOOKER DOG (SD) Kathy Bannister Kathy Brown Kathy Millington Michelle Vuaran Ebony Kim Ch Sherbrooke Highway Hannah Mysticskye From the Editor: Chatter Sheet fine print: The Editor reserves the right not to publish any letter, item or article submitted, which in the opinion of the Editor or Committee, should not be published for legal or other reasons. All submissions are received with the reservation that articles, opinions and advertisements appearing in this publication do not constitute an endorsement by the South Australian Obedience Dog Club Inc. or its members. Editorial Welcome to the February edition of the Chatter Sheet and a special welcome to all of our new members. We had a good response to our new members night on January 28th with many people joining the club. We had three desks set up to process new memberships and we hope this helped to keep waiting time down. It certainly seemed to be running smoothly which was important on such a hot evening—thank you to all of the people who volunteered their time to help. As well as the list of new members, in this issue we also have a list of the S.A.O.D.C. Annual award winners and Titles for 2013. SNOOKER DOG EXCELLENT (SDX) Kathy Bannister Riverhaven Copper Leaf STRATEGIC PAIRS DOG (SPD) Julie Brown Kathy Millington Keith Millington Michelle Vuaran Asher Ch Sherbrooke Highway Hannah Ch Sherbrooke Tiffany Ale Mysticskye STRATEGIC PAIRS DOG EXCELLENT (SPDX)) A New Members Talk is held on Tuesdays at 11:15am and 7:30pm Julie Brown Mika Peace Collieston Virginia Woof Dykinta Red Alert Next Chatter Sheet Deadline: April 11th 2014 Submissions inc Cover Photos/ Feedback / Suggestions Can be placed in the green box situated just outside of the clubrooms during training times or by emailing [email protected] (please put Chatter Sheet in the message so I know it isn’t spam) Do you want to advertise with us? Full page: Half page: $35 one edition or $200 per year $17.50 one edition or $100 per year President’s Message Jan 2014 On behalf of the Committee, I would like to welcome all those, who have joined SAODC this year. I hope that you and your canine companions will enjoy your training and will enjoy being involved in Club activities. Holly and I are making slow progress in our training. I have not trained an older dog before and am relearning the value of our Club’s motto “Kindness and Perseverance”. I am also experiencing the value of really playing with Holly after each training session as a motivator. Your new Committee has been working hard to make the transition from the previous committee to the new committee as seamless as possible. We really appreciate the help that we have had in this process from former committee members. All Committee Members are listed in the Chatter Sheet. If you have ideas or suggestions about non training issues, please approach any of the Committee. We are always keen to get member feedback or suggestions. Recently we met with the Adelaide City Council about a number of issues, including parking and our lease. We anticipate ongoing negotiations around these and other issues and will keep you informed about any changes, You will probably have noticed how lovely the grounds are looking. Kerry has been coming out at all hours of the day and night to try to tweak the watering system so that the grounds were ready for training and comfortable for people and dogs to walk on. As reported in the last Chatter Sheet we will be holding an obedience trial on March 8th, starting at 6.00 pm We recommend that members in the higher classes think about coming out to get an idea about what a trial involves, so that you can think about whether this might be a good hobby for you and your dog, Even if you do not intend to trial with your dog, it is interesting to see the gamut from beginners trialing to experienced, skilful handlers working with their dogs. If you do come, we ask that you leave your dogs at home to reduce the distractions for trialing dogs. We will be setting up for the trial on the Saturday afternoon and would value any help that you can give. Committee will be at the grounds from early afternoon, AGILITY TITLES GRANTED BY DOGS SA IN 2013 AGILITY DOG (AD) Kiersten Coulter Comeby More Than Me AGILITY DOG EXCELLENT(ADX) Des Deguet Sally Millan