Autumn - West Grinstead Parish Council

West Grinstead
Partridge Green
and Dial Post
Picture by Julie Beck
Autumn 2014
Welcome to the Autumn newsletter from the editorial team. Newsletters can be
sent to you for an annual subscription of £2.50 p.a. and back copies are available
from the editorial team, but newsletters from 2010 onwards can be found on our
website (details below) along with other interesting articles.
To contribute to the next issue please contact any one of the following:
Dorothy Banks
01403 711839 [[email protected]]
Julie Beck
07768 201525 [[email protected]]
Sue Oatway
01403 713568 [[email protected]]
Susannah Staples
01403 710315 [[email protected]]
Please note: The deadline for the Winter newsletter is no later than
14th November 2014.
Remember to include times, location and contacts for activities.
If you would like to receive a reminder two weeks before, please email
[email protected] and I will add you to our list.
The Editorial team reserve the right to edit articles.
Neither the publisher nor the editorial team accepts responsibility for
advertisements or contributed matter appearing in this publication.
Free quotations and advice
in 1982
Tel: 01403 713757 Fax: 01403 711842
Dates for your Diary
Farming Focus - Tomatoes
Regular Meetings
Royal British Legion
Church News
Open Gardens
Stage Lights Project
Sussex Wildlife Trust
Cup of Tea with Claire Harrison
Horsham District Council
St Catherine’s Hospice
Our History
West Sussex County Council
Neighbourhood Plan
Parish Council
Flower Show
Come Rain, Come Shine
Village Organisations
Fire Station
Partridge Green High Street
in front of Hutchings Butchers
Thursdays 5.30—8.30pm
Tel: 07769 180 460 07769 155 057
DCT Accounting Ltd 13 Nurseries
Animal Care
Hawthorn Vets
30 Plastering
G N Plastering
Art Classes
Claire Harrison
12 Plumbing
Stan’s Bike Shack
25 Printers
Forest Litho
Shredder Waste
Car Repairs,MOT K.A.R.S. Sussex
21 Reflexology
Kaori Slater
Wooden Allsorts
30 Sport
Edge & Wax
All Things Visual
41 Taxis
Cars Direct
Ladies Who
Dave Greenfield
Drives & Patios
R J Skinner
30 Tree Surgeons
Capel Tree Surgeons
Horsham Fencing
Jonathan Carter
Pizza Oven
Simon Parsons
Rake, Scatter &
Windows &
43 Doors
BHW Glass Ltd
Roots to Shoots
45 Cleaning
Seth Farmer
Funeral Directors Freeman Bros
Wed Sept 10th
Parish Council, PGVH 7.30pm
Tues Sept 16th
Open Door Birthday Celebration, Methodist Hall, 2.30pm
Tues Sept 16th
Local History Group: Women’s Land Army, with Ian Everest,
PGVH 7.30pm
Thurs Sept 18th
Autumn Gift Fair, Knepp Castle
Thurs Sept 25th
PART Quiz Night, The Partridge
Horticultural Society trip to Sussex Prairies Gardens, Albourne
Sept 27th
Tues Sept 30th
Open Door: Jump, illustrated talk with Tony Turner, 2.30pm
Oct 4th
Barn Dance, St Michael's, 7pm
Oct 5th
Harvest Festival, Methodist Church, 10.30am
Wed Oct 15th
Parish Council, Dial Post VH 7.30pm
Tues Oct 14th
Open Door: WW1, with Norman Berry, Methodist Hall, 2.30pm
Table Top and Car Boot Sale, PGVH carpark, 10am - 1pm (p41)
Oct 19th
Tues Oct 28th
Open Door: Samaritan's Purse Shoebox Appeal, 2.30pm
Thurs Oct 30th
Messy Church, Methodist Church, morning
Tues Nov 11th
Open Door: Karibuni Revisited, with Susannah Staples,
Methodist Hall, 2.30pm
Wed- Nov 12Sat
PG Players Production:
‘Out of Focus’, PG Village Hall (see p43)
Tues Nov 18th
Local History Group: Corrupt Campaigns and Courageous
Campaigners, with Gail Mackintosh PGVH 7.30pm
Wed Nov 19th
Parish Council, PGVH 7.30pm
Tues Nov 25th
Open Door: November Nostalgia, Methodist Hall, 2.30pm
Nov 30th
Advent Carol Service and Seasonal Fayre, St George's Church,
3.30pm onwards
Dec 6th
Christmas Lights Turn On, Partridge Green, 7pm
Active Minds:
Thurs, Fri, 10am-4pm DP Village hall. Call Sally 01903 740948
Fri 10am—12noon DP Village Hall. Contact Derek 710908
Tues 8.30-10.30pm, Southwater, call David 0783 4434000
Weds 3.30pm Methodist Church Hall, call Jackie 731578
Thurs 5pm, St Michael’s Church Room (term time)
Alternate Fri 7.30pm, DP Village Hall, call Brenda 710870
Bird Club:
3rd Fri of month 7.30pm PG Village Hall
Wed & Fri 2-4pm PG Village Hall, call Bob 711707
Mon 5.50 – 7.15 pm St Michael’s church room, PG
Fri 8pm, St George’s Church
Fri juniors 6.30pm, seniors 7pm(term time) St Michael’s Church
Weds 7-8.30pm Jolesfield School [email protected]
Colvin W.I:
3rd Thurs in month, PG Village Hall 7.30pm
Sat mornings, KGV field, call Steve on 07826 875889
Wed 7-8.30pm St Michael’s Church Room, PG
History Group (WG): 3rd Tues of alt. months,7.30pm, PG Village Hall. Call 711839
Horticultural Society: Six events a year. For details phone Libby on 711132.
Karate/Kick Boxing: Weds, 5.30-6.30pm, Jolesfield School
Open Door:
Alternate Tues 2.30pm Methodist Church Hall
PG Munchkins:
Mon 10-11.30 (term-time only) Methodist Ch Hall, PG
Pea Green Art Group: 1st Tues in every month 10am-12 Methodist Church Hall
Mon 7 –8pm & Wed 9.30-10.30am, DP Village Hall,
Wed 7pm, Methodist Church Hall, PG, call Lynn 01798 812860
Mon-Fri 9.05am-12.05pm, Mon/Tues/Thurs to 3.05pm PGVH
Mon, St Michael’s Church Room, PG 4.15-5.30pm
Short Mat Bowls:
Thurs, 7.30-9.30pm DP Village Hall. Call Peter 710670
Stoolball Club:
Tues,Thurs,6.30pm the park PG from May
Table Tennis:
Tues 6.30-7.45pm DPVH. Call Pauline 710908
Tennis Club:
4 days in the week, phone Carole Eyre 710812
TNT Sunday School: Sundays 9.30am, St Michael’s
Tumble Tots:
Tues 9am - 4pm, DP Village Hall. Call Marcella 0787 6453019
Thursday Lunch Club: 1st Thurs of month 12.45pm St Michael’s Ch, PG (not Lent)
Tues 7-8.30pm, St Michael’s Church Room
Village Café:
2nd Thurs of month, Methodist Church Hall, 2-4.30pm
Youth Club:
Mons 6.30-8.30pm, PG Village Hall
Mon 9.30-10.30am, Wed 7-8pm, Sat 9.30-10.30, Dial Post VH,
call Marcella 0787 6453019
Obituary: John Fisher
13th May 1926—7th June 2014
Born in Pateley Bridge, North Yorkshire on 13th May 1926,
Dad was the only son of Frederick Cyril and Ada Fisher
and had two older sisters, Rona and Joan. When Dad was
born his Dad sent a telegram which read, “Cushion
delivered, with tassel” - that always made Dad laugh!
The family moved to Sussex in 1928 and settled in the
small village of Partridge Green which is where Dad grew
up and spent the next 86 years.
He went to Jolesfield Primary School and later Steyning Grammar School. Whilst at
school he joined the RAF cadets – he dreamt of being a pilot. Dad also had an
aptitude for mathematics so, when he left school, he started work at an
Accountancy firm in Henfield. He used to cycle there every day but, after a serious
cycling accident, he decided to work much closer to home. He helped out in the
Post Office with his Dad, making deliveries and working in the telephone exchange
(particularly at night).
In 1943 he enlisted in the RAF mainly to fulfil his dream of being a pilot, lying
about his age as at the time he was only just 17. However, following initial
training, the loss of a close friend and the realisation that he would not be a pilot
he transferred from the RAF to the Army. He did his training all over the UK and
often talked about his “jungle training” in Morpeth – which caused much family
hilarity! He was posted to Egypt and Lebanon in the latter stages of the war before
returning to his beloved PG.
