FEM – Simulation – Calculation

FEM – Simulation – Calculation
As an expert in structural calculations of buried pipes, manholes, reservoirs and containers, we offer a wide range of designing services for different materials.
 Experience in finite element analysis (FEA) since 1997
 State of the art FEA software, such as NX Nastran
 Close collaboration with numerous engineering companies and consultants, as well as pipe,
manhole and container manufacturers in Germany and worldwide
Modeling and meshing
Finite element analysis – linear and non-linear
Determination of traffic loads
Elaboration of solutions and optimization measures
Verification and interpretation of the solution
Pre-consultation for the verification of structural calculations
Software for structural analysis of buried pipes, jacking pipes, liners and manholes
Custom software development
Tangential manhole
Manhole cone
Designing services for structural calculation of buried pipes
Tube banks (close bedding of two or more pipes, which influence each other and therefore
do not correspond to calculations covered by common standards)
Cable outlets and cable protection tubes (also underneath the rails of Deutsche Bahn)
Pipeline routes underneath airport runways
Extensive know-how in the field of sewer rehabilitation
Relining for any profiles
Host pipe conditions (ARZ) I, II and III
Recalculation of existing pipes considering the present conditions of pipe installations
Manhole calculations
Special shaped parts (tangential connections, fins, etc.)
Consideration of mounting parts, openings and outlets
Cones made of any materials, among others plastics with and without reinforcing fins, corrugations, symmetrical and asymmetrical
Arbitrary load positions
Reservoir and container calculations
Reservoirs with demanding geometries; reinforced with fins, multiply sheeted
Silos, tanks and bunkers
Wall thickness optimization
You are interested in an individual FEA solution? Please contact us, we will gladly assist you. See
the back page for contact information.
We conduct necessary verifications in accordance to the current standards and guidelines. A comparative analysis by different standards may be conducted.
The goals are to develop an appropriate
finite element mesh, assign suitable material
properties and apply the boundary conditions in the form of restrains and loads.
The equations are assembled into matrix
form and are solved numerically.
It is time for the analysis engineer to examine and interpret the solution.
Following steps characterize the processing
The expetise of the engineer is crucial for
this phase:
Crucial parameters and steps:
Type of the applied finite elements
Geometric boundary conditions
(displacements, restrains)
Static boundary conditions (loads)
Stiffness matrix calculation
Load vectors calculation
Equations assembly of the stiffness
matrix, load vectors and displacement
vectors of the system
Solving the generated system of linear
equations for the displacement vectors
Creating a report
Creating the report is a conclusion of the
finite element analysis. Among others, the
report should contain following items:
Project data (definition, sketches,
plans, soil analyses, existing documentation)
Literature (standards, guidelines)
Scope of work (calculation model,
boundary conditions, load combinations, type of analysis)
Graphic presentation of the examined
parameters (stresses, strains, displacements etc.)
Necessary static verifications (stability,
buckling, usability)
Possible modification suggestions
IngSoft GmbH
Landgrabenstr. 94
90443 Nuremberg
+49 (911) 430879-305
+49 (911) 430879-29
[email protected]
Version: 2014-01-22
Subterranean reservoir
Investigating the plausibility of the
Verifying the numerical accuracy of the
Examining the quantities of interest
Evaluating the analyzed model
Creating a report