Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes Reading makes a full man; conference makes a ready man; Writing makes an exact man P-SAT 2014 - 15 (PIONEER’S SCHOLARSHIP/ADMISSION TEST) {10TH CBSE} General Instructions:The question paper consist of FOUR sections (A), (B), (C), (D). Section A contains 45 objective multiple choice questions of Mathematics. Section B {Physics 46 – 60}, Section C {Chemistry 61 – 75} and Section D {Biology 76 – 90} Each right answer carries 4 marks and wrong –1. Maximum Marks 360. Maximum Time 180 minutes. Give your response in the OMR sheet given to you with question paper. Properly write down your roll no, name, contact number in the OMR sheet. If there is any inappropriate filling of the circles in OMR then that sheet will be disqualified. Name: _______________________________Father Name:______________________________ Mobile: ______________________________School:_____________________________________ Solution Visits: S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 1 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes Section – A {Mathematics} 1. Find the positive value of k, for which the equation x2 + kx +64 =0 and x2 – 8x +k = 0 will both have real roots. (a) 5 (b) 16 (c) 10 (d) 15 Sol:(b) If the equation x2 + kx + 64 = 0 has real root, then D k2 – 256 0 k2 256 k 16 ( k 0) 0. k2 (16)2 .........(i) If the equation x2 – 8x +k =0 has real root, then D 0 64 4k 0 k 16 From (i) and (ii), we get 2. 4k 64 ..........(ii) k = 16. In the following determine the set of values of ‘p’ for which the given equation has real roots: 2x2 + 3x + p =0 (a) p 9 8 (b) p 7 8 (c) p 9 8 (d) p 9 8 Sol:(d) 2x2 + 3x + p = 0 The equation has real roots if D 0 3. Swati can row her boat at a speed of 5 km/h in still water. If it takes her 1 hour more to row the boat 5.25 km upstream then to return downstream, find the speed of the stream. (a) 8km/h (b) 1km/h (c) 2km/h (d) 3km/h Sol:(c) Let the speed of the stream x km/h. Speed of the boat upstream = (5 –x) km/h. Speed of the boat downstream = (5 +x) km/h. According to the given condition, S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 2 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} 5.25 5 x 5.25 1 5 x 21 21 1 1 4 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 25 x2 Medical and Non - Medical Classes 1 4 42x 100 4x2 4x2 42x 100 0 2x2 21x 50 0 (2x 25)(x 2) 0 25 x 2, 2 Rejecting x 25 2 The speed of the stream = 2km/h. 4. In a flight for 3000 km, an aircraft was slowed down due to bad weather. Its average speed for the trip was reduced by 100 km/hr and consequently time of flight increased by one hour. Find the original duration of flight. (a) 5 hour (b) 6 hour (c) 3 hour (d) 4 hour Sol:(a) Let the original speed = x km/hr Normal time of flight = 3000 hours. x ……….(i) New speed = (x –100)km/hr. Time of flight when the speed is reduced = 3000 hours. x 100 ......(ii) According to the given condition, 3000 3000 1 x 100 x …………..[From (i) and (ii)] 3000x 3000x 300000 1 x(x 100) S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 3 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes x(x 100) 300000 x2 100x 300000 0 (x 600)(x 500) 0 x 600 0 or x 500 0 x 600, 500, reject ing x 500, we get Original speed of aircraft = 600 km/hr Original duration of flight = 5. 3000 5 hours. 600 If p, q, r are rational numbers and p q r, then roots of the equation (p2 –q2) x2 –(q2 – r2) x+(r2 –p2) =0 are p2 q2 (c) 1, 2 2 r p p2 r2 (b) 2 , 2 q q p r (a) , q p p2 r2 (d) 1, 2 2 p q Sol:(d) p2 q2 x2 x = = = = = q2 r2 x q2 r 2 q2 r 2 r2 p2 q2 r 2 2 0 4 p2 q2 r2 p2 2 p2 q2 q4 r 4 2q2r2 4 p2r2 p4 q2r 2 p2q2 2 p2 q2 q2 r 2 q4 r 4 2p2 2 2q2r2 4p2q2 4p2r 2 2 p2 q2 q2 r2 q2 r2 2p2 2 2 p2 q2 q2 r 2 q2 r2 2p2 2 p2 q2 q2 r2 q2 r2 2p2 q2 r2 q2 r2 2p2 , 2 p2 q2 2 p2 q2 S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 4 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} 2 2 2 Medical and Non - Medical Classes 2 2q 2p 2p 2r , 2 p2 q2 2 p2 q2 = 2 q2 p2 = 2 p2 q2 , p2 r2 p2 q2 p2 r2 = 1, 2 2 p q 6. For an A.P. if tp + tp+2q =k(tp+q). Then find k. (a) –1 (b) –2 (c) 1 (d) 2 Sol:(d) Let a be the first term and d be the common difference of an AP. t p a (p 1)d, tp 2q tp q a (p 2q 1)d, a (p q 1)d tp tp 2q 2a (2p 2q 2)d 2[a (p q 1)d] 2t p 7. q Which term of the progression 1 2 19,18 ,17 ,........ is the first negative term. 5 5 (a) 26 (b) 33 (c) 25 (d) 10 Sol:(c) 1 2 The given expression is 19, 18 , 17 ,........ 5 5 Here, T2 T1 T3 T2 91 19 5 91 95 5 87 91 5 5 4 5 ............ i 4 5 Therefore,, (i) is an AP with a = 19, d = 4 5 S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 5 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes Let the nth term of the given AP be the first negative term. Then, nth term < 0 Tn 0 19 (n 1) 4 5 0 (99 4n) 0 4n 99 3 n 24 4 n = 25, i.e., 25th term is the first negative term in the given AP 8. If the pth, qth, rth term of an AP be x, y, z respectively then x(q–r) +y(r–p)+z(p–q) =k. find the value of k. (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) –1 (d) 2 Sol:(a) Let a be first and d be the common difference of AP tp x a (p 1)d x ......(i) tq y a (q 1)d y .......(ii) tr z a (r 1)d z ...........