2014 COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT OUTCOME NAME OF THE ENTITY DK - Jyske Bank 1 Main Results and Overview A MAIN INFORMATION ON THE BANK BEFORE THE COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT (end 2013) END 2013 A1 Total Assets (based on prudential scope of consolidation) Mill. EUR 35.124 A2 Net (+) Profit/ (-) Loss of 2013 (based on prudential scope of consolidation) Mill. EUR 242 A3 Common Equity Tier 1 Capital according to CRDIV/CRR definition, transitional arrangements as of 1.1.2014 Mill. EUR 2.310 A4 Total risk exposure according to CRDIV/CRR definition, transitional arrangements as of 1.1.2014 Mill. EUR 15.235 A5 Total exposure measure according to Article 429 CRR "Leverage exposure" Mill. EUR 36.615 A6 CET1 ratio according to CRDIV/CRR definition, transitional arrangements as of 1.1.2014 A6=A3/A4 % 15,16% A7 Tier 1 Ratio (where available) according to CRD3 definition, as of 31.12.2013 as reported by the bank % 15,94% A8 Core Tier 1 Ratio (where available) according to EBA definition % 15,32% A9 Leverage ratio A9 = A3/A5 % 6,31% A10 Non-performing exposures ratio % 4,90% A11 Coverage ratio for non-performing exposure % 38,52% A12 Level 3 instruments on total assets % 0,00% B MAIN RESULTS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT (CA) B1 CET1 Ratio at year end 2013 including retained earnings / losses of 2013 B1=A6 B2 Aggregated adjustments due to the outcome of the AQR B3 AQR adjusted CET1 Ratio B3 = B1 + B2 B4 Aggregate adjustments due to the outcome of the baseline scenario of the joint EBA ECB Stress Test to lowest capital level vs threshold over the period of 3 years B5 Adjusted CET1 Ratio after Baseline Scenario B5= B3 + B4 B6 Aggregate adjustments due to the outcome of the adverse scenario of the joint EBA ECB Stress Test to lowest capital level vs threshold over the period of 3 years B7 Adjusted CET1 Ratio after Adverse Scenario B7 = B3 + B6 Capital Shortfall % Basis Points Change % Basis Points Change % Basis Points Change % 15,16% -30 14,86% 109 15,95% -131 13,55% Basis Points 1 Mill. EUR B8 to threshold of 8% for AQR adjusted CET1 Ratio 0 0,00 B9 to threshold of 8% in Baseline Scenario 0 0,00 0 0,00 0 0 B10 to threshold of 5.5% in Adverse Scenario Aggregated Capital Shortfall of the Comprehensive Assessment B11 = max( B8, B9, B10 ) B11 1 RWA used corresponds to relevant scenario in worst case year Overview AQR 18% 16% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% Overview Baseline 1,09% 0,30% 15% Overview Adverse 15% 1,31% 16% 15% 14% CET 1 Ratio at Aggregated AQR adjusted Aggregate Adjusted CET1 AQR adjusted Aggregate Adjusted CET1 year end 2013 adjustments CET1 Ratio adjustments Ratio after CET1 Ratio adjustments Ratio after including due to the due to the Baseline due to the Adverse retained outcome of the outcome of the Scenario outcome of the Scenario earnings / AQR baseline adverse losses of 2013 scenario of the scenario of the joint EBA ECB joint EBA ECB Stress Test Stress Test C MAJOR CAPITAL MEASURES IMPACTING TIER 1 ELIGIBLE CAPITAL FROM 1 JANUARY 2014 TO 30 SEPTEMBER 2014 Issuance of CET1 Instruments Impact on Common Equity Tier 1 Million EUR C1 Raising of capital instruments eligible as CET1 capital C2 Repayment of CET1 capital, buybacks 0 C3 Conversion to CET1 of hybrid instruments becoming effective between January and September 2014 0 Net issuance of Additional Tier 1 Instruments 945 Impact on Additional Tier 1 Million EUR C4 with a trigger at or above 5.5% and below 6% 0 C5 with a trigger at or above 6% and below 7% 0 C6 with a trigger at or above 7% 0 Fines/Litigation costs C7 Incurred fines/litigation costs from January to September 2014 (net of provisions) Million EUR 0 2014 COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT OUTCOME NAME OF THE ENTITY DK - Jyske Bank 2. Detailed AQR Results D. Matrix Breakdown of AQR Result (B2) D10 Mill. EUR Basis Points Mill. EUR Impact on CET1 capital