NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A MEETING OF THE OPERATIONS COMMITTEE WILL BE HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC ADMINISTRATION OFFICE, 29 CIVIC AVENUE, GORE, ON TUESDAY 11 MARCH 2014, FOLLOWING THE CONCLUSION OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE MEETING Stephen Parry CHIEF EXECUTIVE 4 March 2014 AGENDA 1. Gore Wastewater Primary Pond One Sludge Removal (Page 1) 2. Streetscape Alteration Request - Nelson Street (Pages 2-6) 3. Report from Roading Manager (Pages 7-13) 4. BUSINESS TO BE CONSIDERED PURSUANT TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL INFORMATION AND MEETINGS ACT 1987: Conditional trade waste consent 1 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE AGENDA 12 MARCH 2014 1. GORE WASTEWATER PRIMARY POND ONE SLUDGE REMOVAL (Memo from 3 Waters Asset Manager, Sarah Crooks – 13.02.14) The Council’s goal is to achieve the de-sludging of at least Pond 1 at the Gore wastewater treatment site at Grasslands Road. This is currently scheduled in the LTP for 2015/16. The key objective is to achieve the disposal of sludge in as cost effective manner as possible. On 3 December technical staff met with Southland District Council staff and representatives from MWH to discuss a proposed combined Southland and Gore District wastewater pond sludge removal programme. Southland District Council also have several ponds that require sludge removal and disposal in the coming years. Discussions regarding a possible collaborative approach had been held at a strategic level previously and the meeting between council parties was held to identify whether the projects could align. The meeting overall was very productive and good value will be achieved from a collaborative approach. There was productive exchanging of ideas and knowledge and good discussion on disposal options was held. The engagement of a single contractor to de-sludge all the wastewater sites is a positive move. It is proposed that MWH be engaged to progress the collaborative project technically for both Councils. Various items need to be fully worked through such as sludge volumes, timing of removal, priority of sites and disposal options prior to attempting to engage a contractor. An initial meeting with all parties and Environment Southland representatives is proposed to occur in March 2014 to commence discussion on regional disposal options or other possible beneficial uses for the biosolids. It is recommended that the Committee endorse this collaborative approach of working with a neighbouring Council to identify the best solution to improve Gore’s wastewater pond treatment performance. RECOMMENDATION THAT the Council endorse the collaborative approach being undertaken with Southland District Council for the wastewater pond de-sludge programme. 2 2. STREETSCAPE ALTERATION REQUEST –19 NELSON STREET, GORE (Report from Roading Manager – 25.02.14) Refer attached letter. 1.0 Purpose The purpose of this report is to advise the Committee of a request for permission to alter the streetscape layout at 19 Nelson Street, Gore. 2.0 Background The resident of 19 Nelson Street has requested that additional parking be provided on his frontage by removal of a 2 to 3m strip of the existing grass verge at the west edge of the existing driveway. He proposes that the grass strip be replaced with gravel. The existing gravel driveway across the verge is approximately 7.5m wide. Nearly 40% of the 19/19A frontage is already gravel surfaced. The existing street configuration is similar to type 1 contained in the Streetscape Strategy except that it lacks a kerb and channel beside the footpath. Type 1 is an appropriate configuration for a local road. Parking spaces for several vehicles are provided on the property including a large caravan. The wide flat grass verge is likely to be quite suitable for overflow parking but as the resident points out some ponding can occur when raining. There is no evidence of significant rutting from parking on the grass. Drainage problems are also mentioned in the letter however it was agreed with the resident that drainage improvements would be carried out this year to reduce the problem. Nelson Street is classified as a local urban road and this section ends in a cul-de-sac close to the property. 