BUYER SIDE MITIGATION ICAP Forecast Assumptions & References for Class Year 2011 NCZ Examined Projects NEW YORK INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR MARKET MITIGATION AND ANALYSIS ISSUED: March 7, 2014 1. Introduction This document describes the assumptions and identifies sources for the inputs into the ICAP Forecast for the buyer-side mitigation (BSM) determinations of NCZ Examined Projects 1 located in the G-J Locality. It supplements the spreadsheet, posted concurrently, and the “BSM Narrative and Numerical Example,” which provides information regarding the methodology for the BSM exemption tests, ICAP forecast, and Offer Floor shaping. 2 2. Demand Curve Parameters The ICAP Demand Curve used in the BSM ICAP forecasts is calculated using the parameters outlined in this section. For each parameter, a source is identified and where appropriate, discussed. 2.1. Load Forecast The Load forecast for the three years comprising that Mitigation Study Period (“MSP”) is taken from the most recently-published NYISO Load & Capacity Data, i.e., 2013 3 (“Gold Book”), Table I-2b (“Baseline Forecast of Non-Coincident Peak Demand by Zone – MW”). 2.1.1. The Load Forecast for the G-J Locality The Load Forecast for the G-J Locality was calculated based on the data set forth in the most recently-published 2013 Gold Book, Table I-2b, as the sum of the non-coincident peak demand values for zones G, H, I, and J. The use of this data source is pursuant to the Services Tariff Section and is consistent with the Commission’s direction. 4 2.2. Installed Reserved Margin and Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements The Installed Reserve Margin (“IRM”) for the NYCA is the value established by the New York State Reliability Council (“NYSRC”). 5 The NYCA Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement and the Locational Minimum Installed Capacity Requirements are derived from the IRM. The Locational Terms with initial capitalization not defined herein have the meaning set forth in the NYISO’s Market Administration and Control Area Services Tariff (“Services Tariff”) and if not defined in the Services Tariff, have the meaning set forth in the NYISO’s Open Access Transmission Tariff. 1 Available at: ˂ /Buyer_Side_Mitigation/Numerical_Example/BSM_Narrative_and_Numerical_Example%20September%203%202013 .pdf˃. 2 3 Available at: ˂ _Data_and_Reference_Docs/Data_and_Reference_Docs/2013_GoldBook.pdf˃. 4 See New York Independent System Operator, Inc, 146 FERC ¶ 61,122 (2014, Order on Waiver Request.. See NYSRC New York Control Area Installed Capacity Requirement For the Period May 2014 to April 2015 (December 6, 2013), available at: ˂˃. 5 1 Minimum Installed Capacity Requirement (LCR) for each Locality is then established. 6 The LCR for the G-J Locality was approved by the NYISO’s Operating Committee on January 16, 2014. 2.3. ICAP Demand Curve Reference Points The ICAP Demand Curve reference points for the NYCA, NYC and LI ICAP Demand Curves are set forth in the Services Tariff.7 The ICAP Demand Curve reference points for the G-J Locality are set forth in the NYISO’s February 24, 2014 Compliance Filing to State Currently Effective ICAP Demand Curves.(“Demand Curve Compliance Filing”). 