In 1948 he joined the Fire Service as a part-time fireman. In those days there were
no pagers or other gadgets to let him know there was a “call”. Instead a large bell
was fitted in the house which rang loudly to arouse him (and everyone else). Dad
slept near to the bell and used to stuff paper and cardboard into it to muffle the
sound as soon as he awoke (as the bell could not be switched off). On Saturday
mornings, to make a few extra shillings, he often used to go hydrant painting.
When his father retired from the Post Office in 1951 Dad joined Ciba, a
pharmaceutical firm in Horsham. He worked in the stores department and trained
a number of his younger bosses who had academic qualifications but not practical
knowledge. He took early retirement at the age of 60, one of the best decisions he
ever made. His “best” decision, however – his words not mine – was when he
asked Jean Elizabeth Gale (Mum) to be his wife. They were married on 2 nd January
1954 in St Michael’s. In January this year Mum and Dad received a card from the
Queen congratulating them on their Diamond Wedding Anniversary.
The village played a big part in Dad’s life. He was a staunch supporter of the
cricket club and loved to watch games at the park. He was also honoured to have
served as President and to be a Life Member of the Cricket Club. He played a very
active part in the development of the Sports & Social Club, was on the committee
for many years and helped to run the bar too — chatting to everybody was right
up his street!
He “trod the boards” in many village Amateur Dramatic plays spanning nearly 60
years. His first appearance was for the Youth Club in The Ghost Train at the age of
14. I had the privilege to share his passion for drama and to share the stage with
him, in 1978, as his son Simon Bliss, in Hay Fever, a Noel Coward comedy – it was
bliss! Dad loved the camaraderie of the drama group, was saddened when it went
“into hibernation” just before the new millennium but nobody was more thrilled
than he was by its resurrection in 2012.
Dad also had a passion for horseracing, which became his main hobby during his
retirement (along with dabbling in shares). He was a Member at Goodwood and
Plumpton for many years. He was not a very lucky gambler – regularly managing
to back “the one that came second”. Whilst Dad enjoyed the adrenaline rush of
shouting home his horse, he got most enjoyment from meeting lots of interesting
people at the races and chatting to everyone – whether he knew them or not!
Wherever Dad went he would make friends - that was his nature - always kind,
caring, friendly, genuinely interested in others and ready to help people out when
they were in trouble. He set high standards of himself and others and was a
We are a small family and will all miss him so much. My brother Dave and I are,
and always will be, so proud to say that he was our Dad.
Mark Fisher
Editorial Note
Our sincere apologies to David Webb and family for the error regarding Marion’s
birth date. She was of course not born on 11.11.11. Marion was actually born
on 13th December 1940.
We are aware, through various channels, of many more passings in the parish,
but unfortunately we are not always able to include obituaries for every one.
If you would like us to include an obituary in future issues, please contact one
of the Editorial Team (contact details on page 3) to discuss.
Sunday Club at St Michael and All Angels
The end of the school term also saw the end of the Sunday Club
term and sadly, the retirement of the present Sunday Club team. A
huge thank-you is due to the team, June Fitton, Clare Phillips, Marie Barker and
Michaela Malony and of course their helpers – not least Liz Burtenshaw, Mike
Phillips, and the teenagers who so regularly managed to get up early enough to
help and lead the younger children.
So what of the future? We are hoping to re-launch the Sunday School in
September under the title TNT, The New Twelve or for those who understand the
explosive power of God’s love. TNT will build on the marvellous foundation set
down by the Sunday Club team. As previously, TNT will run in term time at 9.30
am on a Sunday morning for around 45 minutes and will be following the church
pattern – what the children’s parents celebrate in ‘Big Church’ they will learn of as
well in their group.
So, Mums, Dads and Guardians of children from School Year 1 upwards, you will
be very welcome to bring your children along to TNT, join with us in Church for
worship and then altogether for coffee and biscuits (sometimes cake!!) after the
service - if you need any further details (or wish to help out and get involved)
please don’t hesitate to contact me on 01403 710339.
Fr William
Friends of St. George’s
by candlelight
Local Produce—Toys—Xmas Crafts and many more stalls
NB Fayre will be closed during the Service
Partridge Green Methodist Church
This year’s Harvest Festival service takes place on Sunday 5 th
October at 10.30am. Everyone most welcome!
We look forward to welcoming many young families to our Autumn Toddler
Service, to be held on Tuesday 23rd September at 10.30am.
A date for your diary: “Messy Church” morning will be on Thursday October 30 th.
A morning of crafts, games and fun for all ages! Come and join us!
The “Open Door” club on alternate Tuesday afternoons at 2.30pm would love to
welcome new people to join our friendly afternoons together! We have a varied
programme to suit all - More information can be found under Village Organisations
(page 46).
Our regular Sunday morning Worship is at 10.30am each week.
Alison James
If you’re in school years 7 – 13 and would like to come along to Unsolved? Youth
Group, run jointly by St Michael’s, PG and the Weald Community Church, Cowfold,
we’d love to see you on Tuesday evenings from 7pm to 8.30pm.
We’ve had a great time this summer with fantastic youth camps. We’ve enjoyed
the 3 day Youth May Camp at Plumpton at half term and as I write we are
preparing for the massive youth camp, Soul Survivor, where 8000 teenagers meet
for music, worship, teaching, cafes, inflatables, paint parties and much more.
During term time we’ve had lively debate on feeling far from God, people
trafficking and knowing Jesus. We have been go-karting, chilled on the beach,
played games in the park and relaxed with popcorn at a film night.
We’re looking forward now to our
own weekend away in October at
Lodge Hill and planning some great
times of teaching and worship as
well as amazing activities like zip
wiring, high ropes and maybe rifle
If you’d like to come along please
email, phone or text Claire Phillips
07815 163099, 01403 711690,
[email protected]
or Kit White 07702 580111
[email protected]
Winning go-kart driver, Katie,
surrounded by Unsolved? Youth Group
We have received some excellent news on Newsletter deadline day! The project is
in a position to become self-supporting in a few months. This is earlier than we
thought would happen.
World Vision began this project in 1993 while we were supporting the Namuganga
project with them, so it has been 20 years or so.
We have a final report from World Vision entitled 'Transforming Lives'. There is
now much less fear of hunger, there is clean water, and there are health clinics.
Many more children attend school, many with financial support, and there has
been much training in all areas of health, education, farming practices, and
legalities. Teams are in place to maintain boreholes, schools and buildings,
businesses and health care.
In the last year, extra classroom blocks have been built, more toilet blocks, more
water tanks and water points installed, and more text books etc provided in
schools. Twenty health centres have been equipped, 1000 mosquito nets - treated
with insecticide - distributed to pregnant women and children in need. Malaria
rates have fallen, and more women have benefited from pre and antenatal care,
more children immunised. There are community care groups caring for HIV/AIDS
sufferers, and education in health matters continued.
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Specialising in all
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Re-skims to old walls
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Free estimates
Tel: 01342 717122
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St Michael’s Church Room
Wednesday afternoons
September 24 — October 15
A 4-week course to explore different
watercolour techniques inspired by Masters
such as Sargent, Van Gogh, O’Keefe, Klee
and Turner. Claire will show how their
technique can be translated into your own
work, covering use of colour, composition,
tone and depth. The course is for all abilities
and no content has been covered before.
Contact Claire on
[email protected]
07973 410 111
Seventy children have had vocational training, and small businesses are mostly
doing well.
A card to us from World Vision says:
”Thank you all at Partridge Green (& West Grinstead) Churches for your amazing
support through the good and bad times. You really have made a difference”.
We are thanked for raising nearly £37,000 for them over the years.
Geoff and I would like to thank all those who have helped in raising this money in
any way, and especially our regular supporters who are amazing.
The future will now be in other hands, as we are due to step down.
Bridget Giddens 710863
Geoff Bird (Treasurer) 710875
Christmas Cards in packs of 5 of the same design at £2.00 per pack are
available in aid of the Friends of St Michael’s. To order please contact
Bill Bleming, 25 St Michael’s Way, Partridge Green
01403 710208
Sussex Wildlife Trust
Natural history has been very exciting this summer A major event was
a pair of Black Winged Stilt nesting in the newly created reserve called
Medmerry on the coast near Selsey. Three young fledged so it will be
interesting to see if they come back in 2015.