(iii) Substituting the values of x, y, z from (i), (ii), (iii), we get x(q r) y(r p) z(p q) a (p 1)d (q r) [a (q 1)d](r p) [a (r 1)d](p q) a[(q r) (r p) (p q)] d[(p 1)(q r) (q 1)(r p) (r 1)(p q)] a(0) d[p(q r) q(r p) r(p q) (q r r p p q)] d(0 0) 0 9. If a, b, c, d, e and f are in AP, then e –c is equal to (a) 2(c –a) (b) 2( f –d) (c) 2(d –c) (d) d –c Sol:(c) a, b, c d, e, f are in A.P. b = a + D, c = a + 2D, d = a + 3D, e = a + 4D, f = a + 5D e – c = (a + 4D) – (a + 2D) S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 6 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes = 2D Also, 2(d – c) = 2 (3D – 2D) = 2D 10. If a1, a2, a3,………is an AP such that a1 + a5 + a10 +a15 + a20 + a24 = 300, then a1 + a2 + a3 +…..a24 is equal to (a) 909 (b) 75 (c)1200 (d) 900 Sol:(c) a1, a2, a3, ……is an A.P. a2 = a1 + d, a3 = a1 + 2d, a4 = a1 + 3d, …….. Also, a1 + a5 + a10 + a15 + a20 + a24 = 300 a1 + a1 + 4d + a1 + 9d + a1 + 14d + a1 + 19d + a1 + 23d = 300 6a1 + 69d = 300 2a1 + 23d = 100 Now, a1 + a2 + a3 + ……..a24 = a1 + a1 + d + a1 + 2d + a1 + 3d + ……….a1 + 23d = 24a1 + (d + 2d + 3d + ………..23d) = 24a1 + 23 [2d + (23 – 1)d] = 24a1 + 23(d + 11d) 2 = 24a1 + 23 × 12d = 12(2a1 + 23d) =12(100)=1200 11. An aeroplane flying horizontal at a height of 2500m above the ground is observed at an elevation of 60o, and after 15 seconds, the elevation is observed to be 30o. Find the speed of the aeroplane in km/hr. (a) 692.8 km/hr. (b) 792.8 km/hr. (c) 612.8 km/hr. (d) 680.8 km/hr. Sol:(a) Initially the aeroplane is at A and after 15 seconds its position is at C. AC is the distance covered in 15 sec. S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 7 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Also AOB 60o ; Medical and Non - Medical Classes COD 30o ; AB = CD =2500m In rt. ABO, OB cot 60o AB In rt. 2500 3 OB ............(i) CDO, OD cot 30o CD OD 2500 3 ..................(ii) From (i) and (ii) BD OD OB 2500 3 BD 2500 3 1 3 2500 2500 3 2500 2 3 3 3 1 3 5000 1.732 8660 m. 3 3 8660 m. is the distance covered in 15 sec. 3 Speed = 8660 8660 m / sec. 60 60km / hr 692.8km / hr. 3 15 3 15 1000 Speed of the aeroplane is 692.8 km/hr. 12. If a leap year is selected randomly. What is the probability of getting 52 Mondays? (a) 1/7 (b) 5/7 (c) 2/7 (d) 1 Sol:(b) Leap year 366 days 366 days 52 weeks + 2 days S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 8 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Sun, Mon Mon, Tue , Medical and Non - Medical Classes Tue, Wed , Wed, Thursday Thursday, Friday , Friday, Sat , Sat, Sun Total cases = 7 favourable cases = 5 Probability = 5 7 13. In the given figure, ABCD is a trapezium in which AB||CD. Line segments RS and LM are drawn parallel to AB such that AJ = JK =KP. If AB = 0.5m and AP = BQ = 1.5 m. Find the length of LM. (a) 2.654m (b) 3.654m (c) 1.654m (d) 5.63m Sol:(c) AB||RS||LM||CD. ARJ ACP 60o ALK AJ = JK = KP = 0.5 m. In rt. APC, AC cosec60o AP 15 2 3 10 3 AC 1.5 2 3 3 1.73m AC = BD Now, RS = RJ +JJ’+J’S=2RJ+0.5 …………(i) [RJ=J’S] S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 9 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes In rt AJR, RJ cot 60o AJ RJ 0.5 1 3 5 10 3 3 RJ = 0.288m Substituting in (i), we get RS =0.5 +2×0.288=0.5+0.576=1.076m Now LM = LK +KK’ +K’M=2LK+0.5 …………(ii) [LK=K’M] In rt. AKL, LK AK cot 60o 1 0.577m 3 LK 1.0 Substituting in (ii), we get LM = 2× 0.577+0.5=1.154+0.5=1.654m. 14. If the angle of elevation of the cloud from a point h m above a lake is depression of its reflection in the lake is and the angle of , find the height of the cloud is (a) h(tan tan tan ) . tan (b) h(tan tan tan ) . tan (c) h(tan tan tan ) . tan (d) h(tan tan tan ) . tan Sol:(a) In AOB S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 10 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes y x tan y xtan y tan x In AOB tan = 2h y x x tan tan y tan 2h y 2h y y tan tan y 2h tan tan tan 1 2h height of the cloud= h + y =h 2h tan tan tan h tan tan h tan tan 15. The angle of elevation of a cliff from a fixed point is meters towards the top of the cliff at an angle of . After going up a distance of k , it is found that the angle of elevation is , Then the height of the cliff is (a) k(cos sin cot ) cot cot (b) k(cos sin cot ) cot cot (c) k(cos sin cot ) cot cot (d) k(cos sin cot ) cot cot Sol:(a) S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 11 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} CE OE CD BD Medical and Non - Medical Classes k sin AD k sin k cos , OA hcot OA OE hcot k cos AB CE h k sin BD CD tan h k sin hcot k cos and simplify. 16. If the point (x, y) be equidistant from the points (a +b, b –a) and (a –b, a +b), then x = k y. find k. (a) b a (b) a b (c) a b (d) b a Sol:(b) Let P(x, y), A(a+b, b–a) and B(a-b, a+b) be the given points. Since AP = BP, AP2 BP2 (x a b)2 (y b a)2 (x a b)2 (y a b)2 (x a b)2 (x a b)2 (y a b)2 (y b a)2 S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 12 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes (x a b x a b)(x a b x a b) (y a b y b a)(y a b y b a) (2x 2a)( 2b) (2y 2b)( 2a) 4bx 4ab 4ay 4ab 4bx 4ay bx ay 17. Find the ratio in which the line segment joining (5, 6) and (2, –3) is divided by x-axis. (a) 1:3 (b) 2:5 (c) 2:1 (d) 1:1 Sol:(c) Let the required ratio be k:1. Then the coordinates of the point of division are 2k 5 3k 6 , . k 1 k 1 This point lies on the x-axis whose equation is y = 0. 3k 6 0 k 1 3k 6, or k 2 Line segments joining the two points is divided in the ratio of 2 :1 internally by x-axis. 18. If ‘a’ is the length of one of the sides of an equilateral triangle ABC, base BC lie on x-axis and vertex B is at the origin, find the y-coordinates of the vertex A of triangle ABC. (a) 3a 2 (b) a 2 (c) a 3 (d) None of these Sol:(a) S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 13 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes Let C (a, 0) and A(x1, y1) Now, AB = x12 y 12 BC = a AC = (x1 a)2 y 12 ABC is an equilateral AC = BC (x1 a)2 y 12 a (x1 a)2 y 12 a2 x12 a2 2x1a y 12 a2 ...........