8 2.4. ICAP/UCAP Derating Factor The ICAP/UCAP Derating Factor, for each Capability Period, is calculated as the DMNCweighted-average EFORd using the most recent EFORd for generation resources, and the corresponding seasonal DMNC values, taken from the most recently published Gold Book. 9 However, certain types of generation, namely Wind Turbine, Conventional Hydro and Photovoltaic, 10 have EFORds that tend to be very seasonally dependent. For these types of resources, the most recent seasonally appropriate EFORd was used in calculating the ICAP/UCAP Derating Factor. 2.5. ICAP Demand Curve Zero Crossing Points The ICAP Demand Curve zero crossing point (“ZCP”) for the NYCA, NYC and LI ICAP Demand Curves are set forth in Services Tariff Section For the G-J Locality, it is that set forth in the Demand Curve Compliance Filing. 2.6. Calculated Values The calculations utilized to determine the UCAP Reference Point, UCAP Requirement, UCAP at $0 and Demand Curve Slope are described in the BSM Narrative and Numerical Example. 3. Capacity Available The capacity available input in the BSM ICAP Forecast utilizes the following categories: 3.1. Generation Capacity The ICAP MW of available generation capacity is that set forth in the most recently published Gold Book. 11 The ICAP/UCAP Derating Factors, as described in Section 2.4, for each Locality are used to convert the sum of these values, by location, to UCAP. 6 See, e.g., LCR Report and LCR Recommendations to the NYISO Operating Committee, January 16, 2014. 7 See Services Tariff Section at table. Commission Docket No. ER14-500-002. See also Order Accepting Tariff Filing Subject to Condition and Denying Waiver, 146 FERC ¶ 61,043 (2014). 8 9 See 2013 Gold Book 2013. 10 See 2013 Gold Book Table III-1: Existing Facilities Codes and Abbreviation. 11 See 2013 Gold Book Table III-2 (“Summer, CRIS-adjusted,” and “Winter”). 2 3.2. Unforced Delivery Rights Capacity associated with Unforced Capacity Delivery Rights (“UDRs”) is assumed to remain at recent levels, with actual UCAP imports to NYC being determined considering the relationship between the forecasted NYC capacity prices and those observed in the relevant PJM auctions. UDRs into NYC are assumed only to import UCAP if the relevant price spread is favorable. The inclusion of UDRs was determined in the manner described in the Market Monitoring Unit (“MMU”) reports on the buyer-side mitigation evaluations. 12 The maximum ICAP MW capability of each UDR facility is based on the amount of UDRs, which is set forth in the Installed Capacity Manual Section 4.9.6. 13 3.3. Additional Capacity from Examined Facilities NCZ Examined Projects, are required to submit expected net degraded summer and winter capacity values as part of the BSM evaluation. The NYISO utilizes validated or alternate appropriate net degraded summer and winter capacity values throughout the BSM evaluation, including in the ICAP Forecast. These specific MW values are confidential. 3.4. Additional Capacity from Mothballed Facilities Units that have submitted a “Notice of Intent to Retire” to the New York Public Service Commission are removed from the ICAP forecast. Units that have not submitted such notice are included in the ICAP forecast as price-takers, even if they are removed from the most recently published Gold Book as available capacity. 14 The ICAP MW values for units removed from the Gold Book that have not yet provided a Notice of Intent to Retire are the values set forth in the most recent Gold Book for which the value for such unit(s) were included in the “Existing Generating Facilities” table with non-zero Summer and Winter MW. The NYISO estimated an appropriate EFORd for use in the ICAP/UCAP translation for each such resource. 