before any offsetting impact Adjustment to provisions due to collective provisioning review provisions due to projection of findings Basis Points D8 D9 D .F Mill. EUR D5 D6 D7 Total credit exposure Sovereigns and Supranational non-governmental organisations Institutions Retail thereof SME thereof Residential Real Estate (RRE) thereof Other Retail Corporates Other Assets D .E Basis Points Adjustments due to Units of Measurement Mill. EUR % of RWA selected in Phase 1 10.878 80-100 % 0 788 2.499 80-100 % 972 80-100 % 464 80-100 % 1.063 80-100 % 6.550 80-100 % 1.040 D .D 7 10,64 32 49,21 1 1,21 -40 -61,06 0 0,59 13 19,38 0 0 10 16 7 10,05 20 29,82 1 0 1 0 0 1,21 0 1 0 0,00 -14 0 -12 0 -26 -21,18 0 -18 0 -39,88 provisions on sampled files Credit Risk RWA year end 2013 Asset class breakdown D1 D2 D3 D4 Portfolio selected in Phase 1 AQR breakdown D .C Mill. EUR D .B Basis Points Adjustments to D .A Additional information on portfolios with largest adjustments accounting for (at least) 30% of total banking book AQR adjustment: Asset Class Geography 0 0 0 Units of Measurement D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D16 D17 D18 D19 D .G D .H D .I Portfolio size Carrying Amount Portfolio selection Impact on CET1 before any offsetting impact Mill. EUR % selected in Phase 1 Basis points Mill. EUR CVA Fair Value review Non derivative exposures review Bonds Securitisations Loans Equity (Investment in PE and Participations) Investment Properties / real estate Derivatives Model Review D20 D21 D22 Gross impact on capital Offsetting impact due to risk protection Offsetting tax impact D23 Net total impact of AQR results on CET1 ratio 2 Basis point impact includes adjustment to RWA Basis points 2 -40 0 10 -30 Mill. EUR -61,06 15 E. Matrix Breakdown of Asset Quality Indicators Information reported only for portfolios subject to detailed review in AQR Units of Measurement Total credit exposure Sovereigns and Supranational non-governmental organisation Institutions Retail thereof SME thereof Residential Real Estate (RRE) thereof Other Retail Corporates Other Assets F2 F3 AQR-adjusted NPE Level Changes due to the projection of findings 30 5,53% 4 74 5,92% 1 0 6,54% E .H E .I E.J Coverage ratio for exposures newly classified as NPE during the AQR 2 AQR - adjusted ratio of provisions on NPE to NPE 5,22% 6,00% 5,14% 4,54% 6,54% Changes due to the collective provisioning review on non-performing exposures 6,16% Changes due to the projection of findings 11 E .G % % % % % 38,52% 25,86% 28,17% 20,01% 32,42% 44,70% % Please refer to Definitions and Explanations sheet F1 = A9 Aggregated adjustments to Leverage Ratio due to the outcome of the AQR Basis Points F2 = (D20+D21+D22)/A5 AQR adjusted Leverage Ratio % F3 = F1 + F2 % 1 E .F F. LEVERAGE RATIO IMPACT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT Explanatory Note: • Note that the leverage ratio is based on the CRR Article 429 as of January 2014. • It is currently not binding, is displayed for information purposes only and has no impact on the capital shortfall (B11). Leverage Ratio at year end 2013 Basis Points 6,04% E .E For information purposes only F1 Basis Points E .D Changes due to the single credit file review Units of Measurement E10 E11 E12 E13 E14 E15 E16 E17 E18 % Total credit exposure Sovereigns and Supranational non-governmental organisations Institutions Retail thereof SME thereof Residential Real Estate (RRE) thereof Other Retail Corporates Other Assets E .C unadjusted coverage ratio of non-performing exposure, year end 2013 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 Changes due to the single credit file review Asset quality indicators Based on EBA simplified definition Asset class breakdown E .B unadjusted NPE Level year end 2013 E .A 6,31% -13 6,18% 0,38% 1,99% 40,90% % 26,58% 0,08% 3,18% 0,26% 8,00% 0,53% 1,41% 29,13% 28,17% 28,27% 32,42% 46,64% 25,66% 20,29% 47,77% 49,96%
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