Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes Reading makes a full man; conference makes a ready man; Writing makes an exact man P-SAT 2014 - 15 (PIONEER’S SCHOLARSHIP/ADMISSION TEST) {9TH CBSE} General Instructions:The question paper consist of FOUR sections (A), (B), (C), (D). Section A contains 45 objective multiple choice questions of Mathematics. Section B {Physics 46 – 60}, Section C {Chemistry 61 – 75} and Section D {Biology 76-90}. Each right answer carries 4 marks and wrong –1. Maximum Marks 360. Maximum Time 180 minutes. Give your response in the OMR sheet given to you with question paper. Properly write down your roll no, name, contact number in the OMR sheet. If there is any inappropriate filling of the circles in OMR then that sheet will be disqualified. Name: _______________________________Father Name:______________________________ Mobile: ______________________________School:_____________________________________ Solution Visits: S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 1 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes Section-A {Mathematics} 1. The graph y = 6 is a line (a) parallel to x-axis at a distance 6 units from the origin (b) parallel to y-axis at a distance 6 units from the origin (c) making an intercept 6 on the x-axis (d) making an intercept 6 on both axis Ans. (a) 2. The equation y = 4x – 7 has (a) no solution (b) unique solution (c) infinitely many solution (d) exactly two solution Sol: (c) A linear equation in two variable has infinitely many solutions. 3. A quadrilateral , whose diagonals bisect at right angles is called (a) Trapezium (b) rectangle (c) a parallelogram with unequal adjacent sides (d) rhombus Sol: (d) 4. In the given figure, ABCD and PQRC are rectangles and Q is the mid-point of AC then Find the value of k. If PR = k(AC) (a) 2 4 (b) 1 2 (c) 1 3 (d) 2 3 Sol: (b) S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 2 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes Given : ABCD and PQRC ate two rectangles and Q is the mid-point of AC To Prove: Proof : DP = PC QC = PR QC = 1 AC 2 PR 5. 1 AC 2 In a parallelogram ABCD, AB = 10 cm and AD = 6 cm. The bisector of A meets DC in E. AE and BC produced meet at F. Find the length of CF. (a) 4 cm (b) 3 cm (c) 6 (d) 5 cm Ans. (a) 1 2 1 3 then 2 3 i.e., AB = BF = 10 cm But BC = 6 cm then CF = 4 cm 6. In the given figure, P is the mid-point of side BC of a parallelogram ABCD such that BAP DAP . Find the value of k , AD = k (CD). S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 3 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} (a) 3 (b) 2 Medical and Non - Medical Classes (c) 5 (d) 6 Sol: (b) 1 2 But ABCD is ||gm then then 1 2 3 3 i.e., AB BP but P is mid-point of BC. Then BP = PC Now BP = AB = DC and AD = BC = BP + PC = 2BP = 2AB = 2CD 7. E and F are respectively the mid-points of the non-parallel sides AD and BC of a trapezium ABCD. If EF||AB then find EF= k (AB + CD). (a) 1 3 (b) 1 4 (c) 2 3 (d) 1 2 Ans. (d) Construction : Join B to E which meets CD produced at G. S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 4 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes Since AB || DC and E, F are mid-points of AD and BC then in ABE and EDG, 1 2 [Vertically opposite angles] 3 4 [Alternate interior angles] Hence DE = AE ABE DGE BE= EG [ASA congruency] i.e., AB = GD Then CG = CD +DG = CD + AB Now in BCG, BF FC and BE EG i.e., 8. BF BE 1 then EF||GC FC EG and EF 1 GC 2 i.e., EF 1 [CD AB] 2 A parallelogram and a rectangle have common base and equal areas. Then (a) the perimeter of the rectangle is smaller than the perimeter of the parallelogram. (b) the perimeter of the rectangle is greater than the perimeter of the parallelogram. (c) the perimeter of the rectangle is equal to the perimeter of the parallelogram. (d) the perimeter of the rectangle is greater than and equal to perimeter of the parallelogram. Ans. (a) 9. In the given figure, the sides of PQR are 30 m, 24 m and 18 m and sides of ABC are 25 m, 24 m and 7 m. Find the area between the triangles (shaded region) S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 5 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} (a) 140 m2 (b) 123 m2 Medical and Non - Medical Classes (c) 132 m2 (d) 136 m2 Sol: (c) Area of PQR 1 24 18 2 = 216 m2 Area of ABC 1 24 7 84m2 2 Area of shaded region = ar( PQR) ar( ABC) = 216 – 84 =132 m2. 