COURSE REGISTRATION FOR SEMESTER 2, ACADEMIC YEAR 2014-2015 Follow these steps to register for your Semester 2 courses: Pre‐registrationNotes Check the Personalized Date and Time of Registration on 27 November 2014 (9.00 am onwards) to ensure that you did not miss your scheduled date. Do not assume that your registration schedule is the same as your peers admitted in the same year because students who have passed more courses could be promoted earlier while those who lag behind could be in a lower registration study year. Check the examination timetable to ensure that there are no clashes in the Examination dates before you proceed with your registration. Year 1 students admitted in AY2014-2015 are not required to register their courses through STARS, as their core courses will be pre-assigned. Poly Direct-Entry Year 2 students admitted in AY2014-2015 must register their courses through STARS during their assigned registration date and time. Students, who have been approved to go on overseas exchange programme (i.e. GEM Discoverer/Explorer or Approved Overseas Study Leave) in Semester 2, AY2014, would not be able to register courses, since they would be away during the entire semester. Plan your course(s) carefully. Students must be responsible in their course selection. If you register for the wrong course or fail to take a compulsory course, you may delay your graduation year. Thus, please refer to the Course Curriculum before you plan your timetable. All students are assigned an academic mentor upon admission to the School. Discuss your course options and seek any academic advice with your mentor. StudentsonAcademicWarning/Probation/Termination Students who were on Academic Warning/Probation in Semester 1 must access STARS to register for their courses. However, they are only able to register the normal AU load. If you have attained Clear Pass status upon release of the Semester 1 examination results, you will be allowed to overload during the Add-Drop Period (12 – 25 January 2015). Students can only register courses not exceeding the Normal Study Load, i.e. 18 AUs. CoursesNotOfferedinAY2014‐2015 With the transition of the new BRC curriculum, a few of the existing core courses will not be offered in AY2014-2015. Hence, students who have not cleared these courses will be required to register for the replacement courses. Pre‐Requisites Most courses have compulsory pre-requisites, which are listed in the Class Schedule. Each student is responsible for meeting the pre-requisite for each higher course they wish to read. RegisterforClasses Be flexible when registering your courses. If you are unable to register all within one lecture group, switch to another group. Students can only register the maximum AU load (22) during their actual registration period. If you are unable to complete your registration during the actual registration period, you may register any remaining course on the evening of the same day of your scheduled registration date (5.00 pm – 10.00 pm). EEE Undergraduate Programme Office will pre-register the following courses, EE1002, EE1003, EE1071, and MH1811 for all EEE1 students admitted in AY2014-2015. Students will not be allowed to either drop or change index numbers of these allocated courses. Students who want to change any of the registered index number, must fill in the Course Request Form (available from 15 Dec onwards) to seek approval from the School. Approval will only be granted on a case-by-case basis. Final Year Students, who are taking up Final Year Project, are only able to register a maximum AU load of 17. EEE students, who are registering their second and third year courses, except EE2006 and EE2007, must register its corresponding laboratory code immediately after that. COURSE CODE CORRESPONDING LABORATORY CODE COURSE CODE CORRESPONDING LABORATORY CODE COURSE CODE CORRESPONDING LABORATORY CODE EE2001 E2001L EE3001 E3001L EE3014 E3014L EE2002 E2002L EE3002 E3002L EE3015 E3015L EE2003 E2003L EE3010 E3010L EE3017 E3017L EE2004 E2004L EE3011 E3011L EE3019 E3019L EE2008 E2008L EE3012 E3012L EE2010 E2010L EE3013 E3013L MissedRegistrationSchedule Students, who have missed their registration time, may register their courses between 5 pm and 10 pm on the same day of your registration. This slot will be open to anyone who was scheduled to register on that day. However, if you have missed your day of registration, you will need to register your courses during the Add/Drop Period (12 – 25 January 2015). Students are advised to adhere