TOES*; ^ ^ •: ^ • • . - . - • • ' l .• ; ;• ^ ' - : ' : • : • . . : \ ; - . - ' • . • . - • • • ' • • ' • • ' l - •. . . , : .-.v...- •••••• v . • ' - .,-. . • ,'1 ••.. ' : PAGE SIX : • • • • • • • RECORDER DIAL VI 8-1100 Fonda BoarA Planning New Water Rules — of t h e Fitzgerald Bottling Co.(Fitzgerald, father of the current th m n g hU4. -. surprise . „ . „ . ! „ party ««»*,, aro«_ *president of the company. The t A original lite was on lower Held St., ranged by Owens-Illinois at and after it had become estabTessie's on the Sacandaga lished it was moved to the Church Reid Sts. comer now occupied Reservoir Monday night. The and by PNA Hair.' Owens - Illinois Corporation The plant w u removed to lowmakes glass containers for er East Main St. in 1915 after continued expansion in which the Fitzgerald products. father was assisted by William A gold bottle—with diamond Fitzgerald and other sons. A pendant was presented to the hon- branch was established in Scheor guest and glasses monogrammed nectady in 1938 in silver were received by Mrs. Fitzgerald. Presentations were High point of company success made by Philip J. McCann, Al- came In 1946, when Fitzgerald bany branch manager of Owens- opened one of the most modern bottling plants in New York State Illinois. Other company officials attend- on Freeman's Bridge Rd.. Schenecing included James W. Colbert, tady. A two-foot cake In replica New York, eastern regional mana- of the Schenectady plant was a ger, and Raymond P. Wilson of the feature of the Monday night's dinAlbany branch. . > ner. Founded In 1882 Fitzgerald Bottling Co. was Weather Elsewhere founded In 1882 by Timothy J.| later -went to the Fonda fairgrounds where they . learned to set up pup tents. . Prizes were awarded to the following boys for selling the most boxes of candy in the recent sale: First Billy Sitts. who received a camera; second prize (tie), Wayne Dingman and Michael Pelosl. who received flashlights; third, Dougt h e c a m - las Davis, who received* a ball The boys point pen and pencil tec. Friday, and will return Sunday afternoon. A lay-out inspection will be held this evening at 7:30 in the parking lot east of the Fonda school building. Boys are to bring all equipment necessary for the outing. At Monday evening's meeting of the troop held In the firemen's • F Q N n A - . T h » m o n t h l y m e e t i n g moms, final plant for of the Fonda Village Board was poree were discussed. held Monday evening at the Municipal Building with all members • • • • • • • • • present and Mayor Merwyn E. NOW Lotridge presiding. The board has been working on " -iFfMFI the revision of the rules and reg ulations of the Water Department in order to bring them up to date. Attorney Lansing Thornton attended the meeting to go over the legal matters pertaining to the change. After the work is com* pleted a copy of the new rules and regulations will be published. It was decided to have the William J. Cady Co. of Amsterdam clean, patch and service treat with liquid asphalt and stone the following streets: Bridge St., School St. and 'Mills Terrace, the work to be done the first part of June* It was voted that the Empire State Tree Experts of Johnstown By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS spray the village elms during the first part of June. S t t ' t <r>l High Low 'WilliAH rSINCE. It was voted to purchase a 1951 32 «*.*.*, + ** .**' Albany, cloudy 45 QOLD BOTTLE MARKS 15TII ANNIVERSARY—-Gerald Fitzgerald, president of the Fitzgerald Bot~Tiirwcwr~'~ Dial V I S-1S40 60 tling Co., In presented with m gold bottle with diamond pendant by Philip J. McCann, Albany branch Ford car and 2-way radio for use Atlanta, cloudy 83 by the Special Police when pa FEATURE AT 9:45 47 manager of Owens-Illinois, at commemoration of* 15th anniversary of the founding of the local bottling Boston, cloudy 61 45 plant. Mr. Fitzgerald Is holding a picture of his father, Timothy J. Fitzgerald, who founded the trolling. The Special Police will Buffalo, cloudy 66 TOP STORY OF THE NUCLEAR AGE! pay for its maintenance, gas and Chicago, cloudy > 65 55J company In 1882. (Recorder Photo.) oiL 47 Cleveland, cloudy . . . . . . 