BiZ WATCH 2014 Monthly ISSUE: MARCH DATE: 31.03.14 Brief Updates on: 1. x x x x x x x x x x National Government Relations National Working Group Meeting (NWG) ± February. CIMC Transport & Infrastructure Sectoral Meeting. CIMC Law & Order Sectoral Meeting No. 1 2014 CIMC Commerce and Services Sectoral Committee Meeting NO.1 2014 Mineral Resource Authority Board Meeting. Consultations With the Tax Review Committee Secretariat Socioeconomic Costs of Crime and Violence in PNG: Presentation. &KLQD¶V$LG6FRSLQJ6WXG\± United Nations Development Programme PNG Immigration Citizenship Services Authority Consultation on Business Community BizClim Business Cocktail 2. x x x x x x International Relations Official Lunch in honour of the Prime Minister of Australia, Honourable Tony Abbott, MP State Dinner with His Excellency President of the Republic Fiji Consultations with Papua New Guinea Honorary Counsel to Turkey Consultations with Deputy Foreign Minister of Argentina Consultations with PNG Asia Pacific Economic Corporation Secretariat on the APEC 2018 Hosting 2014 East Asia /PNG Investment Forum & Trade Expo 3. Community Support x PNG Business Coalition for Woman Inaugural General Meeting. 4. F rom the Secretariat x 2014 Events Calendar. x 2014 Membership Renewal. 5. Up-coming E vents x East Asia Investment Seminar Committee Meeting ± 4 April 2014 x Business Cluster Consultations 9 ± 10 April 2014 x Board Meeting ± 9 April 2014 x Tax Review Consultations ± 21 April 2014 x National Working Group ± 24 April 2014 N A T I O N A L G O V E R N M E N T R E L A T I O NS National Working Group (NWG) Meeting ࡊ February The National Working Group meeting had various briefings from senior government officers in relation to law reform, land reform update, domestic industry protection and also access to finance framework for SMEs. The law reform agenda for the government is a critical part of government business as it ensures laws are relevant in the evolving circumstances of the country. Secretary for Constitutional Law Reform Commission, Dr Eric Kwa highlighted the desire by his organization to have this outlook and briefly addressed framework that is of interest to the private sector and they include: SME legal framework, land reform and mining industry related amendments. His presentation also highlighted the changes of the Land Act and key areas of focus such as the proposed changes in the National Land Board, empowering provinces and districts to administer land issues and also a transparent framework on registering and utilizing customary land for commercial use. Due to Dr .ZD¶VLQYROYHPHQWLQYDULRXVODZUHIRUPDFtivities that are of interest to the private sector, he will be invited to provide regular updates. The Working Group also heard the presentation of Mr Greg Worthington Eyre, CEO of Trukai Industries on the challenges his company faces on proposed preferential investment policies and domestic protection. The key message was rules that were discriminatory and thereafter causing investor uncertainty. An area members agreed require further government dialogue so as to work towards a level playing field. The final presentation was on an access to finance project the Bank of Papua New Guinea was implementing. It aspires to be inclusive of SMEs and the private sector as a whole in accessing finance. The National Working Group will also be reviewing all issues they are currently working on. This exercise will assist in focusing on key areas of importance to the private sector. An update on this exercise will be made available at the next edition of Biz Watch. If any members would like copies of the presentations mentioned above, please do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat. CIMC Transport & Infrastructure Sectoral Meeting In line with the Governments Development goals set in the vision 2050, PNGDSP 2030, the MTDP 2011-2015 and the Alotau Accord, the Government introduced the target based performance for all government departments and State agencies where tasked to give an update on the current status of the Transport and infrastructure development in PNG. The department of Works also deliberated the committee on the development taking place within the infrastructure development authority (IDA) since the Alotau Accord. CIMC Law and Order Sectoral Committee Meeting NO.1 2014 The Government has dedicated this year as the year of Implementation and one of those priority areas was the Law and Order in the Country through collaborative and proactive approaches with the increased Private Sector and Community participation. Representatives from various levels of the Law and Order Justice Sector were invited to give an update on the statues of Law and Order and an opportunity for an open and transparent dialogue between the Private Sector, Public Sector and concerned stakeholders on the challenges the Government is faced with. CIMC Commerce and Services Sectoral Committee Meeting NO.1 2014 As a Consultative body, the CIMC Commerce and Services Sectoral Committee comprises of representatives from the Business Community including the Business Council of PNG with consulting firms, and the Government Departments DCI, IPA, Treasury, DFAT, and others who take