3.0 Assessment The request has been assessed in accordance with the process outlined in the Gore District Streetscape Strategy. Clause 5.4.2, shown below, in particular pertains to this request. 5.4.2 Utilising Legal Roads for Vehicle Parking Most streets have sufficient width to enable property occupiers to park vehicles on the formed legal road outside of their property. Periodically, the Council receives requests to modify the existing roadside to provide further parking. This occurs most often in residential areas where a strip of grass is located between their property boundary and the formed carriageway. It is the Council’s view that where vehicle parking cannot be located on the formed roadway it should, where practicable, be provided on private property. Only in exceptional circumstances would the Council allow grassed areas to be converted to 3 street‐side parking. The Council will however, consider individual requests on a case by case basis. The options considered were as follows: 3.1. Status Quo This option will be cost neutral to the Council and will also maintain the existing streetscape. This option will not provide the additional all weather parking on street requested by the resident. Visitors can continue to park on the grass in most weather providing they do not significantly damage it. Estimated cost - Nil 3.2. Replace Grass with Gravel This option, which is what has been requested is a progression to Option 10 in the Streetscape Strategy. It is not appropriate as it is not permitted by the Strategy. Cost not considered. 3.3. Retain Grass with Drainage Improvement This option will improve the availability of the grass to be parked on as overflow parking while retaining the existing configuration. The drainage improvement has been agreed upon as it will reduce ponding on the footpath. Estimated cost - $500 The other Council departments consulted including 3 Waters, Planning and Parks and Reserves all favoured option 3.3 above. 4.0 Summary Option 3.3, although not completely satisfying the request from the resident, does help him while retaining the existing appropriate configuration at a relatively low cost. RECOMMENDATION THAT the report be received, AND THAT the Council decline the request to create additional gravel on street parking at 19 Nelson Street. 4 "RECEIVED 1 Gore District Council To C.E.O Gore District Council Mr S. F. Parry \ \ NOV 2013 SCANNIB- We Haden and Ruthe Nicholson residing at 19 Nelson Street Gore, would like to put to you a proposal for a parking area adjacent to our property. The sealed portion of our road is very narrow, and for safety people tend to always park on the grass verge. As we have a large family and many regular visitors. Would the council consider a parking area similar to No 5 Nelson Street. I am now 80 years old and continue to keep the road side grass mown. With the ground being cut up, due to the lack of drainage, it is quite difficult. Could we have an extra parking area along side our present drive as per enclosed photo. We have been having problems with ponding due to no drainage in front of our property since the foot path was resurfaced in Aug/ Sept 2009. Murray Hasler came in 2009 and had a meeting with myself and then neighbour Brian Lowe but nothing was done to rectify the problem. After 4 years we are tired and frustrated of wet feet due to the lack of drainage which is causing the problem. When dropping off our voting papers this year I spoke to a lady at the council about the ponding in the drive way. Downers came and filled in potholes which did nothing to fix the drainage problem . Heavy rain 14/15 Oct 2013 flooded drive way and foot path rang council and Jenna came and spent time photographing and discussing the flooding of the area and the water covering the foot path. Jenna advised me to ring Murray Hasler. 