1/2/14 Auction Catalog Report 72983 A uction Details A uction No MSTC /BLR /MO NITO R ING C O MMITTEE /111/BANGALO R E /13-14/11638[72983] Opening Date & Time Closing Date & Time 08-01-2014::11:00:00 Scheduled Time 08-01-2014::13:00:00 Closed A t Inspection From Date 01-01-2014 Inspection Closing Date 07-01-2014 08-01-2014::13:00:00 Seller Details Seller/Company Name MO NITO R ING C O MMITTEE Location BANGALO R E Street KHANIJA BHAVAN, R AC E C O UR SE R O AD City BANGALO R E - 560001 Country INDIA Telephone 08022269632 Fax 08022341135 Email m oncom .e auction@gm ail.com Contact Person H R SR INIVASA LOT NO[PCB GRP]/LOT NAME Lot No: 2R PCB GRP :[PRE-BID Iron Ore BLR] Lot Name: Iron ore R O M Lot No: 3R PCB GRP :[PRE-BID Iron Ore BLR] Lot Name: Iron ore R O M Lot No: 5R PCB GRP :[PRE-BID Iron Ore BLR] Lot Name: Lot No: Iron ore R O M 2L PCB GRP :[PRE-BID Iron Ore BLR] Lot Name: Lot No: Iron ore Lum ps 1F PCB GRP :[PRE-BID Iron Ore BLR] Lot Name: Lot No: Iron ore Fine s 8L LOT DESC R oyalty 10%, VAT 5.5% (on auction price and royalty), FDT 12% are applicable . M/s. C howgule and C om pany Pvt. Ltd., ML No. 2546 State :Karnatak a 52000 MT As Applicable / 5.5% M/s. C howgule and C om pany Pvt. Ltd., ML No. 2546 State :Karnatak a 4000 MT As Applicable / 5.5% M/s. Kannaiahlal Dudhe riya ML No. 2563 State :Karnatak a 4000 MT Sri. Kum araswam y As Applicable / Mine ral Ex port, 5.5% ML No. 2141 State :Karnatak a 4000 MT As Applicable / 5.5% Q nty. 52000 (+ /- 10%) MT in lots of 4000 MT. Type of ore R O M. Bidding basis conce rne d stack pile (5R ). M/s. C howgule and C om pany Pvt. Ltd., ML No. 2546 R oyalty 10%, VAT 5.5% (on auction price and royalty), FDT 12% are applicable . Indicative Fe %= Q nty. 4000 (+ /- 10%) MT in lots of 4000 MT. Type of ore Lum ps. Bidding basis conce rne d stack pile (2L). M/s. Kannaiahlal Dudhe riya ML No. 2563 R oyalty 10%, VAT 5.5% (on auction price and royalty), FDT 12% are applicable . Indicative Fe %= Q nty. 4000 (+ /- 10%) MT in lots of 4000 MT. Type of ore Fine s. Bidding basis conce rne d stack pile (1F). Sri. Kum araswam y Mine ral Ex port, ML No. 2141 R oyalty 10%, VAT 5.5% (on auction price and royalty), FDT 12% are applicable . Indicative Fe %= Q nty. 4000 (+ /- 10%) MT in lots of 4000 MT. Type of ore Lum ps. Bidding basis conce rne d stack pile (8L). Sm t. R Mallam m a Aarpe e Iron O re Mine s ML No. 1806 Lot Name: Indicative Fe %= SY/3F 36000 MT As Applicable / 5.5% Indicative Fe %= R oyalty 10%, VAT 5.5% (on auction price and royalty), FDT 12% are applicable . Lot No: 16000 MT M/s. C howgule and C om pany Pvt. Ltd., ML No. 2546 State :Karnatak a Q nty. 36000 (+ /- 10%) MT in lots of 4000 MT. Type of ore R O M. Bidding basis conce rne d stack pile (3R ). M/s. C howgule and C om pany Pvt. Ltd., ML No. 2546 R oyalty 10%, VAT 5.5% (on auction price and royalty), FDT 12% are applicable . Q nty. 32000 (+ /- 10%) MT in lots of 4000 MT. Type of ore Fine s. Bidding basis conce rne d stack pile (SY/3F). M/s. VSL Mining C om pany Pvt. Ltd., Stock Yard Sy No. 298, Bhujangnagar Village , Sandur Taluk , Be llary PCB GRP :[PRE-BID Iron Ore BLR] R oyalty 10%, VAT 5.5% (on auction price and royalty), FDT 12% are applicable . Lot Name: Iron ore Fine s Indicative Fe %= Lot No: 1F Q nty. 4000 (+ /- 10%) MT in lots of 4000 MT. Type of ore Fine s. Bidding basis conce rne d stack pile (1F). M/s. K M Parvatham m a ML No. 2514 www.mstcindia.co.in/TenderEntry/Lot_Item_Details.aspx LOCATION As Applicable / 5.5% Indicative Fe %= PCB GRP :[PRE-BID Iron Ore BLR] Iron ore Lum ps QUANTITY ED/(ST/VAT) Q nty. 16000 (+ /- 10%) MT in lots of 4000 MT. Type of ore R O M. Bidding basis conce