Nearer to home it has also been a very good year for nesting garden birds with
two or three pairs of Great Spotted Woodpecker in the area. We have two
juveniles in the garden – easily identified by their red heads which do not
disappear until October when the birds moult. A wren nested in a neighbour’s
shed – fortunately the door could be kept locked and the birds made their access
through a space at the bottom of the door. Mistle Thrush also nested in a large
oak tree and it is likely that Turtle Doves nested which is very encouraging. I have
been advised that numbers if this species are up on the Knepp Estate this year.
The Cuckoos were late arriving and the two birds being sponsored by the Sussex
Ornithological Society are now well on their way back to their winter home in
Africa. A very large Nuthatch was spotted in the village which was probably an
escaped captive bird, possibly Chinese, but the albino Rook seen for 3 days in
Littleworth was obviously a young one as it was constantly mobbed by other
A report of a Reed Bunting in
George’s church yard was well
worth recording as this species is
normally only seen in our garden in the
No two years are the same which is
what makes keeping records so
interesting. It is hard to realise that
the summer is on its way out but there
is always something to look forward to
in the autumn.
Iris Simpson
A young Great Spotted
Woodpecker and a
Nuthatch on a garden
feeder in West Grinstead.
Horsham District Council
Horsham District Council’s planning proposals have now been submitted to the
inspector for independent examination. The plans include 2500 homes, a new
business park, railway station, schools, sports and leisure facilities and a
crematorium, which will provide homes and local employment.
Under the HDC Planning Framework all smaller parishes, including ours, will have
to take a small amount of new homes which hopefully will be determined locally
under the village plans which are now been prepared by our Parish Council. This
will also give us greater protection from developers like Mayfield who plan 10000
houses east of Henfield.
Roger and I have been closely involved in fighting the crematorium and the North
of The Rise applications which are out to appeal. We are pleased that the
inspector agreed with residents and the Parish Council and rejected the application
for a travellers site in Littleworth Lane.
The plans for a New Sports & Health Centre at Broadbridge Heath that I am closely
involved with are progressing well and I believe this modern, innovative facility will
be a great improvement on the much loved but old centre and in addition provide
better value to all Council tax payers.
Three new changes driven by technology are the new WEB sites for Horsham
District Council and the Capitol Theatre. The Capitol will now allow you to print
your ticket at home or on your smart phone so saving time and money. The other
change you will see will be at Horsham Town Car Parks, starting at Swan
Walk. These changes are based on number plate recognition so you will be able to
pay for the parking you use or have a parking account so you can be automatically
charged with little inconvenience.
The Horsham Food & Drink Festival runs from the 6th September till 5th October
and includes a number of producers based in our Parish (see p22), so please try
and support them and enjoy the Festival.
Cllr Jonathan Chowen
Cabinet Member for Arts, Heritage & Leisure
[email protected]
01403 710634
Cllr Roger Clarke
District Councillor
[email protected]
01403 713606
St Catherine’s Hospice
Well, we've just received the best news we could wish for from
St Catherine's Hospice!! The Partridge Green Blue Bag Scheme
total has passed the magical £40,000 mark, so we are now on
the way to our next target of £50,000. We're so pleased with
this news, which is all down to the efforts of all of you who
donate so many useful items for sale in the Hospice shops.
Please keep the supply going - we want to meet that £50,000 target as soon as
possible. Thank you all.
We would also like to thank everyone who was kind enough to sponsor George on
his Big Cycle Ride on 13th July. The ride was hard but worth the effort because it
raised £477 for the Hospice - a very good result.
On Thursday 18th September the lovely grounds of Knepp Castle will house this
year's not-to-be-forgotten Autumn Gift Fair. Always a popular event, this is a
wonderful opportunity for Christmas gift shopping from the many stalls of quality
goods of every possible description and at the same time contributing to Hospice
funds. Coffee and refreshments will be available all day, car parking is free.
Once again our sincere thanks to our many loyal supporters.
Thelma and George Brown
I make no apology for starting with the item about Watershed
and flooding. I appreciate that it is a repeat of the same
message as last time but this looks like the final year of funding and there has
been a distinct lack of take up. Officers report that the funds are just not being
applied for and we all think that it must have something to do with the magnificent
summer we are having. Mind you the recent thunderstorms and the flooding they
caused may have changed a few people’s minds. If you have a regular flooding
issue that you know the answer to then at least apply for the funds to clear this
up, it’s what being a good neighbour is all about.
Parking presents its on-going issues. This time it is at the beginning of Oakwood in
the centre of Partridge Green and is caused largely by the inconsiderate parking of
cars and vans. If you have a driveway that can take your cars please use it. I
regularly see members of the public parking their cars in front of the fire station,
popping into the Co-op on the basis that they are only going to be a few minutes.
Those few minutes can mean the difference of a building being alight and well
alight. Please do not park in front of the station, park somewhere else and walk a
little way. The principal community officer and I are working to try and find an
answer to the problem of Oakwood, double yellow lines have been suggested by
the parish council and we are looking at that too. By the way did you see the chief
fire officer, his deputy and a few colleagues running between Henfield and
Partridge Green Fire station to raise funds for charity? They had already cycled
from Haywards Heath and were very hot and bothered by the time I saw them.
And, they were on the way to Storrington. Two days saw all the stations in West
Sussex visited. No fitness issues for senior officers there!
The Government and the EU are trying hard to convince us that we need to collect
our recycled waste separately and also collect food waste. They have also decreed
that our recycling needs to be at 50% very soon, currently it is at 42% (across the
County) and landfill needs to be as close to zero as we can manage. Our recycling
waste is currently collected by the boroughs and districts as ‘co-mingled’ and we
think that is fine but we need to improve it and that won’t be an easy task. I
recently called a summit of waste collectors, the boroughs and districts, and the
County as waste disposal authorities. I am trying very hard to ensure that we all
‘own’ waste and its issues and need to work together to solve all the problems of
this age of packaging and plastics.
If you would like to contact me regarding any of the above or indeed any subject
please do so.
Lionel Barnard
Henfield Division, WSCC, Cabinet Member for Resident Services
T: 03302 222513 or 07515 33 2929, E: [email protected]
Parish Council Report
The application for 129 private and affordable housing units on the land north of
The Rosary in Partridge Green has still not been validated. This is not now likely
to happen before the middle/end September. The application has not though
gone away. We will try to let everyone know when it will be formally considered
by the PC.
The application for 9 live/work units at the old Blakers Yard site in Dial Post has
been re-submitted and is strongly supported by the PC and the residents of DP,
subject only to one small matter of detail.
There are three major planning appeals coming up in the next few months.
Rydon's application for 58 units on the land north of The Rise in Partridge Green
goes to appeal on the 28th October. That will be followed - we think in December
- by an appeal of the application for a crematorium on the land adjoining The
Orchards in Cowfold Road, West Grinstead. The third appeal is in respect of the
application for a temporary change of use of some 50 acres of land at Priors Byne
Farm in Bines Road, Partridge Green to a solar farm.
Another application to go to appeal was for the demolition of derelict
greenhouses and the erection of two houses at Abbotts Lea, Littleworth Lane,
Partridge Green. The original application was supported by most of the applicants'
neighbours, who will have been pleased therefore that this particular appeal was
New Town
You may have seen reports of a proposal to build a new town comprising about
10,000 new houses to be called Mayfield to the west of Sayers Common and
straddling Mid Sussex and Horsham Districts. At the moment this is not supported
by either Council, but neither of their proposed new Local Plans have yet been
approved by a Planning Inspector and there is, of course, the spectre of a second
runway at Gatwick, so much may change. We discount it at our peril. Our Parish
would not be affected in the same way as say Albourne, but a new town of that
size so close to us would inevitably have some effect and we have therefore been
keeping a watching brief on what is happening and have added our support to
the campaign being organised against the proposal.
This all serves to emphasise the need for us, as a Parish, to come up with a
Neighbourhood Plan as soon as we reasonably can. The Working Group has been
reinforced. Progress is being made and there is an update from Rod Geal on p34.
Gatwick Flight Paths
You may also have read in the County Times about the consultation being carried
out into proposed new flight paths into Gatwick Airport. That is slightly
misleading. In fact, they were being trialled. A number of local residents have
informed us of the constant excessive noise from flights that started almost
immediately the trials commenced. The worst affected area seems to be a
corridor following the A272 from its junction with the A24 in the west to Cowfold
to the east. We have therefore written a strong letter of protest expressing the
view that there should be no new flight paths.
War Memorial
The project to refurbish the War Memorial continues. Quotations have been
received for stainless steel plaques to replace the existing worn stone ones.
Quotes are also being sought for the reinstatement of the stone cross to its
original height. A grant will then be applied for.
