Second Sunday of Easter-April 27, 2014 · Segundo Domingo de Pascua –27 Abril 2014 St. Ann Catholic Parish Parroquia Catolica de Santa Ana “We are one body transformed in Christ” - St. Ann’s Vision “Somos un cuerpo transformado en Cristo”. - Nuestra Visión WHAT’S INSIDE Pastoral Contacts...................................2 Stewardship............................................2 Mass Times and Confessions..............3 Mass Intentions......................................3 Liturgical Ministers Schedules...........4 Calendar..................................................4 Religious Education..............................4 SAY..........................................................5 High School Ministry...........................5 Parish and Community Events.....6–11 Ministry and Organizations..............11 Directory...............................................10 Sacramental Contacts.........................11 SECCIóN ESPAñOL Ministerios y Organizaciones...........13 Horario Misa........................................13 RICA.....................................................14 Ministros Eucarísticos........................14 Avisos a la Comunidad.................14-16 St. Ann Mission Statement Love God Completely Love All People Unconditionally, Make Disciples Intentionally. ________________________________ Nuestra Misión Ama a Dios completamente. Ama a todos incondicionalmente. Haz discípulos intencionadamente. 180 Samuel Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019 † 1 (972) 393-5544 or Automated (972) 304-8545∙ Fax (972) 462-1617 Welcome to the Faith Community of St. Ann Catholic Church For additional information go to: Follow us on : Facebook Page Name: St. Ann Catholic Parish Parish Office / Oficina Parroquial 180 Samuel Boulevard, Coppell, Texas 75019 Phone / Telefono Gral......................................................... (972) 393-5544 Direct Lines: .............................................. (972)304-8545 or (972)745-7708 Fax......................................................................................... (972) 462-1617 Website / Sitio Hours...................................................Monday–Thursday, 8:00 am–7:00 pm ..........................................................Friday 8:00–5:00 pm. Closed Weekends Horario........................................................Lunes a Jueves 8:00 am–7:00 pm ....................................................................................Viernes 8:00 am–5:00 pm Second Sunday of Easter “Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” With those words of comfort, Jesus reaches out to us across the chasm of time. This is not only the Second Sunday of Easter, but also Divine Mercy Sunday. Divine Mercy Sunday is a relatively recent development within the Church, having been established by Pope John Paul II the year 2000. Today is also a monumental day in the history of our Church as Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII will be canonized and become St. John Paul II and St. John XXIII, respectively. The readings for this Sunday are replete with forgiveness and love. In the first reading from Acts we hear about the earliest days of the Church, how the Apostles and other followers of Jesus banded together to support and to help one another. In the second reading, the beginning of Peter’s first letter to those followers throughout what is now Turkey, St. Peter speaks of the mercy of the Lord to us through salvation. However, he cautions us that following Jesus is not and will not be trouble-free. The Gospel from John relates also the beginnings of the Church. By bestowing the Holy Spirit upon His followers (“He breathed on them and said ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’”), Jesus made them the first stewards of the Church. We, too, are stewards of the Church. In their Pastoral Letter on Stewardship (Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response) our U.S. Bishops declared, “We are all stewards of the Church.” With Easter so fresh to us, now is the time to accept that responsibility. Copyright © 2014 CLERGY / CLERO Call the parish office at (972) 393-5544 unless otherwise noted. Pastor / Parroco: Father Henry Petter...................................................................(972) 393-5544 Parochial Vicar / Vicario Parroquial: Fr. Patrick Olaleye...............................................................................ext. 1103 Parochial Vicar / Vicario Parroquial: Fr. Orlando Cardozo, O.P. .................................................................ext. 1102 Seminarian in Residence Paul Bechter......................... ext. 1126 - email: [email protected] Deacon / Diacono, Ed Scarbrough..................................................ext. 1807 Deacon / Diacono, Pete Markwald...................................................ext. 1810 Deacon / Diacono, Kory Killgo........................................................ext. 1811 Communications Content Coordinator: MASS AND CONFESSION SCHEDULE St. Ann in Coppell is in search of creative individual looking for a full time job/opportunity to interface with parish staff and ministries to deliver timely and informative communications to St. Ann parishioners. Weekend/Misas del Fin de Semana Saturday (Vigil): 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 4:30 pm (Youth Mass) Spanish Mass/Misa en Español Sunday/Domingo 2:00 & 7:00 pm Responsibilities include: • Point person with bulletin publishing company to compile the bulletin in both English & Spanish. • Ongoing communications to the parish in all written, web, FlockNote, and social media. • Provide content, update, and monitor parish web site. • Assist with gathering content and assembling parish newsletters and Annual Report. • Conduct training and support for website and FlockNote. • Maintain facilities’ bulletin boards. Requirements: • Bilingual • Working knowledge of In Design, MS Word, Outlook, and Publisher. • Full Time – Monday thru Friday. • Good written and verbal communications skills. Weekday/Entre Semana (Inglés) Monday-Friday 7:00 am & 12:00 pm; Saturday 8:00 am Confessions/Reconciliacion Confessions will take place directly after the Saturday 8 am Mass and on Tuesday night at 7 pm in the chapel. Communications Content Coordinator will report to the Development Director and work closely with the Liturgy assistant. Please send resume to [email protected] and reference “Communications Content Coordinator”. Rosary Please join us for the rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet after daily Mass in the Chapel. Parish Office Receptionist Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration The Blessed Sacrament is exposed for your worship and adoration 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration (PEA) Chapel in the St. Ann Center. Committed adorers are needed to spend one hour each week with Jesus in the PEA Chapel. To sign up for a weekly hour, please contact Rosanne Armstrong at 214-543-6458 or [email protected]. 2 St. Ann’s is currently looking for a friendly, energetic, dependable, people person, to greet visitors to the administrative offices and handle a large volume of phone calls. It will include some light secretarial work. Person needs to be bilingual (fluent in English and Spanish), proficient in Microsoft Office, record keeping, great organizational skills, and dependable. This is a full time position Monday – Wednesday 9:00am to 6:00pm, Thursday 10am to 7pm and Friday 8am to 5pm. If you are interested, please send your resume and salary requirements to [email protected]. Deadline is May 19th MASS SCHEDULE and Intentions Please join us in the celebration of the Mass. Our weekly schedule, presider, and intentions are as follows: This weekend, a reporter from Catholic News Service, Mark Pattison, will be at St. Ann talking to parishioners and staffers about the parish as part of a multi-parish series profiling parishes of all types around the country. Please be generous with your time and your comments should he approach you after Mass. Mass time Presider Intention April 28 | 28 de Abril - May 4 | 4 de Mayo Monday | lunes 7:00 am Fr. Patrick #9 Easter Novena 12:00 pm Fr. Orlando Annamma Joseph Tuesday | martes 7:00 am Fr. Patrick Maria Carrero 12:00 pm Fr. Patrick John Anthraper Wednesday | miércoles 7:00 am Fr. Patrick Darryl Pasket 12:00 pm Fr. Orlando Darryl Pasket Family Thursday | jueves 7:00 am Fr. Orlando Joan Blazek 12:00pm Fr. Orlando Fr. Henry Petter Friday | viernes 7:00 am Fr. Henry Sacred Heart of Jesus 12:00pm Fr. Patrick Anthony & Martha Ho Saturday | sábado 8:00 am Fr. Orlando Joseph Maria Cyril 10:00am Fr. Henry 1st Communion Mass English 12:00pm Fr. Henry/Fr. Patrick 1st Communion Mass English 2:00pm Fr. Henry/Fr. Orlando 