69 General routine business was 48 Denver, rain 73 transacted and bills were audited if he took the first trick with the 54 Detroit, cloudy 73 and ordered paid to the amount ace of diamonds. He would then Fort Worth, cloudy . . . . 81 M of S562.21 draw trumps and lead a club. Indianapolis, cloudy . t.. 74 _51 To Attend Camporre West would take the ace of clubs 57 Los Angeles, clear . . . . . 75 Fifteen boys of Fonda Scout and lead a heart to East's ace. 60 Memphis, cloudy . . . . . . 85 Troop No. 42 are planning to atEast would then return a dia52 Milwaukee, cloudy . . . 74 tend the' Scout Spring Camporee |mond, and West would take two is:' 67 New Orleans, cloudy . . 87 By A L F R E D S U E I N W O L D to be held at the Canajoharie Fish diamond tricks. 49 New York, cloudy . . . . 66 SHOWN and Game Club, Flat Creek, FriThe Bath Coup was first Invented about 200 years ago, in the Dally Question 62 Oklahoma City, cloudy 76 70 44 days of Whist, but It is still a very effective play in contract bridge Partner , deals and bids ' one day, Saturday and Sunday.- The Philadelphia, cloudy Starring boys, accompanied by ScoutmasNAT "KINQ^ COL* . • * ' IP 47 Portland, Me., clear . . . . 62 spade. The next player passes, ter Al Marotta, William Zabo and EARTIIA KITT North dealer 51 St. Louis, cloudy • • • • * • 77 PEABL BAILEY __ Everott-Krantzr-wiir leave "Fonda vulnerable __ land l e a d a club. The defenders and you hold: _ _ _ „ 42 __JNorth-South Salt-Lake CUyrdoudy r 64 {could" take their two aces, but the NORTH ~ S—K 10 9 5 San Francisco, clear . . . 72 48 contract was safe. H—Q J * K 10 9 5 45 Seattle, clear 68 D—€ 4 3 South's refusal to take the first V Q J M Tampa, cloudy . . . . . . . . 84 C—K Q J 9 trick was the Bath Coup. This ev4 3 Washington, cloudy . . . . 84 M play, from A-J-x or A-J-x-x, be- What do you say? : K Q I 9 M—Missing ' WEST EAST came very popular in the English Answer: Bid two clubs.' The * J * 62 resort town Bath in the days of hand is not quite worth a raise 87J2 V A 10 6 4 3 Beau Nash. The opening leader to three spades. Bid a side suit usually thought it safe to continue and raise spades later. If you had K Q 10 5 • 9 8 4 AS 4 2 * 10 8 6 3 his suit, and this tumbled him passed originally, you would jump M O N T O O M I R V WARD SOUTH right into the trap. to three spades. 4k A Q 8 7 4 3 (Copyright 1958. Gen. Features Corp.) Switch Would Save Defense «K9 * A I 7 2 THRU A switch to hearts at the sec* 7 ond trick would save the defense. Approximately 1,200 persons At No INCREASE In Prices North East Sooth West East would take the ace of hearts each year are drowned In the Because of the Length of This Pass Pan 1 A Pass and return a diamond. Now the United States as a result of acci3 4 Pa" 4 4 P»ss Show . . . Each Feature Will Pass Pass Only Be Shown Onoe . . . at defenders would surely get their dents which involve the use of #Kof dia- two diamond tricks as well as the small boats in fresh water. 8:07 Only. Baote S at Fslstl— B r i d f West Opening opened lead the— king LANA '.' " j L ' HOPE monds, and South took the cus- two aces. ^ — NOW PLATING — * TURNER -W LANOE tomary moment of thought before South would lose the contract Tor the Action "Loving F»M LLOYD NOLAN playing the first card from dum"DEVIL'S HAIRPIN" TERRY MOORE my. He saw that there was some In Teenattolor — In— " danger of losing two diamonds, Cornel Wilde and Jr»n WftlUee one heart and one club. — ThVM - M I S T E R ROCK A N D R O L L " Having thought of a plan, deRocky Gr«ilano - Aim Freed clarer played a low diamond from BUMPER STBIFS and YOUR 1958 dummy and could drop the seven CARD for 15 FREE Mid-week movof diamonds from his own hand ie* for tftw driver ABSOLUTELY FREE to be riven ent Mar II, 14, with a very natural motion. The U SB* May 