10. A circle is inscribed in an equilateral triangle of side 12 cm touching the sides of the triangle. Find the radius of the inscribed circle. (a) 2 3 cm (b) 2 4 cm (c) 3 4 cm (d) 3 6 cm Sol: (a) Let radius of in circle = x cm Ar of ( ABC) = ar ( BOC) ar ( COA) ar ( AOB) S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 6 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} 3 (12)2 4 Medical and Non - Medical Classes 1 1 1 BC OD AC OE AB OF 2 2 2 1 1 1 12 x 12 x 12 x 2 2 2 36 3 36 3 18x x 2 3 cm 11. In ABC, median AD, BE and CF intersects each other at G. Then find the value of k. If BE +CF >k (BC). (a) 3 4 (b) 3 2 (c) 2 3 (d) 4 3 Sol: (b) BE + EC > BC BE 1 AC BC 2 Similarly, CF BE CF 1 AB BC 2 1 (AC AB) 2BC 2 BE CF 2BC 1 (AC AB) 2 BE CF 2BC 1 BC 2 BE CF AC AB BC 3 BC 2 12. ABCD is a parallelogram X and Y are the mid-points of BC and CD respectively. Then find the value of k. If ar(AXY) k ar (|| gm ABCD) . (a) 2 8 (b) 4 8 (c) 3 8 (d) 3 9 Sol: (c) S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 7 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} 1 ar ( DBC) 4 ar( CYX) ar(DBC) Medical and Non - Medical Classes 1 ar ( gm ABCD) 2 ar ( CYX) 1 ar (|| gm ABCD) 8 Similarly, ar ( AYD) 1 ar (|| gm ABCD) 4 Now, use ar ( AXY) ar (|| gm ABCD) ar ( ABX) ar( AYD) ar( CYX). 13. PQRS is a rectangle inscribed in a quadrant of a circle of radius 13 cm. A is any point on PQ. If PS = 5 cm, then find the value of ar (PAS) = ? (a) 30 cm2. (b) 40 cm2. (c) 50 cm2. (d) 60 cm2. Sol: (a) A is any point on PQ PA < PQ ar ( PQR) 1 PQ QR 2 S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 8 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} = Medical and Non - Medical Classes 1 12 5 30 cm2 2 PS = 5 cm PA < PQ ar( PAS) ar PQR ar( PAS) 30 cm2 14. ABC and BDE are two equilateral triangles such that D is the mid-point of BC. Then find the value of k. If ar (BDE) = k ar(ABC). (a) 1 6 (b) 1 7 (c) 1 4 (d) 1 3 Sol: (c) ar ( ABC) 3 (side)2 4 Let side =a cm ar ( ABC) 3 2 a 4 BD a 2 ar( BDE) 3 a 4 2 2 3 a2 4 4 S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 9 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes 2 3a 4 4 3 2 a 4 ar( BDE) ar( ABC) ar( BDE) 1 4 1 ar ( ABC) 4 15. ABCD is a parallelogram in which BC is produced to E such that CE = BC(in figure). AE Intersects CD at F. If ar (DFB) = 3 cm2, find the area of the parallelogram ABCD. (a) 13 cm2 (b) 12 cm2 (c) 15 cm2 (d) 10 cm2 Sol: (b) In ADF and ECF ADF ECF Alternate int erior angles CEF Alternate int erior angle AD = CF DAF ADF ECF DF = CF (CPCT) BF is median of BCD S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 10 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} but Medical and Non - Medical Classes ar ( BDF) 1 ar( BCD) 2 ar ( BCD) 1 ar(||gm ABCD) 2 ar ( BDF) 1 1 ar(||gm ABCD) 2 2 1 ar(||gm ABCD) 4 ar ( BDF) 1 ar(||gm ABCD) 4 3 3 4 ar(||gm ABCD) ar(||gm ABCD) 12cm2 16. ABCD is a trapezium in which AB ||DC, DC = 30 cm and AB = 50cm. IF X and Y are, respectively the mid-points of AD and BC, then find the value of k. If ar (DCYX) = k ar (XYBA). (a) 7 9 (b) 5 9 (c) 5 8 (d) 4 8 Sol: (a) In DCY and PBY CY = BY C B 1 2 DCY (Vertically apposite angles) PBY (ASA congruency) DC =PB [CPCT] PB = 30 cm AP = 50 cm + 30 cm = 80 cm Using mid-point theorem XY = 1 1 AP 80cm 40cm 2 2 S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 11 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes Let distance between AB, XY and DC is h cm. DCYX In ar(XYBA) 1 h(30cm 40cm) 35hcm 2 1 h(40cm 50cm) 45hcm 2 ar( DCYX) 35 7 ar( XYBA) 45 9 ar ( DCYX) 7 ( XYBA) 9 17. If O is centre of circle as shown in figure, find (a) 40o (b) 60o RTQ (C) 45o (d) 90o Sol: (c) In the given figure, 5 5 6 360o 140o 360o 5 360o 140o 220o 6 140o ...(i) 5 2 2 [The angle subtended by a chord is twice the angle subtended by it on the circumference in the alternate segment] 220o 2 2 [from(i)] S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 12 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} o 2 110 Medical and Non - Medical Classes .......(ii) 4 is the exterior angle. In cyclic quadrilateral PQTS, 2 [Exterior angle of cyclic quadrilateral is equal to interior opposite angle] 4 4 110o [From (ii)] RQT 110o 3 1 [Exterior angle of cyclic quadrilateral is equal to interior opposite angle] 3 45o [ 1 45o ] RTQ 45o 18. In the given figure, AB is the chord of a circle with centre O. AB is produced to C such that BC = OB, CO is joined and produced to meet the circle in D. If ACD y and AOD x , find the value of k. If x = ky. (a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 6 (d)4 Sol: (b) OB = BC [Given] BOC BCO BOC y OBA BOC OCB [Exterior angle of a is equal to sum of the opposite interior angles] OBA y y 2y Also, OA =OB OAB [Radii of the same circle] OBA 2y S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 13 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Now, Medical and Non - Medical Classes AOD is exterior angle if AOC AOD OAC OCA x 2y y x 3y 19. In the given figure, determine b (a)9o (b)10o (c)12o (d)13o Sol: (d) In CAE, C 43o A 62o AEC 180o AEC 