Spring 2014 Newsletter H O U S TO N T E C H N O L O G Y DEVELOPMENT CENTER I N T E R N ATI O N A L AC T I V I T Y A T INSIDE THIS ISSUE: NDE Composite Wrap Repairs 2 Immersion Pull Test Capability 2 Large Stand Off Magnetometry 3 PHMSA Mechanical Damage 3 TDC Utilization 3 Coming Soon 4 The Houston Technology Development Center • Your research dollars at work. • Attracting investment outside the ballot funding process. • Advancing research and development for the benefit for industry. THE CENTER This spring has seen a substantial degree of activity by International members and vendors advancing projects at the TDC. In March PETROBRAS staff attended to supervise testing on the SPIM 1-2 crack samples and their own additional pipes under the JSUB-1 consortia. The tool under test came from Norway with Norwegian staff adding to the international flavor of the work. In May as part of NDE 2-3 a Brazilian University under the direction of PETROBRAS participated in testing laser Shearography on the Composite Wrap Repair samples built for determining the performance of NDE techniques to assess composite wrap repairs. In February and March Subsea Integrity Group from the UK performed tests of their EMIT internal tool as part of NDE 1-4 again under the watchful eye of PETROBRAS and other PRCI members. PETROBRAS discuss test procedures with Oceaneering TDC BENEFITTING A number of non PRCI projects have benefitted from the samples gathered together by the TDC to advance work primarily funded by others but with direct interest to the pipeline community. A REPSEA project testing THE W I D E R I N D U S T RY Imaging sonar needed corroded pipeline samples for an underwater test in Florida using a Lockheed Martin Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). This work is of direct interest to PRCI members such as Chevron and Total who are directly involved in AUV developments. Externally corroded pipe characterized by the TDC was supplied to the project. Page 2 V o l u m e 1 , I ss u e 1 N D E O F C O M P O S I T E W R A P R E PA I R S A D VA N C E S The NDE 2-3 project is a great example of how access to the TDC can accelerate R&D. the 2014 work on this project has advanced to a position that all testing will be completed by the end of May and a draft report for team review available by the end of June. member company for their use at the TDC opened up and opportunity to apply the technology to this project thereby increasing our knowledge base. The project has also had the chance to test novel technologies such as laser Shearography leveraging work being funded in Brazil by PETROBRAS. We have also been able to test NDE technologies not in the original workscope due to opportunity events coincident with other activities in Houston. A remote field eddy current technique being tested by a Shearography Image of Wall Loss Under Wrap I M M E R S I O N P U L L T E S T C A PA B I L I T Y “ the TDC is helping in accelerating R&D execution” Capability has been expanded at the TDC with the re-assembly and application of an immersion test capability for testing ultrasonic ILI devices up to 12” Pipe Diameter, 30 feet in length. The equipment was originally paid for by SPIM 1-2 and lay idle at Southwest Research Institute. Under the JSUB-1 consortia the capability was moved to the TDC and re-commissioned. The first successful tests were completed in March. This adds to the range of capabilities now available at the TDC. H o u s t o n T e ch n o l o g y Page 3 NDE 3-1 E VA L UA T I O N O F L A R G E S TA N D O F F M A G N E T O M E T RY A range of pipe samples from the TDC with known flaws have been prepared and supplied to a site at Stress Engineering in Waller County. These are to be welded into three pipe strings that will create a buried, pressurized test cell to facilitate the evaluation of Large Standoff Magnetometry techniques under project NDE 3-1. membership with some clarity on the capabilities of these technologies that are a little ‘black box’ in understanding to date. The test cell is designed and fabricated to test a range of challenges that these techniques face in the real world. The testing will be blind to the vendors and will hopefully provide the PRCI SCT LSM Technology PHMSA PROJECT LEVERAGES TDC A mechanical damage project primarily funded by PHMSA and led by BMT Fleet but with PRCI input led by Gdf Suez has been supplied with pipe from the TDC stocks. This pipe will be utilized to create controlled mechanical damage flaws and tests. The work is directly related t o the PRCI roadmap on mechanical damage. “TDC Sample Inventory Exceeds 600 for the first time” This is an additional example of our investment in the TDC moving forward understanding for the benefit of the industry. For more details contact Mures Zarea Gdf. TDC UTILIZATION 25 Utilization of the TDC continues to grow with project execution work taking place on a regular basis. Through the early part of this year the following key work has benefitted from the TDC: A number of the projects have been referenced in this newsletter but also ERW ILI—characterization of seam flaws where extensive work has been completed and preparations for NDE 2-2g SCC Crack depth measurement. 20 15 Available 10 Utilized 5 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul “The Pipeline Research Council International (PRCI), is the preeminent global collaborative research development organization of, by, and for the energy pipeline industry.” PRCI’s Value ProposiƟon Pipeline Research Council International 3141 Fairview Park Drive Suite 525 Falls Church, VA 22042 Phone: +1 703-205-1600 Using the leverage generated by our members’ resource contributions to create a research forum of ideas and results producing solutions that assure the safe, reliable, environmentally sound, and cost-effective pipeline transportation of energy to consumers worldwide. The Houston Technology Development Center is located currently at a leased facility on Sam Houston Beltway Frontage Road in Houston. Established in late 2011 it has grown to be the largest single Need to utilize the TDC? repository of real world damaged pipeline samples in the world. Contact: Project Manager: John O’Brien [email protected] Staff: Steven Trevino [email protected] THE FUTURE In March the PRCI Board authorized a small project team to commence the search for a new and potentially expanded TDC. This new facility will allow the co-location of a new long term home, pipe storage for up to 1000 pipe samples and the NDE-4F ILI pull test facility. The team is currently searching for suitable sites in and around Houston. IS NEARBY
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