(i) x12 y 12 2x1a Also AB = BC x12 y 12 a x12 y 12 a2 ..................(ii) From (i) and (ii) 2x1a a2 x1 a and proceed 2 19. If P and Q are two points whose coordinates are (at2, 2at) and S is the point (a, 0). Then (a) t2 (b) a 2a , respectively and 2 t t 1 1 is SP SQ t (c) independent of t (d) none of these Sol:(C) S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 14 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes (at 2 a)2 (2at)2 SP a2t 4 a2 2a2t 2 4a2t 2 (at 2 a)2 (at 2 a) a(t 2 1) SQ a a t2 2 a a t2 2 2a t 2 a a t2 a 1 t2 t2 20. If the mid-point of the line joining (3, 4) and (k, 7) is (x, y) and 2x+2y +1 =0. Find the value of k. (a) –1 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) -15 Sol:(d) x 3 k ,y 2 4 7 2 2x +2y +1 =0 2 3 k 2 2 11 1 0 2 Solve and find the value of k. 21. In figure, PT is a tangent and PAB is a secant. If PT = 6 cm, AB = 5 cm, find the length of PA. (a) 5 cm (b) 2 cm (c) 4 cm (d) 6 cm Sol:(c) Join OT, OA and OP. Draw OC AB. Let radius of circle = r. S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 15 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} OT PT Medical and Non - Medical Classes [Radius from the point of contact tangent] In right angled OTP OP2 = PT2 +OT2 OP2 = 62 +r2 OP2 –r2 = 36 OP2 –OA2 =36 ………..(i) Also in right angled OCA , OA2 = OC2+AC2 OP2 –(OC2 +AC2)=36 [from (i)] PC2 –AC2=36 [From OP2 –OC2=PC2] (PC –AC) (PC +AC) =36 AP(PC+BC) =36 AP(PB)=36 [ from centre of circle bisects the chord] AP(AP+5) =36 (AP+9) (AP–4)=0 AP2 5AP–36=0 AP=4 or –9 AP = 4 cm 22. Two tangent PA and PB are drawn to the circle with centre O, such that APB 120o . If OP = k (AP). Then find k. (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 Sol: (b) A circle C(O, r) , PA and PB are tangents to the circle from P, outside the circle such that APB 120o . OP is joined. S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 16 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes To prove : OP = 2PA Construction: Join OA and OB Proof: Consider s PAO and PBO PA =PB [Tangent to circle, from a point outside it, are equal] OP = OP [common] OAP OAP OBP 90o OBP OPA OPB [RHS] 1 1 APB 120o 60o 2 2 In right angles OAP, AP cos600 OP 1 2 OP 2AP 23. In the figure, AB is diameter of a circle with centre O and QC is a tangent to the circle at C. If CAB 30o , Then find the value of CBA ? S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 17 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} (a) 20o Medical and Non - Medical Classes (b) 50o (c) 60o (d) 80o Sol: (c) In AOC, OA = OC CAO 300 ACO s of equal sides are equal] [Opp. ACB 90o Also [Radius of the same circle] [Also in semicircle] OCB 90o 300 600 In COB, OC = OB [Radius of the same circle] OBC 60o OCB [Opp. s of equal sides] CBA 60o 24. AB is diameter and AC is a chord of a circle such that BAC 30o . If then tangent at C intersects AB produced in D, then BC = k (BD). Then k is (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 1 2 (d) 3 Sol: (a) Join OC Now ACB 90o ABC 60o Also OB = OC OB = OC OBC Now OCB 60o CBD 180o 60o 120o S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 18 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} and o o BCD 90 60 BDC 30o Medical and Non - Medical Classes o 30 BC BD 25. In fig., a circle is inscribed in a quadrilateral ABCD in which Bo 90o . If AD = 23 cm, AB = 29 cm and DS = 5 cm, find the radius (r) of this circle. (a) 11cm (b) 2 cm (c) 10 cm (d) 8 cm Sol:(a) DS=RD=5cm(Length of the tangent drawn from an external point to a circle are equal) AR=18cm AQ=18cm BQ=11cm r=11cm 26. Find the radius of circle if an arc of angle 40o has length of 4 cm. Hence, find area of the sector formulate by this arc. (a) 25 cm2 (b) 36 cm2 (c) 38 cm2 (d) 30 cm2 Sol:(b) Length of arc (l) = 4 cm Angle ( ) = 40o Let radius of the circle be r cm. Length of the sector (l) = or r l 180o 4 180o 40o r 180o 18cm Radius of the circle = 18 cm. S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 19 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} 2 Area of the sector = 18 18 40o 360o r 360o 2 Medical and Non - Medical Classes o (18) 40 360o 36 cm2 27. The minute hand of a clock is 10 cm long. Find the area swept by the minute hand between 9:00 a.m. and 9:35 a.m. (a) 190.23 cm2 (b) 180.02 cm2 (c) 183.33 cm2 (d) 186.22 cm2 Sol:(c) The minute hand describe a circle of radius 10 cm In an hour, i.e., 60 minutes it describes angle of 360o. So, in 35 minutes, the minute hand describes an angle of 360o 35 =210o 60 Thus, the minute hand describes a sector of angle 210o and radius 10 cm in 35 minutes. Required area swept by the minute hand =Area of the sector r2 = 360o = 22 (10)2 210 7 360o 22 10 10 210 183.33 cm2 o 7 360 28. A wire bent into the form of a square encloses an area of 121 sq. cm. If the wire is bent in the form of a circle, find the area of circle. Use (a) 154 cm2 (b) 150 cm2 22 7 (c) 155 cm2 (d) 140 cm2 Sol:(a) Let each side of square be ‘a’ and ‘r’ be the radius of the circle Area of the square = a2 But area of the square = 121 cm2 a2 = 121 a = 121 11cm. Perimeter of the square = 4×side S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 20 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes 4×11 = 44 cm But circumference of the circle = perimeter of the square. 