3.5. Capacity Associated with Special Case Resources The capacity associated with Special Case Resources (“SCRs”) is based on the data underlying Tables V-2a and V-2b, “NYCA Load and Capacity Schedule,” in the most recently published Gold Book. For the ICAP/UCAP translation, the most recently available Zonal Performance Factors were used. 3.6. Unoffered Capacity The ICAP forecast utilized in the BSM examinations assumes that some amount of available capacity is not offered into the NYISO’s capacity market (“unoffered capacity”). For New York City, Long Island and the NYCA, this amount is equal to the historic seasonal average of unoffered capacity for the past three like Capability Periods, adjusted for events that are unlikely to be repeated. Unoffered Capacity electrically located in Load Zones G, H and I was removed from the NYCA amount, as a separate value was estimated for the G-J Locality. The amount was calculated as the amount equal to the percent of available capacity that was assumed to be unoffered in NYC, multiplied by the amount of available capacity in the G-J Locality. See, e.g., ˂ Buyer_Side_Mitigation/Class_Year_2011/Berrians%20MET%20MMU%20Report__10-15-13.pdf˃. 12 See Installed Capacity Manual Section 4.9.6 at p. 4-57, available at: ˂ /icap_mnl.pdf˃.14 See, e.g., 2013 Gold Book Table III-2 “Existing Generating Facilities”. 13 14 See, e.g., 2013 Gold Book Table III-2 “Existing Generating Facilities”. 3 3.7. Capacity Subject to an Offer Floor Capacity that is subject to an Offer Floor is included in the forecast at its Offer Floor. 15 The Offer Floor values are shaped and inflated through time as described in Section 4 of the BSM Narrative and Numerical Example. A BSM-mitigated unit ceases to be subject to an Offer Floor for any MW of UCAP that have cleared for twelve not-necessarily-consecutive months. For the ICAP forecast utilized in the BSM examinations, the calculation of cleared UCAP MW is based on actual historic cleared MW as of the date of the determination, and the MW that are anticipated to clear in the future based on the NYISO’s ICAP forecast. 3.8. Net Imports and Exports to the NYCA The level of imports into and exports from the NYCA, assumed for the NYCA ICAP forecast, are determined based on the capacity prices in the neighboring Control Areas relative to the NYCA, subject to interface limits and deliverability. For HQ, seasonal average levels of historic imports, which are associated with grandfathered external CRIS rights, are assumed. 16 4. Auction Resolution for a Locality Contained Within Another Locality When the ICAP Spot Market Auction solves for a Locality that is contained within another Locality, any unsold capacity is carried over and reoffered into the auction of the Locality in which it is contained. If an ICAP Spot Market auction for a Locality solves at an MCP lower than a Locality in which it is contained or the NYCA, it receives the higher MCP of that greater Locality or of the NYCA. 15 See Services Tariff Section Imports and exports (except associated with a UDRs) are not directly pertinent to the G-J ICAP forecast because they can only be used to satisfy a NYCA requirement and not an LCR. However, to the extent that the G-J Locality clears at a lower price than the NYCA its price will be set by the NYCA price. In this event, the level of imports and exports to the NYCA becomes relevant to the G-J Locality ICAP forecast. 