Sherfield Park Community Association (SPCA)

Sherfield Park Community Association (SPCA)
Monthly Association Meeting at Sherfield Park Community Centre
Wednesday September 24, 2014
James Read - Chairman
Audrey Gordon - Treasurer
John Slater
Chris Wilson
Sue Talbot
Margaret Elliott - Secretary
Howard Perkins
Louise Grainger
Kevin Smith
Steven Levin
Candice Wright
James welcomed the people who had come to attend the meeting, apologies noted above.
To receive declarations of interest
Public participation
Joyce Bowyer, as a Parish Councillor for Sherfield-on-Loddon, was also present.
To accept the Minutes of August’s meeting
These were accepted by AG and ST.
To receive matters arising from August’s meeting not covered in the Agenda elsewhere
SoL PC had responded to the Dixon Road Planning application and from their response James
made several adjustments and comments and so this draft would circulated to SPAC for any
further comments. It was understood that the MOD were going to issue a new statement and
submit this before the closing date of September 26th. Marie Miller was also working hard on the
proposed application.
Governance Review
At the last SoL PC they had upheld their dislike of using Sherfield Park for the name of the new
proposed parish council. They had pushed for the use of Taylor’s Farm (which SPCA did not want
to use). They did agree on the use of Community Council in the title and after this stale mate the
SoL had suggested Cufaude Community Council. Reasoning for of this being that Cufaude Lane,
Sherfield Park, would eventually link in with the Razor’s Farm development, which had just
received its go ahead.
The suggestions would go to B&D for final review and we understood a further questionnaire was
forthcoming, albeit with only 2 questions, one of which was suggestions for names for the
proposed new council.
To discuss Work Experience Placement
The Community Centre had received an application for a work experience position for 2 weeks
during the summer holidays 2015. It was agreed it was good to support this but the 2 weeks
would need to be structured, to discover what they hoped to gain from the experience and
probably draw up a job description. This could then develop into a business relationship with
BCOT,QMC, for example.
To receive a report on Grant Applications – Local Infrastructure Fund
The funds of £119K were held and the next step is to obtain architect drawings from three
approved architects. B&D outsource this work and so to approach these architects to produce
one design which would then be passed out for 4 quotes for the work to be carried out. James to
contact Howard to progress on this.
Other funds
Following on from the suggestions of a trim trail or climbing wall CJW and AG had looked into the
costs and designs of such.
A fitness trim trail ranges from £2½K to £14K with the top of the range adult trail costing £25K.
This could only run along/around the field, being the land we own.
A climbing wall costs range from £4K to £28K giving 5 levels of size and climbing experience.
There are indoor and outdoor walls available.
Aspects of maintenance, safety, security, cost and popularity were mentioned for both ideas but
left for further discussion at this point.
To receive a report on the Neighbourhood Plan
No report to discuss.
10. To receive a report on the Croudace Village Quarter
Community Involvement Exercise
Croudace had left display boards in reception showing the design of the flats, with 2 units for
SPAC use, for residents to comment. A shop and medical facility being the main suggestions for
the 2 units. We need to follow this up and get market value on these units for the income this
could generate. It was felt we should support local businesses, as well as approach
supermarkets. The Shop in Bramley had expressed an interest.
Another suggestion was to ask Croudace if we could use some of the flats as office space and
generate local business interest and business rate income. It was left with CJW and JR to discuss
11. To receive the Community Manager’s Monthly Report
Whilst the report gave us an update on the activities past and forthcoming it was felt it was
generally lacking actual data, especially in terms of finances. More information of room bookings,
recurring and one-offs, the fees generated and more information to supplement the financial report
was felt required. It was suggested that CW attend these meeting, at this point in the agenda, and
so give more feedback and allow for any Q&A. JR to discuss with CW (Candice).
To help Candice with this work load it was suggested that an events committee should be
generated to pool ideas and spread the work planning the event, the event and the clearing up as
well as the publicity to generate interest (as not everyone is on Facebook).
A letter had been received from SportingFit with a proposal to convert the changing rooms into a
sports therapy clinic. Whilst it made use of rooms not utilised the structural changes needed
would be difficult and costly and with no guarantees of a continued contract, along with the fears
of having to convert back to changing rooms in the future. No action to follow this up was noted
12. Financial Report
AG is still working on the accounts and presented figures of income and expenditure for July and
August. Takings were low (which was expected for August/holiday peak) thus showing a loss for
both months More work is needed to get a comprehensive accounting system and so approval
was given to employ an accountant (known to AG) to bring all the data together and up to date.
The invoice system and booking system are both under review and so have better control,
forecasting and accountability, as well as consolidating the accounts to the bank statements.
13. Community Care
No further information available to date
14. Health watch Grants
No further information available to date
15. Charitable
To be discussed when Stephen Bates of B&D can attend.
16. To confirm date for next AGM
The proposed date for the AGM is November 29th at 10.30am. This information needs to be
posted and made public if it is confirmed.
17. AOB
James had met up with the complainant and further correspondence may be expected.
The meeting closed at 9.00pm .
The next meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Wednesday 29th October 2014
Minutes approved by:1.
Signature of Chairman