2 r 44 r 2 22 r 44 7 44 7 7cm. 2 22 area of the circle = r2 = 22 (7)2 7 22 7 7 154cm2 7 29. ABCD is a square of side 4 cm. At each corner of the square a quarter circle of radius 1 cm and the centre of square, a circle of radius 1 cm are drawn, as shown in fig., Find the area of the shaded region. (Use (a) 8.72 cm2 3.14 ). (b) 6.55 cm2 (c) 9.72 cm2 (d) 10.52 cm2 Sol:(c) Each side of the square = 4cm Area of the square ABCD = (side)2 Radius of the inner circle = 1 cm Area of inner circle = r2 3.14(1)2 3.14cm2 r2 Area of the segment APQ = 360o 3.14 (1)2 90o = 360o S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 21 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} = 3.14 Medical and Non - Medical Classes 1 3.14 2 cm 4 4 Total area of 4 such segments 4 1 3.14cm2 3.14cm2 4 Total area of the circle and segments (unshaded portion) =3.14+3.14=6.28 cm2 Area of the shaded region = Area of the square –Area of the unshaded portion = 16 – 6.28=9.72 cm2 30. ABCDEF is any hexagon with different vertices A, B, C, D, E and F as the centres of circles with same radius r are drawn. The area of the shaded portion is (a) r2 (b) 2 r2 (c) 3 r2 (d) 4 r2 Sol:(b) Sum of interior angle in polygon = (n –2) 180o In hexagon; = (6 – 2) 180o = 4×180o =720o 720 120o one interior angle = 6 Area of shaded portion 120o r2 =6 o 360 = 2 r2 S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 22 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes 31. How many spherical lead shots each 4.21 cm in diameter can be obtained from a rectangular solid lead with dimensions 66 cm, 42 cm, and 21cm.? (a) 1600 (b) 1500 (c) 1520 (d) 1250 Sol:(b) Dimensions of the rectangular solid are 66 cm, 42 cm, 21 cm. ……….(i) Volume of the solid = 66 × 42 × 21 cm3 Diameter of a spherical lead shot = 4.2 cm radius = 2.1 cm Volume of a spherical lead shot 4 22 (2.1)3 3 7 ………….(ii) Number of lead shots Volume of the rec tan gular solid Volume of one spherical solid = 66 42 21 21 88 (2.1)3 = 66 2 1000 1500 88 [From (i) and (ii)] 32. A solid cylinder has a total surface area 462 sq. cm. Its curved surface area is one-third of the total surface area. Find the volume of the cylinder. (a) 539 cm3 (b) 639 cm3 (c) 400 cm3 (d) 300 cm3 Sol:(a) Let r be the radius of the base and h be the height of the cylinder Total surface area = 462 cm2 ………(i) and curved surface area 1 462 154cm2 3 ……….(ii) 2 rh 2 r2 462cm2 [From (i)] 154 + 2 r2 =462 [From (ii)] 2 r2 462 154 308 S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 23 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} r2 308 7 49 2 22 Medical and Non - Medical Classes r 7 cm From (ii) we have, the curved surface area. 2 rh 2 22 7 h 154 7 h 7 cm 2 Volume of the cylinder = r2h 22 7 7 7 539cm3 7 2 33. A building is in the form of a cylinder surmounted by a hemispherical vaulted dome which contains 17.7 m3 of air and its internal diameter is equal to the height of the crown of the vault above the floor. Find the height of the building. [Use= (a) 3m (b) 2m 22/7 ]. (c) 4m (d) 5m Sol:(a) Let r be the radius of the base of the building. It is given that the height of the building is equal to the diameter of the base. Therefore, the height of the building = 2r Also height of the vaulted dome = r Therefore, the height of the cylindrical portion of the building = 2r –r = r Volume of the building = Volume of the cylinder + Volume of the hemisphere = .r2 .r 2 3 r 3 5 3 r 3 5 3 r 17.7 3 S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 24 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} 17.7 3 7 17.7 21 5 22 110 r3 r Medical and Non - Medical Classes 17.7 21 110 1/3 Height of the building 17.7 21 110 = 2r 2 1/3 3m 34. In the given figure, a cone of radius 10 cm is divided into two parts by drawing a plane through the mid-point of its axis, parallel to its base. Compare the volume of the two parts. (a) 1:8 (b) 1:2 (c) 1:7 (d) 2:3 Sol:(c) Let h be the height of the given cone. On dividing it into two parts, we get (i) Frustum of the cone with R = 10 cm and height = h cm 2 (ii) A similar cone with r = 5 cm and height = h cm 2 Volume of the smaller cone Volume of the frustum cone = = 1 2 h r 3 2 h [R 2 r2 Rr] 2 1 3 (5 5) 25 1 2 [(10) (5) 10 5] 175 7 2 S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 25 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes 35. Three cubes of metal whose edges are in the ratio 3 : 4 : 5 are ,melted down into a single cube whose diagonal is 12 3 cm. Find the edges of the three cubes. (a) 6 cm, 8 cm, 10 cm. (b) 2 cm, 5cm, 20 cm. (c) 8 cm, 3cm, 21 cm. (d) 9 cm, 5cm, 20 cm. Sol:(a) 3 a, a3 (3x)3 (4x)3 (5x)3 . calculate and proceed. 12 3 36. A die is thrown once. Find the probability of getting a prime number (a) 1 3 (b) 1 2 (c) 3 2 (d) 3 4 Sol:(b) Event E : getting a prime number (i.e., getting a natural number p>1 and having 1 and p as its only divisors) E = {2, 3, 5} Number of favourable cases = n(E) =3 P(E) = n(E) 3 1 n(S) 6 2 37. Three unbiased coins are tossed. What is the probability of getting at most two heads (a) 7/8 (b) 1 (c)1/8 (d) 1/4 Sol:(a) Let E be the event of getting at most two heads i.e., number of heads is 2, i.e., 2 or 1, 0. By 0 heads, we mean all tails. E = {HHT, HTH, THH, HTT, THT, TTH, TTT} n(E) = 7 38. A bag contains 12 balls out of which x are white. (i) If one ball is drawn at random, what is the probability that it will be a white ball? (ii) If 6 more white balls are put in the bag, the probability of drawing a white ball will be double than that in (i) .Find x. (a) (i) x 12 (ii) 3. (b) (i) x (ii) 5. 