Mowing the Playing Field
In the King George V Playing Field, thanks are due to Duane and Peter Pearless
for their sterling work in mowing the grass (and strimming the rough grass in the
corner of the Partridge Green Burial Ground). Unfortunately, the PC mower is not
really suitable for dealing with the areas of rough grass in KGV. We are therefore
looking to replace it with a rotary 4-wheeled mower.
Finally, wearing its hat as trustee of the KGV Playing Field, the PC has been
approached by the PG Football Club about the requirement of the West Sussex
Football League for pitches to be completely cordoned off during matches. It
would be tedious for the Club to have to put this up - and then take it down - for
each separate match. In an ideal world they would keep it in place for the
duration of the season, or at least for the major part of it. The trouble with this is
that it would clash with the charitable requirement to keep the area accessible for
use by the community at all other times and would interfere with grass cutting.
Hopefully a sensible compromise can be arrived at and the Football Club will
thrive on their return to Division 1.
David Green
Check out our website.......
For Parish Council meetings, minutes and agendas, past newsletters,
clubs and societies, local doctor surgeries and lots lots more.
Come Rain, Come Shine
It has been an interesting few months as far as the weather is concerned, not
record breaking but perhaps it was a little unexpected to have some nice sunny
weather after such a wet winter and spring.
May was still wetter than normal, 3.08” compared to an average of 2.00”. A large
part of that total (2.13”) fell between the 21st and 27th which followed a week of
dry weather, so although it was wetter than normal it was by no means a complete
wash out.
Temperatures in May were pretty much about average, the second half of the
month saw a couple of days when the temperatures reached 26ºc and 27ºc, but
on the whole the maximum temperatures were nearer 20ºc.
The maximum temperatures in June were on average a couple of degrees above
what we would expect, with 21 days when the temperature reached 25ºc or
higher, however we didn’t reach 30ºc until the following month. Not surprisingly
June was drier than normal with 1.41”, which was about half an inch below
average. Nearly half of this (0.64”) was on the 13th and this was immediately
followed by nearly two weeks without any measurable rainfall.
[email protected]
The temperatures in July continued rise, with both night-time
minimum and day-time maximum temperatures being well above
average. The average maximum temperature was two degrees
above average at 27.3ºc and in total the thermometer reached 30ºc or higher on
eight days and there were only four days when the temperature failed to reach
July saw a very similar rainfall total to June (1.43”) although the average for July is
normally a quarter of an inch higher than that for June. The second half of the
month saw many thunderstorms, although the majority never came that close so
we were spared much of the heavy rain, the exception being the 28 th with 0.65” of
Despite a couple of drier months the total rainfall for the year is still well up on
what we would normally expect for this stage of the year; after seven months the
total stands at 25.56”, which is about 10” above average.
Finally a piece of weather news, albeit 150 years late:
August 22nd, 1864 – Hurstpierpoint: Hailstones the size of marbles fell at noon for
a quarter of an hour. At Newtimber the hailstones were an inch in diameter half an
hour after they fell.
John Gasson
K●A ●R ●S●
Sussex Ltd
All servicing
mechanical repairs,
A/C Re-gas
and Welding
Ryan Vehicle Centre
Star Road, Partridge Green
Tel: 01403 711563
Mobile: 07801 537905
Reflexologist & Japanese
Massage Therapist
Member/Graduate of the
Association of Reflexologists
International Institute of Reflexology
National Japanese Massage Institute
Embody, the Complementary
Therapists Association
Louisa Jayne Unisex Hair Salon
Partridge Green
Tel: (01403)711764
Email: [email protected]
I hope you have all been enjoying the fantastic weather we have been basking in
so far this Summer. At the station, the callout numbers have cooled down, but the
recruitment drive is really hotting up!
The crew at your local Fire Station has been fairly quiet for the time of year, and
the majority of ‘shouts’ the guys have been on have been to standby at
neighbouring stations due to protracted incidents being dealt with by our
colleagues. The crew has also been getting out and about by attending fetes and
shows in the area.
As reported in the last edition of the Newsletter, our crewing situation at Partridge
Green was a bit thin on the ground, to say the least. Frustratingly, this has not
been helped by two of us requiring operations that have put us out of action for
the foreseeable (me being one of them!). But I am really pleased to say that
following our recruitment campaign earlier in the Summer we have had a
magnificent response from the people of Partridge Green.
We were genuinely overwhelmed with the number of potential recruits who
attended our ‘Open Evening’ in July, and some are now going through the system
and awaiting to undertake the first entry stages of becoming a firefighter. We
would just like to say a massive thank you to all of you who attended and to those
that enquired and showed genuine interest.
It’s never too late, so if you were unable to make either of the previous dates,
then please be reminded that you can drop in to the station on any Monday
evening between 19:15 and 21:00 (except Bank Holidays) and we will happily
show you the ropes and discuss the role of becoming a firefighter. Alternatively
you can ring the Contact Centre 01243 642134.
We hope you enjoy the rest of the Summer and as always, please Stay Safe!
Crew Commander Gary Hill (Stn 55)
Sussex Food and Drink Awards
This year we have several very local finalists in two categories. They are:
Sussex Farmer of the Year:
Sussex Food Producer:
Charlie Burrell of Knepp
John Ford of Priors Byne
Cocoa Loco
Sussex Gold
Congratulations on getting this far.....
Visit to vote, nominate and for more information.
Farming Focus—Tomatoes
by Julie Beck
The tomato is the world’s most widely grown vegetable,
cultivated as far north as Iceland and as far south as the
Falklands. Locally, and on a commercial basis, there is a
grower producing 27 varieties on a site of about 1 acre
of glasshouses. From March to October, the tomatoes
are harvested and packaged off to markets, chefs and
farm shops all across the South of England.
Here there are row upon row of tomatoes; big ones,
small ones, pear-shaped ones, orange ones, red ones,
yellow ones, striped ones. Everywhere you looked, eye
level, 15ft up to the roof, by your knees.
Darting in amongst them busy bumble bees pollinate
the flowers, their buzzes strangely easily understood
even though they had been shipped in from Holland
(English bumbles are apparently too lazy for commercial
growers!). If you looked really closely you could spy the
predatory insects used to control pests.
The start of the growing year is January when seeds are
raised by specialist nurseries, sending the foot high
plants out to be planted in February. They grow out of a
mulch base which is light and easier to manage than
soil. Water and nutrients are provided by way of an
irrigation system which controls amounts given and can
recycle any excesses. Recycled plant material is also
used, providing the CO2 pumping round the glasshouse.
Each plant is trained around a lightweight string which
holds each plant’s crown at the same height for even
light absorption. As the plant grows, the stem is
lowered and laid down round the other stems to keep
the crown at the same height. You could be looking at
one plant coming out of the ground by your feet and
seeing the crown several plants along! This keeps the
same plants producing for six or seven months. It truly
was fascinating, but very difficult to describe!
Samples were tasted (legitimately-the temptation to pick
and scoff as we went round was very nearly too strong!)
and very much enjoyed. There really is nothing quite
like the taste and smell of a fresh, home-grown, tomato!
Scarecrow Trail
Part of Partridge Green Open Gardens 21st—22nd June
Do you think Scrarecrows just
stand in a field, with their arms
out to discourage hungry birds,
eating the crops?
The Scarecrows of Partridge
Green, created as part of the
Open Gardens Trail, are
obviously a busy lot, tractor
drivers, cyclists, gardeners, bee
-keepers, firefighters, one with
pretty blond curls, football
supporters, dentists and
mowers of lawns.
knows what Skeleton and
Swedehead get up to!
Several were having tea,
typical of many garden visitors
during the weekend.
All were very imaginative.
Well done everybody.
Doreen Turner
Photos thanks to
Libby Tate-Harte
The Royal British Legion 2014
Poppy Appeal
The summer poppies have not long gone and here I am talking about autumn
The collection dates for the 2014 appeal are Saturday 25 October to Saturday 8
November, Remembrance Sunday being 9 November. This of course is a very
special year for the Legion and for all our Forces, being
100 years since the start of WW1. We humans never
learn, and consequently more and more service personnel
and their families need to turn to the R.B.L.
The R.B.L.'s 2013 countrywide appeal realised over
£34,000,000, our contribution to this being £4,763.53, an
increase of £765.27 on 2012. Pretty good for a small
community. It will be a challenge to better this figure in
2014 but if we all buy our poppies from the village houseto-house collectors or collection boxes in the village, we
may achieve it.