16 4 G‐J Locality ICAP Forecast Inputs for Class Year 2011 NCZ Examined Projects Date Published: March 7, 2014 Summer 2014 Summer 2015 Summer 2016 Winter 2014/16 Winter 2015/16 Winter 2015/16 G‐J Locality ICAP Reference Point ICAP/UCAP Translation Factor G‐J Locality UCAP Reference Point Load Forecast G‐J Locality Locational Minimum ICAP Requirement UCAP Requirement Demand Curve Length Zero Crossing Point Demand Curve Slope per 100 MW Demand Curve Escalation Factor Units $/kW‐mo, ICAP % $/kW‐mo, UCAP MW, ICAP % MW, UCAP none MW, UCAP $/kW‐mo % 12.14 7.36% 13.10 16,127.0 88.0% 13,147.1 1.15 15,119.2 (0.6643) 2.2% 12.41 7.36% 13.39 16,359.0 88.0% 13,336.2 1.15 15,336.7 (0.6694) 2.2% 12.68 7.36% 13.69 16,593.0 88.0% 13,527.0 1.15 15,556.0 (0.6747) 2.2% 12.14 7.13% 13.07 16,127.0 88.0% 13,179.3 1.15 15,156.2 (0.6611) 12.41 7.13% 13.36 16,359.0 88.0% 13,368.9 1.15 15,374.2 (0.6662) 12.68 7.13% 13.65 16,593.0 88.0% 13,560.1 1.15 15,594.1 (0.6711) Supply (excludes units subject to Offer Floor) Generation Capacity Mothballed Units Municipalities UDRs MW, ICAP MW, ICAP MW, ICAP MW, ICAP 13,177.9 630.9 0.0 315.0 13,177.9 630.9 0.0 315.0 13,177.9 630.9 0.0 315.0 14,023.3 675.8 0.0 315.0 14,023.3 675.8 0.0 315.0 14,023.3 675.8 0.0 315.0 Special Case Resources (UCAP) Unoffered MW (UCAP) MW, UCAP MW, UCAP 459.4 52.6 459.4 52.6 459.4 52.6 260.9 39.9 260.9 39.9 260.9 39.9 MW, ICAP MW, ICAP Summer 542.2 660.0 Winter 629.8 660.0 Demand Curve Units Subject to Offer Floor Astoria Energy II Hudson Transmission Project Document (1) (2) =RP_ICAP * (1‐EFORd) (3) Table I‐2b (4) = LF * LCR * (1‐EFORd) (1) =UCAP Req * DCL =(‐100) * RP_UCAP / (ZCP ‐ UCAP Req) (1) (3) Table III‐2 (3) Table III‐2, Table IV‐3 (3) Table III‐2 Maximum capability from (6), sales determined per (2) (3) Zonal totals underlying Table V‐2a & Table V‐2b (2) (3) Table III‐2 (3) Table VII‐1 NCZ Examined Projects CPV Valley Energy Center (queue pos. 251) Taylor Biomass (queue pos. 349) Other Class Year 2011 Examined Facilities Berrians GT I/II (queue pos. 201 & 224) Expected Retirements There were no retirement notices for the G‐J Locality after the publication of the 2013 Gold Book. Source Documents: (1) NYISO 2014/2017 Demand Parameters‐2017%20Demand%20Curve%20Reset/Demand_Curve_Reset/2014‐2017%20Demand%20Curve%20Parameters%20and%20Demand%20Curves.pdf (2) ICAP Forecast Assumptions for Class Year 2011 NCZ Examined Projects (3) 2013 Load & Capacity Data "Gold Book" (4) LCR Report and LCR Recommendations to the NYISO Operating Committee, January 16, 2014 (5) Planned Generation Retirements (6) Installed Capacity Manual Section 4.9.6 Abbrev. RP_ICAP EFORd RP_UCAP LF LCR UCAP Req DCL ZCP DCS EF NYC ICAP Forecast Inputs for Class Year 2011 NCZ Examined Projects Date Published: March 7, 2014 Summer 2014 Summer 2015 Summer 2016 Winter 2014/16 Winter 2015/16 Winter 2015/16 NYC ICAP Reference Point ICAP/UCAP Translation Factor NYC UCAP Reference Point Load Forecast NYC Locational Minimum ICAP Requirement UCAP Requirement Demand Curve Length Zero Crossing Point Demand Curve Slope per 100 MW Demand Curve Escalation Factor Units $/kW‐mo, ICAP % $/kW‐mo, UCAP MW, ICAP % MW, UCAP none MW, UCAP $/kW‐mo % 18.56 6.68% 19.89 11,658.0 85.0% 9,247.8 1.18 10,912.4 (1.1949) 2.2% 18.97 6.68% 20.33 11,832.0 85.0% 9,385.8 1.18 11,075.2 (1.2034) 2.2% 19.39 6.68% 20.77 