5 4/11/13 Murray and Jenna arrived and after some discussion Murray proposed two alternatives to fix the drainage problem. So we are looking forward to that being an early positive outcome. Murray asked me to write to you ree the proposed parking area. I have give copies of this letter to neighbours close to our property. Yours Sincerely. H.W. Nicholson 19 Nelson Street Gore. J 7/0 f //-/3 6 1 1 •A K 7 3. REPORT FROM ROADING MANAGER Network Maintenance Contract - General This summer’s signature variable weather continued during this period. Generally road repair activities were not significantly affected by the weather during this period. The Fairfield/ Irk Street intersection upgrade is almost complete including pavement marking. Unfortunately the subcontractor which will be installing the paving block infill has been delayed so this work is still to be completed. However although the pavers are yet to be completed the islands and the pedestrian refuge’s they harbour are fully operational. It is expected that the pavers will be installed before the end of February. Our contractor played a significant part in ensuring the Gore District rebrand launch gained maximum impact. Downer prepared the sign frames on the district boundary roads in advance of the launch date then erected the rebrand signage welcoming motorists entering the district overnight. Significant Activities on the District Roads Several other activities which significantly affected our roads, took place during the period. These activities needed considerable input from the Council roading staff which provided advice and processed the traffic management plans which helped ensure the safe and successful running of the events. The first of these was the Southern Field Days at Waimumu which started on Wednesday 12 February and ran for three days. This generated an extraordinary volume of traffic especially on Waimumu Road where 34,500 vehicle movements were recorded between 6am on Wednesday and 7pm on Sunday. 8 The Council site at the 2014 Southern Field Days The second of these events was the Cobra Rod and Custom Club annual 1/8 mile drag race held on Woolwich Street on Sunday 16 February. Woolwich Street was closed for this event. Local driver Duncan Cairncross competing in his home built electric car. 9 Monthly Maintenance Activity – February Significant activity undertaken since the previous report included the following; Routine cyclic rural and urban maintenance. Reinstatement of various Essential Services trenches. 197 km of the gravel roads inspected to assess their compliance (refer appendix A below). 197 km of the gravel roads inspected were graded to restore compliance (refer appendix A below). Continue repairs to footpaths and kerbs on various streets. Construct new vehicle crossing into Franks Motorcycles, Main street Mataura. Programmed Maintenance Works – February/March Continue pre-reseal repairs for the 2014/2015 season. Routine cyclic rural, urban and reserves inspections and maintenance. Various urban pavement repairs. Including on strengthening repairs on the Gore heavy traffic bypass streets, Avon, Richmond, River and Hyde Street’s. Various rural pavement repairs including on Glenkenich Road. Routine grading and maintenance metalling. Reinstate essential service trenches as required. Continue weed spraying including pest plants. Continue urban weed spraying. Repairs to footpaths and kerbs on various streets. Construct gravel parking areas on River Road. Carry out drainage improvements on Nelson Street. Undertake various pavement strengthening repairs on the Gore heavy traffic bypass streets, Avon, Richmond, River and Hyde Streets. PAVEMENT MARKING CONTRACT Our pavement marking contractor, Fulton Hogan continues to re-mark faded markings as well as new marking work throughout the District. RESEALS CONTRACT Fulton Hogan is programmed to complete this seasons reseals during March. RECOMMENDATION THAT the report be received. 