20, s i . tt. idea of dropping the seven instead We're your doctor's faithful of the deuce of diamonds was to allies in safe-guarding your deceive West, and a clumsily exehealth by filling every one cuted deceptive play doesn't fool of his prescriptions with comanybody. plete accuracy and fresh, potent top quality pharma—As it happened. West, was deceuticals. ceived. He thought that East had played the eight of diamonds front A N D A T 10550 O N L Y some such holding as A-8-2. West therefore led a low diamond, and Professional Apothecary and 1 South was able to win the trick Surgical Shop UIIOXAl W1W£BPR00UCISC0..H.7. BlEKDD with the jack. WHUfl. IS ftOQf. KX EUJN KB1WI SMU 186 Market St. Dial VI 2-6150 Now South could draw trumps _ — TRY ON YING Be Sure to Pick Up Your Insurance Policy at Hie Door! R1HLTO . \- f •'•)??. ':^.' -v EVENING KECOBDER, AMSTERDAM, N.Y., WEDNESDAY, MAY H 195S 75tJi Anniversary Marked 0y Fitzgerald Bottling €a. The diamond anniversaryf -SNV ••'• w s HELLS, FlVE^KQUffS Sheinwoia W on Bridge. 9HIWD i. TONITE I >' •: 1' m WARDS' T for a finer gift, and greater SATURDAY EL RANCHO DRIVE-IN YOUR DOCTOR AND HIS thrift... SHOP WARDS SALE BOOK ALLIES TESIEPO'S sr* IHENRY fH I FONDA MAKE PAINTING A PLEASURE ANGRY !*•'. MEN h LEE J. COBB • ED BEGLEY ADIRONDACK m BY DECORATING ICARM0TE KOTALL The Paint That Goes on With Ease— by Roller, Brush or Spray Application INN •*- THE INN KOTALL ALKYD FLAT is now booking parties, banquets end'wedding receptions for the months of MAY and JUNE Informal — Fine Food — Reasonable Rates Specie! Rates for Families • # • The First Nightefs' Club will hold its first meeting in the Celebrity Room Monday, June 23 MAY SPECIAL Gallon • • • • • • • • • • MAY SPECIAL Oollon ALL CARMOTE'S Durable Finish for Walls and Woodwork 4.95 MAY KOTALL GLOSS KOTAU Paints 13* SAVE O N FINE GIFTS LIKE THESE: ftorvr r: LKOTAI ; I . ' • • • • Men's 17-Jewel self-winding Buren watch. Save $ 1 0 . 34.50 52-Pc. Set Silver and O serving dishes in cabinet. Save $ 4 4 . 4 0 . . . 69.75 Airline 6-transistor portable Radio; brown leather cote. Save $ 4 . . Men's Luggage Set; 2-suiter and overnight case. Matched s e t . . . . 16.44 Ward's 16th Annual - 'Enamel That Lasts and Lasts Are UNCONDITIONALLY 21.95 Prk*« do M ( Udurft rrarwportaftM d w f • * . IIHOTAI-* 5.95 MAY SPECIAL Gallon Ladies'Buren bracelet watch; 10K rolled gold plate case. Save $ 6 . . 5.95 . CARMOTE'S Gloss ."••»», 5.65 Thtse SPECIAL IjOllOn i I I I I n u n KINGSBERGS DIRONDACK INN m • CARMOTE'S Odorless, Water | Bete Flat That Dries in 30 Minutes. In Smart Decorator Colors. For Overnight, Weekend, Weekly or Banquet end Perty Reservations, Phone John Urban at Northville, WAvarly 5*2355 or write him at the I: KOTALL SEMI-GLOSS $ KOTALL ACRYLIC LATEX • Sacandaga Park, N.Y. Route 3 0 — 2 0 Miles North of Amsterdam ggm^ wKf CARMOTE'S Odorless end Finest Decorator F l a t 'in Beautiful Colors and White Spend Memorial Day or Your Whole Vacation at the ADIRONDACK INN If your calendar's crowded with gift-giving occasions . ; ; weddings, graduations or otheK . . . just shop Wards Sale Book and give bttier for fen/ It's the greatest gift shop ever, with excellent selection and easy one-stop shopping. See it today! DURING THE MONTH OF MAY SAVE ON THESE FINE QUALITY FINISHES is ready, to greet all his friends — old and new — for another summer season This popular resort will be open for Sunday dinners, dancing, .overnight, weekend end weekly guests starting MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND ' WITH DIAL VI 2-4110 CAST MAIN ST. (Opposite Mohawk TkMtof) « r Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 • TREASURE CHEST BLANKET LAY-AWAY SALE In Progress >gra»s During Month of el Ma> Choose From WOOLS ORLONS — RAYONS / :i51fu DIAL VI 2-7340 54 MARKET STREET ' : \ ^ Only atftku(tv.MouQmltyfit lm![\ 7\" -A •••• • " Guaranteed I WALLPAPER and PAINT Untitled Document .
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