I would like to thank Peter France and Bill Bleming who
have hung up their collecting boxes after dedicating many
Photo by Jim Smith
years of house-to-house collecting. Thoughts and thanks
also to the late Bob Dubbins. I will be in touch with all our other dedicated
collectors in October.
If anyone could join our little team of collectors and spare a couple of hours
collecting in Little Oak or Jolesfield I'd be very grateful as the legs aren't what
they used to be!
Thank you all for your sterling efforts, past, present and future.
Eileen Lock
Hon. Poppy Appeal Organiser
Tel: 01403 713383 Email: [email protected]
Help us to look after KGV Playing Fields
There’s a lot of maintenance work involved in looking after the KGV Playing
Fields and we could do with more help.
If you would be interested in joining a working party to help cutting back
vegetation and other types of grounds maintenance, please do get in touch
with the Parish Council.
Note—training can be given in how to safely use required equipment.
If you are interested please contact either:
Parish Clerk:
[email protected]
tel 01403 710270
Councillor Duane Pearless:
[email protected]
West Grinstead Parish
* Friendly, locally run
* Free estimates * No call-out fee
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* Gas safe reg./Oil Oftec reg.
Supply only or Supply & Fit
Phone 01403 891900
or Fax 01403 891664
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Ladies Who Decorate
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Alison Gardner 01273 495028
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Credit Cards Accepted
Partridge Green Open Gardens
In June this year Partridge Green held an Open Garden Weekend
for the third year running. More venues than ever joined in – ten
new gardens and one allotment bringing the total up from 15 last
year to 21 this year. For once we were blessed with hot and sunny weather with
people coming from as far away as Southampton, Crawley, Brighton & Worthing.
New for this year was the Scarecrow Trail — open to anyone. With no particular
theme the variety was huge ranging from a gardener complete with mower to
ladies enjoying a glass of wine! Many local organisations took part as well as
residents young and old.
Although no charge is made to enter the gardens, 14 charities benefitted from
generous voluntary contributions and the sale of Teas. This year we raised a
record £2691.91 which is more than the previous two years combined.
Thank you to everyone who helped make the weekend such a great success.
If you are interested in taking part next year or would like more information please
contact Susannah Staples on 710315.
Partridge Green Open Gardens
Is sponsored by
Village Hall, Village Hall Lane, Partridge Green, RH13 8HX
Email address: [email protected]
Tel: 01403 710270
Opening times: Monday 14.00 - 17.00; Tuesday 9.00 - 13.00; Wednesday
14.00 - 18.00; Thursday Closed; Friday 9.00 - 13.00; Saturday/Sunday Closed
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The Stage Lights Project
Audiences at PG Players' latest production "A Distant Plateau"
were not only wowed by excellent performances but also by
brand new state of the art lighting. Realisation that the old lights
would need replacing dawned on the Players last year during the production of
"Running Riot". It became obvious to Crawford Murray, who was controlling the
stage lights, that they were unreliable, ineffective and worse still, dangerous!
Shortly after the production the whole lighting system was condemned as unsafe
by a local theatre supplies specialist.
This started a project by the Players to replace the existing lights and
infrastructure with a more modern system using the latest technology. The first
couple of quotes from specialist companies, at approx £20,000, seemed like an
insurmountable challenge to fund. However, thanks to the generous help of a
freelance theatre lighting specialist (who also happened to a be previous landlord
of The Partridge many years ago!) it has been possible to secure a better system
for significantly less money. Our kind benefactor not only provided free advice but
also ensured we bought all the equipment at a very competitive price.
The project was split into 2 phases: The first a "minimum" installation was to
ensure that we could light the next production "A Distant Plateau". This was
completed with only 5 days to go before opening night! The second phase is to
complete the original specification.
The biggest challenge for the Players has been to secure the funding for the
project and both Crawford and the Players’ chairman, Peter Johnstone, have used
all their powers of negotiation to raise the necessary funds. The Players
themselves pledged £3,000 and the remainder has been raised with generous
assistance from PG Village Hall Committee, Horsham District Council and West
Sussex County Council. There have also been generous donations from the
following local businesses:- KARS, Pt21 Solutions Ltd, Hawthorn Veterinary
Surgery, Bluebells Day Nursery and an anonymous donor. The total raised so far
is an amazing £10,200 and the Players extend heartfelt thanks to all who have
supported the project. In order to complete the project a further £4,000 needs to
be found. The Players have been able to contribute a further £1,000 from the
ticket sales of "A Distant Plateau" but we would appreciate any support to allow us
to finish the project in time for our next production in November.
If you are a local business or private individual and would like to support this
community project please do get in touch with Crawford Murray
([email protected]) or Peter Johnstone (01403 713719) to see
how you can help.
Roz Richardson
Retail Therapy with a Twist
The Autumn Gift Fair on behalf of St Catherine’s Hospice offers something different
to the normal high street scene with an Exclusive Preview Night on 17th September
themed on 'Downton Abbey' and Fair Day 18th September 2014.
Taking place in the grounds of Knepp Castle which is steeped in West Sussex
history and provides the angelic setting for such a classy event, this exclusive
shopping event attracts those discerning shoppers looking for quality, individuality,
something rather special for the present drawer.
The Autumn Gift Fair helps to raise money for the local St Catherine’s Hospice
which cares for terminally ill people over the age of 18 years.
A selection process takes place to ensure that the large marquee, set on the lawns
amongst the free roaming piglets, ponies and deer, has an equivalent balance of
goodies to be purchased and adored, from ceramics and cosmetics to homewares
and handbags, from clothing and cushions to children’s toys and men’s socks.
Not Just A Fair in a Parkland Setting, It’s So Much More… or
TEL: 07967 622 553
[email protected]
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A Cup of Tea with....Claire Harrison
Local artist, Claire Harrison, was originally from Westerham in
Kent, moved to Surrey and then moved to Lindford in
Hampshire at the age of 11. She comes from an artistic family
and has been painting since she was 3 years old. Her mother
taught her the names of birds, butterflies and flowers before
she was old enough to start school! This inspired her love of
nature and wildlife today which appears in her art work.
Claire went to Surrey Institute of Art and Design University
College, working at a local department store and an auctioneers throughout her
college years. After graduating in 2001 she had a solo exhibition at the Farnham
Maltings Art Centre. Following the success of this she was invited to become a
resident artist at The Maltings where she remained for 7 years. Claire has since
had several solo shows, written a magazine article on her work and the importance
of photographic digital manipulation in art, been a trustee of the Farnham Art
Society for many years and was invited to take part in a debate to defend
Contemporary Art in front of an audience. Before 2008 Claire was a visiting artist
and arts advisor to students at Farnborough College of Technology. She also ran
adult courses, one to one tuition for students of all ages, mentors fellow artists and
speaks to numerous groups – all of which she has continued to do since moving to
West Grinstead with her husband in 2009. Claire has taught at the Guildford
Institute since 2008 and Evolution Arts Centre in Brighton, since 2010. She exhibits
regularly at The Shoreham Art Gallery and the Westcott Gallery near Dorking and
in 2013 exhibited successfully in Canada. Two solo exhibitions are scheduled for
next year- Jan/Feb at The Ropetackle, in Shoreham and later in the year at
Horsham Museum.
Claire’s work involves the use of patterns, shapes and forms within nature with an
interest in mathematics and order in the natural world. She usually paints on board
with oil but also with watercolour, pen and ink on paper and with mixed media and
experimental techniques. As a keen gardener she has grown her current garden
from seed, having started with a blank canvas, and uses the microscopic imagery
from the plants in her garden, in her work.
If you had to live abroad? On the Tuscan/Umbrian border in Italy
Favourite Comedian? Eddie Izzard
Who would you have to dinner? Turner and Georgia O’Keefe
Favourite Film? Amelie
Proudest moment? Selling my first picture but I regret not copying the cheque!
Favourite Book? Flight of the Falcon by Daphne Du Maurier
If you had a year off? I would travel around the world and include the Inca Trail
Missed Vocation? Entomologist
Stones or Beatles? The Stones
Best part of the job? Living the dream!
(Partridge Green Area Response Team)
We currently have a team of 8 responders but require more in order to come
nearer to providing a 24/7 community based service. An initial 5-day induction is
required, followed by regular refreshers throughout the year. No previous medical
knowledge is required as training is given by South East Coast Ambulance Service.
Contact: Karen Beadle on 0780315477 / [email protected] for
more details or come along to one of our meetings at the P.G. Fire
Station on the 1st Wednesday of the month @ 1930. You can be sure of a
warm welcome.
