BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Provide the following information for the key personnel and other significant contributors in the order listed on Form Page 2. Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES. NAME POSITION TITLE Warren, Ann Marie Clinical Psychologist/Associate Investigator of Trauma Research, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, TX eRA COMMONS USER NAME EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.) INSTITUTION AND LOCATION Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale-Davie, FL University of North Texas, Denton, TX DEGREE (if applicable) YEAR(s) BS 1993 Psychology MS 1995 Mental Health Counseling PhD 2003 Clinical Health Psychology FIELD OF STUDY A. Current Duties. In my current position as Associate Investigator of Trauma Research I am the both a Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator of multiple studies implemented in our Level 1 Trauma center. My research efforts are longitudinal in nature and include studies implemented in the inpatient rehabilitation center. My current funded research responsibilities include serving as a PI on the Baylor Trauma Outcome Project, a prospective longitudinal study of individuals admitted to a Level 1 trauma center after injury, as well as a PI on a study investigating the role of resilience on 30 day and 12 month outcomes following cardiovascular surgery. In addition to my research duties, I am a licensed psychologist and provide clinical services for the patients and their families admitted to our Level 1 trauma center. My load is currently 60% clinical and 40% research. B. Personal Statement. As a clinical psychologist with board certification in Rehabilitation Psychology, I have had considerable clinical experience in working with individuals with SCI. More recently, my work has focused in trauma more broadly as I have made a transition from the inpatient rehabilitation environment to full time work in a Level 1 trauma center. Having clinical experience in both settings, I feel I am truly able to appreciate, and provide effective interventions for, individuals who sustain SCI across the continuum of care. In addition to my clinical work, I have a strong research background in examining psychological factors in SCI. This includes my work as a site PI on a NIDRR funded RCT on Venlafaxine use for those with SCI to improve mood, which has resulted in multiple publications with several in development. Additionally, I have worked closely with Dr. Driver to examine resilience and its relationship to longitudinal health outcomes which has resulted in three published articles with an additional two in press. In summary, I believe I will be a strong co-investigator on this grant based on my combined clinical and research work in SCI, my access to the clinical study population beginning in the trauma setting, and my history of managing SCI specific projects that have resulted in multiple publications. C. Positions and Honors Employment 1990,1991 Research Assistant, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences as Arkansas Children’s Hospital, Little Rock, AK 1991-1993 Peer Counselor, Texas Christian University Counseling Center, Fort Worth, TX 1995 HIV Counselor, Dallas County Health Department, Dallas, TX 1995-1996 Health Education Coordinator, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Division of Maternal Health and Family Planning, Dallas, TX 1997-2000 Graduate Research Assistant and Interview Coordinator, The University of North Texas, Denton, TX 1 2000-2002 2003-present 2003-present 2005 2005-2007 2007-2011 2007-2011 2008 2011-present 2012-present Licensed Psychological Associate, Baylor Institute for Rehabilitation Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Neuropsychology, Dallas, TX Neuropsychology Consult, Baylor University Medical Center Trauma Service, Dallas, TX Rehabilitation Psychologist, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, TX Instructor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX Administrative Coordinator of Rehabilitation Research, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, TX Associate Investigator of Spinal Cord Injury Project, Dallas, TX Clinical Coordinator Neuropsychology and Rehabilitation Psychology Service, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, TX Adjunct Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX Clinical Psychologist/Associate Investigator of Trauma Research, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, TX Clinical Assistant Professor, Texas A&M Health Sciences Center, Department of Surgery, Dallas, TX Other Professional Experience and Memberships Professional Experience 1995 Clinical Practicum, Nova Southeastern University Community Mental Health Clinic Brain Injury Program, Ft. Lauderdale-Davie, FL 1996-1997 Advanced Clinical Practicum, The University of North Texas, Denton, TX 1997-1998 Advanced Assessment Practicum, LW Associates: Dallas Southwest Medical Center, Dallas, TX 1999-2000 Advanced Clinical Practicum, Baylor Institute for Rehabilitation Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Neuropsychology, Dallas, TX 2008-2011 Rotation Supervisor, BIR Pre-doctoral APPIC accredited Internship Program, Dallas, TX 2002-2003 Internship Training in Clinical Psychology, Primary Care Rotation, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Norfolk, VA 2005, 2012 Ad Hoc Peer Reviewer, Rehabilitation Psychology 2013 Editorial Board, Sexuality and Disability Committees 2010, 2011 2011-2013 Poster Chair, American Psychological Association Division 22 Liaison to American Psychological Association Committee on Disability Memberships American Psychological Association, Division 22—Rehabilitation Psychology Academy of Spinal Cord Injury Professionals D. Selected Peer Reviewed Publications 15 of 20 1. Schopfer, K., & Warren, A.M. (2005) Real Life Rehab: A unique home based transitional program for spinal cord injury. SCI Psychosocial Process, 18(3), 170-172. 2. Warren, A.M., & Elliott, T.R. (2007). Assessment and identification of cognitive impairments in persons with traumatic spinal cord injury: Considerations for rehabilitation professionals. SCI Psychosocial Process, 20(1). 3. Driver, S., White, B., & Warren, A.M. (2008). Considering resilience in the rehabilitation of people with traumatic disabilities. Rehabilitation Psychology, 53(1), 9-17. 