12 S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 26 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} (c) (i) x 10 (ii) 6. Medical and Non - Medical Classes (d) (i) x 8 (ii) 2 Sol:(a) n(s) = 12 (i) A = ball down is white n(A) = x p(A) = x 12 (ii) When 6 more white balls are put in the bag, total no. of balls in bag= 12 + 6 =18 No. of white balls = x +6 n(s) = 18, B = ball drawn is white n(B) = x +6 p(B) = x 6 18 A.T.Q., p(B) = 2× p(A) x 6 18 2 x 12 39. Solve for x: x 3 1 1 1 1 (x 1)(x 2) (x 2)(x 3) (x 3)(x 4) 6 (a) x=2, x =–3 (b) x =7, x =–2 (c) x =10, x =–5 (d) x =6, x =–8 Ans.(b) 1 1 1 1 (x 1)(x 2) (x 2)(x 3) (x 3)(x 4) 6 1 1 1 1 (x 1)(x 2) (x 3)(x 2) (x 3)(x 4) 6 1 1 1 1 (x 1)(x 2) (x 3) x 2 x 4 1 6 S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 27 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes 1 1 x 4 x 2 (x 1)(x 2) (x 3) (x 2)(x 4) 1 6 1 1 2x 6 (x 1)(x 2) (x 3) (x 2)(x 4) 1 6 1 2 1 (x 1)(x 2) (x 2)(x 4) 6 1 1 2 (x 2) x 1 x 4 1 6 1 x 4 2x 2 (x 2) (x 1)(x 4) 1 3x 6 x 2 (x 1)(x 4) 1 6 1 6 3 1 (x 1)(x 4) 6 18 = x2 – 5x + 4 (x–7) (x+ 2) = 0 x = 7, x = –2. 40. A man is starting on the desk of a ship which is 10 m above the water level. He observed the angle of elevation of the top of a hill as 60o and the angle of depression of the base of the hill as 30o. Find the distance of the hill from the ship. (a) 10 3 m (b) 5 3 m (c) 8 3 m (d) 8 10 m Sol:(a) S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 28 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes In AEC CE AE tan60o x AE x AE 3 3 .....(i) In AED ED AE tan30o 1 3 10 AE AE 10 3 .........(ii) From (i) and (ii) 10 3 x 3 x = 10 3 3 x = 30 m. Height of hill = 10+30 = 40 m. Distance of the hill = 10 3 m . 41. A two digit number is such that product of its digits is 18. When 63 is subtracted from the number, the digits interchanging their places. Find the number. (a) 56 (b) 98 (c) 92 (d) 50 Sol:(c) Let the required number be 10x +y, where x is ten’s digit and y is one’s digit. xy = 18 10x + y – 63=10y + x 9x – 9y = 63 x–y= 7 x=7+y S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 29 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes y(7+y)= 18 y2 +7y – 18 =0 (y+9) (y – 2) =0 y = 2, –9. y = 2 (as y > 0) x=9 Number is 92. 42. What is the probability that date of birth of a person is in the month of January? (a) 1/12 (b) 31/365 (c) 1/365 (d) 30/365 Sol:(b) Total no. of days in Jan = 31 Total no. of days in a year = 365 Probability = 31 365 43. Determine the ratio in which the line 2x + y = 4 divides the line segment joining the points (2, - 2) and (3, 7). (a) 2:7 (b) 7:2 (c) 2:9 (d) 9:2 Ans (c) P= 3k 2 7k 2 , k 1 k 1 point P lies on 2x + y = 4 3k 2 7k 2 2 4 k 1 k 1 6k+4 + 7k-2=4k+4 9k +2 = 4 9k = 2 k= 2 9 S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 30 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes 3 1 1 44. The 2nd, 31st and the last term of an AP are 7 , and 6 , respectively. Find the number 4 2 2 of terms. (a) 55 (b) 59 (c) 60 (d) 44 Sol:(b) Let a be the first term and d the common difference of the AP Given, T2 7 3 4 a d 31 4 1 2 T31 and, a + 30d = .........(i) 1 2 …..(ii) Subtracting (i) from(ii), we get 29d 1 31 2 4 29 4 d 1 4 Putting the value of d in (i), we get Tn 13 2 i.e., a+(n–1)d = 8 (n 1) 8 n 1 4 4 1 4 13 2 13 2 13 2 32 – n+1 = –26 n = 59 Hence, first term = 8 and number of terms = 59. 45. A thief runs away from a police station with a uniform speed of 100m/minutes. After one minute a policeman runs behind the thief to catch him. He goes at speed of 100m/minute S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 31 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes in first minute and increases his 10m each succeeding minute. After how many minutes the policeman will catch the thief? (a) 4minutes (b) 5 minutes (c) 6 minutes (d) 3 minutes Sol:(b) Let the policeman catches the thief in n minutes. Since the thief ran one minute before the police, therefore the time taken by thief before being caught = (n+1) minutes Distance travelled by the thief in (n +1) minutes = 100(n+1) metres In first minute, speed of policeman =100 m/minute. In second minute, speed of policeman =110 m/minute. In third minute, speed of policeman =120 m/minute and so on. Speeds 100, 110, 120,……form an AP Total distance travelled by the policeman in n minute = n 2 100 (n 1)10 2 On catching the thief by policeman, distance travelled by the thief = Distance travelled by policeman. 100(n+1) = n [1×100+(n–1)10] 2 100n + 100 =100n + n (n –1)10 2 100 = n(n–1) 5 n2 – n–20 = 0 (n –5)(n+4)=0 n –5=0 S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 32 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes n=5 n+4=0 n = –4 is not possible Time taken by the policeman to catch the thief = 5 minutes. S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 33 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes Section-B {Physics} 46. A beam of monochromatic light is refracted from vacuum into a medium of refractive index 1.5. The wavelength of refracted will be(a) dependent on intensity of reflected light (b) same (c) smaller (d) larger Ans.(c) During reflection frequency remain same as it is a property of source, in denser medium speed of light decreases hence wavelength decreases (v = f ) 47. Focal length of a convex lens will be maximum for(a) blue light (b) yellow light (c) green light (d) red light Sol:(d) f 1 as 1 ∴ R v , fR fv Hence focal of lens is maximum for red colour and minimum for violet colour. 