12,006.0 85.0% 9,523.8 1.18 11,238.1 (1.2116) 2.2% 18.56 6.43% 19.84 11,658.0 85.0% 9,272.3 1.18 10,941.3 (1.1887) 18.97 6.43% 20.27 11,832.0 85.0% 9,410.7 1.18 11,104.6 (1.1966) 19.39 6.43% 20.72 12,006.0 85.0% 9,549.1 1.18 11,267.9 (1.2055) Supply (excludes units subject to Offer Floor) Generation Capacity Mothballed Units Municipalities UDRs MW, ICAP MW, ICAP MW, ICAP MW, ICAP 8,953.4 630.9 0.0 315.0 8,953.4 630.9 0.0 315.0 8,953.4 630.9 0.0 315.0 9,771.3 675.8 0.0 315.0 9,771.3 675.8 0.0 315.0 9,771.3 675.8 0.0 315.0 Special Case Resources (UCAP) Unoffered MW (UCAP) MW, UCAP MW, UCAP 384.4 30.8 384.4 30.8 384.4 30.8 226.5 21.9 226.5 21.9 226.5 21.9 MW, ICAP MW, ICAP Summer 542.2 660.0 Winter 629.8 660.0 Demand Curve Units Subject to Offer Floor Astoria Energy II Hudson Transmission Project Document (1) (2) =RP_ICAP * (1‐EFORd) (3) Table I‐2b (4) = LF * LCR * (1‐EFORd) (1) =UCAP Req * DCL =(‐100) * RP_UCAP / (ZCP ‐ UCAP Req) (1) (3) Table III‐2 (3) Table III‐2, Table IV‐3 (3) Table III‐2 Maximum capability from (6), sales determined per (2) (3) Zonal totals underlying Table V‐2a & Table V‐2b (2) (3) Table III‐2 (3) Table VII‐1 Class Year 2011 Examined Facilities Berrians GT I/II (queue pos. 201 & 224) Expected Retirements There were no retirement notices for NYC after the publication of the 2013 Gold Book. Source Documents: (1) NYISO 2014/2017 Demand Parameters‐2017%20Demand%20Curve%20Reset/Demand_Curve_Reset/2014‐2017%20Demand%20Curve%20Parameters%20and%20Demand%20Curves.pdf (2) ICAP Forecast Assumptions for Class Year 2011 NCZ Examined Projects (3) 2013 Load & Capacity Data "Gold Book" (4) LCR Report and LCR Recommendations to the NYISO Operating Committee, January 16, 2014 (5) Planned Generation Retirements (6) Installed Capacity Manual Section 4.9.6 Abbrev. RP_ICAP EFORd RP_UCAP LF LCR UCAP Req DCL ZCP DCS EF NYCA ICAP Forecast Inputs for Class Year 2011 NCZ Examined Projects Date Published: March 7, 2014 NYCA ICAP Reference Point ICAP/UCAP Translation Factor NYCA UCAP Reference Point Load Forecast NYCA Locational Minimum ICAP Requirement UCAP Requirement Demand Curve Length Zero Crossing Point Demand Curve Slope per 100 MW Demand Curve Escalation Factor Units $/kW‐mo, ICAP % $/kW‐mo, UCAP MW, ICAP % MW, UCAP none MW, UCAP $/kW‐mo % Summer 2014 8.84 9.55% 9.77 33,725.0 117.0% 35,691.3 1.12 39,974.2 (0.2281) 2.2% Summer 2015 9.03 9.55% 9.99 34,138.0 117.0% 36,128.3 1.12 40,463.7 (0.2304) 2.2% Summer 2016 9.23 9.55% 10.21 34,556.0 117.0% 36,570.7 1.12 40,959.2 (0.2327) 2.2% Winter 2014/16 8.84 8.24% 9.63 33,725.0 117.0% 36,206.1 1.12 40,550.8 (0.2216) Supply (excludes units subject to Offer Floor) Generation Capacity Mothballed Units Municipalities UDRs MW, ICAP MW, ICAP MW, ICAP MW, ICAP 36,957.8 1,122.3 142.9 1,305.0 36,957.8 1,122.3 142.9 1,305.0 36,957.8 1,122.3 142.9 1,305.0 39,166.9 1,164.6 157.0 1,305.0 39,166.9 1,164.6 157.0 1,305.0 39,166.9 1,164.6 157.0 1,305.0 Special Case Resources (UCAP) Unoffered MW (UCAP) MW, UCAP MW, UCAP 1,208.6 273.4 1,208.6 273.4 1,208.6 273.4 742.0 277.6 742.0 277.6 742.0 277.6 MW, ICAP MW, ICAP Summer 542.2 660.0 Winter 629.8 660.0 Demand Curve Units Subject to Offer Floor Astoria Energy II Hudson Transmission Project Winter 2015/16 9.03 8.24% 9.85 34,138.0 117.0% 36,649.5 1.12 41,047.4 (0.2240) Winter 2015/16 9.23 8.24% 10.06 34,556.0 117.0% 37,098.2 1.12 41,550.0 (0.2260) Document (1) (2) =RP_ICAP * (1‐EFORd) (3) Table I‐2a (4) = LF * LCR * (1‐EFORd) (1) =UCAP Req * DCL =(‐100) * RP_UCAP / (ZCP ‐ UCAP Req) (1) (3) Table III‐2 (3) Table III‐2, Table IV‐3 (3) Table III‐2 Maximum capability from (6), sales determined per (2) (3) Zonal totals underlying Table V‐2a & Table V‐2b (2) (3) Table III‐2 (3) Table VII‐1 NCZ Examined Projects CPV Valley Energy Center (queue pos. 251) Taylor Biomass (queue pos. 349) Other Class Year 2011 Examined Facilities Berrians GT I/II (queue pos. 201 & 224) Expected Retirements: Retirement notices submitted after the publication of the 2013 Gold Book Station 9, Rochester Gas and Electric Corp. Syracuse Energy ST1, Syracuse Energy Corporation Syracuse Energy ST2, Syracuse Energy Corporation Source Documents: (1) NYISO 2014/2017 Demand Parameters‐2017%20Demand%20Curve%20Reset/Demand_Curve_Reset/2014‐2017%20Demand%20Curve%20Parameters%20and%20Demand%20Curves.pdf (2) ICAP Forecast Assumptions for Class Year 2011 NCZ Examined Projects (3) 2013 Load & Capacity Data "Gold Book" (4) New York State Reliability Council, LLC, "New York Control Area Installed Capacity Requirement for the Period May 2014 to April 2015"‐6‐13.pdf (5) Planned Generation Retirements (6) Installed Capacity Manual Section 4.9.6 Abbrev. RP_ICAP EFORd RP_UCAP LF LCR UCAP Req DCL ZCP DCS EF G‐J Locality Default Net CONE Shaping Date Published: March 7, 2014 Input Annual ICAP Revenue Requirement DMNC at 90 degrees Fahrenheit ("ICAP conditions") Winter DMNC Summer DMNC Ratio of Winter to Summer DMNCs for Locality Demand Curve Length Escalation Factor Inflation Rate Excess Demand Curve Proxy EFORd Abbreviation ARR Qi Qw Qs R DCL EF IR Exc EFORd Source (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) Calculation For 2015/2016: ARR inflated with IR Mitigation Net CONE Annual Default Offer Floor, ICAP Summer Monthly Offer Floor, ICAP Winter Monthly Offer Floor, ICAP MNC AOF SOF WOF Calc. Calc. Calc. Calc. Annual Default Offer Floor, UCAP Summer Monthly Offer Floor, UCAP Winter Monthly Offer Floor, UCAP AOF SOF WOF Calc. AOF/(1‐EFORd) Calc. AOF*Qi/(6*(Qs+Qw((DCL‐R)/(DCL‐1)))) Calc. SOF*((DCL‐R)/(DCL‐1)) ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ARR*(1‐Exc/(DCL‐1)) 0.75*MNC AOF*Qi/(6*(Qs+Qw((DCL‐R)/(DCL‐1)))) SOF*((DCL‐R)/(DCL‐1)) Units $/kW‐yr, ICAP MW, ICAP MW, ICAP MW, ICAP none none % % % % 117.67 205.6 225.2 209.4 1.068 1.15 2.2% 2.2% 1.4% 2.17% 120.26 205.6 225.2 209.4 1.068 1.15 2.2% 2.2% 1.4% 2.17% $/kW‐yr, ICAP $/kW‐yr, ICAP $/kW‐mo, ICAP $/kW‐mo, ICAP 106.69 80.02 8.25 4.50 109.04 81.78 8.44 4.60 $/kW‐yr, UCAP $/kW‐mo, UCAP $/kW‐mo, UCAP 81.79 8.44 4.60 83.59 8.62 4.70 Notes: ‐ For Class Year 2011, the Default Net CONE is calculated based on Capability Year 2014, the first year of the Mitigation Study Period. ‐ The inflation rate is equal to the escalation factor of 2.2% in the currently‐accepted ICAP Demand Curves. ‐ The term “Mitigation Net CONE” is currently pending before the Commission in Docket No. ER10‐2371. See New York Independent System Operator, Inc., Resubmittal of August 12, 2010 Filing, Docket No. ER10‐2371‐000 (filed Aug. 24, 2010). Source Documents: (1) NYISO 2014/2017 Demand Parameters‐2017%20Demand%20Curve%20Reset/Demand_Curve_Reset/2014‐ 2017%20Demand%20Curve%20Parameters%20and%20Demand%20Curves.pdf (2) Documents under Reference Documents/2014‐2017 Demand Curve Reset/Demand Curve Reset Capability Year Capability Year 2014/2015 2015/2016
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