1st Communion Mass English 5:00 pm Fr. Patrick John Stewart Rebecca's Rosary for Cancer Patients & Caregivers All are welcome to Rebecca's Rosary on Monday Evenings from 6:30pm-7:00pm in the St. Killian's Chapel For the last nine years parishioners have been praying the Rosary for those with cancer, going through treatment, and/or remission. Prayers extend to loved ones, family members, friends, and caregivers. Please join us and be a part of this miraculous ministry! Contacts for more info Sheila O'Pry (214) 223-3893 [email protected] or Paul Koch (214) 912-0992 [email protected] Sing Praise! Monday, April 28th, 7:00 – 8:30 PM St. Kilian Chapel Come show your love for our Lord at Sing Praise! An evening of song, praise, and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. With an exhortation and Benediction from Fr Alphonse Prayer teams will be available for individual prayer. “Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; Sunday | domingo - Third Sunday of Easter/Tercer Domingo de Speak of all His wonders.” Pascua 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 2:00 pm 4:30 pm 7:00 pm 1 Chronicles 16:9 Fr. Patrick Dororthy McGowan Fr. Patrick Members of the Parish Fr. Henry Gilbert Falcon Fr. Orlando Alicia Jaimes Fr. Henry Ernesto Fernandez Fr. Orlando Gerardo Ovares **This schedule may be subject to change at any time due to the needs of the parish. The schedule for the month may be found on our homepage: 3 The Little Calendar/Itineraro Eventos y salones Children's Religious education MONDAY | LUNES APRIL 28| 28 ABRIL 6:00pm CRHP Men's Meeting (304-305) 6:30pm Rosary for Cancer Patients (Chapel) 7:00pm Sing Praise (Chapel) 7:00pm Saints in Our Lives (330) 7:00pm CRSP Hombres (331) 7:00pm Respect Life Meeting (315) 7:00pm Ushers/Hospitality Spanish Weekly Meeting (311-312) 7:00pm Catholic Prayer Group (313-314) 7:00pm BSA T841 (Cenacle) *non-parished based organization TUESDAY | MARTES APRIL 29 | 29 ABRIL 9:00am Ignatian Prayer Group (313-315) 6:30pm LIFT-ESL Classes (311-314) 7:00pm Tuesday Evening Reconciliation (Chapel) 7:00pm Choir Practice Spanish (CLW) 7:00pm Estudio Biblico Cartas Catolicas (331) 7:00pm Reditus (323) WEDNESDAY | MIERCOLES APRIL 30 | 30 ABRIL 8:45am CSS Wednesday Bible Study (323 & 330-331) 7:00pm RICA Español (Cenacle) 7:00pm Church History: Church During the Reformation (331) 7:00pm Choir Practice English (CLW) THURSDAY | JUEVES MAY 1 | 1 MAYO 9:30am Morning of Reflection (311-312, 315, 330-331) 6:30pm Cub Scouts Pack 1011 (Life Lounge) 6:30pm LIFT-ESL Classes (311-314) 7:00pm Spanish Holy Hour (Chapel) 7:00pm St. Ann Young Adults (Cenacle) 7:00pm Cub Scouts: Webelos Leader Meeting (Library) 7:00pm CRSP Mujeres (331) 7:00pm KOC: Business Meeting (323) 7:00pm Employment Network (315) 7:00pm CRHP Women's Meeting (304-305) FRIDAY | VIERNES MAY 2 | 2 MAYO 8:00am CRSP Hombres Retreat Set-Up (323, 330-331) 7:00pm Talleres de Oracion y Vida (314) 7:00pm Catholic Prayer Group Spanish (116) SATURDAY | SABADO MAY 3 | 3 MAYO 5:00am CRSP Hombres Renewal Weekend (323, 330-331) 8:45am Saturday Morning Reconciliation (Chapel) 10:00am RCIA Setup (Cenacle) 4:30pm Choir Rehearsal (CLW) 6:00pm Grupo Guadalupano (112) SUNDAY | DOMINGO MAY 4 | 4 MAYO 5:00am CRSP Hombres Renewal Weekend (323, 330-331) 7:00am Choir Rehearsal (CLW) 9:15am RCIA Weekly Sessions (Cenacle) 10:00am Spanish ProLife Monthly Meeting (315) 11:30am Faith & Finance (311-314) 4:00pm XTO 24/7 (Reception Room) 6:30pm Natural Family Planning (315) Sunday, April 27, 2014 S. S. / C. R. E. CALENDAR 4/27: Sunday School Resumes 5/3: English 1st Communion Masses; 10am, 12pm, 2pm 5/4: Last day of Sunday School 5/10: Bilingual 1st Communion Masses; 10am, 12pm, 2pm Keep updated with our calendar at HAVE WE GOT THE SPOT FOR YOU!! Volunteer for the S. S. or C.R. E. program! We are now seeking volunteers in all capacities for the 14/15 S. S. & C. R. E. school year. Remember, if you volunteer for us, tuition is waived for your children and they receive guaranteed class placement. This is a wonderful opportunity to touch the lives of the children of St. Ann! Please contact the C. R. E. Office for more information. One person really CAN make a difference! TO YOUR OUTGOING 5TH GRADERS: Congratulations on completing Religious Education 1st—5th grade! Don’t forget to register for S.A.Y. for the fall! And as you move on to S.A.Y. (St. Ann Youth for 6th—8th grades), remember that S.A.Y. Summer is for all incoming 6th—8th graders...THAT’S YOU! Checkout their website for more information. This adventure is offered 7/7—7/11; 9am—12pm (the same days/time as C.R.E.’s VBS) Space is limited so register quickly! You won’t want to miss this! Questions? Please contact S.A.Y. Liturgical Assistants SS, C.R.E. & VBS May 3 - May 4 Extraordinary Ministers 5:00 pm Cagle/Hart 8:00 am Green 10:00 am Ballard 12:00 pm Bridges/Valdez/Ward 4:30 pm Blanton Lectors 5:00 pm Chang/Ostrovich 8:00 am King/Whitburn 10:00 am Millhom/Zabolio 12:00 pm Fernandez/Holbrook 4:30 pm Kim/Robicheaux Ushers 5:00 pm TBD 8:00 am TBD 10:00 am Rael 12:00 pm Kaluza Altar Servers 5:00 pm Milligan/Beardslee/Rewerts 8:00 am Wells/Dailey/Leija 10:00 am Michalski/Marshall/Rozas 12:00 pm Valstan/Nied/Herrera 4:30 pm Miller/Mungo/Armstrong VBS July 7—11; 9am—12pm Weird Animals: Where Jesus’ Love is One-of-aKind! Greeters 5:00pm 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 4:30pm Registration is NOW OPEN to ALL parishioners! This paperwork must be completed each year for your child. Please be sure to stop by the All this is done C.R.E. Office and complete your registration now! through volunteers! Interested in helping? On-line registration is available There’s a great discount for for Sunday School only. all volunteers’ children. C.R.E. & VBS forms can be If you are not cleared but found on-line. want to volunteer, we must TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD hear from you NO LATER THAN Thursday, 5/22/14! 4 Thinking of a way to volunteer? We can help! S.A.Y. HIGH SCHOOL Ministry Youth Ministry for 6th 7th 8th Grade 242 Night Teens in 9-12th grade * Sundays * 6-7:30 pm April 27 part 6 Calendar 04/30 05/04 Assembly Room Wednesday Last Class Blast Sunday Last Class Blast SAY ROC Please turn in all sponsor forms and service projects! Confirmation Confirmation Mass Rehearsal SAT May 17 930a THU May 15 6p Prep Date and Time SAT April 26 9:30a SAT May 17 12n THU May 15 7p SAT April 26 11:30a SAT May 17 230p THU May 15 8p WED April 30 6:30p WED May 21 7p SAT June 7 10a WED April 30 6:30p THU May 29 6:30p TUE May 20 7p THU June 5 7p We are pleased to announce that this year’s speaker at the “Senior Night” Dinner is Todd Storch. Todd’s oldest daughter Taylor was killed in a skiing accident during Spring Break in 2010, just before her Freshman year. Todd Storch is a long time member of St. Ann’s and near 20 year resident of Coppell. We are excited to have him be a part of this event! HSM ROC See Mass Rehearsal and Prep Date times below! FYI..SAY registrations for ’14 -’15 Online registration for next year is now open at If preferred, you may print the forms and mail or bring them to our office. (972) 393-5544 Mike X 1301 Mary X 1302 Lu Ann X 1303 Confirmation Rehearsal Prep Date and Time SAT May 17 930a THU May 15 6p SAT April 26 9:30a SAT May 17 12n THU May 15 7p SAT April 26 11:30a SAT May 17 230p THU May 15 8p WED April 30 6:30p WED May 21 7p SAT June 7 10a TUE May 20 7p THU June 5 7p WED April 30 6:30p THU May 29 6:30p “Men of God/Women of Worship!” Wednesdays in the Life Lounge from 7-8:15pm Kurt Klement • [email protected] [email protected] • 972-393-5544 x1601 Naomi Lehew • [email protected] • 972-393-5544 x1602 Joey Scancella • [email protected] • 972-393-5544 x1603 Marly Castillo • [email protected] Se Habla Español! Office is located under the clock tower in the St. Ann Center Se habla español Confirmation Mass • 972-393-5544 x1606 Denise Koch • [email protected] • 972-393-5544 x1605 5 Office hours: Sun 12-4:30 pm, Mon-Thu 9:00am-5:00pm, closed Fri-Sat. Or by appointment Ministry Information Baby 2014 Easter NovenaNaghwai Naghwai, Karim and Family Abigail Sidhom Adamson, George Sr. Garcea family Aguilar, Julio & son Garcea, Amanda All Priests, Religious and Garcea, Dave Seminarians Garcea, Lorelei Allain, Michael and Family Garcea, Mariah Almeida, Francis Garcea, Nicole Andaverde, Amilia Garcia family Andaverde, Avelina Garcia, Omar Angel Creek teachers and staff Garcia, Reynaldo Arriola, Gina & family Garcia, Teri Arriola, Jason & Alexis Garnett, Karen and Family Arriola, Jimmy, Taylor & Katy Gasper family Arriola, Susie Gassé, Charles Arriola, Suzette Gautille Family Augustine Thomas, Jasamine Gigliotti, Joe, Shari & Kaleb Augustine, Annie R Gigliotti, Ron Augustine, Ansel J Gilman Family