ICAP Internal Use (For External Distribution) ICAP EQUITY DERIVATIVES DATA STRUCTURE & DISPLAY ICAP Equity Derivatives volatility surfaces, forward curves and variance swaps are generated by ICAP London, using data from the interdealer equity derivatives market, global exchanges and enhanced calculation techniques. The ICAP Equity derivatives surfaces and curves are recalculated daily between 16.30 and 17.00 EST using that day’s trade data from Asia, London and New York. The verified data is delivered in End of Day file format for valuation and risk management purposes. This document is designed to detail the ICAP record and field structure and content for these instruments. EQUITY DERIVATIVES - CONTENT Indices AEX, DAX, ESTOXX50, FTSE100, S&P500, RUSSELL 2K, NASDAQ 100, HSCEI, HIS, KOSPI 200, NIKKEI 225, TOPIX, CAC Instrument Equity Index Volatilities Quote Type Volatility and Strike (price) Maturities Out to 10 years Strikes 5% - 400% (%Spot) Indices AEX, DAX, ESTOXX50, FTSE100, S&P500, RUSSELL 2K, NASDAQ 100, HSCEI, HIS, KOSPI 200, NIKKEI 225, TOPIX, CAC Equity Index Forwards Forward Price Out to 10 years Instrument Quote Type Maturities Indices Instrument Quote Type Maturities AEX, DAX, ESTOXX50, FTSE100, S&P500, RUSSELL 2K, NASDAQ 100, HSCEI, HIS, KOSPI 200, NIKKEI 225, TOPIX, CAC Equity Index Variance Swaps Strike Out to 10 years ICAP INSTRUMENT / RECORD FORMAT ● Volatilities: each ICAP record represents an option maturity, plus a strike represented by an offset (in percentage terms) to the current ATM ● Forwards: each ICAP record represents, a given maturity, accompanied by the forward price ● Variances swaps: each ICAP record represents a given maturity, accompanied by the fair strike on that date ICAP RECORD FORMAT VOLATILITY SURFACES FIELD NAME DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE Record Individual data point defined by the maturity and the strike percentage Strike Pct Strike as a percentage of the current ATM Strike Price of the Strike offset Volatility Volatility of the defined maturity and strike percentage Maturity Option maturity date 26/09/2014 Date Date of data generation 25/09/2014 22/10/2014 AEXEQVOLC1_50 0.5 208.625 2.273457799 ICAP INFORMATION SERVICES Page 1 of 2 ICAP Internal Use (For External Distribution) VARIANCE SWAPS FIELD NAME DESCRIPTION Record Individual data point representing the fair strike as apercentage on the given maturity date Maturity Maturity date Fair Strike Strike represented as a percentage of the current ATM Date Date of data generation EXAMPLE TOPXVARSWPC1 26/09/2014 0.136435509 25/09/2014 FORWARDS FIELD NAME DESCRIPTION Record Individual data point representing the Forward value on the given maturity date Maturity Maturity date Forward Calculated forward value on maturity date given Date Date of data generation EXAMPLE TOPXFWDC1 26/09/2014 1336.965357 25/09/2014 For further information please contact an ICAP Information Services Sales Manager in your local region: Americas +1 212 341 9789 Asia Pacific +65 6831 0037 (Singapore) +81 3 5200 1002 (Japan) +85 2 2532 0844 (Hong Kong) Europe, Middle East, Africa +44 (0) 20 7000 5880 Email [email protected] or visit www.icapinfo.com © ICAP plc 2014. All information contained herein and any opinions expressed in it, have been derived from sources believed to be reliable and in good faith they are not to be relied upon as authoritative or taken in substitution for the exercise of your own commercial judgment. The information is directed to Eligible Counterparties and Professional Customers only and is not intended for Retail Clients (as each term is defined by the rules of the Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA")) or equivalent in a relevant jurisdiction and is the intellectual property of ICAP plc and/or one of its group companies (“ICAP”). This information has no regard to specific investment objectives. Any opinions expressed in it are subject to change without notice and may differ from opinions expressed by other areas of the ICAP group. This information is not, and should not be construed as, an offer or solicitation to sell or buy any product, investment, security or any other financial instrument. ICAP does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness of this information. ICAP does not accept any liability for any loss or damage, howsoever caused, arising from any reliance on any information or views contained in this material. ICAP and the ICAP logo are trademarks of the ICAP group. Certain ICAP group companies are regulated by the FCA. For further regulatory information, please see www.icap.com. All rights reserved. Redistribution is prohibited. 22/10/2014 ICAP INFORMATION SERVICES Page 2 of 2
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