48. A ray of light is incident on the surface of separation of a medium with the velocity of light at an angle 45o and is refracted in the medium at an angle 30o. What will be the velocity of light in the medium(a) 1.96×108m/s (b) 2.12×108m/s (c) 3.18×108m/s (d) 3.33×108m/s Sol:(b) sin i sin r 2 1 o c1 c2 3 108 c2 sin45 sin30o c2 3 108 2 2.12 108 m / s 49. A ray of light strikes a transparent surface from air at an angle . If the angle between the reflected and refracted ray is a right angle, the refractive index of the other surface is given by(a) 1/ tan (b) tan2 (c) sin (d) tan S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 34 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes Sol:(d) i+r =90o sini sinr ; sin sin 90 tan 50. A concave mirror and a convex mirror are placed co-axially, their reflecting surfaces facing each other. Their focal length are15 and 12 cm. respectively. An object placed between them is 20 cm. from the concave mirror. The image formed by it is at the object itself. Calculate the distance of the concave mirror from the object. (a) 60 cm (b) 36 cm (c) 12 cm (d) none of these Sol: (d) Because the distance between object and concave mirror is already given i.e. 20cm. Note: If the distance between convex mirror and concave mirror were asked then: “In a concave mirror for the image to be formed at the object itself, the latter must be at the centre of curvature. But here, it is at a distance of 20 cm. from mirror whose distance is not the radius of curvature. The radius of curvature is twice the focal length or 2× 15 or 30 cm. The fact of the matter is the reflected rays from the concave mirror are reflected back along the same path forming the image at the object itself. This can happen only if the reflected rays falling on the mirror are normal to the mirror. O is object OP = 20 cm, f = 15 cm. (of concave mirror) The reflected rays from concave mirror are reflected back by convex mirror. C must be centre of curvature of the latter. So its radius curvature = twice its focal length i.e. 12×2 or 24 cm. Now, it there no convex mirror, the concave mirror would form an image of O at C. Then we would have for concave mirror u= +20cm. f= +15 cm v = PC =? S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 35 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Now, 1 v Medical and Non - Medical Classes 1 1 1 1 1 i.e., u f v 20 15 1 1 1 1 or v PC 60 v 15 20 60 But we want OP’ Now PO’ = PC–P’C=60–2×12=36cm. (P’C= radius of curvature of convex mirror i.e. twice its focal length) Direction: (A) Statement –I is true, Statement-II is true; Statement-II is a correct explanation for statement-I. (B) Statement-I is true, Statement-II is true; statement-II is not correct explanation for statement-I. (C) Statement-I is true, Statement-II is false. (D) Statement-I is false, Statement-II is true. 51. Statement-I : When a concave mirror is held under water, its focal length will increase. Statement- II : The focal length of a concave mirror is independent of the medium in which it is placed. Sol:(d) 52. Statement-I : Keeping a point object fixed, if a plane mirror is moved, the image will also move. Statement-II : In case of a plane mirror, distance of object and its image is equal from any point on the mirror. Sol:(d) 53. Light waves projected on oil surface show seven colours due to (a) Polarization (b) Diffraction (c) Reflection (d) Interference Sol:(d) 54. A fish looking up through the water sees the outside world contained in a circular horizon. If the refractive index of water is 4/3 and fish is 12 cm. below the surface, the radius of this circle in cm. is (a) 36 5 (b) 4 5 (c) 36 7 (d) 36 / 7 S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 36 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes Sol:(d) 1 sin ic r r2 h2 Using h = 12 cm , 4/3 , We get 36 cm. 7 55. What will be the refractive index of glass for total internal reflection – (a) 3 1 2 (b) 5 1 2 (c) 2 1 2 (d) 3 2 Sol:(d) 56. A light ray is incident perpendicularly to one face to a 90o prism and is totally internally reflected at the glass-air interface. If the angle of reflection is 45o, we conclude that the refractive index n– (a) n 1 2 (b) n 2 (c) n 1 2 (d) n 2 Sol:(b) S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 37 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes 57. A person wishes to distinguish between two pillars located at a distance of 11 km. What should be the minimum distance between the pillars? (a) 3.2 m (b) 2.3 m (c) 2.5 m (d) 2.6 m Sol:(a) As limit of resolution of eye is 1 minute, the pillars will be seen distinctly if i.e., 0o1' d as 1' rad D 180 60 180 60 i.e., d 11 103 m 180 60 i.e., d 3.2m So the minimum distance between the pillars at which they are just resolved (i.e., distinct) from 11 km is 3.2m. 58. A beam of light consisting of red, green and blue colours is incident on a right-angled prism. The refractive indices of the material of the prism for the above red, green and blue wavelengths are 1.39, 1.44 and 1.47 respectively. The prism will (a) separate the red colour from the green and blue colours (b) separate the blue colour from the red and green colours (c) separate all the three colours from one another (d) not separate even partially any colour from the other two colours. Sol:(a) The colours for which i > θC, will get total internal reflection : i > θC or sin i > sin θC S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 38 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} or sin 45° > 1 or Medical and Non - Medical Classes 1 2 1 or for which μ > 2 or μ > 1.414 Hence, the rays for which μ > 1.414 will get TIR. For