rne d stack pile (2R ). M/s. C howgule and C om pany Pvt. Ltd., ML No. 2546 32000 MT Sm t. R Mallam m a Aarpe e Iron O re Mine s ML No. 1806 State :Karnatak a M/s. VSL Mining C om pany Pvt. Ltd., Stock As Applicable / Yard Sy No. 5.5% 298, Bhujangnagar Village , Sandur Taluk , Be llar M/s. K M 1/5 1/2/14 Auction Catalog Report Lot No: 1F PCB GRP :[PRE-BID Iron Ore BLR] Lot Name: Iron ore Fine s PCB GRP :[PRE-BID Iron Ore BLR] Lot Iron ore Low Grade Fine s- R e ve nue Name: Land No FDT Iron ore Low Grade R O M Lot No: SY/1L R oyalty 10%, VAT 5.5% (on auction price and royalty), FDT 12% are applicable . Lot Name: Iron ore Lum ps Lot No: SY/2L R oyalty 10%, VAT 5.5% (on auction price and royalty), FDT 12% are applicable . Lot Name: Indicative Fe %= Iron ore Lum ps SY/4R R oyalty 10%, VAT 5.5% (on auction price and royalty), FDT 12% are applicable . Lot Name: Indicative Fe %= Iron ore R O M 1L PCB GRP :[PRE-BID Iron Ore BLR] Iron ore Lum ps 3R PCB GRP :[PRE-BID Iron Ore BLR] Lot Name: Iron ore R O M Lot No: 5R PCB GRP :[PRE-BID Iron Ore BLR] Lot No: Iron ore R O M 8R /SG PCB GRP :[PRE-BID Iron Ore BLR] Lot Name: Iron ore Sub Grade R O M Lot No: 10R /SG PCB GRP :[PRE-BID Iron Ore BLR] Lot Name: 4000 MT M/s. Sathya Granite s (PKP Stock Yard) Sy No. 236/P13 & As Applicable / 236/P25, 5.5% Village : Hulik unte , Taluk : Sandur, D 12000 MT M/s. Sathya Granite s (PKP Stock Yard) Sy No. 236/P13 & As Applicable / 236/P25, 5.5% Village : Hulik unte , Taluk : Sandur, D Q nty. 12000 (+ /- 10%) MT in lots of 4000 MT. Type of ore R O M. Bidding basis conce rne d stack pile (SY/4R ). M/s. Sathya Granite s (PKP Stock Yard) Sy No. 236/P13 & 236/P25, Village : Hulik unte , Taluk : Sandur, Dist: Be llary PCB GRP :[PRE-BID Iron Ore BLR] Lot Name: 8000 MT M/s. Sathya Granite s (PKP Stock Yard) Sy No. 236/P13 & As Applicable / 236/P25, 5.5% Village : Hulik unte , Taluk : Sandur, D Q nty. 4000 (+ /- 10%) MT in lots of 4000 MT. Type of ore Lum ps. Bidding basis conce rne d stack pile (SY/2L). M/s. Sathya Granite s (PKP Stock Yard) Sy No. 236/P13 & 236/P25, Village : Hulik unte , Taluk : Sandur, Dist: Be llary PCB GRP :[PRE-BID Iron Ore BLR] Lot No: M/s. VNK As Applicable / Me non, ML No. 5.5% 2543 State :Karnatak a Q nty. 8000 (+ /- 10%) MT in lots of 4000 MT. Type of ore Lum ps. Bidding basis conce rne d stack pile (SY/1L). M/s. Sathya Granite s (PKP Stock Yard) Sy No. 236/P13 & 236/P25, Village : Hulik unte , Taluk : Sandur, Dist: Be llary Indicative Fe %= Lot Name: 28000 MT Indicative Fe %= R oyalty 10%, VAT 5.5% (on auction price and royalty), FDT 12% are applicable . Lot No: 4000 MT M/s. Spark line Mining C orporation, As Applicable / ML No. 2567 5.5% (R e ve nue Land No FDT) State :Karnatak a Indicative Fe %= PCB GRP :[PRE-BID Iron Ore BLR] Lot No: As Applicable / 5.5% Indicative Fe %= R oyalty 10%, VAT 5.5% (on auction price and royalty), are applicable . Iron ore Sub Grade R O M Q nty. 4000 (+ /- 10%) MT in lots of 4000 MT. Type of ore Lum ps. Bidding basis conce rne d stack pile (1L). M/s. Tungabhadra Mine ral Pvt. Ltd., ML No. 2594 R oyalty 10%, VAT 5.5% (on auction price and royalty), FDT 12% are applicable . As Applicable / 5.5% M/s. Tungabhadra Mine ral Pvt. Ltd., ML No. 2594 State :Karnatak a 8000 MT As Applicable / 5.5% M/s. Tungabhadra Mine ral Pvt. Ltd., ML No. 2594 State :Karnatak a 8000 MT As Applicable / 5.5% M/s. Tungabhadra Mine ral Pvt. Ltd., ML No. 2594 State :Karnatak a 148000 MT As Applicable / 5.5% M/s. SMIO R E ML No. 2580 State :Karnatak a 80000 MT As Applicable / 5.5% M/s. SMIO R E ML No. 2580 State :Karnatak a 4000 MT Indicative Fe %= Q nty. 8000 (+ /- 10%) MT in lots of 4000 MT. Type