NTA and Investment Update - October 2014

IPE Limited
IPE Limited
ABN 48 107 843 381
c/o Pomona Australia Pty Limited
Level 12, 83 Clarence Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
11 November 2014
The Manager, Listings
Company Announcements Office
Australian Securities Exchange
Level 4, Exchange Centre
20 Bridge Street
Net Tangible Assets and Investment Update
We advise that the unaudited net tangible asset backing for the Company’s shares at
31 October 2014 was:
NTA before tax
NTA after tax (excluding tax
on unrealised gains/losses)
NTA after tax
Fully Paid
Ordinary Shares
30 Sep 2014
Fully Paid
Ordinary Shares
31 Oct 2014*
* includes provision for 3 cps dividend
Cash and Debt Position
At 31 October the Company held $6.0 million in cash (September month-end: $6.0 million). This is
prior to the payment of a fully franked dividend of 3 cents per share scheduled for 4 December
(totalling $4.1m) declared on 29 October 2014.
The $2 million debt facility remains undrawn.
Private Equity Portfolio
October was a relatively quiet month with modest amounts of cash received from PEP IV and
Wolseley II, generated by dividends from underlying companies. Wolseley II also put additional
funds into its freight forwarding business, AGS World Transport.
Subsequent to month end, PEP IV sold another 20% of its holding in ASX listed Veda (ASX: VED)
returning further proceeds to the Company. More cash is expected from PEP III once the Griffins sale
settles (expected late in November).
IPE Limited
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Commitments at month end are summarised below:
Archer Capital
Catalyst Investment Managers
Talu Ventures
Direct Capital Management
IFM Investors
Ironbridge Capital
NBC Capital
Pacific Equity Partners
Propel Investments Pty Limited
Quadrant Private Equity
Wolseley Private Equity
Total Commitments
Archer Capital Fund 3
Archer Capital Fund 4
Catalyst Buyout Fund 1
CM Capital Venture Trust No 4
Direct Capital Partners III
Ironbridge Capital 2003/4 Fund
NBC Private Equity Fund II
NBC Private Equity Fund III
Pacific Equity Partners Fund III
Pacific Equity Partners Fund IV
Propel Private Equity Fund II
Quadrant Private Equity No. 1
Quadrant Private Equity No. 2
Wolseley Partners Fund I
Wolseley Partners Fund II
*Subject to rounding.
The total uncalled commitments fell from $5.0 million to $4.7 million over the month.
Further information on the Company can be found on the website at www.ipelimited.com.au
including links to the Managers above, where further information on the underlying companies may
be accessed.
Yours sincerely,
Sam Jackson
Company Secretary
IPE Limited
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