strictly to their registration date and time, as the School will not reschedule it for whatever reasons. StudentsBarredFromSTARS Students will not be able to access STARS during the registration period if: 1. they were on Leave of Absence and have just resumed their studies, but did not confirm with the Office of Academic Services on their student status; and 2. they have outstanding tuition fees or hostel fees. Students are required to clear their outstanding tuition or hostel fees within the stipulated deadline stated in the E-Bill sent by the Office of Finance. ChangingOfTutorialGroups The School does not accept requests from students to change tutorial groups, due to limitation of class capacity. RegistrationForms The Course Request Form is used only if you have problems registering a course either due to some academic restriction or if there is no vacancy. The form will be made available by the following method: Period Registration Add/Drop Course Request Form Submission Deadline Softcopy Availability & Submission 15 Dec – 19 Dec 2014 Hardcopy Availability & Submission 15 Dec – 19 Dec 2014 Hardcopy Availability & Submission 12 Jan – 16 Jan 2015 Softcopy Hardcopy EEE Undergraduate Programme Office reception counter (S2-B2a-34) Helpline Students may seek help from the relevant sources: Issues relating to Academic ; Course Registration Student Administrator Contact Details Ms Madona Fernandez Location: Undergraduate Programme Office (S2-B2a-34) Ms Lim Ai Fang Email: [email protected] Location: Undergraduate Programme Office (S2-B2a-34) Final Year Project Ms Hau Wai Ping Student Counselling Academic Mentor Studentlink > Academic Advisory Scheme Network, i.e. STARS, password, PIN, etc NTU Service Desk [email protected] Semester Leave of Absence ; Withdrawals Application Payment (e.g. tuition fees, hostel fees, etc) Ms Joanne Quek - Email: [email protected] Location: Pastoral Care & Career Advisory Office (S2-B2a-39) Email: [email protected] One Stop @ Student Activities Center (Opposite OCBC Bank, North Academic Complex) SUMMARY TABLE For students admitted to: Year 1 from AY2011 onwards ; Directly to Year 2 from AY2012 onwards Curriculum time/Pages/CurriculumStructure.aspx Approved Study Load Year 1 Classification = 19 AUs / Year 2-5 Classification = 22 AUs (Clear Pass Status) Approved Study Load Year 1 Classification = 16 AUs / Year 2-5 Classification = 18 AUs (Acad Warning/Probation) Laboratory (Year 2 & 3 Courses) Students must register the laboratory codes immediately after registering the EE2xxx and EE3xxxx courses. e.g., EE2008 (Lab: E2008L) ; EE3001 (Lab: E3001L) ; EE3015 (Lab: E3015L), etc. Achieved Year 3 Standing & 3rd Year Attachment Likely to have completed 4 Semesters (Student admitted to Year 1); or Likely to have completed 2 Semesters (Student admitted directly to Year 2) The following final year core courses are restricted to Year 3 ABP and Year 4 students: 4th Core Courses EE0040/IM0040 Engineers & Society HW0310 Professional Communications Final Year Option (EEE) EEE students must declare their Option Group before the registration exercise commences, if they want to register for final year design/ technical electives. PRE‐REQUISITES (after the examination results are out for the semester) Year 4 standing or in the final year. Students are expected to meet all the requirements for the BEng degree upon completion of the FYP (and IO, if it is to be done concurrently with the FYP or right after the FYP). Final Year Project (EE4080/IM4080) ABP students are allowed to attempt FYP concurrently with IA/IO/EIA/IRA at any given time. Note that IRA is to done locally. Non‐ABP students are not allowed to attempt FYP if they are attempting IA/IO/EIA/IRA at any given time, except for IO during the May ‐ July period. Note that IRA is to done locally. Remarks: a. The above requirements do not apply to IO+FYP. b. Students are eligible to do FYP if (i) they had already completed either IA or IO and have a balance of no more than 42 AUs in the last 2 semesters (before graduation), and (ii) they have not done IO and have a balance of no more than 46 AUs in the last 2 semesters (before graduation). Note that the balance AU (42/46) includes that of the FYP. Submission of Course Request Form 15 – 19 December 2014 (Forms submitted after the deadline will only be processed later.) Registration Administrators EEE Undergraduate Programme Office | Block S2, Level B2a | Phone: 6790‐6364 | E‐mail: [email protected]
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