Backus, K. and Family Glowacki Family Baird, Toni Gomez, Louisa Beardslee, Jason and Family Good Samaritans Ministry Bechter, Paul Gothman Family Bedrick, Bill and Family Graydon, Kimberly Bendele, Samantha and Family Grisham, Kathryn & Josh Benoit Davis, Simone Lucienne Grisham, Marty and Family Benoit, Jean Haas, Chelsea & family Benson, Ursula Harnden Family Bergaron, Bernadette Harnden, Myles Bezdek, Rob and Family Hart, Molly Bisignano family Hart, Tim and Family Blackburn, Annie Harvill, James and Family Blackburn, Barbara Hauser, John, Elizabeth & James Blois Marcus Hayden, Bart and Family Bloouin, Carol Day Novena Your intentions may be included in a special Mother’s of Taylor Hendricks, Your intentions may be included in a special Mother’s Day Briones, Michelle and Family Hess, Danielle & family Masses. Buchanan, Roberta & family Novena of Masses. Higgins, Natalie Buesco, Lucia Hill, Bob consecutive Masses be celebrated for the intention of those Buzard, Patricia B Nine consecutiveNine Masses will be celebrated forwill the intention of Hill, Brandon Buzard, Robert Sunday S Jane participating the novena beginning Mother’s Day MayHill,11, those participating in the novenainbeginning Mother’s Day SunCabarelli family Hill, Lorraine Cabrera family 2014 May May 19, 2014. day May 11, through 2014 through 19, 2014. Hill, Madeline Cannon, Don and Theo Hine, Claire & Susan Cargo, Douglas and Family Hine, Peter & family Caritas, Sister Lucille Holley, Masses may be offered for the living deceased. Thisliving tradition Carmel, Anne This tradition Masses may be or offered for the or deceased. ofLil Holmes, James and Family Castrillon, Abelardo of the Church applies the special fruits and graces of the Mass Holt, Mary Lou the Church applies the special fruits and graces of the Mass byHopkins, the Chaivez, Teresa and Family Christian by the will of thewill priest for the benefit of specific and persons Chang, Helena and Family Hopkins, Hunter of the priest for the benefitpersons of specific and intentions. Chapman, Bill and Family Hopkins, Matt intentions. Chapman, Christina Hopkins, Thomas and Family Chapman, Daniel Doug and Family Chapman, Don and Family Mother’s Day Cardsenvelopes and Mass offeringinenvelopes are located inHowell, theAnn Hubiak, Mother’s Day Cards and Mass offering are located Chapman, Doyle and Family Hubiak, Nicholas Chapman, Greg backand of the Church andbooth the information booth during Sunday Masses. the back of the Church the information during Sunday Hyland, Dan Chapman, Keith and Family Hyland, Rachel Chapman, Larry and Family Masses. Iseley , Greg and Family Chapman, Ron and Josie Please fill out the offering envelope, insert your offering and placeJamieson, the Gert Chapman, Tina Jeffcoat Family Chapman, Vince Please fill out the offering envelope, insert your basket. offering and Johnson, envelope in the collection The beautiful greeting card is Abby and Family Clancy, Terry and Family Johnson, Khobi and Family Cherian, CC & Elizabeth place the envelopeyours in theto collection send. basket. The beautiful greetJones, Angela Chilson, Theresa & family Jones, Dianne ing card is yours to send. Cole, Darrell and Family Joseph, KA & Annama Cole, Elisabeth and Family Kaiser, Helen Cooper, Erik Deadline for the bulletin is May 4th. Kaley, Susan Deadline for the bulletin is May 4th. CPLC Staff and Volunteers Kelly, ML Cross, John Key, William & Britni May 11 – 8:00 AMMay 11 May 14 – 12 Noon May 17 – 8 AM Culwell, Family – 8:00 AM May 14 – 12 Noon May Claire 17 Tony –and8and AM Keyes, Shari and Family Cunningham, Family May 12 – 12 NoonMay 12May 15 – 7 AM May 18 – 12 Noon King, Kathy L – 12 Noon May 15 – 7 AM May 18and – 12 Noon Curry, Elliott Family Klement, Kurt and Family May 13 – 7 AM May 13 May 19––127Noon AM Davis, Christin, & – 7 16 AM– 12 Noon May May 16 May 19 –Kevin 7 AM Kolker Family Josephine Kurtenbach, Jack & Betty Davis, Sen. Wendy LaChance, Alex Dees, Travis & Ella LaDay, Lois and Family Deramee, Donald Sr. Larkin, Eddie Deramee, Don Jr. and Family Lau, Hilary St. Ann Scripture Study Deramee, Noel and Family Laurence, Jeanne Deramee, Ron and Family Leavitt, Janet family “The Bible Timeline: The Story of Salvation” Divin, Gene & Francis Lehew, Daniel and Family Domingo, Teresita Lenz, Donald and Family A Faithfully-Catholic Group Program Dozzi, Michael and Family Leo family Duhe', Eddie An in depth journey through the entire Bible Leonard, Ed and Family Eckelhoff Family Leonard, Lil Ellard, TC & Mary Jo Authors: Jeff Cavins,Tim Gray and Sarah Christmyer Leonard, Tess Emlet, Kristin, Rick & Paul Lima, Jr., Amaury and Family Video Lectures presented by Jeff Cavins Escobedo, José Long, Dolores Estrada, Hilda and Family Meeting weekly starting Tuesday nights, Wednesday mornings & Friday mornings (choose one) Long, Duane & son Eubanks, Brooke Long, Johnny Feraro family Sessions begin the week of September 7, 2014 through May 2015 Lord, Kevin Ferguson, Jason and Family Lord, Richard St. Ann Center Room 330 Ferguson, Tom and Family Loscalzo, Theresa & family Fernandez, Irene & Percival Lowell family Ferris, Dr. John Luciano, Nicole Registration fee: $50. Make checks payable to: St. Ann Ferris, Olivia Mannes, Gorge Florentino, Rosie and Family DUE DATE FOR ORDERS/PAYMENT: JUNE 30TH Marcozi family Forge, Gene and Carlene Markham, Jo-Claire & family ****PLEASE NOTE: THERE WILL ONLY BE ONE GROUP ORDER PLACED. IF YOU FAIL TO PRE- ORDER, Fr. Cruz Calderon Marshall, Adrienne Fr. Edwin Leonard Marshall, Eva Lou & Chester YOU WILL BE ABLE TO ORDER YOUR STUDY BINDER FROM Fr. Efren Ortega Martinez, Ismael Fr. Henry Petter (You will pay approx. $10.00 more by ordering individually.)**** Martinez, Quino, Ginnie & family Fr. James Yamauchi Mathias, Luiz Fr. Jason Cargo McCallum, Ric and Family Please submit this form, in an envelope, with your payment to: Fr. Jonathan Austin McClelland, Bob & Mary Fr. Marco Rangel St. Ann Parish Office ATTN: Marianne Southwick McCrary, Chris and Family Fr. Mark Obayi McGuire, Ed and Family 180 Samuel Blvd. Fr. Michael Forge McKay, Stacey and Family Fr. Michael Guadagnoli Coppell, TX 75067 McMahon, Tom and Family Fr. Milam Joseph McKee, Billy Fr. Orlando Cordozo Meenan family (Bill, Lisa, Christina, Fr. Patrick Olaleye NAME___________________________________ E-MAIL__________________________ PHONE NUMBER_______________________ Catherine & Charlotte) Fr. Reuben Chen Meenan, Kristi Fr. Rudy Garcia Meenan, Lorraine Fr. Stephen Sanchez Meenan, Mike & family Fr. Tony Lackland Wednesday Morning Tuesday Evening Friday Morning Meenan, Tim, Matt & Taylor Fr. Paolo Capra Mendoza, Guido 9:30 – 11:30 AM Fr. Walter C McCauley, SJ 7:00 – 8:45 9:30 -11:30 AM Menezes, Alana Fr. Zach Webb Menezes, Babin Marian Leader: Jackie Stadler Fr. Ivan Asencio Leader: Gloria Keiderling Leader: Laney Sherburne Meyer, James Franklin, Lillian 972-393-7868 Minor, Emily & Ken 214-587-3487 972-393-0341 Frazier, Kim and Family Montserrat Priests and Staff Frazier, Max [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Moore, Matt Frey, William & Mary Mora, A. T. (Childcare Available) Funaro family (no childcare available) (Childcare Available by Morales, Nick and Family Funaro, Dominic Morin Family Funaro, Frances reservation only) Moreno family Funaro, Mike Morris, Roy & family Mother’s Day Novena Cards Mother’s Day Novena Cards 6 Gallagher, Anne Gallardo, Abad and Family Galveas, Lea Moulin, Liz and Family Muldoon, Juan and Family Narciso, Florence Ndikum, Desmond Newcomer, Dwight & family Nunes family Nunes unborn children Nunes, Carmela S. O’Brian family Oliphant, Dylan Olivencia Family Ollier, Amber Ornes, Kathy & family Orozco, Maria and Family Our Military, Retired and Active Pantuso, Milan Parker, Pam Parrott-Ondarza, Andrea Pavlica, Terri and Family Payne, Christi Payne, Owen Payne, Thomas Payne, Will Penel, Bridgette and Family Pennington, Carla and Family Peters, Monica and Family Phelan, Kevin and Lisa Philips, Elo & family Phillips, Elo and Family Pieczynski, Irene Pier, Dorilu and Family Pier, Rogelio V Ponder, Bill Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Pope Francis Ragonesi, Evelyn Ramirez, Jose and Family Ramos, Visitacion Reed, Destiny Ridgeway, Tracy and Family Roberts, Mary Roberts, Raymond & family Robertson, Gloria and Family Rohde, Cathy Rohde, Erica Rohde, Tyler Rohmer, Marjorie Roos, Chance Roos, Heather Roos, Velma and Family Ross, Jean Rossini, Ellen and Family Ruffner, Karen and Family Russo, Mary Russo, Pat & Margaret Salas, Dora and Family Salas, Jose, Sebastian & Santana San Diego, Isidro Sanchez, Anthony & Maru Sanchez, Leo, Bertha & Norman Sanchez, Melinda Sanchez, Silvia and Jr. Saucedo, Nicholas Septien, Cesar and Family Septien, Cesar Herrera Sherburne, Mike and Family Siciliano famiy Siciliano, Luigi & Sylvia Sidewalk Counselors Sidhom, Matt and Family Slack, Richie and Family Smith, Spencer and Family Solis V, Alejandra Solis V, Lucia Solis Vallarino family Solis Zamora, Hipolito Souls in Purgatory St Ann Permanent Deacons St Ann Staff and Volunteers St. Joseph's Priests and Staff Stark, David and Family Stein, Pauline and Family Stephan, Curtis and Family Stotts, Larry and Family Stotts, Jenny Stone, Cameron Stone, Joey Stone, Nicolas Stromberg, Bill & Shriley Suh, Vivian Taylor, Stetson the Needy the Unborn Thompson family Trojanowsky Family Ulfsrud, Claudia & Erik van Drunen, Amelia van Drunen, Kevin & Vanessa Velasquez, Nancy & Demet Vilchis, Veronica Walsh family Walsh, Brian Walsh, Peggy & Marty Ware, Estella Ware, Michael and Family Warne, Crissie and Family Warner, Fred and Family Webb, Terry and Family Wehlage, John and Family Werthmann, B,B, and Baby Westfall, Jackie White, Gerald White, Helen White, Paula Whitney, Patricia & family Wikman, C. William Williams, Brandi and Family Williams, Kirstyn Williams, Wayne and Family Wright, Barbara Wright, Jamie Wright, Patrick and Family Young Women’s Group – St John Terrell Wright, Reshma Wright, Sabrina Wyler, David Zacarias, Jenny Ministry Information PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Last Women’s Morning of Reflection before Summer Break Prayer shawls are available for anyone who may be experiencing loss, life change or in need of a tangible expression of God's love. Please call Pat at 214-616-2789. The evening group will meet on 5/8 at 7 pm in Rm 315. The morning group will meet on 5/22 at 9:30 am in Rm 315. Please join us - if you know how to crochet or knit, we have supplies for you. If you do not know how to craft yet, join us and we will teach you. Our morning group will take a break for the summer. Our evening group will continue on second Thursday evening of June, July and August (6/12, 7/10, 8/14) at 7 pm in Room 315. We will move to the third Tuesday of the month for both morning and evening meetings in the fall. Stay in touch! Call Pat 214-616-3789 for more information. Theology of the Body For Women A meditation directed by Father Anthony Sortino, L.C. Followed with a talk by Charlene Alexander, Consecrated Woman in Regnum Christi and Spiritual Guide. Father Anthony will also be available for confession, after his meditation. When: Thursday May 1, 9:30a Where: St. Ann Center, Room 330 St. Ann Parish, Coppell 180 Samuel Boulevard Personal snack or drink is allowed Childcare, for mobile children, is in the St. Ann Center nursery located on the west side of center nearest to church (doors face north towards the church office) from 9:30a-11:30a. Cost is $5 per child, fifth child and thereafter are free. Limited Space, RSVP only needed for childcare, call/text Michell Tamez at 214-870-1830 or email [email protected], no later than 12p the day before retreat, cannot guarantee childcare after that time but can be put on a wait list. She will need the name and ages of your children. You may pack a drink and an allergy free snack, please be sure to label all belongings. Cash and checks accepted. Morning of Reflection is sponsored by Regnum Christi. Ministry of Consolation ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you're going through a difficult time, Drop-in Support may help you heal. On May 6th and May 15th, the Ministry of Consolation is offering a support group for any type of loss. On the first Tuesday and third Thursday of each month, two trained ministers are available to offer spiritual healing and support for those suffering the loss of a loved one, a marriage, a job or any other painful experience. The group meets at 7 pm in the Deacon Suites (by the clock tower). You are welcome to come once or every month, and no registration is necessary. Contact David (972-900-1802) or Martha (972-8693591) for information. Congratulations to John Milligan. He is one of the dedicated 2014 graduates from University of Dallas School of Ministry Catholic Biblical Studies In the course of his four years in the Catholic Biblical School, he has studied every book in the Old and New Testaments. He has explored these books from an academic as well as spiritual perspective, studying their historical context, literary style, and major themes. Summer Camp 2014 BUBBLES, MACHINES AND STICKY THINGS Explore the incredible world of bubbles; Discover the workings of simple machines; And Experience the fun of all things sticky! Supper Club Kick OFF June 10, 11, 12 June 17, 18, 19 June 24, 25, 26 Would you enjoy a fun evening getting 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. together with a small group of fellow parishioners and sharing a meal together? Children between the ages of 3 and 9. (By Sept. 1, 2014) Then the Supper Club may be for you. Tuition is $250.00 for all three weeks and includes all snacks and supplies. Children will need to bring their lunch. We are a parish ministry designed to allow all of us to get to know our fellow parishioners better through shared pot luck Enrollment forms may be printed from our website at and returned to the Preschool Office along with full tuition by May 15th Spaces are limited and will be filled in the order received until classes are full. All other applicants will be placed a wait list. Incomplete forms and forms without proper signatures will not be accepted. New students must provide a current immunization record. 972-462-8779 [email protected] 7 dinners in each others’ homes. If you are new to the parish; if you want to meet new people in our parish or if you’ve taken a few rounds off and would like to join us again, now is the time to register. Our kick-off Dinner which will start our next round will be on Sat. June 7 at 7:00 pm in the St Ann Center Room 323. Please call: Maria Machelski (972-835-9469) for more information. Current members please e-mail to confirm your participation in this round. ([email protected]) Ministry Information Golf Scramble Tournament Have you or someone you know been away from the Catholic Church? Reditus is a 5 week series of listening & learning sessions for those exploring the idea of coming back into Catholic life & worship. St. Ann's Parish Fall Golf Scramble Tournament is scheduled for Saturday May 24th with a 7:30 am shotgun start at Bear Creek Golf Course (West Course) at DFW Airport. The tournament is open to all parishioners, friends, and neighbors. Create your own foursome, threesome, twosome, or sign up as a single. Tournament is limited to the first 132 paid players. Cost per player is $85 which covers green fees, cart, range balls, beverages, prizes, and dinner. Sign-up sheets will be made available after each mass: look for Golf Tournament sign by the courtyard (morning or noon masses) or southeast exit (evening masses). Or sign-up by either email to [email protected] or via this website Include your name, golf handicap, email address, phone Tuesdays 7:00 – 9:00pm St. Ann Center, Room 323* April 29, 2014: Who is Jesus? May 6, 2014: What is Church? May 13, 2014: Mercy & Forgiveness May 20, 2014: What we Believe May 27, 2014: Potluck / Social We are all a part of God’s family. He rejoices whenever any of our brothers & sisters return, just like the Good Shepherd who leaves the 99 sheep in search of the single lost one. God loves each of us unconditionally & desires that we come home to him & his Church. We welcome you back with open arms! For more information, call 972-393-5544 ext.1886 or e-mail [email protected] *Note: Session 2 (May 6) will be held in the Library. number, and where applicable team name. IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN! The annual Texans For Life Coalition Walk will be held again this year on Church History Saturday, May 10 at 9 a.m. at Mustang Park in Irving. The Respect Life Ministry will be registering everyone to walk this 2 mile walk for life BEFORE and AFTER ALL MASSES April 26/27. Stop by our tables to register to walk, simply then find sponsors, and come out to walk. Turn in your sponsor sheet and let Texans For Life collect the monies for you! This is a fun, family event. Wednesday Nights 7:00 - 8:15 pm St. Ann Center Rm 331 Course Cost: $10 for the book (optional) Come to one or all sessions… Instructor: Edwin Baldwin, Introduction to Scripture Masters of Divinity April 30 - Church During the Reformation May 7 - The Church in Texas and the Southwest Guest Speaker: Steve Landregran, Diocese of Dallas Historian & Author Want to learn about The Bible? This course will provide participants with the basic concepts needed to begin the journey of navigating into the world of the scriptures. We will covers topics such as: - How the Bible came about. - What were the cultural factors influencing the May 14 - Church Expands to America