green and blue μ > 1.414, so they will suffer TIR on face AC. Only red comes out from this face. 59. A light beam is travelling from Region I to Region IV (Refer Figure). The refractive index in Regions I, II, III and IV are n0, n0 n0 n , and 0 and respectively. The angle of 2 6 8 incidence θ for which the beam just misses entering Region IV is (a) sin–1 3 4 (b) sin–1 1 8 (c) sin–1 1 4 (d) sin–1 1 3 Sol:(b) Critical angle from region III to region IV n0 sin θC = n0 / 8 n0 /6 3 4 Now applying Snell’s law in region I and region III n0 sin θ = or sin θ = n0 sin θC 6 1 sin 6 θ = sin–1 c 1 3 6 4 1 8 1 8 60. A rectangular glass slab ABCD of refractive index n1 is immersed in water of refractive index n2 (n1 > n2). A ray of light is incident at the surface AB of the slab as shown. The maximum value of the angle of incidence αmax, such that the ray comes out only from the other S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 39 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes surface CD, is given by (a) sin–1 n1 n cos sin 1 2 n2 n1 (b) sin–1 n1 cos sin (c) sin–1 n1 n2 (d) sin–1 1 1 n2 n2 n1 Sol:(a) Rays come out only from CD, means rays after refraction from AB get total internally reflected at AD. From the figure r1 + r2 = 90o r1 = 90o – r2 (r1)max = 90o – (r2)min and (r2)min = θC where sin θC = (for total internal reflection at AD) n2 n or θ = sin–1 2 n1 n1 (r1)max = 90o – θC Now applying Snell’s law at face AB sin max sin max sin max n1 n2 sin r1 max sin 900 C cos C or sin max n1 cos n2 C max sin 1 n1 cos n2 C sin 1 n1 cos sin n2 1 n2 n1 S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 40 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes Section-C {Chemistry} Direction: (A) Statement –I is true, Statement-II is true; Statement-II is a correct explanation for statement-I. (B) Statement-I is true, Statement-II is true; statement-II is not correct explanation for statement-I. (C) Statement-I is true, Statement-II is false. (D) Statement-I is false, Statement-II is true. 61. Statement-I : Soap are formed by saponification reaction. Statement-II : In a saponification reaction, an organic acid combine with an alkali like NaOH or KOH. Sol:(c) In a saponification reaction, an organic ester (triglyceride in nature) combine with NaOH or KOH to form soap and glycerol. 62. Sodium hydrogen carbonate is used to distinguish : (a) Ethanol and methanol (b) Ethanol and ethene (c) Ethene and ethyne (d) Ethanol and ethanoic acid Sol:(d) Sodium hydrogen carbonate distinguishes ethanol from ethanoic acid. The acid gives brisk effervescence of carbon dioxide gas with sodium hydrogen carbonate while ethyl alcohol does not. CH3COOH aq. NaHCO3 CH3COONa(aq.) H2O (aq.) CO2(g) C2H5OH(aq.) NaHCO3(aq.) No action 63. Acetic acid was added to a solid X kept in a test tube. A colourless and odourless gas Y was evolved. The gas was passed through lime water which turned milky. It was concluded that: (a) solid X is sodium hydroxide and the Y is CO2 (b) solid is sodium carbonate and the gas Y is CO2 (c) solid X is sodium acetate and the gas Y is CO2 S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 41 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes (d) solid X is sodium hydrogen carbonate and the gas Y is SO2 Sol:(b) Only CO2 gas turns lime water milky. 64. When sodium hydrogen carbonate powder is added to acetic acid, a gas evolves. Which one of the following statements is not true for this gas? It (a) turns lime water milky (b) extinguishes a burning splinter (c) dissolves in a solution of sodium hydroxide (d) turns acidified potassium dichromate solution green. Sol:(d) It is wrong statement. Acetic acid cannot turn acidified potassium dichromate solution green since no chemical reaction is possible. 65. Four students observed the colour and odour of acetic acid in its reaction with sodium hydrogen carbonate. They tabulated their observations as below: Student Colour of acetic acid Odour of acetic acid 1. Blue Fruity Action with sodium hydrogen carbonate Gas evolved bubbles 2. Colourless Smell of vinegar Effervescence 3. Light green Odourless Gas evolved without bubbles 4. Light brown Rotten egg Effervescence The correct set of observations is that of student. (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 Sol: (b) This student (2) has made the correct observation. Acetic acid is colourless with vinegar S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 42 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes smell. It gives effervescence of carbon dioxide on reacting with solution hydrogen carbonate. 66. According to IUPAC system, the correct name of the organic compound CH3 Br O | || CH CH2 C OH (a) 2-Bromobutanoic acid (b) 2-Bromobutyric acid (c) 3-Bromobutanoic acid (d) 3-Bromo-2-hydroxybutan-2-one. Sol:(c) 67. Alcohol can be produced by the hydration of : (a) alkenes (b) alkynes (c) alkanes (d) acids Sol:(a) H2C CH2 H2O Ethene CH3CH2OH Ethanol or Ethyl alcohol Alkenes upon hydration in the presence of dilute acid form alcohols. 68. The heteroatoms present in CH3 O CH2 CH2 (Br) are (i) oxygen (ii) carbon (iii) hydrogen (a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iii) (c) (iii) and (iv) (iv) bromine (d) (i) and (iv) Sol:(d) Both oxygen (O) and bromine (Br) are heteroatoms. Please remember that apart from C and H atoms, all other atoms present in an organic compound are hetero atoms. 