Consultation on proposal to establish an ASD Centre at Cranford Community College Introduction: the consultation process This document outlines the proposal to respond to the need to establish a Centre for pupils with Autistic Spectrum Disorder at Cranford Community College. This would be for 15 students of secondary school age. It would enable those students to access the mainstream curriculum of the school and to receive the support they require. The Centre would open in September 2014 with a small intake and would gradually increase its number of students over several years. The 15 places in the Autism Centre would be in addition to the Published Admission Number (PAN) of the school; therefore it would not reduce the number of places available for years 7 to 11. The purpose of this consultation is to inform the local community about the changes in order to invite responses from key stakeholders. During this process, the Academy Trust Board and the London Borough of Hounslow will continue to evaluate the financial and building implications to ensure that the proposal can be implemented effectively. Why Cranford Community College? Cranford Community College is a mixed secondary school which gained Academy status in March 2011. It is a multi-cultural, comprehensive and inclusive education provider for students from 11-19 years old. Cranford Community College is a highly popular school with a large and expanding sixth form. In October 2012, the school was judged as outstanding by Ofsted. The educational benefits of developing a Centre on the site of the school are that this arrangement will provide opportunities for inclusion in the widest sense: Membership of a mainstream school community providing opportunities for social interaction and friendship with mainstream peers. A specialist environment designed to maximise the learning potential of children and young people with autism, supplemented by access to mainstream facilities. Opportunities for some inclusion in mainstream learning and activities if appropriate. Consultation Document: Autistic Spectrum Disorder Centre – Cranford Community College Why is this being proposed? There is a need for increased specialist provision for students with special educational needs (SEN) across the borough. This is particularly true for students who can access a mainstream school’s curriculum but need additional educational or personal support to enable them to do so successfully. Hounslow Council and the school believe that these students should be able to attend local schools wherever possible – at the moment these students may have to attend schools far from home due to a lack of suitable local provision. This proposed Centre would: Increase local access to education (both the curriculum and wider school activities) for students with ASD for whom a mainstream experience is suitable. Improve the specialist support available for these students within the school through dedicated staff who would be appropriately qualified and trained. Provide appropriate facilities with the ASD Centre for the students and provide this within the heart of the school as part of a commitment to inclusion. The proposal to establish an ASD Centre at Cranford Community College is one of a number of SEN proposals that the Council is developing with schools – Hounslow has 16 SEN Centres in mainstream schools and there are plans to establish more. There will be consultations at other schools, primary and secondary, in the coming months on the establishment of other Centres for students with particular needs and about the expansion of the existing special schools in the borough. What would the impact be? The 15 places at the Centre would be in addition to the existing number of pupils at the school. There would be no impact on the Publish Admission Number of 210 students each year into Year 7. The school will also continue to admit pupils whose statements name Cranford Community College, but who are able to access education in the main school instead of requiring support from the Centre Students will be admitted to the ASD Centre if they have a Statement of Special Educational Needs that named the Centre as the most appropriate school place for them. The process of statementing is managed by the Local Authority. Although the government is proposing changes to SEN, the role of the Local Authority as the manager of the process is unlikely to change. The ASD Centre would be located in accommodation with the school to the north end of the site, with a discrete entrance to provide a safe and secure environment for Centre students. Additional accommodation will be provided to the south end of the school site, for which planning permission has already been obtained, to replace the accommodation devoted to the Centre. The Centre will comprise 2 main buildings, joined by a garden area. The total floor space of 290m2 would provide specialist accommodation, including a sensory room and toilet facilities. The school would be funded by Hounslow Council to employ specialist staff to support students in the ASD Centre, which would add to the expertise available within the school. Consultation Document: Autistic Spectrum Disorder Centre – Cranford Community College How do I have my say? The consultation runs from Monday 10th February 2014 to Friday 6th April 2014 (8 weeks). All parents and staff at the school have been sent this document, as have other local schools and Councillors and other key stakeholders. Comments or objections can be made on any grounds. The Governors would welcome any comments about this proposal. Please email [email protected] or write to the Headteacher at the school address. The school will also be hosting a public meeting to discuss the proposals on Tuesday, 4th March 2014 at 6 pm at Cranford Community College What are the next steps? The Governing Body will consider the responses from the consultation and the other information regarding areas such as finance and buildings. The next steps depend on what the Governors decide: If Governors decide to proceed: the Governing Body would request the permission of the Secretary of State to establish the ASD Centre, and would enter into agreement with Hounslow Council for the building works and future funding. If Governors decide not to proceed: They could request further information to inform a decision at a later date, or could decide that they do not wish to establish the ASD Centre. Background Information - What is Autism? Autism is a lifelong developmental condition, which is part of the autism spectrum. This spectrum is often referred to as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and includes Asperger syndrome. Autism is a difference in thinking style and individuals on the autism spectrum see the world in a different way from the majority of other individuals. The word spectrum is used because, while all people with autism and Asperger syndrome share three main areas of difficulty, their condition will affect them in very different ways. The three main areas of difficulty which all people with an autism spectrum disorder share is often referred to as the ‘triad of impairments’. They are: • Difficulty with social communication • Difficulty with social interaction • Difficulty in developing flexible thinking and understanding how others think and feel Approximately 1 out of every 100 people in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland has an autism spectrum disorder. ASD affects an individual in all aspects of their life, but with appropriate support, many individuals with autism and Asperger syndrome can develop effective coping strategies and go on to lead successful and happy lives. (Adapted from the National Autistic Society website: Consultation Response Form Questionnaire on the following Proposal: Do you support the proposal to establish an Autism Centre at Cranford Community College Yes / Unsure/No (please delete as appropriate) Consultation Document: Autistic Spectrum Disorder Centre – Cranford Community College Do you have any comments you wish to make? Your name: …………………………………………. Date: …………………….. Address: Postcode: Your status (e.g. Pupil / Parent / Governor / Member of Staff / Other) Thank you for your comments. Please return this form to Autism Centre Consultation, Cranford Community College, High Street, Cranford, Hounslow, Middlesex. TW5 9PD to arrive at school by Friday 6th April 2014 Consultation Document: Autistic Spectrum Disorder Centre – Cranford Community College
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