Qualified Mental Health Interpreter (QMHI) and (QMHI-S) Certification Maintenance 2014 Continuing Education Opportunities in Mental Health Alabama Department of Mental Health Office of Deaf Services Mental Health Interpreter Training (MHIT) CONTINUING EDUCATION Please contact [email protected] for additions or corrections to this document. CEU opportunities for Mental Health Interpreting – QMHI/QMHI-S Renewal Continuing education hours may be earned as described by Certificate of Qualification as a Mental Health Interpreter as set forth in chapter 580-3-24 of the Code of Alabama. This includes working in clinical settings, attending mental health related training, or a combination of work and training. Sometimes local training or work hours may not be readily available. In such instances, the following non-traditional options are presented. No guarantees are given or implied regarding quality of trainings. This is not an exhaustive listing. MHIT online www.mhit.org - contact [email protected] for additional information. Independent study options Read a mental health/deafness related book such as Glickman’s books on MH/deafness. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=searchalias%3Daps&field-keywords=deaf%20mental%20health Read articles related to MH or MH/deafness, etc. Read books or articles on clinical or diagnostic specific topics. Notes: o If you are an instructor at a university, you can access many books for free online through the publisher. (Review copy) o Individuals may often access books for free at the library, interlibrary loan or electronic book copies. Read biographical or historical books on the treatment of individuals in psychiatric inpatient facilities. Feel free to contact our office for suggestions. Set up a (local or online) study or discussion group. o Read, review, discuss a book/dvd such as Bob Pollard’s MH Interpreter Curriculum. o Set up a supervision/mentoring group that meets on a regular basis (related to mental health work) © ADMH, MHIT 2014 Continuing Education Opportunities in MHI Page 1 Updated 10/8/2014 Read standards or position papers on MH/Deafness such as NAD http://www.nad.org/issues/our-position-statements or RID http://www.nad.org/issues/our-position-statements See the goals section in the QMHI Practicum book which may help direct you to topics of specific interest. Search for YouTube videos related to mental health and deafness that are training videos. PINRA or IS – Deafness/Interpreting related AND non Deafness or nonInterpreter tracked specific trainings American Counseling Association http://www.counseling.org/continuing-education/webinars http://www.prolibraries.com/counseling/ (includes a free ce of the month) Army OneSource Resource Center Online education courses (often free) http://aos.academy.reliaslearning.com/Army_One_Source_Free_Online_Tr aining.aspx?mkt_tok=3RkMMJWWfF9wsRohvqvLZKXonjHpfsX56%2BUkX aOwlMI%2F0ER3fOvrPUfGjI4FS8VnI%2BSLDwEYGJlv6SgFTrfDMa5ozLg JWBY%3D ASADS (Alabama Substance Abuse Disorders Conference) Presentations/handouts are online at http://www.asadsonline.com/handoutArchive/ArchiveIndex CE Quick https://admh.cequick.com/ CMI Education Institute, Inc. Multiple live seminars, webcasts, streaming seminars, downloadable seminars, etc. Cost varies. http://www.pesi.com/ CPI Crisis Intervention Webinars http://www.crisisprevention.com/Resources/Webinars DSM-5 training – free Archives available © ADMH, MHIT 2014 Continuing Education Opportunities in MHI Page 2 Updated 10/8/2014 http://www.gmeded.com/webcast-registration/what-new-dsm-5-changesmean-clinicians?utm_source=Psychopharmacology+Institute&utm_medium =email&utm_term=emailblast&utm_campaign=Newsletter+July FEMA’s Office of Disability Integration and Coordination (ODIC) webinars Inclusion of people with disabilities in emergency preparedness and disaster response and recovery. Web Conference URL: https://fema.connectsolutions.com/ca-dri/ Captioning for this meeting is available: http://fedrcc.us//Enter.aspx?EventID=2329562&CustomerID=321 First responder trainings http://www.fema.gov/community-emergency-response-teams (online CERT trainings) The First Responders Group Capacity Building Webinar Series of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate https://share.dhs.gov/capacitybuildingseries Counseling Courses https://www.i-counseling.net/quiz/courses Gallaudet Counseling Conference http://www.gallaudet.edu/counseling/2014_counseling_conference.html Georgetown University Ongoing trainings and archived PowerPoint and discussions) http://georgetownuniversity.adobeconnect.com/p3hj0c2my4x/ 202 687 5450 or [email protected]. Conference with online capabilities http://gucchdtacenter.georgetown.edu/TrainingInstitutes.html https://www.class-central.com/university/georgetown (some courses may be MH/SA related). Global Medical Education (GME) Often has free resource training for evidence -based information on psychiatric illness featuring the world's leading experts https://www.facebook.com/GMedEd or www.gmeded.com. HIPAA Training and Certification http://www.hipaatraining.com/ © ADMH, MHIT 2014 Continuing Education Opportunities in MHI Page 3 