ARINC Project Initiation/Modification (APIM) 1.0 Name of Proposed Project APIM 14-002 Supplement 7 to ARINC Characteristic 781 - Addition of ATN/OSI Service to ARINC 781 (Inmarsat SwiftBroadband) 1.1 Name of Originator and/or Organization Alan Schuster Bruce, Inmarsat 2.0 Subcommittee Assignment and Project Support 2.1 Suggested AEEC Group and Chairman AGCS, Kenny Blankenship, American Airlines 2.2 Support for the activity (as verified) Airlines: American Airlines Airframe Manufacturers: Airbus Suppliers: Cobham, Honeywell, Thales Others: Inmarsat 2.3 Commitment for Drafting and Meeting Participation (as verified) Airlines: Airframe Manufacturers: Airbus Suppliers: Cobham, Honeywell, Thales Others: Inmarsat 2.4 Recommended Coordination with other groups (List other AEEC subcommittees or other groups.) 3.0 Project Scope (why and when standard is needed) 3.1 Description Background Inmarsat has started development of the addition of an ATN/OSI service for SwiftBroadband which will meet the requirements of datalink in continental airspace for ATN Baseline 2. This will also, in time, facilitate a common FANS application in continental and oceanic airspace. This project is part of the overall SESAR framework and is sponsored by ESA. Service is expected in 2018. The programme is called Iris Precursor. The changes to terminals already providing SwiftBroadband safety service is expected to be only a software change. Scope of activity The activity will define changes/additions to ARINC 781 to define changes to the Satellite Data Unit and to define the interface to the CMU. The SDU/CMU interface is currently defined in ARINC 741 Part 2, and the AGCS will decide whether the new interface is defined in ARINC 741 Part 2 or in ARINC Page 1 of 3 Updated: May 2011 781. In addition some other maintenance changes will be made to ARINC 781 including: • Add clarification on the use of the Join/Leave words in an SBB AES. • Fix a 12 dB error in the audio level specification. Key parties have agreed what it should be. • Standardize the allocation of Ethernet ports on the SDU. • Other minor issues as they arise 3.2 Planned usage of the envisioned specification Note: New airplane programs must be confirmed by manufacturer prior to completing this section. Use the following symbol to check yes or no below. New aircraft developments planned to use this specification yes no Airbus: A320 family, A330, A350, A380. 2018 Boeing: tbd Other: (manufacturer, aircraft & date) Modification/retrofit requirement yes no Specify: (aircraft & date) Needed for airframe manufacturer or airline project yes no Specify: (aircraft & date) Mandate/regulatory requirement yes no Program and date: (program & date) Is the activity defining/changing an infrastructure standard? yes no Specify (e.g., ARINC 429) When is the ARINC Standard required? October 2015 What is driving this date? Development of satcom and Airbus ATSU Are 18 months (min) available for standardization work? yes no If NO please specify solution: _________________ Are Patent(s) involved? yes no If YES please describe, identify patent holder: _________________ 3.3 Issues to be worked Define satcom functionality Define interface between CMU and satcom 4.0 Benefits 4.1 Basic benefits Operational enhancements For equipment standards: a. Is this a hardware characteristic? yes no yes no Page 2 of 3 Updated: May 2011 b. Is this a software characteristic? c. Interchangeable interface definition? d. Interchangeable function definition? If not fully interchangeable, please explain: Is this a software interface and protocol standard? Specify: _________________ Product offered by more than one supplier Identify: (company name) 4.2 4.2.1 yes no yes no yes no _________________ yes no yes no Specific Project Benefits Benefits for Airlines Provide ATN Baseline 2 functionality via satellite in both continental and oceanic airspace, thus providing more availability, capacity and coverage, as well as facilitating a move to a common FANS system in oceanic and continental airspace. 4.2.2 Benefits for Airframe Manufacturers Will allow move to multi-band (VHF and satcom) operations in response to: Demands from both AOC and ATS users Increase of ATN/OSI equipped aircraft due to data link mandate 4.2.3 Benefits for Avionics Equipment Suppliers More/continued sales, and provides more functionality from the satcom system. 5.0 Documents to be Produced and Date of Expected Result ARINC 781 Supplement 7. 5.1 Meetings and Expected Document Completion Product/Activity Mtgs Mtg-Days (Total) Expected Start Date Expected Completion Date Supplement 7 to ARINC Characteristic 781 4 12* April 2014 October 2015 It is expected that this activity will be carried out during the currently planned AGCS meetings authorized under APIM 13-011 for Iridium NEXT satcom and use approximately 3 hours per meeting. Telecons and web conferencing will also be used where appropriate. 6.0 Comments None 6.1 Expiration Date for this APIM October 2015 Submit completed form to the AEEC Executive Secretary. Page 3 of 3 Updated: May 2011
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