May 21 - The Church During Modern Times events around the writing of the Old and New Testaments. - Which Church Documents tell us about the Bible. Church History goes beyond a series of facts that happened at a certain time in human history. These events and actions are filled with joy and sorrow that remember an essential truth for us: We are the Mystical Body of Christ in human history. Questions: Contact Laney or Michael Sherburne @ 972 393 0341, [email protected], or Tena Allain @ 214-755-9993, [email protected]. Tues. & Thurs. - May 6 & 8 6:30 pm- 9:00 pm St. Ann Center Rm 323 Course Instructor: Dr. Dorothy Jonaitis, PHD Cost $10 ~ Must Register to Attend ~ Catechists Free Register on-line at: This 5 hr. course is open to all members of the parish and will meet the Diocese of Dallas requirements towards Catechetical Certification . St. Ann Adult Confirmation Program - 2014 May 16 & 28, 2014 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Room 114 Presenter: Fr. Henry Petter For questions call Tena Allain, at 214-755-9993 or email: [email protected] Have you been baptized and received Holy Communion in the Catholic AnnatAdult Church but have not been confirmed? Are least 18Confirmation years old or Program - 2014 May 16 & 28, 2014 – 9:00 pm older? Candidates for Confirmation are adults who participate7:00inpmSunday 114 Liturgy and the sacraments. Adult Confirmation classes will beRoom held onPetter Presenter: Fr. Henry May 16th and/or 28th. Those preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation Have you been baptized and received Holy Communion in the Catholic Church but have not been confirmed? are required to attend one of the two classes. Their sponsors areforwelcome Are you at least 18 years old or older? Candidates Confirmation are adults who participate in Sunday Liturgy and the sacraments. to attend. If you are married, your marriage must be recognized in the and/or 28 . Those preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation classes will be held on Mayis 16 required. Catholic Church as valid. A copyAdult your Baptismal certificate Confirmation are required to attend one of the two classes. Their sponsors are welcome to attend. If you are A copy of your First Communion certificate is also required itCatholic is attainmarried, your marriage must be recognized inifthe Church as valid. able. A copy your Baptismal certificate is required. A copy of your First Communion certificate is also required if it is attainable. For more information and to register, please contact For more information and to register, please contact Marie Zavala at 972-393-5544, ext. 1860 Marie Zavala at 972-393-5544, ext. 1860Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 8 th th saint ann parish directory/ Directorio Sta. Ana PRESCHOOL / PRE-ESCUELA PARISH RECTORY Director Karen Ruffner...........................(972) 393-5544 ext. 1401 129 Lansdowne Circle, Coppell, Texas 75019 Phone...........................................................................................(972) 393-7951 OFFICE STAFF / PERSONAL ADMINISTRATIVO Main office # (972) 393-5544 Business Manager / Administradora Jennifer Lindsey........................ext. 1104, [email protected] Receptionist/ Recepcionista Dora Salas....................................ext. 1105, [email protected] Accounting / Contadora Anne Stromberg.............................ext. 1106, [email protected] Accounting Assistant/ Asistente de Contabilidad Barb Weller...................................ext. 1123, [email protected] Scheduling/Itinerario Rachel Kollhoff..............................ext. 1111, [email protected]; ST. ANN HIGH SCHOOL & YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY MINISTERIO DE PREPARATORIA & JOVENES ADULTOS Director Kurt Klement.........................................ext. 1601, [email protected] Catechesis-Confirmation/ Catequesis -Confirmación, Naomi Lehew.........................................ext. 1602, [email protected] Outreach Coordinator Joey Scancella........................................ext. 1603, [email protected] HighSchool Ministry Assistant/ Asistente Denise Koch...........................................ext. 1605, [email protected] Coordinator of Hispanic Youth and Young Adult Ministry Marly Castillo---------------------------ext. 1606, [email protected] [email protected],[email protected]; [email protected] Manager of Information Technology and Audio/Video Jeffrey Ketterer.......................................ext. 1126, [email protected] Data Base Management/ Base de Datos Karen Shea...................................................ext. 1113, [email protected] Development Director / Desarrollo Dave Lukeman.............................ext. 1110, [email protected] Safe Environment-Funerals/Seguro Ambiental-Funerals Karen Case...................................ext. 1108, [email protected] Facilities and Property/ Instalaciones & Mantenimiento Jose Ramirez......................(972) 523-2837, [email protected] ST. ANN MUSIC MINISTRY/ MINISTERIO MUSICA Director Curtis Stephan.........................................ext. 1501, [email protected] Spanish Coordinator/Director-Oscar Palacios............. (972)768-4099 Music Assistant /Asistente Kathy McCallum...................................ext. 1502, [email protected] [email protected] ADULT EDUCATION AND RCIA RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS CHILDREN'S RE/ EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA NIÑOS C.R.E. (Children's Religious Education) Director/ Directora Debbie Kaluza.............................ext. 1201, [email protected] Adult RE Director Marie Zavala - [email protected] (Bilingual) Mike and Laney Sherburne....RCIA.....ext. 1895, [email protected] Pedro & Carolina Angulo (Spanish) ... ext. 1890, [email protected] C.R.E. Program Assistant-Safe Environment/Seguro Ambiental-Asistente Loreen Shillinglaw.........................ext. 1203, [email protected] C.R.E. Program Assistant-Bookkeeper/Asistente Mary Leonard............................ext. 1202, [email protected] Bilingual R.E. Coordinator/ Coordinadora de Ed. Rel. Bilingue Ruth Rivadeneyra.............................ext. 1205, [email protected] C.R.E. Program Assistant-CLW/ Asistente Kim Cesario.................................ext. 1204, [email protected] Sunday School Coordinator /Coordinadora Escuela Dominical (Pre-escolar) Tena Allain................................ext. 1202, [email protected] Special Needs R.E. - Contact RE Office CHRIST RENEWS HIS PARISH / CRISTO RENUEVA SU PARROQUIA Renewal Program/ Retiro de Renovación.........................(972) 393-5544 Deacon Pete Markwald.......................................................................ext. 1810 Roland Duer (español)..............................................................(817) 323-9735 family life/VIDA FAMILIAR Director of Family Life Debbie Gonzalez................................... ext. 1801, [email protected] ESL-LIFT Family Life Coordinator/Coordinadora de Vida Familiar Alicia Saucedo.........................................ext. 1815, [email protected] Family Life Coordinator/Coordinadora de Vida Familiar Patty Guzman.........................................ext. 1802, [email protected] S.A.Y. MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY/ MINISTERIO DE SECUNDARIA Director Mike Leminger.......................................ext. 1301, [email protected] Program Assistant Mary Black...............................................ext. 1302, [email protected] Program Assistant Lu Ann Kamstra....................................ext. 1303, [email protected] Ministry Information/Non-Parish Based organizations The Knights of Columbus, Assembly 3181 at St Ann Parish would like all of the Parishioner’s, Family & Friends for the generous support of Late Nite Catechism III…Till Death Do Us Part. We also want to thank each of the local businesses for their support in advertising in the Playbill. We ask all of St Ann Parishioner’s to consider your patronage for the following businesses: American Heritage Girls (AHG) is a faith-based scouting program with a mission to build women of integrity through service to God, family, and community. The AHG program was started in 1995 by a group of parent volunteers in Cincinnati, Ohio, who wanted a scout-type program for their daughters that reflected the Christian values they held dear. They began developing an organization with the help of their daughters that would be fun, challenging, memorable, and honoring to God. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, St. Ann’s Troop 1027 is open to girls ages 5 through 18 (grades Kindergarten through 12th grade). AHG will be holding a membership drive after masses next weekend, May 3 & 4. If you are interested in learning more about the AHG program, please stop by one of our tables after mass. Free Concert at CHRISTUS The American Heritage Girls’ Oath St. Joseph I promise to loveVillage God, DentonCherish Bach Society my family, Saturday - MayHonor3 myatcountry, 3:00 pm - Chapel And serve in my community. RSVP 972-304-0300 The American Heritage Girls’ Creed 9 Sweet Company Henk’s European Deli & Black Forest Bakery Market Street Bocelli’s Italian Bistro Local Dinner Zenzero Bakery Valvoline Instant Oil Change SK Bill Cavalle Dickey’s BBQ SK Mark Vahala Knights of Columbus SK Diego Peña ImageNet Consulting SK Jeff Flory Ministry Information/Non-Parish Based organizations O Saint Catherine of Siena, God our Father enkindled the flame of holy love in your heart as you meditated on the Passion of Jesus, His Son. Through your intercession, may we also come to know the love of Jesus. - St. Catherine of Siena; Feast: April 29 O Santa Catalina de Siena, Dios nuestro padre le impartió la llama del amor santo en su corazón mientras meditaba en la pasión de Su hijo Jesús. Mediante su intercesión, esperamos también conocer el amor de Jesús. - Sta. Catalina de Siena, día festivo, Abril 29 Pray that the flame of God’s holy love settle in your troubled heart and come know the love of Jesus on a Rachel’s Vineyard™ Retreat. Pídale que la llama del amor santo de Dios encuentre hogar en su corazón atormentado, y venga a conocer el amor de Jesús en un Retiro del Viñedo de Raquel™. Abortion AfterCare-Healing 214.544.CARE [email protected] Sanación Después del Aborto 972-679-4760 [email protected] Parish Ministries, organizations & Non-Parish Based Organizations Altar Linens, Marie Murphy..................................................(972) 242-3010 Altar Servers, Matt, Stephanie & Kathy Smith .......................................(972) 939-6597 Brothers in Christ, Eddie Provencio....................................(682) 553-9523 Carnival, Mark Luenser.........................................................................(972) 471-0417 Susan Bahry...........................................................................(817) 562-3195 Catholic Prayer Group, Cheryl Denise Pumphrey...........(469) 682-6605 Catholic Scripture Study, Marianne Southwick...............(214) 488-8895 Core Team, Kurt Klement..............ext. 1601, [email protected] Employment Network, Tony Waldschmidt........................(972) 462-8334 Extraordinary Ministers, Roberta Ward........................................................................(972) 462-8408 Mary Rubio ............................................................................(714)402-1933 Extraordinary Ministers/Lectors Scheduling, Al Reiter.................................................................................(972) 462-7176 Faith and Finance, John Peterson.........................................(214) 215-3776 Familia, Tracy Zamboni..........................................................(214) 488-3435 Fine Arts, Maureen Vanacore...............................................(972) 462-8027 Feed the Hungry, Jim Halepaska..........................................(214) 293-7560 Ministry of Loaves & Fishes, Andy Hebert......................(972) 462-1644 Good Samaritans, Christy MacMaster..............................................................(972) 742-0236 Sandy Espinoza.....................................................................(214) 469-2272 Hospitality Supplies, Kathy Skierski...................................(972) 242-7857 Lectors, Mike Ring...................................................................(972) 730-6073 Magi Ministry, Tena Allain...................................................(214) 755-9993 Media Library, Marty Walsh................................................(972) 462-0878 Men’s Club, Chris Herman........................................................(614) 746-0778 Ministry for Disabled/Caregivers, Sarah Meyer..................(214) 500-5501 Ministry of Consolation,Deacon Pete Markwald (972) 393-5544 ext. 1810 Maureen O’Malley......................................................................(972) 401-3334 Ministry to the Sick, Eddy & Denise Koch..............................(972)-922-1484 Morning Men's Ministry, Bill Morin...........................................(972) 523-5127 Morning Women's Ministry, Nicole Améris.................... (214) 641-3938 Kris Ollom ............................................................................... (972) 951-3294 10 MYC (Mothers of Young Children) Missy Grant - [email protected] ..............................972-539-2458 Membership Coord. Stephanie Gieselman Nursery Coop. Weekend Mass (except Spanish) Sara Saunders........................................................................(469) 693-7167 Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Rosanne Armstrong.............................................................(214) 543-6458 Prayer Chain, Tammy [email protected] Prayer Shawl Ministry, Pat Gruninger........................................................................(214)616-3789 Respect Life, Maria Whitacre...............................................(972) 899-2797 School of Spirituality Director, Barbara Sanders....................................................................(817) 430-4718 Sisters in Christ, Pat Klespis................................................(972) 977-6289 St. Paula’s Patrons — Widow’s Ministry, Martha Shafferman ..............................................................(972) 539-5113 Helen Carson .......................................................................(972) 556-0936 Supper Club, Tim & Maria Machelski................................(972) 835-9469 Young Adults, Kurt Klement ...............................(972) 393-5544 ext 1601 Ushers, Jorge Gomez................................................................(214) 458-3969 Non-Parish Based Organizations CHRISTUS St. Joseph Village, Mary Wolaver................(972) 304-0300 Knights of Columbus, Jeff Flory..........................................(214) 675-3726 Natural Family Planning, Tony & Marianne Abadie....................................................(972) 746-5142 Schoenstatt Apostolic Movement, Gloria Keiderling.......(214) 587-3487 Teams of Our Lady, Tom and Chusi Gehrlein ...................(972) 393-3579 Worldwide Marriage Encounters, Tom & Micha Aldon..............................................................(972) 539-6638 Young Adult, College Life & other Ministry Info April/May 2014 ACTIVITIES Diocese of Dallas Widows’ Ministry St. Paula’s Patrons “Branching Out” ST. PAULA’S PATRONS (WIDOWS’ MINISTRY) CSS Bible Study is coming to an end. Please watch the St. Ann’s Bulletin for the Fall Schedule. April 27 Sunday Movie Matinee, Movie and Time TBA April 28 Sing Praise, St Ann Chapel 7-8:30 PM May 2 First Friday Noon Mass/Lunch 12:00 to 2:00 PM Restaurant TBA May 3 Montserrat Saturday Day of Renewal 9:00 am–12:00 pm May 9 Fun & Free 7 PM Room 423 May 13 Book Group, Barnes & Noble’s 7-8:30 pm There will be no Book Study in June May 17 Saturday Night Dinner 6:45 pm, Restaurant TBA May 25 Sunday Movie Matinee, Movie and Time TBA St. Ann Young Adults meets every Thursday at 7 pm in the Cenacle for an evening of faith and fellowship. Contact Kurt Klement at [email protected] Registration OPEN! Registration OPEN! Only 35 spots available! Only 35 spots available! Travel to Piura, Peru June 13-22, 2014 Travel to Piura, Peru June 13-22, 2014 to stay at the Parish Stay at the Parish of Santisimo Sacramento of Santisimo Sacramento for an incredible mission trip for an incredible mission trip experience experience withwith otherother youngyoung adults!adults! More info on the website. Register NOW! For additional information, please contact co-leaders Helen Carson, [email protected] or Martha Shafferman, [email protected] The Young Marrieds ministry at St.Ann is forming small groups in Coppell, Flower Mound, and Carrolton. For more information about joining a small group or about upcoming events email: Beth [email protected]. More information can be found on the young marrieds website at Join the Young Marrieds with "A Night with the Hoffs. Strategies for a Life Long Marriage" presented by Michael and Michele Hoffman" on May 10th from 7pm-9pm. We will be in the Cenacle, desserts and coffee provided. Email [email protected] for child care reservations. College Life resumes on Wednesday, April 2nd at 8pm and continues every Wednesday! New location! Please email Kurt for directions at [email protected] Irreplaceable: A One-Night Documentary Event Irreplaceable willwill be unveil digitally 700+ movie cinemas On Tuesday, May 6, Focus on the Family itsbroadcast first-ever,toin-theater documentary, during a SPECIAL ONE-NIGHT