Chairman Emeritus
ADM James L. Holloway III, USN (Ret.)
Directors Emeritus
ADM C. Steve Abbot, USN (Ret.)
ADM Stanley R. Arthur, USN (Ret.)
VADM Robert F. Dunn, USN (Ret)
ADM James O. Ellis, Jr., USN (Ret.)
ADM Thomas B. Hayward, USN (Ret.)
ADM George E. R. Kinnear II, USN (Ret.)
CAPT Rosario M. Rausa, USN (Ret.)
[email protected]
CAPT Michael Field, USN (Ret.)
Board of Directors
ADM Mark Fitzgerald, USN (Ret.)
RADM David L. Philman USN (Ret.)
a 501(C)(3) organization, EIN 84-1720846
3663 Delhi Overlook St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48103-9450
[email protected]
VADM E.M. Chanik, USN (Ret)
CAPT Mark Converse, USN (Ret)
VADM Terry Cross, USCG (Ret)
CAPT George Dom, USN (Ret)
MGen James F. Flock, USMC (Ret)
VADM Walter B. Massenburg, USN (Ret)
CAPT Louise Mnich, JAGC, USN (Ret)
RADM Matthew G. Moffit, USN (Ret)
CDR Steve O’Bryan, USN (Ret)
RADM William E. Shannon III, USN (Ret)
The Association of Naval Aviation is seeking a Secretary/Treasurer. This is a critical
volunteer position requiring from less than one-half hour to fifteen hours per week,
depending on the season. (The heavy season is very short.) The work may be done from
one’s home; files kept either electronically or on paper; and although some travel is
beneficial for the Association, none is required. Administrative expenses may be covered
by the Association.
The Association of Naval Aviation is a 5,900 member Association dedicated to educating
the public on the importance of Naval Aviation to the defense of our nation; collection,
preservation and display of historical materials concerning the history of Naval Aviation;
and the promotion of scientific and technical development of Naval Aviation. (Naval
Aviation is meant by the Association to include all U. S. military maritime aviation:
Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.) Principal among the Association’s expenses are
the publication and distribution of its quarterly magazine, Wings of Gold, and contracted
services for editing, and membership management. The Association has no paid
If volunteers desire, the position could be split into two, with the Secretary handling the
administrative details and the Treasurer the financial affairs of the Association.
The responsibilities of the Secretary include acting as Secretary to the Board of Directors,
preparing agenda and minutes from Board meetings; coordinating recruitment of
membership at events such as Hook; serving as liaison to the various ANA squadrons;
invoicing companies for ads in Wings of Gold; tracking corporate membership; working
with the membership office to track flag officer membership; preparing monthly
membership reports for the Board; coordinating the ANA awards process with the
Awards officer; and other administrative duties that may arise. The Secretary also
maintains ANA’s social media and posts news items of interest. It’s possible that the
Secretary could also act as Awards Officer. That function is currently being fulfilled by
the Wings of Gold Editor.
The Treasurer is responsible for receiving payments for corporate membership and
advertising in Wings of Gold and depositing them; for seeing that contracted services
such as membership services and editing services are paid promptly; for preparing an
“…to educate and encourage an interest among the general public as to the importance of Naval Aviation in the defense of the United States and its allies….” annual solicitation for charitable donations and letters acknowledging these contributions;
for working with our volunteer accountant to prepare Association’s IRS Form 990; for
transferring lifetime membership deposits to the Lifetime Membership endowment
account; for executing payments of tuition to ANA Philip Jones Scholarship Award
winners in cooperation with the Scholarship Committee; and for preparing monthly
financial reports for the Board of Directors, and annual financial reports for the
membership; paying the bills; and other such financial duties as may arise.
To accomplish these duties, one would need a computer, a printer and scanner, and some
space for the files. The Association will pay for necessary office supplies such as printer
cartridges, paper, etc. A fax machine is not necessary. You can scan documents and send
them by email.
This is not arduous. It only takes a few minutes to post news items. It takes an hour or
two to prepare the monthly reports. The Board meets four times per year by conference
call and preparing the agenda, taking notes and publishing minutes adds probably an hour
an a half to the meeting time. The Association has a presence at the annual National
Museum of Naval Aviation Symposium and at Hook, but attendance is not absolutely
necessary. The busiest times are at the end of the calendar year when all of the
acknowledgements have to be sent for charitable contributions.
Expenses: The Association should cover administrative expenses for equipment and
supplies. It has also covered airfare and hotel for trips to conduct Association business.
Out-of-pocket expenses should not be a factor, but if they occur, they may be tax
deductible as a charitable contribution.
Interested parties should contact the current Secretary/Treasurer, Captain Michael Field,
USN (Ret.) at [email protected].
“…to educate and encourage an interest among the general public as to the importance of Naval Aviation in the defense of the United States and its allies….”