10 APPENDIX A GRAVEL ROAD INSPECTION/GRADING DETAILS– February 2014 Table 1 Map – Roads Inspected from 1-21 February 2014 11 Schedule of Roads Inspected – from 1-21 February 2014 Road Name BARRON RD BRISTOW RD BURTON RD CAMERON RD CAMPION RD CARTERET ST CHAMBERLAIN RD CLEMENT RD COURTNEY RD CRAIG RD CRAWFORD RD CRAWFORD RD CROYDON BUSH RD CROYDON SIDING RD DAVIDSON RD - EAST DAVIDSON RD - WEST DOCTORS RD DOLAMORE PARK RD (BDY RD) EXETER LN FAULKNER RD FERNDALE RD FRIEND RD GERKEN RD GIBSON RD GILCHRIST RD GOODWIN RD HEAPS RD HENDERSON PARK HENDERSON RD HILLARY RD HOLE & CORNER RD HUMPHRIES RD ISLA RD KAIWERA DOWNS RD KEIR RD KELVIN RD (PART BDY RD) KNOWSLEY PARK RD MACGIBBON RD MAITLAND ST MARSHALL RD MCBRIDE RD MCGILL RD Length Inspected (m) 2359 1141 373 1415 2066 239 200 6895 915 2209 1293 564 1360 1661 567 1850 478 6076 170 373 1030 1421 1266 1615 4451 2712 3689 85 4513 2162 1352 5315 600 6152 459 4998 4077 6127 169 2667 1681 4870 Road Name MCKAY RD MCKINNON RD MILLANE RD MILLER RD MILLER RD MONAGHAN RD MOUNTAIN RD NICHOLSON RD (WAIMUMU) NITHDALE GORGE RD NITHDALE RD NOBLE RD PAKURA RD PARKER RD PATERSON RD PERKINS RD POPE RD PULLAR RD QUERTIER RD QUERTIER RD RANGE RD REABY RD (PART BDY RD) REKO RD RICHARDSON RD RIVER RD RIVER RD RIVER RD RIVER RD ROSEMARKIE RD SHANKS RD STRAUCHON RD TERRACE RD TERRACE RD TERRY RD TINKER RD TOWNSLEY RD WADDLE RD WAIARIKIKI RD (BDY RD) WAIKANA RD WEATHERBURN RD WHARE RANGE RD WRIGHT RD Total Length Inspected (m) 1713 2761 6935 1681 1123 569 500 530 2339 4246 341 2124 1240 7920 321 580 3379 1306 1335 406 2575 501 1797 972 1659 686 3756 5634 2475 536 5979 8193 1910 2959 1785 6380 5200 4732 1258 2300 861 197,112 12 Map – Roads Graded between 1-21 February 2014 13 Schedule of Roads Graded – between 1-21 February 2014 Road Name BARRON RD BRISTOW RD 1 Rows BURTON RD CAMERON RD CAMPION RD CARTERET ST CHAMBERLAIN RD CLEMENT RD COURTNEY RD CRAIG RD CRAWFORD RD CRAWFORD RD CROYDON BUSH RD CROYDON SIDING RD DAVIDSON RD - EAST DAVIDSON RD - WEST DOCTORS RD DOLAMORE PARK RD (BDY RD) EXETER LN FAULKNER RD FERNDALE RD FRIEND RD GERKEN RD GIBSON RD GILCHRIST RD GOODWIN RD HEAPS RD HENDERSON PARK HENDERSON RD HILLARY RD HOLE & CORNER RD HUMPHRIES RD ISLA RD KAIWERA DOWNS RD KEIR RD KELVIN RD (PART BDY RD) KNOWSLEY PARK RD MACGIBBON RD MAITLAND ST MARSHALL RD MCBRIDE RD MCGILL RD Length Graded (m) 2359 1141 373 1415 2066 239 200 6895 915 2209 1293 564 1360 1661 567 1850 478 6076 170 373 1030 1421 1266 1615 4451 2712 3689 85 4513 2162 1352 5315 600 6152 459 4998 4077 6127 169 2667 1681 4870 Road Name MCKAY RD MCKINNON RD MILLANE RD MILLER RD MILLER RD MONAGHAN RD MOUNTAIN RD NICHOLSON RD (WAIMUMU) NITHDALE GORGE RD NITHDALE RD NOBLE RD PAKURA RD PARKER RD PATERSON RD PERKINS RD POPE RD PULLAR RD QUERTIER RD QUERTIER RD RANGE RD REABY RD (PART BDY RD) REKO RD RICHARDSON RD RIVER RD RIVER RD RIVER RD RIVER RD ROSEMARKIE RD SHANKS RD STRAUCHON RD TERRACE RD TERRACE RD TERRY RD TINKER RD TOWNSLEY RD WADDLE RD WAIARIKIKI RD (BDY RD) WAIKANA RD WEATHERBURN RD WHARE RANGE RD WRIGHT RD Length Graded (m) 1713 2761 6935 1681 1123 569 500 530 2339 4246 341 2124 1240 7920 321 580 3379 1306 1335 406 2575 501 1797 972 1659 686 3756 5634 2475 536 5979 8193 1910 2959 1785 6380 5200 4732 1258 2300 861 Total 197,112 EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC Cr Davis to move I move that the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting, namely the items as listed below. The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing the resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under Section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, for the passing of this resolution are as follows: General Subject Matter Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter Grounds under Section 48(1) for the passing of this Resolution Conditional trade waste consent Enable any local authority holding the information to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations) 7 (2)(i)
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