PRESS RELEASE COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT RESULTS WERE RELEASED TODAY CREVAL PASSED THE TEST FACTORING IN THE CAPITAL STRENGTHENING MEASURES TAKEN BY THE GROUP IN 2014 Sondrio, 26 October 2014 – The Comprehensive Assessment (CA) final results were released earlier today. The exercise was conducted by the European Central Bank (ECB) in cooperation with the National Competent Authorities (NCA) – i.e. the Bank of Italy for our country – and was aimed at providing an in-depth assessment of banks’ capital soundness prior to assuming full responsibility for supervision under the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) in November 2014. 130 Eurozonebased banks, including those of Lithuania, were subjected to the comprehensive assessment exercise. Together, they account for 85% of overall banking activities. The comprehensive assessment is an important first step towards enhancing the transparency of the banks’ balance sheets and consistency of supervisory practices in Europe. The assessment started in November 2013 and took 12 months to complete. The comprehensive assessment was carried out by the ECB in collaboration with the National Competent Authorities (NCAs) of the Member States participating in the SSM, and supported at all levels by independent third parties. The assessment exercise relies on two main pillars: • an Asset Quality Review (AQR) – to enhance the transparency of bank balance sheets by reviewing the quality of banks’ assets, including the adequacy of asset and collateral valuation and related provisions; • a Stress Test – performed in close cooperation with the European Banking Authority (EBA). The test examined the resilience of banks’ balance sheets to stress scenarios. The outcomes of the stress test reflect the predefined baseline and adverse stress test scenario, where the baseline scenario assumptions about the worsening of the economic cycle are more conservative whilst those of the adverse scenario are highly unfavourable. For the Creval Group, the Comprehensive Assessment led to a positive outcome, factoring in the capital strengthening measures taken by the Group in 2014 - EUR 415 million - as outlined in the table below. PRESS RELEASE Results of the Comprehensive Assessment Results disclosed by the ECB Mill. EUR Min Excess/Max Shortfall Main capital strengthening measures (1) Excess/Shortfall, including main capital strengthening measures C D = min(A,B,C) E F = D+E -376.66 -376.66 415 38.34 Excess/Shortfall after the AQR Excess/Shortfall after the ST baseline Excess/Shortfall after the ST adverse A B -88.05 -196.99 Excess/Shortfall after the AQR, including main capital strengthening measures Results including other capital strengthening measures Other capital strengthening measures (2) Final Excess/Shortfall, including all capital strengthening measures G = A+E H I = D+E+H 326.95 12.00 50.34 (1) Include the EUR 400 million capital increase completed in June 2014, the ordinary and extraordinary exercise of “Warrant Azioni Ordinarie Creval 2014” (EUR 13 million) and the benefit of the measurement of the shareholdings of Bank of Italy (EUR 2 million). (2) Include the disposal of Creval’s leasing business unit to Alba Leasing (EUR 11.77 million of capital gain and EUR 56 million as RWA reduction) Adjusted CET1 ratio after stress test adverse scenario, including all eligible capital strengthening actions undertaken between 1 January and 20 September 2014 5.8% (RWAs used for the calculation are those of the worst year in the relevant scenario) Following the outcome of the comprehensive assessment exercise and taking into account all capital strengthening measures taken by Creval over the course of 2014 – mainly the EUR 400 million capital increase completed in June which, alone, would have sufficed to cover the maximum capital shortfall identified by the CA exercise – the adjusted CET1 Ratio after stress test adverse scenario comes in at 5.8%. As Creval calculated the ratio applying the standard methodology of RWAs for credit risk, it does not include the benefit deriving from the Advanced Internal Rating Based model validation, estimated in approx. 