Updated 10/8/2014 Institute for Brain Potential https://www.ibpceu.com/ Johns Hopkins Center for Public Health Preparedness http://www.jhsph.edu/research/centers-and-institutes/johns-hopkins-centerfor-public-health-preparedness/training/online/mental_hlth_intro.html Mental Health First Aid http://www.mentalhealthfirstaid.org/cs/program_overview/ http://www.thenationalcouncil.org/events-and-training/webinars/webinararchive/ Minnesota Department of Human Services http://www.dhs.state.mn.us/main/idcplg?IdcService=GET_DYNAMIC_CON VERSION&RevisionSelectionMethod=LatestReleased&dDocName=id_003 501 NASMHPD webinars - free http://www.nasmhpd.org/Meetings/UpcomingMeetings.aspx National Alliance on Mental Illness - free http://www.nami.org/template.cfm?section=Education_Training_and_Peer_ Support_Center National Board of Certified Counselors http://www.nbcc.org/Assets/ContinuingEducation/continuingeducationcalen dar.pdf National Child Protection Training Center http://www.ncptc.org/ Office of Minority Health www.minorityhealth.hhs.gov Peter Walker Counseling - NAADAC approved videos The videos are free as a tool to use in treatment (or for personal or academic purposes). http://www.1peter1three.com/video-resources.html Philadelphia Health Care Online Training - free http://www.pchc.org/Education/OnlineTraining/OnlineTraining.aspx © ADMH, MHIT 2014 Continuing Education Opportunities in MHI Page 4 Updated 10/8/2014 Red Cross trainings http://www.redcross.org/take-a-class SA Online Recovery Conference – free (annual) http://recovery2point0.com/ SAMSHA online trainings - free http://captus.samhsa.gov/access-resources/resource-types/online-courses Substance Abuse Counseling and Supervision Topics – Videos – free http://www.1peter1three.com/video-resources.html Suicide Prevention Resource Center http://training.sprc.org/ Vermont Department of Mental Health – free (includes multiple sites) http://mentalhealth.vermont.gov/training/online Veterans Affairs - free http://www.ptsd.va.gov/professional/pages/fslist-continuing-education.asp Contact your local MH center, state agency, or state mental health organization for clinical trainings that you could participate in. There are a host of free or paid trainings online. Try search parameters such as “mental health training online” or in areas of specific interest. Academic coursework Take a university course on a clinical topic (Psychology, Group therapy, Clinical approaches, etc.) Many universities offer free online access to university level courses – these are not for college credit, but could be used under independent study or PINRA options. Some examples include; http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/find-by-department/ http://oyc.yale.edu/courses University instructors will often openly post syllabi/lesson plans for coursework. This could be used for self study and independent study. © ADMH, MHIT 2014 Continuing Education Opportunities in MHI Page 5 Updated 10/8/2014 Online CEU options There are some other online training providers such as Signs of Development, CEUS On the Go, Described Captioned Media Program (DCMP), etc. that may have basic to some mental health related trainings. Accessing Safety Initiative, Center on Victimization & Safety, Vera Institute of Justice. [email protected] or http://www.vera.org/centers/victimization-andsafety to register or for more information. (Have hosted Deaf specific webinars on occasion). DC-S Online Supervision Groups and Learning Opportunities Contact [email protected] for additional information or https://www.facebook.com/pages/Demand-Control-Schema-The-PracticeProfession-of-Interpreting/207949252570669?ref=br_tf. Deaf Action Center has webcasts and archived webcasts, some are mental health or substance abuse related. www.deafactioncenter.org Deaf Blind Training, Interpreting and Professional Development. http://www.deafblindtip.com/. Click “Mental Health” to select mental health workshops – current and archived available for ceus. Heart of Interpreting (Kendra Keller QMHI-S) has online MH Interpreting workshop options. http://www.heartofinterpreting.com/products.html Pepnet (mental health workshops) online. Various (live, ongoing, archived, etc.) http://pepnet.org Traditional routes for earning ceus Local Conferences/Workshops MHIT annual Conference Alabama Annual Deaf and Clinical Training Series ADARA conference (see www.adara.org) for more information Breakout conference (see www.adara.org) for more information Check out MHIT’s website, Facebook and Twitter accounts to stay abreast of upcoming trainings in Alabama and other states. Check out RID’s website for training in mental health (find a workshop). © ADMH, MHIT 2014 Continuing Education Opportunities in MHI Page 6 Updated 10/8/2014 No endorsement is provided regarding the quality of any particular program. This is informational only. However feedback is always welcome regarding the listing of opportunities for continuing education. Please contact our office with corrections or suggestions. © ADMH, MHIT 2014 Continuing Education Opportunities in MHI Page 7 Updated 10/8/2014
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