of ore R O M. Bidding basis conce rne d stack pile (3R ). M/s. Tungabhadra Mine ral Pvt. Ltd., ML No. 2594 R oyalty 10%, VAT 5.5% (on auction price and royalty), FDT 12% are applicable . Indicative Fe %= Q nty. 8000 (+ /- 10%) MT in lots of 4000 MT. Type of ore R O M. Bidding basis conce rne d stack pile (5R ). M/s. Tungabhadra Mine ral Pvt. Ltd., ML No. 2594 R oyalty 10%, VAT 5.5% (on auction price and royalty), FDT 12% are applicable . Indicative Fe %= Q nty. 148000 (+ /- 10%) MT in lots of 4000 MT. Type of ore Sub Grade R O M. Bidding basis conce rne d stack pile (8R /SG). M/s. SMIO R E ML No. 2580 R oyalty 10%, VAT 5.5% (on auction price and royalty), FDT 12% are applicable . Indicative Fe %= Q nty. 80000 (+ /- 10%) MT in lots of 4000 MT. Type of ore Sub Grade R O M. Bidding basis conce rne d stack pile (10R /SG). M/s. SMIO R E ML No. 2580 R oyalty 10%, VAT 5.5% (on auction price and royalty), FDT 12% are applicable . Indicative Fe %= M/s. K M Parvatham m a ML No. 2514 State :Karnatak a 4000 MT Q nty. 28000 (+ /- 10%) MT in lots of 4000 MT. Type of ore Low Grade R O M. Bidding basis conce rne d stack pile (2R /LG). M/s. VNK Me non, ML No. 2543 2R /LG PCB GRP :[PRE-BID Iron Ore BLR] Lot Name: R oyalty 10%, VAT 5.5% (on auction price and royalty), FDT 12% are applicable . Q nty. 4000 (+ /- 10%) MT in lots of 4000 MT. Type of ore Low Grade Fine s. Bidding basis conce rne d stack pile (2F/LG). M/s. Spark line Mining C orporation, ML No. 2567 (Succe ssful Bidde r has to arrange for we igh bridge ) (R e ve nue Land No FDT) Lot No: 2F/LG Lot No: conce rne d stack pile (1F). M/s. K M Parvatham m a ML No. 2514 Q nty. 505000 (+ /- 10%) MT. Type of ore Low Grade R O M (contains ove r size boulde rs of BHQ , Late ritic boulde rs contains m e age r am ount of phylite ) Bidde r m ay use rock bre ak e r. Bidding basis conce rne d stack pile (1R /LG). M/s. H.G. R anganagouda ML No. 2148. A uction for entire lot is on as is whe re is basis. EMD of R s. 75,75,000/- is re quire d to be de posite d. Lot No: 1R /LG 1. R oyalty, VAT or C ST, FDT for the e ntire lot along with Mate rial Value for 5000 www.mstcindia.co.in/TenderEntry/Lot_Item_Details.aspx 2/5 1/2/14 Lot No: 1R /LG PCB GRP :[PRE-BID Iron Ore BLR] Lot Iron ore Low Grade R O M - Auction Name: as one lot Auction Catalog Report 1. R oyalty, VAT or C ST, FDT for the e ntire lot along with Mate rial Value for 5000 MT to be paid by 10/02/2014. For the re m aining 5 LMT paym e nt should be on 10/03/2014 (1 LMT), 10/04/2014 (1 LMT), 10/05/2014 (1 LMT) , 10/06/2014 (1 LMT) & 10/07/2014 (1 LMT) As Applicable / 505000 MT 5.5% M/s. H.G. R anganagouda ML No. 2148 State :Karnatak a As Applicable / 270000 MT 5.5% M/s. K M Parvatham m a, ML No. 2514 State :Karnatak a 2. Mate rial of 505000 MT should be lifte d within a m onth from the date of Bulk Pe rm it issue d the re against. R oyalty 10%, VAT 5.5% (on auction price and royalty), FDT 12% are applicable . Indicative Fe %= Q nty. 270000 (+ /- 10%) MT. Type of ore Sub Grade R O M (Hard/com pact/old dum p, dum pe d in a valle y and ground profile is unk nown, the dum p consists of BHQ , Late rite boulde rs). Bidding basis conce rne d stack pile (5R /SG). M/s. K M Parvatham m a, ML No. 2514. A uction for entire lot is on as is whe re is basis. EMD of R s. 40,50,000/- is re quire d to be de posite d. Lot No: 5R /SG PCB GRP :[PRE-BID Iron Ore BLR] Lot Iron ore Sub Grade R O M - Auction Name: as one lot 1. R oyalty, VAT or C ST, FDT for the e ntire lot along with Mate rial Value for 70000 MT to be paid by 10/02/2014. For the re m aining 2 LMT paym e nt should be on 10/03/2014 (1 LMT) & 10/04/2014 (1 LMT) 2. Mate rial of 270000 MT should be lifte d within a m onth from the date of Bulk Pe rm it issue d the re against. R oyalty 10%, VAT 5.5% (on auction price and royalty), FDT 12% are applicable . Indicative Fe %= Total No of Lots = 20 Special Terms & Conditions PLEASE CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE "ONLINE AUCTION NOTICE AND ANNEXURES" PLEASE NOTE: 1. THE BID PRICE INCREMENT IS RS.10/- OR MULTIPLE OF 10. 