Kielland Reality Strikes Inneslake Royal Kiss AGILITY DOG OPEN(ADO) Julie Brown Collieston Kentucky Sage AGILITY DOG MASTER(ADM) Kathy Bannister Michelle Vuaran Riverhaven Copper Leaf Mysticskye JUMPING TITLES GRANTED BY DOGS SA IN 2013 JUMPING DOG (JD) Julie Brown Kathy Brown Kiersten Caulter Michael Hayles Asher Kim Comeby More Than Me Moko JUMPING DOG EXCELLENT (JDX) Des Deguet Michael Hayles Kielland Reality Strikes Moko JUMPING DOG OPEN (JDO) Sally Millan Michelle Vuaran Inneslake Royal Kiss Mysticskye JUMPING DOG MASTER (JDM) Kathy Bannister Vanessa Loughlin Sally Millan Riverhaven Copper Leaf Glenmave Chain Reaction Inneslake Royal Kiss RALLY NOVICE (RN) CONTINUED Briget McCusker Iain & Carol McGregor Iain & Carol McGregor Jo Powell Debbie Reid Pam Smith Pam Smith Helen Tamassy Nigma Pipit Annaglen Wilyarisenshine Peerilee Almost A tri Nauglamir Amazonite Vonelka Gladys Westcliffe Pride And Joy Westcliffe Scot Free Oakridge Limelight RALLY ADVANCED (RA) Gwenda Baker Kathy Brown Paul Daly Paul Daly Julie Fieldhouse Lyn Fuller Bridget McCusker Bridget McCusker Kathy Millington Keith Millington Barbara Richter-Winter Helen Tamassy Ceston Alistair McHarg Kim Ch Ghostwind Music Man Ch Poshwei Sweet Dreams Ch Neut Ch Trahern Glenariff Shalreigh Hyland Piper Ahanu Regal DreaM Sheltoah Tobys Signature Blend Ch Sherbrooke Highway Hannah Ch Sherbrooke Tiffany Ale OC Freki Oakridge Limelight RALLY EXCELLENT (RE) Julie Brown Julie Brown Paul Daly Jessie Hughes Jessie Hughes Jessie Hughes Bridget McCusker Kathy Millington Keith Millington Barbara Richter-Winter Collieston Kentucky Sage Collieston Virginia Woof Ch Ghostwind Music Man Gr Ch Ghostwind Master Piece Ch Poshwei Inya Dreams Dual Ch (T) Trilby Fitz The Bill Sheltoah Tobys Signature Blend Ch Sherbrooke Highway Hannah Ch Sherbrooke Tiffany Ale OC Freki but we are asking volunteers to help from around 2.30 pm. Alternatively we will also need help in the evening, so if you are available to help, please let any of the committee know or just turn up. Members of SAODC were saddened to hear of the death of Gwenda Baker at the end of January. Gwenda, Jack and their children Cecily and the late Clinton have all been very involved as a family in training a number of dogs at the Club. As well as being a member of SAODC for many years, Gwenda was a life member for services to the Club and an ex Instructor. Despite being unwell in recent years, Gwenda continued to compete successfully in trials. Our thoughts are with Jack, who is currently our Patron, and family at this time. Our condolences also go to John Farmer who recently lost his sister, Judith. Some of you will remember Judith from when she trained at SAODC or from her involvement in tracking. Bev Dodd JANUARY 2014 Mavay Chann with SASHA, Karen and Jade Conlon with OSCAR, Rhoda Downie and Mark Woodall with FINN, Mary Dwyer with LILY, Michael Fienemann with ARTHUR, Sophia Gentile with LULU, Vivienne Gentile with MATILDA, Josephine Kemp with POPPY, Jason Kranczyk with PRINCE, Charis Johnson with TRANE, Jess Marston and Troy Whetstone with DEX, Camilla and Isabel Mason with LOKI, Ellie and Melissa Prest with TILLY, Freda Propsting with SMOKEY, Jodie Spencer with TEX, Henry Genders with RUFUS, Tegan Anderson with ELLIE, Suzannah Bryce with RUBY and Devlin and Alice Mariano with ROSIE. OBEDIENCE TITLES GRANTED BY DOGS SA IN 2013 November/January Graduation Due to the cancellation of training on the last Tuesday of November, graduation was held over until the first week of training for 2014. Graduation was held for Grade 5 and details of those dogs and their owners will be included with the February graduations in the next issue. COMMUNITY COMPANION DOG (CCD) Philippa Both Kathy Brown Kiersten Coulter Vicki Douglas Rhonda Hylton Roman Kowan Kent & Kerryanne Lindstrom Penny McLaren Lisa & Louise Starkey Sharon Taylor Novice A message from the Membership Officer: Renewals Now Due for 2013-2014 Our new financial year began on 1st October and memberships are now due, you have until the end of February 2014 to complete your renewal. Please remember to bring your CURRENT vaccination certificate which should clearly state what vaccinations your dog has had and when. It should also show what is due and when, this especially applies