Behind the scenes the team's chairman, secretary, treasurer, fundraisers and PR
staff work tirelessly to provide much needed back-up. We need to raise over
£1,400 to equip each responder with a defibrillator, kit bag and other equipment.
Take a look at the Partridge Green Area Response Team facebook page.
We are currently purchasing more defibrillators to go into service at Public Access
sites in prominent local places. PART can offer support to the public, giving them
the knowledge and confidence to use these when necessary.
Thank you to members of the community for your generous donations; recently
received funds came from the Open Gardens, Partridge Green Village Day, The
Village Cafe, Cowfold Fete, Treasure Hunt, Quiz nights at the Partridge (next date
for your diary is 25th September) and charity boxes in various locations, plus
personal donations.
Once the nights draw in, your Responders find it increasingly difficult to find exact
locations due to overgrown driveways, signage size and poor visibility; as near to
the front of your property is of great advantage to emergency services.
Think bold and prominent.
We wish everyone good health and once again, thank you.
Why not ADVERTISE with us?
Prices start from £18 for ⅛ of a page up to £80 for a whole page
in black and white print. Other rates available for COLOUR ads—please ask.
The newsletter is hand delivered to 1450 homes and businesses every
quarter by our dedicated team of distributors. It can also be found in various
outlets around the village – but only while stocks last!
For more information, or to discuss your needs, please contact
Dorothy Banks (01403 711839 or [email protected])
or another of the Editorial Team, details on page 3.
Our History
by Clarice Millward (née Barnard)
1066 and all that had always been a no-no to me but when Donald Cox told me
about “When the School Bell Rang” and I saw photos of myself and so much
information about my days at Jolesfield I was overjoyed.
My father was chauffeur to Captain George Hornung and my mother a cook at
West Grinstead Park. When my grandaughter visited recently she asked if life in
my chldhood was like “Downton Abbey”. It was very familiar to me, as was
“Upstairs Downstairs”. We remained friends with Captain George and met him
regularly at Gatwick when he was travelling from Rhodesia to his home in
Germany; I then in turn became his chauffeur as I pushed his wheelchair to the
restaurant for lunch!
I made many friends in WG and kept in touch for a lifetime — not many left now.
Les Clarke was my playmate at the stud and we started school together on 6th
November 1928 when the lorry first picked up from Buck Barn. It would seem that
I was the only Clarice in the school registers, and once I had the cane, but the
occasion wasn’t published, fortunately! Thanks for the memories!
Clarice has been able to identify
more names on Joy Gibson’s
c1929 of Jolesfield Infants’
Room, see below. Additions
are in italics.
1 Joan Fisher; 2 Claude Mitchell; 3 Clarice Barnard; 4 Les Clarke; 5 Willie Mobsby;
6 Fred Wicking; 7 Jimmy Sturt; 8 Reg Saunders; 9 Ronald Pont; 10 Winnie Pont;
11 Albert Lyons?; 12 Betty Holdstock; 13 Cyril Paige; 14 Kathy Newman;
15 Lillian Shambrook; 16 Fred Dumbrell
Neighbourhood Plan News—August 2014
Steady progress is being made on the Neighbourhood Plan (NP) for the parish. We
were encouraged by a number of local residents volunteering their services and
this has helped to spread the workload. We also thought this would be a good time
to remind readers of the key elements of a Neighbourhood Plan and explain why
its instigation is of such importance to the community.
What is a Neighbourhood Plan?
An established NP is a legal right for communities. It was introduced through the
Localism Act 2011 and came into working effect in April 2012. Through the
production of a NP a community or parish can establish general planning policies
for the development and use of land within their neighbourhood. It allows local
people to get the right type of development for their parish but still has to take
into account the local council's assessment of housing and other developmental
needs in the area. The drafting of a NP consists of continuous consultation with,
and acting upon feedback from, all areas of the local community. Once finalised,
the NP will be submitted to the local council for validation and, if satisfied, they will
appoint an external examiner for independent approval of the document. The final
stage will be a referendum within the parish to verify its status. If a majority agree
in favour it will become a legal document and become an essential consideration
when any planning application for development is submitted.
Why is it important for our community?
It is vital for every parish throughout the country to have a NP in place as soon as
possible. Without a NP all parishes are vulnerable to the type of speculative
development application we have already seen locally and in many other areas.
Over the next twenty years all parishes in West Sussex, including West
Grinstead, will have to provide their quota of housing within the district. A NP is
not a way to stop or object to a development but is designed to give local
communities a definitive say in the allocation, siting and type of housing that is
needed for their area.
Why your views are important!
The core principle of a NP is input from local people. Unless it is reflective of public
opinion it cannot be validated. That is why we need to know what those opinions
are! A start was made earlier this year through the NP questionnaire that was
distributed to all residents. These have now been collated and analysed - a
summary of the main results can be found on the website:
However this is only the first stage of a series of consultations and approaches that
will soon be ongoing between various groups within West Grinstead, e.g.
schools, neighbouring parish councils, local churches and businesses, landowners
and developers.
What happens next? How can I contribute?
At present we are in the process of formulating the draft vision and objectives of
the NP. Over the coming months opportunities for workshops and further public
consultations are planned. It is essential that as many members of our local
community as possible get involved with surveys, workshops and general
feedback, as the outcome of these will influence how the NP progresses and is
further formulated. It will also ensure vital evidence that the external examiner will
look for to back up and approve the contents of the plan is in place.
The more people who put forward their opinions the greater weight the plan will
have! Make sure you have your say!
We would really like to be able to keep people informed by email about
progress of the Neighbourhood Plan.
If you would like to have your email address added to the NP Update
circulation list, please email the Parish Clerk at
[email protected]
The West Grinstead Neighbourhood Plan Working Group
Health and Leisure Walks
All welcome to guided, free, sociable, HDC walks led by trained volunteers; no
need to book, just turn-up at the start point. Programme booklet containing over
250 walks is available from the Walks Co-ordinator on 01403 215269 or online at Beginners are recommended to contact
the Walk Leader to discuss suitability. All walks can be wet and muddy in places.
Forthcoming walks in the locality are as follows:(3100) Sunday 7 September 10:00 am: Washington – Steyning, Meet in
Washington South Down Way car park, TQ120119. This 9 mile walk, taking 3½
hours, follows the foot of the South Downs towards Steyning before heading home
with a steep climb up to the South Downs Way. The return journey is past
Chanctonbury Ring with wonderful views to the North Downs. The route includes a
steep hill. Dogs welcome. Refreshments provided. Leader Mick 01903 745971
(2025) Tuesday 23 September 10:00 am: Countryman Inn, Shipley,
going North, 5½ mile mostly flat circular walk (5 stiles) through farmland,
Shipley village and Knepp Park passing King’s Windmill (largest in Sussex, built in
1879, once owned by Hilaire Belloc), the Norman church, Knepp Castle, the mill
pond and on to the ruins of the original Knepp castle. The Knepp Estate Manager,
if available, will give us a ten minute talk. Could see Fallow Deer, Tamworth Pigs,
Exmoor Ponies and Old English Longhorn Cattle. Meet in the Countryman car park
(TQ 135214). No dogs. 2½ hours. Leader Geoff 01403 258180
(2138) Monday 29 September 10:00 am: Henfield – Albourne, Park and
meet at Henfield Cricket Ground off the A281, TQ 223156 (BN5 9RP) for a mostly
flat (some stiles) 6 mile circular walk through fields to near Albourne green,
expansive views of the South Downs, back through Woodmancote Place Deer Park.
No dogs. 2 ½ hours. Leader Mike 01403 242564
01403 710710
07500 893599
Licensed Six Seater with luggage trailer
Seaports, Airports, any journey any length
For all your occasions
Account work welcomed
[email protected]
Dave Greenfield
Partridge Green Horticultural Society
Summer Flower Show
A combination of a good growing season and a beautiful day brought a record
number of entries and visitors to this year’s Flower Show held on Saturday 9 th
August in the Partridge Green Village Hall.
The ‘Broad Trophy’ for the best exhibit in the show was awarded to Keith King for
a pair of flawless 4ft long parsnips and he also won the ‘Tillman Cup’ for most
points in the vegetable section. Other awards were the N.V.S medal to Mark Hall
for a large pair of matching cabbages. The ‘Federation Cup’ went to Frances Martin
for her roses and the ‘Barnco Cup’ for flowers to Yvonne Newman. The ‘John
Anderson Award’ for best flower exhibit went to Lynda Martin and the R.H.S.
Banksian Medal which is awarded to the person receiving the largest amount of
prize money in the horticultural classes also went to Keith King.