2. THE AUTO-EXTENSION OF CLOSING TIME IS 5 MINS. The Iron Ore as mentioned in the e-auction schedule is available on "AS IS WHERE IS BASIS" from Iron Ore Mines/Stockyard, as mentioned therein, for sale through online auction process. The physical location of the lot is indicated by markers of suitable type and they are only indicative and not geometrical. The bid value quoted shall be the basic price in Rupees per WMT (Wet Metric Ton) for the mineral. Royalty, Forest Development Tax, Sales tax, Cess and other statutory duties and levies etc. applicable at the time of supplies will be extra and payable by the successful bidder. 1. ELIGIBILITY: The e-auction is for registered Steel Plants, Pig Iron Plants, Pelletisation Plant, Sponge Iron Plants and Beneficiation Plants who have been wholly/partly dependent on the iron ore from Karnataka for their own use. No middlemen/traders are eligible to participate in the e-auction and no exports will be permissible. 2 . Customers intending to participate in the Online Auction (OA) would be required to submit the following to M/S MSTC Ltd. The last date and time of submission of EMD and OA documents is as mentioned in clause No. 3 below. i) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): Non-interest bearing EMD, of Rs.5,00,000/-(RS. FIVE LAKH) per LOT of 4000 WMT, to be submitted in the form of Demand Draft drawn on any Scheduled commercial/Nationalized bank in favour of 'MONITORING COMMITTEE' payable at BANGALORE. The EMD against the respective lots has to be paid before bidding. Bidders interested in participating for more than one lot need to submit EMD for the total number of lots they intend to participate in. ii) Online auction notice duly signed and stamped on every page. iii) A letter of interest duly signed and stamped. Annexure A iv) Terms and Conditions of sales through Online Auction (OA) signed and stamped on every page. Annexure B v) Affidavit on a non judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/-, in the prescribed format (Annexure-C), that the products would be used only by the domestic end-user. vi) General Rules & Regulations governing conduct of online auctions on the service provider platform signed and stamped on every page. Annexure-D vii) Valid Central/State Sales Tax registratio n certificate. viii) Proof of ownership of Steel/Pig iron/Sponge iron/Pelletisation Plant issued by appropriate authority. ix) Proof of authority to sign the tender documents and the affidavit. NOTE: It is the responsibility of the willing parties who have submitted documents expressing interest to participate in the particular Online Auction, to go through the requirements and submit all documents as per conditions mentioned in this auction document. Hence www.mstcindia.co.in/TenderEntry/Lot_Item_Details.aspx 3/5 1/2/14 Auction Catalog Report Online Auction, to go through the requirements and submit all documents as per conditions mentioned in this auction document. Hence the parties are advised to carefully go through the requirements of this auction document and submit all relevant information. Any deviation to the requirements of this auction document (lack of information etc) will be construed as Conditional and measures as decided by Monitoring Committee will be applicable. The decision of Monitoring Committee in this regard will be final and binding on the bidder. 