180o AEC 75o In cyclic quadrilateral AEDB, a + AEC 180o a =105o and A BDE 180o BDE 1180 ,also BDE c 1180 c 620 Similarly in AFB, a + 62o +b = 180o S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 14 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} 105o + 62o +b Medical and Non - Medical Classes =180o b = 13o 20. In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle. (a) x +y=z (b)y +z =x (c)x +z=y (d) none of these Sol: (a) ABC x p [Exterior angle of a ] y = x + p +p = x+ 2p z = 2 ABC 2x 2p =(x +2p) + x = y + x 21. The sum of angles formed in the four segments exterior to a cyclic quadrilateral by the sides is = x (900). Find the value of x? (a)6 (b) 7 (c) 8 (d)4 Sol: (a) S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 15 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} E F G Medical and Non - Medical Classes H 6 right angles In cyclic quadrilateral similarly and E 180o 1 HAEB, 3 2 .....................(i) F 180o G 180o .....................(ii) .....................(iii) Adding eq.(i), (ii) and (iii), we get 1 E 2 F 3 G 3 180o 2 3 540o E F G 1 E F G H 6 90o 22. In the given figure, O is the centre and AE is the diameter of the semicircle ABCDE. If AB = BC and (a)30o AEC 50o , then find (b) 40o CBE . (c) 45o (d) 500 Sol: (b) S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 16 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes Join OC, 2 AEC In AOC 100o AOC AOB and BOC, AB = BC, AO =OC and OB = OB BOA BOC BOA 50o and BOA BOC 50o CEO [Each 50o] BO || CE [If corresponding AOC Now, COE 180o s are equal, lines are ||] [ AOC 180o ] COE 80o COE 2 CBE CBE 40o 23. In the given figure, (a) 40o ADC 130o and chord BC = chord BE. Find (b) 100o (c) 90o CBE (d) 80o Sol: (b) S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 17 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes Join OC AOC 260o AOC 100o Reflex COB 180o 100o 80o 1 COB 2 1 CEB 80o 2 CEB CEB ECB 40o CBE 180o (40o 40o ) 100o 24. AB and AC are two chords of a circle of radius r such that AB = 2AC. If p and q are the distances of AB and AC from the centre. Find the value of k. If k(q2) = p2 + 3r2. (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 2 Sol: (a) AM2 = r2 –p2 1 AB 2 2 r2 p2 S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 18 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} AB2 = 4(r2 – Medical and Non - Medical Classes p2) (2AC)2 = 4(r2 –p2) ( AB 2AC) 4AC2 =4(r2 –p2) But ………(i) AN2 = r2 – p2 AC 2 2 r 2 q2 AC2 = 4(r2 –q2) ….(ii) From (i) and (ii) r2 –p2 = 4r2 –4q2 4q2 = 4r2 –r2 +p2 25. In figure, O is the centre of the circle, (a) 45o, 12o (b) 30o, 15o BCO 30o Find x and y. (c) 16o, 40o (d) 18o, 60o Sol: (b) In OCP, OPC 90o [AP BC] OCP 30o POC 90o 30o 60o DO AP, DOP 90o COD 90o 60o 30o CBD 1 COD 2 [Angle subtended theorem] S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 19 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes 1 30o 15o 2 y 15o y AOD 90o ABD 1 AOD 2 [Angle subtended theorem] In ABP, x 45o y 90o 180o x 45o 15o 90o 180o x 180o 150o 30o 26. A metallic sheet is of the rectangular shape with dimensions 48cm×36 cm. From each of its corners, a square of 8 cm is cut off and an open box is made of the remaining sheet, then the volume of the box is (a) 5102 cm3 (b) 5012 cm3 (c) 5000 cm3 (d) 5120 cm3 Sol: (d) When squares of 8 cm is cut off , then length of the box = (48 – 16) cm = 32 cm breadth of the box = (36 – 16) cm = 20 cm height of the box = 8 cm volume of the box = 32×20×8 = 5120 cm3 27. How many spherical lead shots each 4.2 cm in diameter can be obtained from a rectangular solid lead with dimensions 66cm, 42 cm and 21 cm? (a) 1560 (b) 1500 (c) 1400 (d) 1630 S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 20 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes Sol: (b) Dimensions of the rectangular solid are 66cm, 42 cm21 cm. Volume of the solid = 66×42×21 cm3 ……..(i) Diameter of a spherical lead shot = 4.2 cm radius = 2.1 cm Volume of spherical lead shot = 4 22 (2.1)3 3 7 ........(ii) Number of lead shots Volume of the rec tangular solid Volume of one spherical lead shot = 66 42 21 21 88 (2.1)3 from (i) and (ii) 66 2 1000 1500 88 28. A sector of a circle of radius 12 cm has the angle 120o. It is rolled up so that two bounding radii are joined together to form a cone. Find the volume of the cone. (a) 189.57 cm3 (b) 190.57 cm3 (c) 185.57 cm3 (d) 170.57 cm3 Sol: (a) Angle of sector = 120o = Length of are = = 1 of central angle 3 1 1 of circumference = 2 r 3 3 1 22 2 12cm 3 7 Let radius of cone = x cm Now circumference of base of cone = length of arc 1 22 22 2 12 2 x 3 7 7 x 4 cm S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 21 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes radius = 4 