Policy Transmittal Aging and People with Disabilities Mike McCormick Authorized Signature Number: APD-PT-14-036 Issue Date: 10/21/2014 Topic: Other Transmitting (check the box that best applies): New policy Policy change Policy clarification Administrative Rule Manual update Other: Applies to (check all that apply): All DHS employees Area Agencies on Aging Aging and People with Disabilities Children, Adults and Families County DD Program Managers Policy/rule title: Policy/rule number(s): Effective date: References: Web Address: Executive letter County Mental Health Directors Health Services Office of Developmental Disabilities Services (ODDS) Other (please specify): OLRO, Licensors for OHA and DHS Adult Foster Homes, AMH Compliance, HCC,SEIU, OTAC, OLTCO, and OAAPI staff. AFH Training Credit Approval Criteria July 1, 2014 ORS 443.738, 443.742 Release no: Expiration: Discussion/interpretation: Oregon Revised Statute 443.742 requires all Adult Foster Home (AFH) providers and resident managers to receive Department approved continuing education annually. As part of the AFH Collective Bargaining Agreement, DHS, OHA and SEIU have been working collaboratively to streamline the AFH Training Approval processes to expedite training request decisions, ensure available training is accessible, while maintaining program integrity. Additionally, the Department has been working on transparency related to the AFH Training Credit Committee (TCC) Approval process. This Policy Transmittal establishes: Delegated Organizations that do not require direct approval from the Department’s AFH-TCC; Trainings that do not require review; DHS 0079 (11/13) Criteria the AFH-TCC uses to evaluate submissions for AFH continuing education; and, Policy direction for Delegated Organizations to use when assigning continuing education hours. Local/branch action required: Please use the information below in conjunction with APD-AR-14-059 for all AFH Training Credit Requests. Organizations Delegated to Assign Training Credit Hours: In an effort to streamline processes, the AFH-TCC will no longer need to review all AFH Training Courses. Trainings approved by Delegated Organizations do not require approval from the AFH-TCC if the training meets requirements under applicable OARs and is presented to provider types for which those organizations have oversight or organizational expertise. Trainings approved by Delegated Organizations may approve trainings or conferences they conduct or sponsor. If the Delegated Organization sponsors a training or conference, they are responsible for ensuring the content of the training or conference meets the applicable OARs for the intended audience. For example: CDDPs cannot approve training for APD providers. Only the AFH-TCC may extend training credit approval to AFH provider types not within the Delegated Organization’s authority. Delegated Organizations are: Oregon Long-Term Care Ombudsman Office of Licensing & Regulatory Oversight (OLRO) Office of Adult Abuse, Protection and Investigations (OAAPI) AFH Licensors with authority over OHA or DHS AFHs DHS/AAA or AMH staff with management approval County Mental Health Residential Specialists Community Mental Health Providers (CMHP) Oregon Home Care Commission (OHCC) Oregon Technical Assistance Corporation (OTAC) Community Developmental Disabilities Programs (CDDP) All trainings assigned credit by the Delegated Organization must be submitted by that organization to the AFH-TCC for posting on the AFH-TCC Website as outlined in APDAR-14-059. DHS 0079 (11/13) Trainings Not Requiring AFH-TCC Approval: Specific courses, offered by the organizations listed below will not require approval from the AFH Training Credit Committee. Fire & Life Safety Courses offered by the Oregon State Fire Marshal, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) staff, American Red Cross, or local Fire & Rescue authorities. Continuing education hours will be equivalent to actual class time. (These courses must be submitted to the AFH Training Credit Web-site to be posted and training credit to be valid.) First Aid & CPR courses offered by the American Heart Association, the American Red Cross or American Safety & Heath Institute (including MEDIC First Aid) for AMH and DD AFH providers only. First Aid & CPR courses will not be posted to the AFH Training Credit Web-site. Continuing education will be awarded as follows: o First Aid course = 2 hours; o CPR course = 2 hours; o First Aid & CPR in one course = 4 hours. Aging and People with Disabilities (APD) AFH licensing rules do not allow First Aid or CPR courses to count toward the continuing training requirements. Oregon Intervention System (OIS) Training for DD Adult Foster Homes only. Continuing education hours will be equivalent to actual class time. Bloodborne Pathogen training provided by Occupational Safety & Hazard Administration (OSHA). Continuing education hours will be equivalent to actual class time. Courses not meeting any of the above criteria must be submitted to the AFH Training Committee for approval on Department form SE1510. Non-classroom Training: Books, journals, web-sites, articles, self-study training, videos/films, and electronic media will be reviewed by the AFH-TCC only if those materials are part of a training event in which learning objectives are established and measured. Training Credit Assignment: Training credit will be assigned in the following matter: Face-to-face Trainings and Conferences One hour will be granted for each hour in the workshop, including facilitated question and answer sessions. Time attending additional activities during the formal training, such as trade DHS 0079 (11/13) shows, breaks, dining, or listening to key note speakers during a meal, will not count toward required training hours. Non-classroom training o The following formula will be used to assign Credit Hours: 1 hour = [(# of words/140)+actual audio/video duration time+(# of questions * 1.85)]/50 The AFH-TCC has applied the InterNACHI Standards for calculating Continuing Education Credits. Example: The word count for the text of the required reading is divided by 140, which is the average reading speed of adults reading technical content. The total number of review questions, exercises and final examination questions is multiplied by 1.85, which is the estimated average completion time per question. These two numbers, plus actual audio/video duration time, if any, are then added together, and the result is divided by 50 to calculate the CEUs for the self-study program. If the total minutes are not equally divisible by 50, the CEUs granted may be rounded down to the nearest one-half credit. Courses will be approved for one year. Verification of training: Verification of training attendance must be obtained by the participant from the training source and will serve as proof of training credit. Verification of the training must include: the date of the training, name of participant; subject content, name of the agency or organization providing the training, and the number of training hours. The AFH Training Credit Review Committee will not provide verification or certification of training attendance to attendees on an individual basis. Instructor Credentials: Have instructors who have knowledge and/or experience in the subject area to be taught and who meet at least one of the following criteria: (A) Possession of a four year college degree and two years’ experience relevant to the course(s) to be taught, or (B) Four years’ experience directly relevant to the course to be taught, or (C) Be a professional, relevant to the course, with a valid license to practice in Oregon, or (D) Have at least four years’ experience in Oregon as an administrator or owner of a licensed community based care facility, within the last eight years, with a record of substantial compliance. (E) The APD-TCC, at our discretion, may ask other authoritative entities to review training materials and trainer credentials as needed. (F) The APD-TCC reserves the right to disallow or deny training credit for AFH Trainings if necessary. DHS 0079 (11/13) Field/stakeholder review: Yes No If yes, reviewed by: AFH Training Committee is comprised of SEIU members, DHS & OHA policy staff; and AFH providers, licensors and staff serving APD, DD and AMH populations. APD OPS Committee. Filing Instructions: If you have any questions about this policy, contact: Contact(s): Becky Callicrate Phone: 503-945-6601 Fax: 503-947-4245 E-mail: [email protected] DHS 0079 (11/13)
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