3. Last date of submission of EMD and online auction (OA) documents is up to 10.00 AM on or before the date of e-auction. 4. Before actual participation, the bidders may obtain necessary help from MSTC Ltd so as to enable them to participate in the online auction process without any difficulty. 5. The successful bidder has to submit following documents in addition to the documents required in the contract. A) Affidavit on a non judicial stamp paper of Rs100/-, ensuring that the material purchased from the Monitoring Committee will be used in their own plant only (to be submitted to state Govt at the time of obtaining geological permit (Bulk Permit) in the format prescribed state authority). B) Copy of the monthly excise returns corresponding to the month in which supply is made to the successful bidder by MONITORING COMMITTEE. C) Copy of LR confirming the receipt of the material received at factory with inward register copy. 6. If for any reasons beyond the control of MONITORING COMMITTEE all the mineral offered through the online auction or part thereof cannot be delivered, the liability of MONITORING COMMITTEE will be limited only to refund of proportionate amount paid by the customer as applicable for the quantity not delivered. 7. The sale of mineral shall be governed by MONITORING COMMITTEE Terms and Conditions of sale through online auction and online auction notice- Annexure B. 8. MONITORING COMMITTEE reserves the right to withdraw from the sale after advertising or after issue of Acceptance Letter of any quantity of the material without assigning any reasons thereof to the customer. MONITORING COMMITTEE will not be responsible for any damages/loss what so ever to the customer on account of such withdrawal. 9. MONITORING COMMITTEE reserves the right to defer or prepone date for conduct of auction, through internet, mentioned in the notice for auction through internet at its sole discretion. Conditional bids will not be considered. The e-auction will be conducted through the site http://www.mstcecommerce.com. Auction document containing terms and conditions of the auction may also be downloaded from http://www.mstcindia.co.in. For registration and submission of documents please contact any of the numbers of M/s MSTC Ltd. as given below. KOLKATA: 225-C, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata-700020 Contact No.: (033) 2290-0964, 2287-7557 / 0568 / 77 16/9627/7568 MUMBAI : 607-608 Raheja Centre, Nariman Point, Mumbai-40002 1. Contact No.: (022) 2288 6261 / 22823767 / 22872011 / 22822789. (022) 2202 2296. NEW DELHI : 30/3 1A Jeevan Vikas Building , 1st Floor, Asaf Ali Road ( Opp. Hamdard) New Delhi- 110002. Contact No.: (011) 23214201, 23213945. CHENNAI: Leelavati Building, 2n d Floor, 69 ,Armenian Street, Chennai-60000 1. Contact No.: (044) 2521 9004, 2522 2842, and 2523 1584. BANGALORE: 3 rd Floor, Kareem Tower, 19/5 & 19/6, Cunningham Road, Bangalore-560052. Contact No.: (080) 2226 0054, 22266417. VISAKHAPATNAM: 6th Floor Jeevan Prakash LIC Building, Jeevitha Bima Road, Visakhapatnam-530004. Contact No.: (0891) 274 6948, 270 1066. VADODARA: 21, Kamalanjali Apartment, 2nd Floor, Opp. Tube Company, Old Padra Road, Akota, Vadodara-390020. Contact No.: (0265) 2339 672, 2310 629. www.mstcindia.co.in/TenderEntry/Lot_Item_Details.aspx 4/5 1/2/14 Auction Catalog Report Contact No.: (0265) 2339 672, 2310 629. www.mstcindia.co.in/TenderEntry/Lot_Item_Details.aspx 5/5
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