cm, slant height = 12 cm, h l2 r 2 h 144 16 128 8 2cm Volume of cone = 1 2 rh 3 29. Two solid spheres made of the same metal have weights 5920 g and 740 g, respectively. Determine the radius of the larger sphere, if the diameter of the smaller one is 5cm. (a) 10 cm (b) 5 cm (c) 6 cm (d) 8 cm Sol: (b) m1 = 5920 g m2 =740 g Density (D) = Volume = Mass Density V1 = 5920 3 cm D V2 = 740 3 cm D V1 V2 5920 D 740 D 4 3 r 3 1 4 3 r 3 2 r13 r23 Mass Volume 5920 740 5920 740 r2 = 5/2 cm S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 22 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} 3 1 r 5 2 r13 3 Medical and Non - Medical Classes 5920 740 5920 125 740 8 r13 125 r13 5cm Radius of longer sphere = 5 cm 30. The water for a factory is stored in a hemispherical tank whose internal diameter is 14 m. The tank contains 50 kilolitres of water. Water is pumped into the tank to fill to its capacity. Calculate the volume of water pumped into the tank. (a) 840.66m3 (b) 670.66m3 (c) 668.66m3 (d) 650.66m3 Sol: (c) Water in the tank = 50,000 litres = 50 m3 volume of tank = 2 3 r 3 2 22 14.7 14.7 14.7 3 7 2 2 2 3 718.66m Volume of water pumped in the tank = 718.66 –50 =668.66 m3 31. A sphere and a right circular cylinder of the same radius have equal volume. By what percentage does the diameter of the cylinder exceed its height ? (a) 45% (b) 40% (c) 30% (d) 50% Sol: (d) S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 23 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes Let radius of sphere be r 4 3 r 3 r 2h h 4 r 3 Diameter =2r Increased diameter = 2r % 4 2r r 3 3 2r 100 3 4 r 3 % increased = 2 3 3 4 100 50 32. If each edge of a cube is increased by 25%, then find the percentage increase in its surface area (a) 50.01% (b) 52.23 % (c) 56.25 % (d) 26.25% Sol: (c) Let edge of cube = x units Surface area – 6x2 square units New edge = x + 25 5x x units 100 4 New surface area = 6 25 2 x square units 16 75 2 x square units 8 S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 24 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Increase in surface area = Medical and Non - Medical Classes 75 2 x 6x2 8 27 2 x 8 27 2 x 8 % increase = 100 56.25% 6x2 33. Find the mean of the following distribution Frequency Variable 4 4 8 6 14 8 11 10 3 12 (a)8.05 (b) 10 (c) 15 (d) 43 Sol: (a) Frequency Variable fixi 4 4 16 8 6 48 14 8 112 11 10 110 3 12 36 Total = 332 thus mean = 332/40 = 8.05 34. The mean marks (out of 100) of boys and girls in an examination are 70 and 73, respectively. If the mean marks of all the students in that examination is 71. Find the ratio of number of boys to the number of girls. (a) 2:1 (b) 2:3 (c) 5: 4 (d) 1: 5 Sol: (a) S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 25 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes Let the boys be x Number of girls be (100 –x) Mean of boys = 70= Total marks No. of boys Total marks x Total marks = 70x Mean of girls = 73= Total marks No. of girls Total marks (100 x) Total marks = 73(100–x) Total marks = 70x + 7300 –73x = (7300–3x) 71 = 7300 3x 100 7300–3x = 7100 –3x = 7100-7300 –3x = –200 x= 200 3 200 3 Number of boys = Number of girls = 200 Ratio = 3 100 3 100 3 2:1 Ratio of boys to girls = 2 :1 S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 26 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes 35. In a class there are x boys and y girls, A student is selected at random, then probability of selecting a girl is (a) x y (b) x (c) x y y (d) x y y x Sol: (c) 36. ABC is an equilateral triangle. P is a point on BC such that BP : PC = 2 : 1. Find the value of k. If k(AP2) = 7AB2. (a) 8 (b)9 (c) 3 (d) 5 Sol: (b) Draw AD BC As ABC is an equilateral triangle, D is mid-point of BC Given BP : PC = 2 : 1 Let PC = x, then BP = 2x BC = BP + PC = 2x + x=3x AB = 3x ….(i) ( AB = BC) As D is mid-point of BC, BD = DC = 1 1 3 BC = 3x = x 2 2 2 3 1 DP = DC –PC= x –x= x 2 2 In ABD, D 90o , AB2 = AD2 +BD2 AD2 = AB2 – BD2=(3x)2 3 – x 2 2 27 2 x 4 …..(ii) S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 27 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes o In ADP, D 90 AP2 = AD2 + DP2 27 = x2 4 = 7x 2 1 x 2 2 [Using (ii)] 1 7. AB 3 2 [Using (i)] 9AP2 = 7AB2 37. ABC is an isosceles triangle. AB = AC=10 cm, BC = 12 cm. PQRS is a rectangle drawn inside the isosceles triangle. Give PQ = SR = y cm and PS = QR =2x cm. Then x = (a) 6 3y 4 (b) 6 4y 3 (c) 3 2y 4 (d) 5 6y 4 Sol: (a) In ABC, AB AC Draw AD BC, then, D is mid-point of BC. But BC = 12 cm (given) Also PBQ SRC BD = 6 cm BQ RC QD = DR = x cm BQ = BD –QD = (6 –x) cm. In ABD, D 90o AB2 = AD2 +BD2 AD2 = AB2 –BD2 S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 28 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} AD2 = (10)2 –(6)2 Medical