4. White, B., Driver, S., & Warren, A.M. (2010). Resilience and indicators of adjustment during rehabilitation from a spinal cord injury. Rehabilitation Psychology, 55(1), 22-32. 5. Bombardier, C.B., Fann, J.R., Tate, D., Richards, J.S., Wilson, C., Warren, A.M., Temkin, W., & Heinemann, A.W. (2012). An exploration of modifiable risk factors for depression after spinal cord 2 injury: Which factors should we target? Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 93(5), 775-781. 6. Warren, A.M., Stucky, K., & Sherman, JJ. (2013). Rehabilitation psychology’s role in the level I trauma center. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 74(5), 1357-1362 7. Warren, A.M., Jones, A.L., Shafi, S., Roden-Foreman, K., Bennett, M., & Foreman, M.L. (2013). Does caring for trauma patients lead to psychological stress in surgeons? Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 75(1), 179-184 8. Bombardier, C.H, Fann, J., R., Wilson, C.S., Heinemann, A.W., Richards, J.S., Warren, A.M., Brooks, L., Warms, C.A., Temkin, N.R., & Tate, D.G. (2013). A randomized controlled trial of venlafaxine XR for major depressive disorder after spinal cord injury: Methods and lessons learned. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine 9. Warren, A.M., Hamilton, R., & Roden-Foreman, K. (2013). Invited grand rounds: Up close but not too personal: Establishing appropriate boundaries with individuals following spinal cord injury/disease (SCI/D). Sexuality and Disability, 31(4), 303311. 10. Powers, M., Warren, A.M, Rosenfield, D., Roden-Foreman, K., Bennett, M., Self, M., Foreman, M., Petrey, L, & Smits, J. (2014). Predictors of PTSD in adults admitted to a level I trauma center: A prospective analysis. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 28(3), 301-309. 11. Warren, A.M., Foreman, M.L., Bennett, M., Petrey, L.B., Reynolds, M., Patel, S., & Roden-Foreman, K. (2014). Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following traumatic injury at six months: Associations with alcohol use and depression. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 76(2) 12. Monden, K., Trost, Z., Catalano, D., Garner, AN., Symcox, J, Driver, S. Hamilton, RG, Warren, A.M. (2014). Resilience following spinal cord injury: A phenomenological view. Spinal Cord, 52(3), 197-201. 13. Driver, SJ, Warren, AM, Agtarap, S., Reynolds, M., Trost, Z, Monden, K., Hamilton, R. (accepted with revisions, March 2014). Identifying predictors of resilience at inpatient and three months post spinal cord injury. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine 14. Dodd, Z., Driver, S., Warren, A.M., Riggs, S., Clark, M. (in-press). Effect of adult romantic attachment and social support on resilience and depression in patients with spinal cord injuries. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation. 15. Rainey, E., Petrey, L., Reynolds, M, Agtarap, S., Warren, AM., (in-press). Psychological factors Predicting outcome after traumatic injury: The role of resilience. American Journal of Surgery . E. Research Support Baylor Health Care System—Seeger Foundation 2012 Baylor Trauma Outcome Project Aim: Longitudinal study of a variety of psychological, functional, and health-related quality of life measures among patients who sustain injury and are admitted to the Level I trauma service. Patients are prospectively evaluated at four times points over a one year period (1, 3, 6, 12 months). Role: Principal Investigator Baylor Health Care System – Ginger Murchinson Traumatic Brain Injury 2013 Family Longitudinal Outcome After Trauma (FLOAT) Aim: Examines psychological consequences, both positive and negative, among individuals who are the family member or close friends of patients admitted to the ICU after a traumatic injury and prospectively follow enrolled individuals at 3, 6 and 12 months. Role: Principal Investigator Baylor Heart and Vascular Institute 2013 The Role of Resilience and Healing Following Cardiovascular Surgery Aim: Longitudinal examination of psychological factors influencing outcome after cardiovascular surgery. 3 Role: Principal Investigator National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) PRISMS: Project to Improve Symptoms and Mood after Spinal Cord Injury Aim: RCT on the efficacy of Venlafaxine XR after traumatic SCI. Role: Site Principal Investigator 2012 Baylor Health Care System 2013 Secondary Traumatic Stress in Clinician’s: Impact of Working with Patients who Sustain Trauma Aim: Evaluation of the incidence of post-traumatic stress symptoms in health care professionals caring for trauma patients. Role: Investigator Baylor Health Care System Foundation, Seeger Endowment Fund Foreman (PI) 2013 Evaluation of a Trauma Severity Coding and Classification using Relational Trauma Scoring Systems (RTSS) Aim: Evaluation and comparison of a novel computerized relational system vs. conventional scoring of traumatic injury using ICD-9 and AIS scores. Role: Investigator Baylor Health Care System Foundation, Callier Center EEF Fund Foreman (PI) 2013 Assessment of positive and negative clinical indicators of the free water protocol with patients who aspirate on thin liquids Aim: Evaluate the safety and then clinical outcomes and patient's satisfaction with allowing free water in patients who are known to have aspiration on thin liquids. Role: Investigator Baylor Health Care System Longitudinal Influence of Resilience on Health Outcomes in Patients with Traumatic Injury 2008 Aim: Examines changes in resilience, self-efficacy, depression, health care utilization, and quality of life in adults with a traumatic injury who are receiving comprehensive inpatient rehabilitation to identify individuals who have low resilience and are thus more predisposed to experience negative health outcomes overtime and consequently increased healthcare utilization. Role: Principal Investigator Baylor Health Care System Identifying Strategies for Enhancing Resilience Among Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury 2013 Aim: Conducts a series of focus groups to help determine characteristics and factors that enhance psychological resilience among adults with a spinal cord injury (SCI). Role: Investigator 4
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