D-A-CH Energieinformatik 2014 Day 1, November 13 ETH Hönggerberg, HIT E 51 ! ! 09:15 Registra/on opens 10:00 Welcome note 10:20 Keynote: Cyber Security and the Grid 11:00 Impact of Power-‐to-‐Gas Storage on the IntegraNon of Photovoltaic Electricity into the Grid -‐ A SimulaNon Approach Domigall (Uni St. Gallen) 11:15 Algorithm for Primary Frequency Control with Cooling Appliances Markovic (ETH) 11:30 Coffee break 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 Cluster-‐based Distributed Algorithm for Energy Management in Smart Grids SoXware Components for Demand Side IntegraNon at a Container Terminal Quality-‐funcNons for an Uniform and Comparable Analysis of Demand Side Management Algorithms Inferring power fluctuaNons at a low voltage transformer from local voltage measurements in the underlying distribuNon grid Moser (BFE), Staake (ETH, Bamberg) Brändle (ABB) BreUschneider (HS Osnabrück) Ihle (Oldenburg) Hölker (HS Osnabrück) Medici (SUPSI) 13:00 Lunch 14:15 Funding opportuniNes in our field I: Euresearch 14:30 HEMS: A Home Energy Market Simulator Monacchi (Uni Klagenfurt) 14:45 YOMO -‐ The Arduino based Smart Metering Board Elmenreich (Uni Klagenfurt) 15:00 A Concept for Engineering Smart Grid Security Requirements based on SGAM Models 15:15 PresentaNons from the PhD Workshop: 2-‐minute madness 15:40 PhD poster session & coffee break Randall (Eureseach CH) Uslar (OFFIS) PhD WS parNcipants Lehnhoff (OFFIS) PaUern Mining and Fault DetecNon via COPtherm-‐based Profiling with CorrelaNon Analysis of Circuit Variables in Chiller Systems Method for modeling fluctuaNng energy generaNon plants for the assessment of their impact on medium and low voltage grids Meinerzhagen (RWTH Aachen) 16:45 Glaubwürdigkeit in dynamischen Wirkleistungsverbünden Rosinger (OFFIS) 17:00 End of program for conference day 1 19:30 Drink recep/on and dinner, ZunHhaus zur Waag (Münsterhof 8, Haltestelle Paradeplatz/Helmhaus) 16:15 16:30 Malinao (AIT) D-A-CH Energieinformatik 2014 Day 2, November 14 ETH Hönggerberg, HIT E 51 ! ! 08:15 Registra/on opens 08:30 Key note: More Energy, Less Energy, Smart Energy? On the DialecNcs of Computers and Energy MaUern (ETH) EvaluaNon of Long-‐Term Scenarios for Power GeneraNon and District HeaNng at Stadtwerke München Günther (Stadtwerke München) 09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 Energiemanagement im Gebäude der ZukunX Hass (Siemens) Denkanstösse der ICT Branche zur Energiewende Imholz (asut) Coffee break AutomaNcally idenNfying and opNmizing energy-‐ efficient building designs Feature ExtracNon and Filtering for Household ClassificaNon with Smart Meter Data Increasing the parNcipaNon in IT-‐based energy conservaNon campaigns w. norms and incenNves Towards Smart Individual-‐Room HeaNng for ResidenNal Buildings Fenz (TU Wien) Hopf (Uni Bamberg) Parallel Session Startup Sessions HIT K 51 Lossin (ETH) von Bomhard (Uni St. Gallen) Jury MeeNng (HIT K 51) 11:30 Coffee break 12:00 Funding opportuniNes in our field II: ERA-‐NET 12:15 Using Publish/Subscribe Middleware for Distributed EV Charging OpNmizaNon 12:30 MarkeNng EV Charging in Car Parks 12:45 On the Effects of Signal Design in Electric Vehicle Charging using Vehicle-‐OriginaNng-‐Signals 13:00 Towards Route Planning Algorithms for Electric Vehicles with RealisNc Constraints 13:15 Lunch + DACH-‐EI steering commiSee mee/ng (HIT K 51) Appelrath (Uni Oldenburg) 14:15 Moderne Verteilernetze für Deutschland 14:30 The Electrical Grid and SupercompuNng Centers 14:45 Geometry SimplificaNon According to SemanNc Constraints 15:00 Entwicklung von Regel-‐ und Betriebsführungsstrategien für Microgrids im Zuge des SORGLOS-‐Projekts 15:15 Closing remarks and outlook 15:40 End of conference Hübner (bmvit) Rivera (TU München) Salah (KIT) Del Razo (TU München) Baum (KIT) Uslar (OFFIS) Jørgensen (Syddansk Universitet) Ullrich (Fraunhofer Austria) Marchgraber (TU Wien) Brinckmann (BMWi) ERA NET Smart Grids Plus Matchmaking Event D-A-CH Energieinformatik 2014 2nd day, November 14 ETH Hönggerberg, HIT K 52 ! ! ERA-‐Net Smart Grids Plus D-‐A-‐CH-‐Matchmaking D-‐A-‐CH EnergieinformaNk 2014 will also feature a matchmaking event. This event is the ideal The opportunity to meet business partners, experts, and research insNtuNons. ParNcipaNon is free! Date: Friday, November 14 2014, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm Venue: ETH Hönggerberg, HIT K 52 Please go to the following website for details about the agenda and the registraNon (open unNl November 13): www.b2match.eu/smartgridsplus/pages/switzerland-zurich ERA-‐Net Smart Grids Call Michael Hübner (bmvit) will speak about the upcoming ERA-‐Net Smart Grids Call (Launch January 2015, Budget about €40 million) at the EnergieinformaNk 2014, on 14th November, at 12:00 noon. We are happy to invite all matchmaking event parNcipants to the presentaNon. For the case you wish to parNcipate at the whole conference, please register at the registraNon desk. Contact d uring t he c onference Contact Dr. Rupert Lemmel-‐Seedorf Patricia Haniger, BA Mdes Österreichische Computer GesellschaX AustriaTech Wien Wollzeile 1 | 1010 Wien Tel: +43 1 26 33 444-‐47 Tel: +43 1 512 02 35 – 58 Mobile: +43 676 614 00 21 E-‐Mail: [email protected] E-‐Mail: [email protected] hUp://www.austriatech.at
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