and Non - Medical Classes = 100 –36 = 64 AD = 8cm In ABD, PQ|| AD, PQ AD BQ BD 6y 8 6 x y 8 6 x 6 x 6 3 y as required 4 38. P is any point in the interior of a triangle ABC. (a) PA +PB < AC +BC (b) PA +PB > AC +BC(c) PA +PB =AC +BC (d) None of these Sol: (a) According to the given statements, the figure will be as shown below. Produce, BP to meet AC at point M. Since, the sum of any two sides of a triangle is greater than its third side. In BCM,BC CM and, In BM..................I APM, AM PM AP............II Adding I and II, we get BC + CM + AM + PM > BM +AP BC + (CM +AM) > BM –PM +AP BC +AC > PB +PA i.e. PB + PA < BC+AC 39. The diagram shows a right pyramid that has an isosceles triangular base. If the volume of the pyramid is 330 cm3, calculate its height , h S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 29 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} (a) 16.5 cm (b) 15.2 cm Medical and Non - Medical Classes (c) 12.30 cm (d) 10.23 cm Sol: (a) AD 132 52 144 12cm Area of base = 1 BC AD 2 1 10 12 2 60 cm2 Volume of pyramid = 330 1 (Area of base) × Height 3 1 60 h 3 20h 330 h 330 16.5 cm 20 40. The diagram shows a cylinder with a diameter of 10 cm and of height 15 cm. The shaded portion in the form of cone, with base diameter 10 cm and height 6 cm, is S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 30 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes hollowed out. Find the volume of the remaining solid, in cm3 (a) 235 cm3 (b) 325 cm3 (c) 255 cm3 (d) 366 cm3 Sol: (b) Volume of cylinder = r2h 52 15 = = 375 cm3 Volume of cone = = 1 3 1 2 rh 3 52 6 = 50 cm3 Volume of remaining solid = 375 50 325 cm3 41. If a leap year is selected randomly. Find the probability of getting 53 Sundays? (a) 1/7 (b) 2/7 (c) 1/365 (d) 53/365 Sol: (b) In a leap year there are 366 days thus the number of Sunday that can be completed in this leap year =52 thus were are left with two days and they can be Monday and Tuesday Tuesday and Wednesday Wednesday and Thursday Thursday and Friday Friday and Saturday S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 31 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes Saturday and Sunday thus probability of having 53 Sunday is 2 7 42. 19 cards numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, …………, 16, 17, 18,19 are put in a box and mixed thoroughly. One person draws a cards from the box at random. Find the probability that the number on the card is (i) a prime number, (a) 8 19 (b) 7 19 (c) 7 13 (d) 4 19 Sol: (a) Let E2 = event of getting a prime number. Then, E2 = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19} n(E2) = 8. P(getting a prime number) = P(E2) = n(E2 ) 8 n(S) 19 43. A bag contains 5 black balls, 4 blue balls, 4 white balls and 6 red balls. One ball is drawn at random from the bag. Find the probability that the ball drawn is neither black nor blue. (a) 10/19 (b) 5 19 (c) 8 19 (d) 8 11 Sol: (a) Let E4 = event of getting a ball which is neither black nor blue. Then, n(E4) = (4 + 6) = 10 P (getting a ball which is neither black nor blue)=P(E4) = n(E4 ) 10 n(S) 19 44. In an examination, the mean of marks scored by a class of 40 students was calculated as 72.5. Later on, it was detected that the marks of one student were wrongly copied as 48 instead of 84. Find the correct mean. (a) 71.2 (b) 73.4 (c) 70.6 (d) 75.6 Sol: (b) S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 32 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes Incorrect sum of marksof 40students 40 Mean of marks= Incorrect sum of marksof 40students 40 72.5= Incorrect sum of marks of 40 students = 72.540 = 2900. Since the marks of one student were wrongly copied as 48 instead of 84, correct sum of the marks of 40 students = 2900 – 48 + 84 = 2936. 2936 73.4 Correct mean = 40 45. Mean temperature of a city of a certain week was 250C. If the mean temperature of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday was 230C and that of Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday was 280, find the temperature of Thursday. (a) 270C (b)280C (c) 290C (d) 300C Sol: (c) Mean temperature of week = 25oC, The sum of temperatures of 7 days of the week = 7 × 25oC = 175oC. ……(i) Sum of temperatures of Monday, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday. =4 ×23oC = 92oC. ………..(ii) Sum of temperatures of Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. = 4× 28oC = 112oC …………..(iii) Sum of temperatures of Monday to Sunday and, Thursday = 92oC + 112oC = 204oC [Using (ii) and (iii)] …………..