Libby Tate-Harte and Sylvia Bean shared the Club Bowl award for flower arranging
and The ‘May Hemsley Cup’ went to Glyn Souter for an exhibit of four beautiful
blue eggs laid by his Araucana chickens. ‘The Kitchen Garden Cup’ and the ‘New
Members Cup’ was awarded to novice vegetable growers’ husband and wife team
Fred and Karen Rossington. Julie Beck won three well deserved trophies, the
‘Hemsley Memorial Cup’, the ‘Alice Bean Cup’ and the Photographic award for her
preserves, cakes and photographs. The ‘Pope Wine Tankard’ for wines and
cordials was shared between Keith Adsett, Polly Fogarty and Susie Jacobsen. The
‘Marjorie Rhodes Cup’ for Handicrafts went to Judith Stokes. New member Stuart
Batchelor won the ‘Jack Hemsley Award’ for Dahlias and the ‘Micky and Ned
McLean Cup’ for his magnificent Gladioli. Children’s Trophies went to 2 year old
William Greenland for his edible necklace and Crispie cakes, Edward Hogman for
his Lego model and Esme King for her two Gingerbread men.
Thanks were given to everyone who helped from the setting up of the tables and
decorating the hall on the Friday evening to the many helpers who worked hard to
provide such a smooth running show. Particular thanks were given to Susan King
who has been the Show Secretary for the last 9 years and is now retiring.
If anyone would like to go on our next outing to the Sussex Prairie Gardens in
Henfield on Sat 27th September please contact Libby on 01403 711132.
Yvonne Newman
Photos by Mick Mansbridge
DC/14/1639: Grinders Lane, WG: livestock barn (ag. prior notification)
DC/14/1635: 2 Lock Farm Cottages, Lock, PG: 2-storey extension to east & south
incl existing garage & removal existing extension to south
DC/14/1594: 45 Staples Hill, PG: surgery to 1 oak tree opp 45 & 46 Staples Hill
DC/14/1585: Old Barn Nurseries, DP: demolition of existing polytunnel,
replacement polytunnel
DC/14/1489: April Cottage, High St, PG: surgery to field maple
DC/14/1473: Church House, Steyning Rd, PG: alterations to kitchen, replacement
doors and window, rooflight (LBC)
DC/14/1461: The Andes, High St, PG: fell one oak tree
DC/14/1431: Wincaves Farm, Worthing Rd, DP: covering existing ménage and
creation of outdoor practice area
DC/14/1419: DP Village Hall, DP: additional parking & recreational facilities
DC/14/1402: Blaker Welding, Worthing Rd, DP: demolition of 692sqm B2 floor
space, conversion of 116sqm floor space to B1 use & extension to provide 256sqm
of office (B1) use, 3 x 2-bed live-work units, and 6 x 3-bed live-work units with
parking, amenity areas & landscaping
DC/14/1361: Oaklands, Honeybridge Lane, DP: discharge of planning obligation
S106 608 relating to WG/50/92 (stationing of 3 residential caravans)
DC/14/1344: Thistleworth Farm, Worthing Rd, DP: erection of garage
DC/14/1204: Deans Cottage, High St, PG: single-storey rear extension (plus LBC)
DC/14/0479: New Barn Farm, Swallows Lane, DP: change of use of agricultural
land to eco camping site and assoc works incl part change of use of existing barn
to shower block, temp walkways, car parking & landscaping
DC/13/2007: Penfold Verrall, DP: 8-bay portacabin to replace existing office units
DC/13/1398: land north of The Rise, PG: relocation of stables, demolition &
erection of storage barn & wc & wash room facilities, new access track
DC/13/0328: Lock House, Lock, PG: conversion of single dwelling house into 3
dwellings for 5 years (plus LBC)
DC/13/2381: Priors Byne Farm, Bines Rd, PG: temporary change of use from
agriculture to a solar farm with continued agriculture & assoc infrastructure
DC/13/1527: Walden Hall, Cowfold Rd, WG: retention of earth bund
DC/12/1092: land adjoining The Orchard, Cowfold Rd, WG: Crematorium with
equipment store, 63 parking spaces, upgraded access onto A272
DC/13/1187: land north of The Rise, PG: 58 residential dwellings comprising 4 x 1
-bed flats, 4 x 2-bed flats, 15 x 2-bed, 25 x 3-bed, 10 x 4-bed and 5 x 5-bed
units, with associated parking & garaging, informal open space & play area, with
new attenuation pond (outline)
DC/13/0926: The Caravan, Littleworth Lane, PG: change of use of land for single
pitch local gypsy site for 5 years. Appeal dismissed
DC/14/1343: Thistleworth Farm, DP: erection of American barn stables with sand
school (LBC)
DC/14/1342: Thistleworth Farm, Worthing RD, DP: erection of American barn
stables with sand school
DC/14/1154: Whitefoots, DP: construction of agricultural barn
DC/14/1131: Priors Byne Farm, Bines Rd, PG: retrospective application for change
of use of building to form one-bed annex for Priors Byne Farmhouse
DC/14/1130: Priors Byne Farm, Bines Rd, PG: prior approval of proposed change
of use of Dutch barn to single dwelling
DC/14/1113: Poyntings, New House Farm, Worthing Rd, WG: extension
DC/14/1084: 47 Park Lane, WG: lowering of kitchen floor & replacement of 2
windows (LBC)
DC/14 1048: Ruwen, High St, PG: surgery to two oak trees
DC/14/1045: 12 Meyers Wood, PG: surgery to one oak tree
DC/14/0980: The Oaks, Littleworth Lane, PG: non-material amendment to
DC/13/1066 to include enlargement of kitchen & blocking up side window
DC/14/0979: Farmgate House, Bines Rd, PG: detached carriage house & store
adjacent to existing barn
DC/14/0931: 4 The Rosary, PG: surgery to 1 horse chestnut tree
DC/14/0875: Caravan 1, Oaklands, Honeybridge Lane, DP: removal of condition
no 3 (personal occupancy) from planning permission WG/50/92 to enable
occupation of the 3 approved caravans/mobile homes by gypsies and/or travellers
DC/14/0691: the Old Farm Shop, Homelands Farm Bungalow, Bines Rd, PG:
change of use from B1 use to A3 to allow café facilities & bicycle repairs.
DC/14/0643: East Steeping Lodge, 126 Steyning Rd, WG: retention of two
prefabricated concrete sectional garages for use as garden machinery storage
DC/14/0063: Sherwoods Cottage, 72 Swallows Lane, DP: discharge of condition 2
on DC/14/0081
DC/13/1944: Thistleworth Farm, Worthing Rd, DP: use of barn as workshop
(Lawful Development Cert)
This is a special year for Partridge Green Brownies as we have been busy
celebrating our centenary by taking part in Big Brownie Birthday events.
In June, 17 girls and 3 leaders were off for our County celebration with 900+ other
Brownies - a 24 hour sleepover at the Brighton Amex stadium. With loads of crafts
and activities during the afternoon, a film in the evening, and then in the morning
decorating cakes before we renewed our Promises, it was a weekend the girls will
remember for a long time.
In July our District celebration took us to Blackland Farm for an afternoon of
abseiling, zip wire, crate challenge etc - and singing.
No time to rest this autumn - we will be working on our Fire Safety and Brownie
Adventure badges.
If your daughter is aged 7-10 and would like to join us, please contact me on
01403 710448 or 07719 703621.
Andrea Wellstead
At the Amex Stadium in June
Pauline Saunders will deliver repeat prescriptions from Partridge Green
to elderly or house-bound residents of Shipley or Dial Post on Thursdays.
Please give the surgery a week’s notice and call her on 01403 710908
Friends of King George V Playing Field
Thank-you so much to everyone who contributed so generously to the
CAR BOOT SALE/ VILLAGE DAY on Saturday, June 28.
We would like to express our appreciation for all the support from local businesses,
kind donors, helpers on the day, brave entrants to The Car Boot Sale, stall holders
and all who turned up on the day. Despite the atrocious weather in the morning a
magnificent £500 was raised and will go towards a new skate-board ramp or
possibly other provision including an all-weather walkway or outdoor gym
equipment. The choice is up to you so let us know your views, if you have not
already done so, at your earliest convenience. A very special thank-you is due to
the hard-working committee and helpers and, in particular, Sarah Cuthbertson,
Andy Russ, Carol Watts, Duane Peerless and Gill Nash.
Our next fund-raising event will be a Table-top and Car Boot Sale in The
Village Hall and car park on Sunday, October 19 from 10a.m.till 1p.m.,
setting up at 9a.m. Tables cost £10 and car pitches cost £7.