EVENT ON MAY 6, 2014. Irreplaceable. This feature-length film explores answers to the important questions A 20-minute panel discussion will be screened alongside the “What is family?” and “Does family still matter in today’s society?” IN SELECT CINEMAS documentary featuring prominent faith leaders who will share MAY 6 Tim ONLY You’ll join host Sisarich,insights formeron Executive of Focus on the Family Newseeking Zealand, the state Director of the family and inspiration for those to as he travels the world on a quest to explore what family means and why it’s important to build stronger families. VISIT really FOR TIONS AND TICKETS. humanity. While on the journey, heLOCA discovers why all humans have a yearning to be in a family and to be a part of something bigger than themselves. He also explores the forces contributing to the breakdown of family, including the decline of marital commitment, the prevalence of “anything goes” sexuality, and the rise of fatherlessness. TH 11 Prayers Needed Necesitan sus oraciones Infant Baptisms/bautizos Al Griffith, Ladys Alvarez, Barbara & Don Cox, Bob Duval, Joshua Frierre, Olivia Stokowski, Annie, Mueller, Darryl Pasket, Stacy Gazdik, Marie Seltzer, Dorothy Behan, Bianca Bravo & unborn child, Joshua Frierre, Rose Mozie, Armando Navarro Sr, Amelia Bostetter, Alicia Fernandez, Don Stoeckle, Ruby Hernandez, Martha Crispin, Michael Easley, Zulema Reyes, Mary Morrow, Wilbert LeDoux, Anthony Sanchez, Jack Rogers, Audelia Medina, Myriam Gonzalez, Don Stoeckle, Ed Wright, Mauricio Negrete, Bob Cox, Leonard Oetzel, Wayne Hinton, Marytherese Listman, Carmen Para, Matthew Colfer, Graciela Reyes, Marjorie Savard, Bobby Chu, Sara Campuzano, Shanna Nasche, Jose Gomez, Kay Buchannan, Renee Poinboeuf, David Shellman Jr, Fernando Gill, Linda Connor, Patricio Lopez, Valerie Lints, Carmen Ramirez, Michelle Gause, Ronnie Perkins, Humberto Castro, DeeDee Howard, Lynn, Macaria Gonzalez, Infant Angel Rolean, Baby Curran, Jay Ewert, Tracy Hoskins, Zac Henson, Jane Miller, Frances Jones, Brianna Flores, Margarito and Cristina Herrera, Cassandra Gayton, Joe Hall, Jack Casy, Crista Kuhl, Kelly Dowling, Al Reiter, Heather Popple, David Jakusz, Geri Deaton, Elmer Hall, Chris Apgar, Adonna Meyer, Sandra Wilson, Steve Hazlebeck, Jean Wilkinson and George Carlton, Ric McCallum. All servicemen and women. Please welcome our tiniest brothers and sisters in Christ recently baptized in our parish. Por favor denle la Bienvenida a nuestros más pequeños hermanos y hermanas en Cristo. Brayan Rocha son of Eladio Rocha and Ma. Blanca Montes Navarro. Ayden Francisco Muñoz son of Francisco Muñoz and Analleli Celestino. Alexander Martinez son of Juan Martinez and Ma. Magdalena Miguel Lindsay Marie Limon daughter of Roberto C. Limon and Miriam de la Sancha. Ximena Grimaldo daughter Sergio Grimaldo and Sandra Maribel Platas. Gabriel Ayden Gonzales son of Mario A. Gonzales and Patricia Abundiz. Audel Alejandro Garibo son of Audel Garibo and Erika Ulloa Ocha. Paulina Alarcon daughter of Hector Alarcon and Nora E. Cardenas Jazmin Ramirez daughter of Moises Ramirez and Paula Lopez. For more information concerning Infant Baptisms, please contact Patty Guzman at 972/393-5544 ext 1802 or [email protected] Ministry to the Sick If you are sick or someone you know is sick and unable to attend Mass, and would like to receive communion— please contact the Ministry of the Sick at (972)922-1484. Para más informacion sobre Bautizos de Infantes, favor de comunicarse con Patty Guzman al 972/393-5544 ext 1802 o por correo electrónico [email protected] Counseling Services Located at St. Ann’s Servicos de Consejería Ubicado en Santa Ana Gaby Satarino, LPC-S — 214-280-3664 Licensed Professional Counselor Licenciada en Conserjería Professional Sacramental Contacts contactos sacrameNtales BAUTIZOS (RECIEN NACIDO A KINDER) El Bautizo es un Sacramento que nos hace co-participes en la misma vida de Dios y miembros de la familia de Dios. Por el Bautismo, los padres se comprometen a criar y educar a sus hijos en la fe cristiana y a formarlos en los valores cristianos. Si usted desea Bautizar por favor contacte a Alicia Saucedo al 972-393-5544 ext. 1815 para iniciar su tramite. BAUTIZOS DE NIÑOS (1er a 5o. Grado) La Oficina de Educacion Religiosa ha establecido el Rito de Iniciacion Cristiana para Ninos en el cual participan los ninos con sus padres en el proceso. Llame a la Oficina de Educacion Religiosa para informacion y mas detalles: 972-393-5544 ext. 1205 con Ruth BAUTIZOS JOVENES - JUNTOS EN PREPARACION DE LOS SACRAMENTOS (6o. a 8o. Grado) La oficina de Educacion Religiosa Bilingue tiene el programa de pareparación sacramental para los jovenes que necesitan los Sacramentos del Bautizo y la Comunion. Llame a la Oficina de Educación Religiosa para información y más detalles: 972-393-5544 ext. 1205 con Ruth ADOLESCENTES (9o. a 12o. Grado) Estos jovenes serán preparados en la Oficina del Ministerio de Preparatoria llamado High School Ministry o HSM. Llame al 972-393-5544 ext. 1602. ADULTOS — RITO DE INICIACION CRISTIANA PARA ADULTOS (RICA) Preparación para adultos que necesiten los sacramentos de iniciación (el Bautismo, la Confirmación, la Comunión). Para mas información comuniquese con: Pedro & Carolina Angulo al 972-393-5544 ext 1890/ [email protected] BODAS / CONVALIDACIONES ¿Te vas a casar? ¿Deseas bendecir tu matrimonio? Con la emoción de los preparativos y tramites prenupciales es importante llamar a la Iglesia y empezar tu preparación de inmediato. Este proceso puede tomar de 6 meses a un año para completarse. Por favor comunícate con Alicia Saucedo al 972-393-5544 ext. 1815. ANULACIÓN Si ha estado divorciado y le gustaria obtener una anulacion de su matrimonio anterior o quisiera mas informacion acerca de estas anulaciones comuniquese con Alicia Saucedo 972/393-5544 ext 1815. Infant Baptisms (newborn through Kindergarden) Minimum 3 month parish registration is required. Usually, an infant Baptism class is required before your child’s Baptism. It is suggested that you take this class during your pregnancy. Please stop by the office for an Infant Baptism Packet. Children’s Baptisms (Grades 1st - 5th) Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC) Religious Education has established a process for un-baptized children in which they participate along with their parents. Call the RE office at 972/393-5544 ext 1204 for registration and further details. Baptism – Youth (grades 6th - 8th) Together in Preparation for Sacraments (TIPS) SAY has a sacramental program for unbaptized youth. Contact the SAY office. 972/393-5544 ext 1302 Baptism – Teens (grades 9th -12th) Rite of Christian Initiation of Teens (RCIT) Contact the High School Ministry office 972/393-5544 ext. 1602 Baptism - Adults Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Contact Laney Sherburne at 972/393-5544 ext. 1895 or [email protected] Teens - Rite of Confirmation (ROC) Contact the High School Ministry office 972/393-5544 ext. 1602 Marriage Getting married? With the excitement and hurry of preparing for your wedding day, have you prepared for your Marriage? This process could take 6 months to a year to complete. Please contact Alicia Saucedo at (972)393-5544 ext. 1805 Annulment If you are divorced and would like to pursue an annulment of your previous marriage or would like some information concerning annulments, please contact Deacon Ed Scarbrough at (972) 393-5544 ext. 1807 or Deacon Pete Markwald at (214) 762-8370. 12 MINISTERIOS & ORGANIZACIONES EN ESPAÑOL Adoración Eucaristica Perpetua Elva Iseley...............................................................(972) 304-5200 Matachines Cáliz de Vocaciones (Asignaciones en las Misas) Matrimonios Para Cristo Edgardo y Indira Álvarez...................................(214) 641-0643 Ministros Extraordinarios de la Comunión Caty Ramírez................................................................(469) 233-7328 Jose Luis Trejo (2:00 pm)...........................................(214) 541-7356 Manuel Rendón (7:00 pm)..........................................(469) 232-8888 CRSP - (Cristo Renueva su Parroquia)..................(972) 393-5544 Director, Diacono Pete Markwald..........................................ext. 1810 Roland Duer (español)..................................................(817) 323-9735 Lourdes Chapa.............................................................(972) 393-5264 Daniel Tapia (Misa de 2:00 pm)...................................(214) 929-3668 Jose Antonio Salazar (Misa de 2:00 pm)......................(817) 305-3212 Eradia Ibarra (Misa de 7:00 pm)..................................(214) 488-5250 Educacion Religiosa..........................................