(iv) Temperature of Thursday = 204oC – 175oC [using (iv) and (i)] = 29oC S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 33 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes Section–B {Physics} 46. A U tube is partially filled with mercury. If water is added in one arm and an oil is added in the other arm, find the ratio of water and oil columns so that the mercury level is same in the two arms of U tube. Given : density of water = 103 kg m–3, density of oil = 900 kg m–3. (a) 9 10 (b) 8 10 (c) 5 10 (d) 4 10 Sol: (a) Since the level of mercury is same in the two arms of the U tube, therefore Pressure of water column on the surface of mercury in one arms = Pressure of oil column on the surface of mercury in the other arm. i.e., h1 1g h2 2g where h1 = height of water column, 1 = density of water = 103 kg m–3. h2 = height of oil column , and 2 =density of oil = 900 kg m–3. h1 h2 1 2 900 9 103 10 47. A solid density has weight W. then find its apparent weight when it is completely submerged in a liquid of density (a) W 1 (b) W 1 L L L (c) W 1 . (d) W 1 L L Sol: (b) Given, weight of the solid = W Mass of the solid = W/g Volume of the solid = Mass Density W/h Volume of liquid displaced = Volume of the solid S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 34 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes W/g Upthrust on the solid = Volume of liquid displaced × density of the liquid ×acceleration due to gravity = W/g L g W L Apartment weight = True weight – upthrust =W W L W 1 L 48. A bock of wood floats in water with 2/5th of its volume above the surface. The density of wood is (a) 0.12g/cm3 (b) 1.2 g/cm3 (c) 0.6g/cm3 (d) 4.2 g/cm3 Sol: (c) 49. A solid weights 30 gf in air and 26 gf when completely immersed in a liquid of relative density 0.8. Find the relative density of the solid. (a) 6 (b)5 (c) 8 (d) 4 Sol: (a) Given weight of solid in air = 30 gf and in liquid = 26 gf., R. D. of liquid = 0.8 Density of liquid = 0.8 g cm–3 Given, weight of solid = 30 gf Mass of solid = 30 g Density of solid = Mass Volume 30 6 g cm 5 3 Hence, relative density of solid = 6. 50. A body is initially at rest. It undergoes one dimensional motion with constant acceleration. The power delivered to it at time t is proportional to (a) t1/2 (b) t (c) t3/2 (d) t2 Sol: (b) S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 35 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes u at at P F ma ma at ma2t Since ma2 is constant P t 51. The blades of wind mill sweep out a circle of area A = 30 m2. If the wind flows at a velocity 36km / h perpendicular to the circle, then the mass of air passing through in it time t = 1 minute is (take density of air = 1.2 kg m–3) (a) 216 kg (b) 2160 kg (c) 21600 kg (d) 216000 kg Sol: (c) Mass = volume × density =A t t = 30 × 10 × 60 × 1.2 ( =30km/h= 10 ms–1) = 21600 kg 52. A mass of 10 g moving horizontally with a velocity of 100 cm s–1 strikes a pendulum bob of mass 10 g. The two masses stick together (see in the figure). The maximum height reached by the system is (g = 10 ms–2). (a) zero (b) 5 cm (c) 2.5 cm (d) 1.25 cm Sol: (c) K. E. mass of 10 g is converted into O.E. of the system. 1 i.e., m1 12 (m1 m2 )gh 2 m 1 12 h 2(m1 m2 )g 10 10000 2 20 1000 = 10 2.5cm. 4 53. A body is moving uni-directionally under the influence of a source of constant powder. Its displacement in time t is proportional to S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 36 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} (a) t2 (b) t3/2 P m Medical and Non - Medical Classes (c) t (d) t1/2 Sol: (b) W t P FS t m aS t m distance = t t2 or S2 P 3 t m or S2 t3 or S t 3/2 mSq2 S t3 constt. 54. If the momentum of a body increase by 30%, then its kinetic energy will increase by (a) 30 % (b) 60 % (c) 69% (d) 90% Sol: (c) K.E., E p2 2m Now, p' p 30%p p p'2 New K.E., E' 2m 30 13p p 100 10 13 10 2 p2 2m 169 E 100 %increse in K.E. E' E 100 E 169 169 1 100 100 = 100 100 69% 55. A motor can pump up water to fill a tank of volume 500 m3 in 25 minutes, which is placed at a height of 20 m. If efficiency of the motor is 40%, calculate the power of the motor. S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 37 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} (a) 6.53 W (b) 7.52 W Medical and Non - Medical Classes (c) 5.36 W (d) 9.82 W Sol: (a) mass of water to fill the tank m = Volume × density of water m = 50 m3 × 1000 kg m–3 = 5×104 kg Height of tank, h = 20 m Work done by the pump to fill the tank = mgh = 5×104 × 9.8×40 = 9.8×106 J Efficiency = 40% = 40 100 2 5 Useful work, W 2 9.8 106 3.93 106 J 5 Time, t = 215 minutes = 15 × 60 = 900s W Power, P = t 3.92 106 900 6.53kW 56. A man makes a short and loud sound in front of a hill and the echo is heard after 3 seconds. On moving closer to the hill by 165m, the echo is heard after 2 seconds. Calculate the velocity of sound and the distance of hill from the first position. (a) 330 ms–1 (b) 356 ms–1 (c) 536 ms–1 (d) 226 ms–1 Sol: (a) Let, velocity of sound = V And distance of hill from first position = x Distance of hill from second position = (x – 165) m Now, distance travelled by the sound in going and coming back from the first position =2x Time = 3s Hence, Distance = Velocity × time S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 38 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} or 2x = 3V Medical and Non - Medical Classes ….