130 basis points, as pointed out with reference to the risk optimization and capital management actions outlined in the 2014-2016 business plan. *** The comprehensive assessment is prudential in nature. Accounting rules were an important consideration. For the purposes of the exercise, the ECB was not bound by accounting rules where the application of prudential or economic judgement led to an alternative result. It should also be noted, that because the exercise is prudential it does not necessitate accounting changes. PRESS RELEASE Further details on the results of the AQR and stress test under the baseline and adverse scenarios as well as information on credit exposures and exposures to central and local governments are provided in the complete Disclosure Templates available on the ECB and EBA websites, as well as on Creval’s website. The outcomes of the stress test reflect the predefined baseline and adverse stress test scenario that are designed as ‘what-if’ scenarios including plausible but extreme assumptions, which are therefore not very likely to materialize and that cannot be considered as forecasts of financial performance nor forecasts of capital ratios. Annexed to this press release is Section 1. ‘MAIN RESULTS AND OVERVIEW’ of the Disclosure Template the ECB published on Credito Valtellinese. Company Contacts Investor relations Telephone + 39 02 80637471 Email: [email protected] Media relations Telephone +39 02 80637403 Email: [email protected] 2014 COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT OUTCOME ECB PUBLIC NAME OF THE ENTITY ITCRVA Banca Piccolo Credito Valtellinese, Società Cooperativa 1 Main Results and Overview A MAIN INFORMATION ON THE BANK BEFORE THE COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT (end 2013) END 2013 A1 Total Assets (based on prudential scope of consolidation) Mill. EUR 27.203,00 A2 Net (+) Profit/ (-) Loss of 2013 (based on prudential scope of consolidation) Mill. EUR 12,00 A3 Common Equity Tier 1 Capital according to CRDIV/CRR definition, transitional arrangements as of 1.1.2014 Mill. EUR 1.590,10 A4 Total risk exposure * according to CRDIV/CRR definition, transitional arrangements as of 1.1.2014 Mill. EUR 18.096,00 A5 Total exposure measure according to Article 429 CRR "Leverage exposure" Mill. EUR 28.651,00 A6 CET1 ratio according to CRDIV/CRR definition, transitional arrangements as of 1.1.2014 A6=A3/A4 % 8,79% A7 Tier 1 Ratio (where available) according to CRD3 definition, as of 31.12.2013 as reported by the bank % 8,63% A8 Core Tier 1 Ratio (where available) according to EBA definition % 8,63% A9 Leverage ratio % 5,57% A10 Non-performing exposures ratio % 15,54% A11 Coverage ratio for non-performing exposure % 35,29% A12 Level 3 instruments on total assets % 0,26% B MAIN RESULTS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT (CA) B1 CET1 Ratio at year end 2013 including retained earnings / losses of 2013 B1 = A6 B2 Aggregated adjustments due to the outcome of the AQR B3 AQR adjusted CET1 Ratio B3 = B1 + B2 B4 Aggregate adjustments due to the outcome of the baseline scenario of the joint EBA ECB Stress Test to lowest capital level over the 3-year period B5 Adjusted CET1 Ratio after Baseline Scenario B5 = B3 + B4 B6 Aggregate adjustments due to the outcome of the adverse scenario of the joint EBA ECB Stress Test to lowest capital level over the 3-year period B7 Adjusted CET1 Ratio after Adverse Scenario B7 = B3 + B6 Capital Shortfall % Basis Points Change % 8,79% -127 7,52% Basis Points Change % Basis Points Change % -57 6,95% -401 3,51% Basis Points 1 Mill. EUR B8 to threshold of 8% for AQR adjusted CET1 Ratio 48 88,05 B9 to threshold of 8% in Baseline Scenario 105 196,99 B10 to threshold of 5.5% in Adverse Scenario 199 376,66 B11 Aggregated Capital Shortfall of the Comprehensive Assessment B11 = max( B8, B9, B10 ) 199 376,66 * Total risk exposure figure is pre-AQR. Please note that the corresponding Year End 2013 figure in the EBA Transparency template is post-AQR and therefore may not match exactly. 1 RWA used corresponds to relevant scenario in worst case year Overview AQR Overview Baseline Overview Adverse 10% 9% 1,27% 8% 0,57% 7% 6% 4,01% 5% 4% 8,79% 7,52% 3% 6,95% 7,52% 2% 3,51% 1% 0% CET 1 Ratio at year Aggregated AQR adjusted CET1 Aggregate Adjusted CET1 Ratio AQR adjusted CET1 end 2013 including adjustments due to Ratio adjustments due to after Baseline Ratio retained earnings / the outcome of the the outcome of the Scenario losses of 2013 AQR baseline scenario of the joint EBA ECB Stress Test C Aggregate Adjusted CET1 Ratio adjustments due to after Adverse the outcome of the Scenario adverse scenario of the joint EBA ECB Stress Test MAJOR CAPITAL MEASURES IMPACTING TIER 1 ELIGIBLE CAPITAL FROM 1 JANUARY 2014 TO 30 SEPTEMBER 2014 Issuance of CET1 Instruments Impact on Common Equity Tier 1 Million EUR C1 Raising of capital instruments eligible as CET1 capital C2 Repayment of CET1 capital, buybacks 0,00 C3 Conversion to CET1 of hybrid instruments becoming effective between January and September 2014 0,00 Net issuance of Additional Tier 1 Instruments 415,00 Impact on Additional Tier 1 Million EUR C4 with a trigger at or above 5.5% and below 6% 0,00 C5 with a trigger at or above 6% and below 7% 0,00 C6 with a trigger at or above 7% 0,00 Fines/Litigation costs C7 Incurred fines/litigation costs from January to September 2014 (net of provisions) Million EUR 0,00
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