On November 29, Drew Richardson along with Helen Bullingham, Esther Kingswell
and Nina Humphreys will be organising another Gala Variety Evening to raise more
funds for greater provision in the children’s playground in KGV. They have already
raised £930 and are hoping to raise a further amount so don’t be shy. Please
contact Helen Bullingham at [email protected] with views regarding the
further purchases of playground equipment.
For further information or TO BOOK A TABLE FOR THE TABLE TOP SALE ON
SUNDAY OCTOBER 19TH please get in touch with us through The Parish Office,
via our g-mail account or Olivia Izzard (Chair of Friends of KGV). Thank-you.
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Tel:01403711401 or 07594471492
Gmail: [email protected]
Olivia Izzard
" all things visual " by Paul Carugati
TELEPHONE: 01403 864735
Web site.
MOBILE: 07778 159618
Email. [email protected]
Village Café
Please come and join us for Partridge Green Village Café’s first
birthday celebration on Thursday September 11th ! There will be
some very special birthday cakes to take away plus the usual tea,
coffee, milkshakes, cakes & cookies, all available for a donation
and, as always, all profits go to local charitable causes. We are currently raising
money for the Partridge Green Players lighting project.
If your Easter gift of a sunflower is now a beautiful tall flower, please take a photo
of you both and bring it along for our display!
During the Open Gardens weekend you may have
spotted Junie the Scarecrow, in her café apron,
surveying the High Street from the Methodist
Church. Her hat and skirt were beautifully decorated
by the children at the June café, with some adult
creativity for her face.
Hopefully we’ll have a few more opportunities to
make the most of the good weather in the lovely
safe garden so why not call in for the afternoon or
come along after school and treat yourself to a
delicious afternoon tea!
The café continues once a month, on the second
Thursday of the month from 2-4.30pm at the
Methodist Hall. Thank you to everyone who has
supported in any way, whether making cakes, table
decorations, serving or simply coming along!
For more info or to volunteer in any way please call
June Fitton 01403 711270
or Debbie Holland 01403 711178.
Partridge Green Village Hall has a new Bookings Secretary
Amanda Harrison has kindly volunteered to take over the role of bookings
secretary from David Webb, who is moving away after more than three years’
sterling work in the job.
So, if you would like to book the hall please contact:
Amanda Harrison
8 Little Oak
Partridge Green RH13 8JY
Tel: 07841 201172
Email: [email protected]
Partridge Green Players
Membership of Partridge Green Players is steadily rising as we
head towards another production this winter: Peter Gordon's
'Out of Focus' is a hilarious contemporary comedy set in a
provincial church hall, where confusion reigns over double, triple
and quadruple bookings. After much mayhem members of the
various groups eventually decide to combine their talents (?) in the production of a
pantomime which is being produced by the vicar’s wife.
With 3 highly successful productions under our belt since reforming the Players,
this latest play has all the promise of raising the roof once again.
Auditions have already taken place and rehearsals will be starting in August for the
play which will be staged on 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th November in PG
Village Hall under the direction of Mark Fisher.
There are, however, many other ways to get involved which require no learning of
lines! No production would be possible without the dedication of the backstage
crew who are responsible for such things as front of house, props, prompting, set
design, set construction, lighting, make-up and costumes.
The Players also have a range of activities for all members including play
readings, theatre outings and social events so there are plenty of ways to
enjoy your membership - a snitch at £10 per year - even without the productions!
If you feel you'd like to join this friendly, enthusiastic group, please call Helen
Whiting (Secretary) on 01272 494554 or email her at [email protected]
Rake, Scatter and Grow
Rake, Scatter and Grow is a local business providing clients
with the best service and the highest quality of workmanship, all at an
affordable price. We source only the best quality plants and materials
locally. Contact us for a no obligation visit.
Lawn care
Veggie plot planning and design
Pruning and hedge trimming
Garden maintenance
Greenhouse planting and care
Holiday garden care
Andrew Millard
Tel: 01403 713397 or 07880790317
Email: [email protected]
Partridge Green Football Club
Last season, the Partridge Green Senior Football Club gained automatic promotion
into the West Sussex Football League Division 1. The senior side now play at
Intermediate level, which is a very exciting time for the local community, and the
ambition strives on with the team’s sights set on another fantastic season ahead.
The Partridge Green Reserve Team have recently moved into the North section of
the West Sussex Football League Division 5. This had been an on-going battle by
the team’s managers to prevent the team from travelling long distances across the
county on a Saturday afternoon.
At Partridge Green Football Club we welcome all standards of players from the age
of 16 and over. Currently, the PGFC youth team are playing at Under 15 level, so
only one more season to go until the next era of young talent pushes up to senior
As a club, we run numerous fundraising events, from sponsored walks from which
we raised over £1000 this summer for the club (half the proceeds going to
prostate cancer research), to the annually held Ross Partridge memorial 5-a-side
To promote the Football Club’s ever growing success, we have developed a club
website and Facebook page with regular updates of news in and around the club.
Like and share our official Facebook page and visit our official web site
Dan Short
Pictured below the Senior Football Club from Partridge Green
Partridge Green Pre-School
Partridge Green Pre-School enjoyed a lovely end to the term with the annual
Summer concert. The children were all fantastic singing a variety of animal themed
songs and ending with the leavers’ own special song before collecting their
certificates and books. It is always emotional as we say goodbye to so many
children, but we wish them all well as they move on to big school.
We look forward to welcoming all our new starters in September and have an
exciting and busy term planned. The theme this term is Families, so we will be
bringing in photos to share on our topic board, and talking about similarities and
differences. We are always led by the children's interests so who knows what else
we will be exploring and creating this term?
The outdoor mud kitchen has proved to be extremely popular, the use of real
kitchen equipment has sparked great interest and some delicious looking recipes
have been created. We will be extending this in the new term with some more
equipment and ingredients.
At our last Stay and Play session we created a café serving homemade lemonade
and biscuits which was a huge success. The children were so enthusiastic making
the lemonade, creating menus and setting up the cafe, we thought it would be
nice to introduce a focus or theme to some of the stay and play sessions in the
new term, perhaps a mini show, concert, coffee shop, bakery who knows what
the children will decide!
To receive a prospectus or arrange a visit please give Rachel or
Kelly a call on: 07880 744 240 or simply drop in during one of
our sessions - 9.05am – 1.05pm Mon to Fri (9.05am - 3.05pm
Mon, Tues and Thurs) at the Village Hall, term time only.
Kelly Wright
01403 710404
07940 813610
• Reductions
Wood chipper • Dismantling
• Felling
Stump grinding
NPTC City & Guilds Qualified, Insured
07732 668518
[email protected]
West Grinstead Local History Group
It is with huge sadness that we have to report that Herbie
Whitmore, one of our most active research group members,
died on August 9th. Despite recurring episodes of cancer over
the five years we have known him he always remained upbeat
and totally dedicated to his exploration of local history.
Most recently he was crucial to the success of the WW1 exhibition in June,
researching the background and history of more than 80 men with local
connections who died in that conflict. We shall carry on his work and expand the
brief so as to learn as much as we can about those who went to war and survived.
If you would like a copy of our latest book “Hopit of the 9th Lancers and the
Colvins of Shermanbury Grange” please contact Colin Rudling on 01403 710021 or
[email protected] — be quick, though, it’s selling fast!
In the meantime, do come to the next public talks (PG village hall, 7.30pm):
Tuesday September 16th: The Women’s Land Army in WW2, with Ian Everest.
Tuesday November 18th: Corrupt Campaigns and Courageous Campaigners: tales
from Horsham’s political past, with Gail Mackintosh
Norman Berry 710465 email: [email protected]
Dorothy Banks 711839 email: [email protected]
Partridge Green Open Door
Meetings are held in the Methodist Church Hall, on alternate Tuesdays at 2.30pm.
Price is £1.50pp/session, which includes refreshments.
All are welcome at these meetings.
Tues 16th September: our 14th Birthday Celebration—birthday tea.
Tues 30th September: “JUMP” An illustrated talk by Tony Turner about Dolly
Shepherd, an adventurous Edwardian lady parachutist.
Tues 14th October: Talk about WW1 with Norman Berry.
Tues 28th October: An afternoon with Brenda Dolling and the opportunity of
donating items to the Samaritan’s Purse Shoebox Appeal.
Tues 11th November: “Karibuni Revisited” with Susannah Staples.
Tues 25th November: “November Nostalgia” memories of your childhood
Judy Stokes