(i) Similarly, for the second position, =2(x–165) = 2V ……..(ii) Dividing equation (i) from (ii), we get x 3 (x 165) 2 or 2x =3x –495 or x =495 m Putting this value of x in equation (i) , we get 2×495=3V 2 495 ms 3 V or 1 330ms 1 57. A source of sound produces waves of wavelength 0.80 m in air. The same source of sound produces waves of wavelength 4.0m in water. If the velocity of sound in air = 332 ms–2, find the velocity of sound in water. (a) 1860 ms–1 (b) 1660 ms–1 (c) 1760 ms–1 (d) 1540 ms–1 Sol: (b) We know that, Velocity = V = v for water, V1 = v1 And for air, V2 = v2 V1 V2 v1 v2 1 2 1 2 Here, v1 = v2 ) Since source of sound is the same) V2 = 332 ms–1 2 0.80m 1 4.0m S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 39 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes V1 4.0 332 0.80 V1 or 332 4.0 ms 0.80 1 1660ms 1 58. The following graph shows the displacement vs distance of a pulse on a role at two different times. Find the speed of the pulse. (a) 5.5 cm s–1 (b) 4.9 cm s–1 (c) 5.9 cm s–1 (d) 4.5 cm s–1 Sol: (d) From the graphs Distance between the two maxima = 37.5–15=22.5 cm Time interval = 10–5 = 5s Speed of the pulse = = 22.5 4.5cm s 5 dis tance travelled Time taken 1 59. A sonar emits pulses on the surface of water which are detected after reflection from the bottom. If the time interval between the emission and detection of the pulse is 2 s, find the depth of water. (Take velocity of sound in water as 1531 ms–1) (a) 1531 m (b) 1630 m (c) 1450 m (d) 1860 m Sol: (a) Given time = 2 s, velocity of sound in water = 1531 ms–1 Let the depth of water = d Therefore, total distance travelled by sound before it is detected by the Sonar= 2d Using the expression Distance = velocity × Time S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 40 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes We have 2d = 1531× 2 Therefore, d 1531 2 1531m 2 60. A body is vibrating 6000 times in one minute. If velocity of sound in air is 360 m/s, find the frequency of the vibration in Hz (a) 400 Hz (b) 100 Hz (c) 200 Hz (d) 300 Hz Sol: (b) Given Number of vibrations = 6000. time (t) = 1 min = 60s, velocity (v) = 360 ms–1 v number of waves time taken 6000 100Hz 60 S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 41 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes Section–C {Chemistry} 61. Rearrange the following (I to IV) in the order of increasing masses and choose the correct answer from (a), (b), (c) and (d) [Atomic masses: N = 14, O = 16, Cu = 63] I. 1 molecule of oxygen II. 1 atom of nitrogen III. 1×10–10 g-molecule of oxygen IV. 1×10–10 g-atom of copper (a) II < I< III < IV (b) IV < III< II <I (c) II<III<I<IV (d) III < IV < I < II Sol: (a) 1 molecule of O2 weights = 32 14 g; 1N atm g NA NA 1×10–10 g=molecule of oxygen = 32×10–10g; 1×10–10 g-atom of copper = 63.5×10–10g. 62. Simplest formula of the compound containing nitrogen (14g) for each 40 g of oxygen is (A) NO (b) N2O3 (c) N2O4 (d) N2O5 Sol: (d) 40 g oxygen = 40 16 5 g atom; 2 14 g of nitrogen = 1 g-atom The formula is NO5/2 or N2O5. 63. 2.0 g of oxygen contains number of atoms same as in (a) 4g of S (b) 7 g of nitrogen (c) 0.5 g of H2 (d) 12.3 g of Na Sol: (a) Both 2 g of oxygen and 4 g of sulphur represent 0.125 g-atom of element. 64. Number of water molecules in the drop of water, if 1 mL of water has 20 drops and A is Avogadro’s number , is (a) 0.5 A/18 (b) 0.05 A (c) 0.5 A (d) 0.05 A/18 Sol: (d) S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 42 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} 1 drop of water = 1 1 mL g 20 20 Medical and Non - Medical Classes (dH2O 1g mL 1 ) 18 g of water = A molecules 1 g water 20 65. 30 14 A 1 18 20 0.05A molecules 10 Si and 31 15P are (a) Isotopes (b) isobars (c) isomorphs (d) isotones Sol: (d) These contain same number of neutrons and hence are isotones. 66. Isotopes of an element have (a) similar chemical properties but different physical properties (b) similar chemical and physical properties (c) similar physical properties but different chemical properties (d) different chemical and physical properties. Ans.