to triennial (3 yearly) vaccinations. Membership forms are available from the clubrooms or the website. Members in Grades 1, 2 & 3 can renew after class, Grade 4, 5 and above can renew before their class. Thanks, Ruth Westspring Special Blend Kim Comeby More Than ME Ch Vikeyson Miyagi Elindanjah Style n' Grace Carli Zirius Ultimate Joy Ch Collievale Dark Ambitions Glenmave Really Mr Twiddle Ostoja Strawberry Fields (CD) Kathy Brown Kiersten Coulter Michael Hayles Bridget McCusker Bridget McCusker Judy Zollo Kim Ngalla Wish Upon A Star Moko Ahanu Regal Dream Sheltoah Tobys Signature Blend Lily COMPANION DOG EXCELLENT (CDX) Jennifer Balcombe Windyglen Penny Black RALLY TITLES GRANTED BY DOGS SA IN 2013 RN RALLY NOVICE (RN) Julie Brown Kathy Brown Kathy Brown Paul Daly Michael Hayles Rhonda Hylton Rhonda Hylton Lou Kotsiou Ch Highclere Never Mr Beat Kim Mac Blackett Ch Poshwei Sweet Dreams Moko CD RN JDX Elindanjah Style n' Grace Katie Dazzy Golden Retriever Club of South Australia Inc CARING CANINE COMPANIONS Community Visitors Scheme [email protected] www.caringcaninecompanions.org.au ATTENTION All S.A.O.D.C. members with dogs that have (or almost have) their basic obedience certificate. What Are You Going To Do Now?? Maybe you would like to consider some volunteer community service with your dog? The Golden Retriever Club is funded by the Commonwealth Government under the Community Visitors Scheme (CVS). The aim is to provide visitors for nursing home residents that do not have family or friends visiting them. Sometimes this can be a challenge as speech may not be easy, but as we all know, dogs can break down so many communication barriers. ALL BREEDS ARE WELCOME Dogs need to be friendly and enjoy meeting people There is an assessment test to determine their suitability. If you would like to know more, please go to www.grcsa.org.au or phone 1800 077 722 There is a special need for people living in the western suburbs Paid Advertisement S.A.O.D.C. FUNDRAISER Hot Cross Buns Don’t get hot and cross this Easter order your Kyton’s Hot Cross Buns through S.A.O.D.C. ! There is a range of Hot Cross Buns available: with fruit; no fruit and their new Fruchocs Hot Cross Buns! Order forms will be available from your instructors in March for delivery in time for Easter. Order for friends and family too! Chief Instructor’s Training Tips AGILITY Use of Markers in training Novice Agility Trophy (AD) Not awarded Reward Markers (RM) For a dog to associate a reward with a particular behaviour the reward needs to be delivered within ½ to 1 second following the behaviour. This is not always easy to achieve. For example you may struggle to extract a food treat from your pocket and by the time you do the dog could be doing a behaviour altogether different from the one you were intending to reward. RMs help to get around this time delay by acting as a bridge. The RM is basically saying to your dog ‖I like what you just did and a reward is on its way‖. So what exactly is an RM? It is a word (or sound) that is said the exact moment when the dog performs a correct behaviour and it is a precursor to your dog receiving a reward. The dog learns that on hearing the word it has done the right behaviour and it can reliably predict that a reward is on its way. When choosing your RM try to select a short word that is not used for a lot of other things; a lot of people use the word Yes. Try to use the same inflection and tone when saying the word so it always sounds the same to your dog. RMs are a useful training tool as they: Assist handlers to improve their timing and hence provide immediate and precise feedback to their dog that they have performed a correct behaviour. Enables the handler to immediately communicate to their dog from a distance that they have performed the correct behaviour i.e. jump exercises and stays. Excellent Agility Trophy (ADX) 1st Inneslake Royal Kiss CCD ADX JDO JDM SD – Sally Millan Open Agility Dog (ADO) Not awarded Master Agility Trophy (ADM) Not awarded Top Agility Trialling Dog Inneslake Royal Kiss CCD ADX JDO JDM SD – Sally Millan Novice Jumping Trophy (JD) Not awarded Excellent Jumping Trophy (JDX) Not awarded Open Jumping Trophy (JDO) 1st Inneslake Royal Kiss CCD ADX JDO JDM SD – Sally Millan Master Jumping Trophy (JDX) 1st Inneslake Royal Kiss CCD ADX JDO JDM SD – Sally Millan Caution: Care needs to be taken to ensure that the RM and delivery of the reward does not signify the end of an exercise to the dog. There needs to be a clear distinction between rewarding and the use of the ―Release‖ command. Top Jumping Trialling Dog Holly CD ADM ADO JDM JDO3 GDX SD SPDX ET HSAs – Danielle Glynn S.A.O.D.C. ANNUAL AWARD WINNERS 2013 OBEDIENCE Community Companion Dog (CCD) 1st Ostoja Strawberry Fields CCD – Sharon Taylor 2nd 3 rd Glenmave Really Mr Twiddle CCD – Lisa & Louisa Starkey Elindanjah Style n' Grace CCD – Rhonda Hylton Harold Camm Memorial Novice Trophy (CD) 1st Kim CD RA AD JD GD SD HSAsd - Kathy Brown 2nd Peerielee Almost a Tri CCD RN – I & C McGregor 3rd Scotsdream Snow Storm TD - Ann Farndell Open B Trophy (CDX) 1st Windyglen Penny Black CDX – Jennifer Balcombe Warwick Cup (under 18months) 1st Scotsdream Snow Storm TD – Ann Farndell Nelson Gare Memorial Trophy (Open A & B) 1st Scotsdream A Minute In Time CDX TDX ADX JD PT – Ann Farndell 2nd Windyglen Penny Black CDX – Jennifer Balcombe A.C. Vowels Top Trialling Dog Trophy 1st Scotsdream A Minute In Time CDX TDX ADX JD PT – Ann Farndell Top Dog of the Year Award and Patron’s Trophy Not awarded Establishing the RM Irrespective of what word or sound you want to use as your RM it will not become effective until your dog assigns some importance/meaning to it. To establish a RM you will need to pair it with a primary reinforcer (something naturally reinforcing, for most dogs this is food). One quick way for a dog to assign positive meaning to the selected RM is to say the word you have decided to use e.g. Yes and food treat and repeat this until you can say the word and the dog is immediately attentive (and salivating!). No Reward Markers (NRM) NRM acts in a similar way to RM in that they enable you to communicate to your dog that they are not doing the required behaviour ie moving feet on a Stand Stay exercise. The message that the NRM conveys to the dog ―is try again because you’re not getting a reward for that attempt‖. The word should be something that doesn’t hold negative connotations, it should be neutral sounding. The NRM is not intended to be a correction but rather guidance. Through repetition the dog learns that every time they hear the RM a reward is on its way and every time they hear the NRM they haven’t earned a reward and they have to attempt the behaviour or exercise again. When your dog has learnt an exercise you will not need to RM and reward for every correct performance; you will move from what is termed a Continual Schedule of Reinforcement to a Random or Intermittent Schedule so that you maintain their motivation. You will be rewarding for improvement or for doing a series of exercises ie heel, sit, heel, drop. Running late for class? Please try to arrive 10 minutes prior to your class start time. If you are late see our Chief Instructor who will assess if it is still appropriate for you to join the class. http://www.facebook.com/OffTheLeashDailyDogCartoons printed with permission from Rupert Fawcett 1955 2014 Club Canteen Feeling hungry after training your dog? Solution: Place an order with Gina or Judy before your class commences and have a hot pie, pasty, sausage roll or toasted sandwich waiting for you at the canteen when your class finishes. Cold drinks, tea, coffee and other goodies available. Let’s go shopping… The SAODC shop has a large range of items at very competitive prices. As we do not have a lot of overheads we can pass this on at the shop and keep prices down. Product Price Large Pigs Ears $2.00 each Dried Liver Treats (Lamb) $4.50 per bag Dog chews – Rawhide bones and Schmackos from 20c to $2.50 each Itty Bitty Buster Brownies / Fish / Chicken – ideal size for training treats $2.00 per bag Roolami 100 gm $4.00 Slip, Martingale and head collars various prices Leads in a range of different colours various prices Selection of plush and plastic squeaky toys, balls and kong toys various prices Dumbbells - small, medium and large $7.00 to $15 00 Lint rollers - small and large $15.00 to $30.00 Day Bed various prices Training and trialling aids if we don't have it, we can get it - please ask!
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