69. CH3CH2OH Alkaline KMnO4 Heat CH3COOH In the above reaction, alkaline KMnO4 acts as (a) reducing agent (b) oxidizing agent (c) catalyst (d) dehydrating agent Sol:(b) Alkaline KMnO4 is also known as Baeyer’s reagent. It acts as an oxidizing agent. Direction: S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 43 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes (A) Statement –I is true, Statement-II is true; Statement-II is a correct explanation for statement-I. (B) Statement-I is true, Statement-II is true; statement-II is not correct explanation for statement-I. (C) Statement-I is true, Statement-II is false. (D) Statement-I is false, Statement-II is true. 70. Statement-I : Chlorine is the most reactive member of the halogen family. Statement-II: Size of chlorine is more than that of fluorine. Sol:(d) Fluorine is the most reactive element belonging to halogen family and not chlorine. Fluorine is placed above chlorine in the periodic table. 71. Statement-I: In a triad, the three elements present have same gaps of atomic number. Statement-II: Elements in a triad have similar properties. Sol:(d) In triad, the atomic mass of the middle element is the mean of the atomic masses of the first and third element. And does not have any concern with their atomic numbers. 72. Which of the following sets does not belong to a group? (a) Li, Na, K (b) B, C, N (c) B, Al, Ga (d) O, S, Se. Sol:(b) The element B, C and N belong to second period. They do not belong to the same group. 73. Which of the following gives the correct increasing order of the atomic radii of B, O and F? (a) F, O, B (b) N, F, O (c) O, F, B (d) B, O, F Sol:(a) 74. Which of the following elements will form a basic oxide? (a) An element with atomic number 7 (b) An element with atomic number 17 (c) An element with atomic number 14 (d) An element with atomic number 11 Sol:(d) The element is Na. It will form basic oxide (Na2O). 75. Which of the following elements would lose an electron most easily? (a) Li (b) Na (c) K (d) Rb Sol:(d) The element (Rb) will lose electron most easily. S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 44 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes Section-D {Biology} 76. A student soaked 5 raisins each of equal weight in three beakers, a, b and c, each containing 100 ml of distilled water kept at room temperature. He removed raisins from beaker a after 10 minutes, beaker b after 20 minutes and c after one hour. He calculated the percentage of water absorption as Pa, Pb, Pc. What is true (a) Pa = Pb = Pc (b) Pa < Pb > Pc (c) Pa > Pb > Pc (d) Pa < Pb < Pc Sol:(d) 77. Bishnoi community people lost their lives while protecting (a) Khejri tree (b) Sal tree (c) Pinus tree (d) Teak tree (c) Karnataka (d) Andhra Pradesh Sol:(a) 78. Indra Gandhi Canal has brought greenery to (a) Haryana (b) Rajasthan Sol:(b) 79. Animals get extinct mainly due to (a) Predation (b) Habitat destruction (c) Afforestation (d) Pollution Sol:(b) 80. Which of the following bacteria is found in Ganga water? (a) Coliform bacteria (b) Streptococcus bacteria (c) Staphylococcus bacteria (d) Diplococcus bacteria Sol:(a) 81. Form the list given below, select the character which can be acquired but not inherited (a) Colour of eye (b) Colour of skin (c) Size of body (d) Nature of hair Sol:(c) 82. Select the statement that describe characteristics of genes (i) Genes are specific sequence of bases in a DNA molecule (ii) A gene does not code for proteins (iii) In individuals of a given species, a specific gene is located on a particular chromosome (iv) Each chromosome has only one gene. S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 45 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} (a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i) and (iii) Medical and Non - Medical Classes (c) (i) and (iv) (d) (ii) and (iv) Sol:(b) 83. Some dinosaurs had feathers although they could not fly but birds have feathers that help them to fly. In the context of evolution this means that (a) Reptiles have evolved from birds (b) There is no evolutionary connection between reptiles and birds (c) Feathers are homologous structures in both the organisms (d) Birds have evolved from reptiles Sol:(d) 84. A basket of vegetable contains carrot, potato, radish and tomato. Which of them represent the correct homologous structures? (a) Carrot and potato (b) Carrot and tomato (c) Radish and carrot (d) Radish and potato Sol:(c) 85. ‘Descent with modification ‘ is the central theme of (a) Fossils (b) Bones (c) Birds (d) Embryo Sol:(c) 86. Name the parts labelled A in given figure (a) Fallopian tube (b) Ovary (c) Uterus (d) Cervix Sol:(a) 87. The correct sequence of organs in the male reproductive system for transport of sperms is (a) Testis vas deferens (c) Testis urethra urethra ureter (b) Testis ureter urethra (d) Testis vas deferens ureter Sol:(a) S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 46 Pioneer Education {The Best Way To Success} Medical and Non - Medical Classes 88. Which among the following disease is not sexually transmitted? (a) Syphilis (b) Hepatitis (c) HIV-AIDS (d) Gonorrhoea Sol:(b) 89. The correct sequences of reproductive stages seen in flowering plants is (a) Gametes, zygote, embryo, seedling (b) Zygote, gametes, embryo, seedling (c) Seedling, embryo, zygote, gametes (d) Gametes, embryo, zygote, seedling Sol:(a) 90. In human females, an event that reflects onset of reproductive phase is (a) Growth of body (b) Changes in hair pattern (c) Change in voice (d) Menstruation Sol:(d) S.C.O.- 320, Sector 40–D, CHD. Phone: 9815527721, 4617721 47
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