(a) 67. Which of the following triads represents isotones? (a) 12 6 C, 13 6 (c) 40 18 Ar, C, 14 6 C (b) 40 18 Ar, 42 20 (d) 14 7 N, 41 Ca, 21 Sc 42 20 43 Ca, 21 Sc 16 8 O, 18 9 F Sol: (b) 40 18 Ar, 42 20 43 Ca, 21 Sc have 22 nuetrons each 68. Rutherford experiment which established the nuclear model of the atom used a beam of (a) -particles which impinged on a metal foil and got absorbed. (b) -rays which impinged on a metal foil and ejected electrons. (c) helium atom, impinged on a metal foil and got scattered. (d) helium nuclei, impinged on a metal foil and got scattered. So: (d) -particles are same as helium nuclei. S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 43 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} 69. For an ement with atomic number 19, the (a) L shell (b) M shell Medical and Non - Medical Classes 19th electron will occupy (c) N shell (d) K shell Ans: (c) 70. If the nuclide of actinium 89Ac228 emits beta particle , he daughter nuclide will be: (a) 88Ra228 (b) 90Th228 (c) 87Fr224 (d) 90Th229 Ans: (b) 71. A sample of an element X contain two isotopes 17X35 and 17X37 . if the average atomic mass of the sample is of the element be 35.5 then the percentage of the these two isotopes in the sample is: (a) 25%, 75% (b) 10%, 90 % (c) 75%, 25% (d) 90%, 10% Ans: (c) 72. The atomic number of an element Y is 20 the electronic configuration of its ion having inert gas configuration is (a) 2,8,10 (b) 2, 18 (c) 2,10,8 (d) 2,8,8 (c) 20Ca40, 18Ar40 (d) None of these Ans: (d) 73. Which of these is a pair of isobars (a) 6C12, 8O16 (b) 6C13, 6C14 Ans: (c) 74. Alpha particle is emitted by 92X238 during radioactivity the new species Y should be (a) 90Y234 (b) 90Y238 (c) 92Y234 (d) 94Y234 Ans: (a) 75. Which among the following is true? (a) Alpha rays are cathode rays. (b) Electrons make up the cathode ray. (c) Protons make up the cathode (d) electromagnetic radiation make up the cathode ray. Ans: (b) S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 44 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes Section –D {Biology} 76. Which is correct about earthworm (a) it has brain but no head (b) it secrets cocoon around unfertilized egg|f (c) it has no locomotory organs (d) it can crawl on smooth surface concerned Ans.(a) 77. Clitellum of pheretima is primary concerned with (a) copulation (b) production of cocoons (c) excretion (d) burrowing Ans.(b) 78. Which of the following statements is true for pheretima? (a) it is a dioecious animal with distinct sexual dimorphism (b) in it copulation occurs at night in burrow during rainy season (c) it can copulate throughout the year when ever it rains (d) it cannot travel both backwards and forwards Ans.(b) 79. A skeleton like function during locomotion of pheretima posthuma is performed by (a) blood (b) elementary canal laden with mud (c) coelomic fluid (d) ventral nerve cord Ans.(b) 80. Milluscs are (a) diploblastic and coelomate (b) triploblastic and acoelomate (c) triploblastic and pseudocoelomate (d) triploblastic and coelomate Ans.(d) 81. Vitamin that is destroyed on heating (a) vitamin D (b) vitamin C (c) vitamin A (d) vitamin K Ans.(b) 82. Which of the following sets includes the bacterial diseases? (a) diphtheria, leprosy, plague (b) malaria, leprosy, plague S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 45 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} (c) tetanus, tuberculosis, measles Medical and Non - Medical Classes (d) malaria, mumps, poliomyelitis Ans.(a) 83. Escherichia coli in human intestine help to synthesize (a) vitamin B and D (b) vitamin B and C (c) vitamin A and K (d) vitamin B and K Ans.(d) 84. Region of human body where poliomyelitis virus multiplies. (a) muscle cells (b) epithelial cells (c) intestinal cells (d) nerve cells Ans.(a) 85. Who discovered the small pox vaccine? (a) Louis Pasteur (b) Edward Jenner (c) Alexander Fleming (d) Anton van Leeuwenhock Ans.(b) 86. Which of the following atmospheric pollutants does the exhaust of motor vehicles in Delhi NOT produce? (a) SO2 (b) fly ash (c) hydrocarbons gas (d) CO Ans.(b) 87. An American plants that had become a troublesome waterweed in India is (a) Trapa bispinosa (b) Cyperus rotundus (c) Eichhornia crassipes (d) Trypha latifolia Ans.(c) 88. The species, which are in danger of extinction, are referred to as (a) endangered species (b) vulnerable species (c) threatened species (d) rare species Ans.(a) S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 46 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes 89. Which of the following is an algae (a) apple moss (b) irish moss (c) club moss (d) reindoor moss (c) very rare (d) most extensive soils Ans: (b) 90. Alluvial soils in India are (a) found in desert (b) least fertile Ans.(d) S.C.O.- 326, Sector 40–d, Chd. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 47
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