Aug Marias_RuralMontanaTemplate

Marias River’s new General Manager
or several
Children: Son,
months the
Tucker, stepson
MRE Board
Jared, daughterof Trustees has
in-law Tiffany,
been working
diligently to find
Jack and Abby,
the best general
pets Greta
manager it could
(Bichon Frise)
to lead MRE into
and Griffin
the future.
Following a
process that has
Collette is a
Kris Ingenthron
been successful
Montana native,
around the nation, the search born and raised in the
led to a number of finalists.
Power/Fairfield area. For the
After conducting interviews, most part, Collette has been a
the Marias Board ultimately stay-at-home mom and has
offered the GM position to
done some volunteering as
Kris Ingenthron, who accept- well.
ed the position. Kris will
Our youngest son, Tucker,
begin at MRE Aug. 1st. Kris graduated from high school
brings a wealth of operain 2012. He joined the
tional and management
National Guard and recently
knowledge and experience.
returned from an 11-month
We asked Kris if he would
deployment in Afghanistan.
share information about him- He is planning to attend
self and his family.
school this fall in
Minneapolis, MN. Our oldest
Individual: Kris R.
son Jared is married with two
children living in Oconto
Falls, WI. Jared is the regionResidence: Glencoe, MN
al IT operations director with
St. Vincent Hospital-Oconto
Falls, WI. Jared and his wife
Spouse: Collette
Tiffany have two children,
Jack, 3 and Abby, 1.
Background: Born and
raised in Wisconsin, I am the
youngest of five children
(two brothers/two sisters).
My siblings all live in
Wisconsin. My father retired
from Hill County Electric
Cooperative, Havre, MT,
after 43 years in the utility
business. I also have a brother who works in the
Operations Department at
Oakdale Electric Cooperative
in Tomah, Wisc. I attended
Northeast Wisconsin
Technical College, receiving
an associate’s degree in
Model Building in 1982. I
began my career in the utility
business in 1980 as a parttime summer employee with
an electric cooperative in
central Wisconsin. My career
brought me to Montana in
1985, working with a power
line contractor and Sun River
Electric Cooperative as a
journeyman lineman. In
1998, I accepted a position
with Oconto Electric
Cooperative in Oconto Falls,
Wisc. as line superintendent,
advancing to vice president
of operations. In 2007, we
moved to Glencoe, Minn.,
Surge arrestors available
RE has an option to
help protect your
home’s electronics.
To provide surge protection
from lightning and other
sources of overvoltage,
TESCO provides a surge
arrestor system that goes
behind the electric meter.
For $160 installed, MRE
will provide the surge
arrestor equipment installed
at the meter base. Lightning,
if hitting close enough, can
damage about anything,
including surge arrestors.
This device gives added protection, and although not
necessarily a full replacement for surge arrestors at
computers, the TESCO
meter base arrestors give
added protection. Come into
or call the MRE office for
more information or to order
a TESCO meter socket surge
arrestor at your service.
where I assumed the duties of
general manager with
McLeod Cooperative Power
Association. I was the board
president of Crow River
Habitat for Humanity and
past member of the Board of
Directors with the local
Lions Club.
Hobbies: Hunting, fishing
riding motorcycles, woodworking, camping and yard
Likes: Collette and I like to
go camping and take drives
on the weekend to explore
the countryside. I also like to
volunteer my time with
organizations that can better
the lives of individuals/families that are not as fortunate
as myself.
to our new
Annie Barstad
Karen Bartosh
Leiana Bouttier
Kelsey Burley
Charlotte Heckendorn
Meghan Higle
Geoffrey Johnson
Leader Outdoor
Advertising, Inc.
Gilbert Martinez
Michael J. Nix
Brenda & Albert Richard
Al Wilson
Aaron Wohlwend
Phone: (406) 434-5575 • Fax: (406) 434-2531
P.O. Box 729, Shelby, MT 59474
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:
Incorporated In 1945
Serving 3,700
A Locally-Owned Utility