(972) 393-5544 Directora, Debbie Kaluza.......................................................ext. 1201 Coordinadora Bilingue, Ruth Rivadeneyra...........................ext. 1205 Música / Coro Director / Coordinador, Oscar Palacios................(972)768-4099 Pro-Vida JEPPS................................................................(972) 393-5544 (Jóvenes en Preparación Para sus Sacramentos) Jóvenes que necesitan Sacramentos de Bautismo & Primera Comunión Coordinadora Bilingue, Ruth Rivadeneyra......................ext. 1205 Estudio Bíblico Cecilia Rangel.........................................................(469) 831-8998 Jeff & Vicky Smallwood..............................................972-795-4543 Email........................................................... [email protected] Planificación Natural Familiar Ramon Martinez.........................................................(214)789-8353 Fe y Finanzas Maria Boccalandro......................................................(972) 922-3484 Proclamadores de la Palabra (Lectores) Grupo Guadalupano Miguel Aguillon.....................................................972/420-0062 Cecilia García................................................................(972)891-2446 Quinceañeras Grupo de Oración Debbie Gonzales..................................................................ext. 1801 Email.............……..……….…[email protected] Margarita Maldonado................................................(972) 916-1241 Hora Santa RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana Para Adultos) Pedro y Carolina Angulo..............................................(214) 501-8130 [email protected] ó [email protected] Jose Ramirez...........................................................................ext. 1701 Hospitalidad & Espiritualidad Servidores del Altar Roberto De Francisco..................................................(972) 966-9677 Amalia Arce.................................................................(972) 219-7176 Talleres Oración y Vida Liturgia de la Palabra Para Niños Silvia Rojas..................................................................(214) 527-6128 Email.............................................................. [email protected] Maria Moreno..............................................................(469) 995-1747 Ruth Rivadeneyra.........................................(972) 393-5544 ext. 1205 Xto 24/7 Gaby Serrano................................................................(469)544-6292 Madres de Niños Pequeños Maricela Garza.............................................................(214) 926-2682 Matrimonios Para Cristo GRUPO DE ORACIÓN EN ESPAÑOL Este Ministerio de Comunidad comienza con alabanzas a Dios y canciones, escrituras santas, testimonios, oración de intercesión para sanación espiritual, física y emocional para su bienestar y renovación en El Espíritu Santo. Reuniones son los Viernes @ 7 PM en Salon 116 - Patio-CY. Información: Margarita Maldonado - 972-916-1241 Para mas informacion, favor de comunicarse con Edgardo e Indira Alvarez [email protected] 13 avisos a la comunidad avisos a la comunidad A los miembros de St Anna, Se les hace la mas cordial invitación a participar en el Retiro de Mujeres Cristo Renueva su Parroquia, este 17 y 18 de Mayo, Los interesados Favor de contactar a Eva Serrano PH: 214 664 8103 o Rosita Barrera 214 642 1754. CCC I : El Credo Este curso aborda los elementos principales de la Profesión de Fe Católica: las imágenes Trinitarias de Dios Padre, Dios Hijo, y Dios Espíritu Santo, y la Iglesia como Cuerpo de Cristo. Además, presenta un enfoque en el desarrollo de las declaraciones básicas del Credo y de las verdades básicas de nuestra fe, para que nos sintamos confiados al compartirlas. Mayo 13, 15, 20 & 22 Martes & Jueves- 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm ~ Cenáculo de Sta. Ana Instructora: Marie Zavala Costo: $20 : incluye el libro ~ Catequistas: $10 ~ ~ Es necesario inscribirse con tiempo ~ Cuidado de niños - con reservación previa Solamente para Catequistas Inscríbase en línea: Para preguntas contactar: Marie Zavala al 972-393-5544 Correo electrónico: [email protected] Esta clase está abierta a todos los miembros de la parroquia y cumple con los requisitos de 10 hrs. de crédito para la Certificación Catequética requerida por a Diócesis de Dallas. HORARIO MISAS Y RECONCILI- MINISTROS EXTRAORDINARIOS Horario de Misas Misa Dominical (Inglés) Sabado (Vigilia) 5:00 pm; Dominigo 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm & 4:30 pm (Misa de Jovenes) Servidores Domingo 27 de Abril de 2014 2:00 - Salazar Salazar, Caceres, Castalán, Gámez A/F, Franco, Moreno, De León, Mancía, González, Rojas, Rangel C/R, Flores, Negrete, Rivera, Mejía Misa en Español Domingo 2:00 & 7:00 pm Entre Semana (Ingles) Lunes-Viernes 7:00 am & 12:00 pm; Sabado 8:00 am 7:00 Chapa Chapa, Herrera, Gómez, F/M, Pérez, Campuzano, Rendón M/M, Díaz, Vásquez, Arriaga 14 Hay Sacramento de Reconciliación inmediatamente después de la misa de las 8 am el sábado y también el martes por la noche a las 7pm en la capilla. aviso De Educacion Religiosa rITO DE cONFIRMACION RICA Rito de Iniciacion Cristiana para Adultos Invita a Mayores de 18 años que necesiten los sacramentos de Iniciación: BAUTISMO, COMUNION, CONFIRMACION, a participar en el proceso de formación 2013-2014 que se presenta todos los Miercoles a las 7 pm en el Cenáculo. CALENDARIO DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA BILINGUE: Para mayor información comunícate con: Pedro o Carolina Angulo al 214-501-8130 972-393-5544 ext. 1890 Sábado 10 de Mayo Celebración de la Primera Comunión a las 10:00 am, 12:00 pm y 2:00 pm También les quiero recordar a todos los papas de los niños que van a recibir Primera Comunión que necesitamos los Certificados de Bautizo lo más pronto posible (de 2do grado a 7mo grado) y aquellos que ya los trajeron ¡muchas gracias! Para cualquier duda, favor de contactarme al 972-393-5544 o al correo electrónico [email protected] Ruth Rivadeneyra Coordinadora de Educación Religiosa Bilingüe. E-mails: [email protected] Sito Santa Ana Españ Español >Min Hispano> Educación>Religiosa Adultos> RICA rite de confirmaciON Adolescentes del 8vo al 12vo grado Calendario de Reuniones para Misa, Ensayo y Preparación de los adolescentes que recibirán el Sacramento de Confirmación y Primera Comunión. Solo para adolescentes del programa ROC. Misa de Confirmación Ensayo de Confirmación Preparación Fecha y Hora SAB, Mayo 17, JUE, Mayo 15, SAB, Abril 26, 9:30am 6:00pm 9:30am SAB, Mayo 17, JUE, Mayo 15, SAB, Abril 26, 12:00pm 7:00pm 11:30am SAB, Mayo 17, JUE, Mayo 15, MIER, Abril 30, 2:30pm 8:00pm 6:30pm MIER, Mayo 21, MAR Mayo 20, MIER, Abril 30, 7:00pm 7:00pm 6:30pm SAB, Junio 7, JUE, Junio 5, JUE, Mayo 29, 10:00am 7:00pm 6:30pm Programa de Cualquier adolescente que se prepara para recibir la Primera Comunión deberá asistir el Sábado 26 de Abril a las 9:30a.m. para la preparcion, no importa en qué misa este registrado. Para mas información, favor de visitarnos en las oficinas de SAY o HSM 15 acompanamiento a la mujer embarazada. Un ministerio del Comite Catolico Pro-Vida. El proximo entrenamiento en Espanol de Angeles Gabriel se llevara a cabo el Sabado 3 de Mayo , en la Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepion localizada en 400 N.E. 17th Street, Grand Prairie, TX 75050; en la cafeteria. Debera inscribirse en o contactar a Ingrid Meyer, [email protected] o al telefono 214-466-9769 Aquellas personas que asistan deberan ser bilingues. Avisos a la Comunidad Avisos a la Comunidad Hora Santa Una hora de Reflexión, Adoración y Cantos ante Jesús Sacramentado. Acompáñenos todos los jueves en la Capilla a las 7:00p.m. GRUPO PRO-VIDA DE SANTA ANA "Promoviendo una cultura de la vida por medio de la oración y la educación en luz de nuestra fe catolica". Reunión de Pro-vida: Primer domingo de cada mes. Hora: 10:00am - 1:00pm - Salón 315 Acompáñenos a rezar el Santo Rosario afuera del centro de aborto Robinson's todos los sábados de 7:00am-9:00am. Para mas información favor de llamar a: Jeff y Vicky Smallwood: 972-795-4543 Rincón Guadalupano El Grupo Guadalupano les hace una cordial invitación a todos aquellos que les gustaría visitarnos o participar en el Grupo Guadalupano. Los esperamos el PRIMER sábado de cada mes en el salón 112 a las 7pm. Muchas gracias y que la Virgen de Guadalupe los bendiga! Servicos de Consejería - Ubicado en Santa Ana (972) 420-0062 Miguel Aguillón También deseamos hacerles otra invitación a todos los miembros de esta parroquia que deseen tener a Gaby Satarino, LPC-S (Licensed Professional Counselor) Licenciada en Conserjería Professional 214-280-3664 Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, la Virgen Peregrina, en sus hogares contác- 16
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