the same interest in promoting business development in the country. All concerned stakeholders. The key issues discussed included the development of the SME Policy, Progress of the Infrastructure Development Authority, High bank fee charges, the Tax review, and update on the visa Facilitation. Mineral Resource Authority Board Meeting The Board has met twice this year. The first was an update on the annual programme of the organization as well as presentations on key areas they intend to focus on. The second meeting focused on the approval of the 2014 budget. Although the industry generally is going through challenging times with the low mineral prices, the MRA is still attracting interest around the world on exploration and joint venturing on existing projects. Consultations With the Tax Review Committee Secretariat In improving the taxation system and ensuring it is relevant for the current economic outlook, the government announced last year of a high level Tax Review Committee led by Sir Nagora Bogan. Their Terms Of Reference was finalized early this year and the committee has progressed in devising a consultative arrangement as well as a Work Plan. The Secretariat met with Ms Kessy Sawang and her team in the Secretariat charged to assist the Committee. They briefly mentioned Tax Review has a two-phase consultation strategy. The first 'Blue Sky' consultation is where stakeholders are invited to provide their perspective on the need and broad directions for reform and the key priorities. This phase would help the Committee to formulate ideas for the direction of tax reform, build a consensus for the need for reform, and ensure key areas are covered in the review. This first consultation phase would be informed by an issues paper that sets out: (a)PNG's current tax system; (b) international best practice and/or the general direction of tax reform both globally and in comparable countries; (c) key directions and major specific questions or issues that are expected to be addressed in the review. Following the release of the issues paper, the Review would hold a series of public consultations around the country to provide an opportunity for stakeholders to raise and discuss ideas. Stakeholder groups would also be invited to make written submissions on the issues presented in the issues paper. The Tax Review Committee will consolidate all issues raised by stakeholders into a draft final report. The second stage of consultation is on the draft final report. After all views and issues are consolidated into a draft final report, this will be released to the stakeholders / public for comments. After this phase, the final report will be finalized and given to the Government through the Minister for Treasury. The 'Call for Papers' notice that we've been publishing in the newspapers is the first 'blue sky' approach. This ends on April 30. Due to the importance of the extractive industry sector, The Mining & Petroleum Taxation Regime Review Issues Paper was officially released by the Tax Review Committee on Thursday, 20th March 2014. Business Council is working closely with the Chamber Mines and Petroleum and other organizations to provide feedback. It is H[SHFWHGWKDWWKURXJKRXWWKLV\HDUVHYHUDOLVVXHVSDSHUVDVVRFLDWHZLWK³WD[HOHPHQW´ZLOOEHLVVXHGWRWKHSXEOLF for feedback and comment. The Council will provide regular feedback on these consultations. As part of our commitment in this process, the Council is organizing a working group meeting with the Tax Committee towards the latter part of April. Members will be informed on the time of these consultations. Socioeconomic Costs of Crime and Violence in PNG: Presentation Survey conducted by World Bank has indicated that cost of crime and violence in PNG has escalated over the years and that has impacted business operations throughout the country. In the recent presentation on µ6RFLRHFRQRPLF&RVWVRI&ULPHDQG9LROHQFHLQ31*¶ , concerns were raised on issues such as security, women constraints, transportation, cost of living, youth issues and residential concerns. In terms of crime alone, 67 per cent of firms see crime as a major constraint specifically in Building construction, Retail wholesale and Transport communication. Respective entities such as Air Niugini, PNG Ports, PNG Chamber of Mines & Petroleum and CPL Group despite having strategies in place outlined the challenges faced while doing business not only in Port Moresby but other centres throughout Papua New Guinea. Following the presentations participants contributed in discussions involving the Government to seriously look into addressing the cost of crime and violence in PNG. ڼۉۄۃڞಥ ࡊ ۔ڿېۏڮٻۂۉۄۋۊھڮٻڿۄڜٻێUnited Nations Development Programme In their efforts to appreciate how they may support pacific economies, the Chinese government along with the United Nations Development Programme are undergoing a scoping study on Chinese Aid in the pacific. The lead researchers, Dr Graeme Smith, Ms Mao Xiaging, and Ms Alamah Tararai met the Executive Director in an initial consultation to gauge aid and trade relations. The study will certainly add value to the current interest on Asia and PNG trade and investment interests. PNG Immigration Citizenship Services Authority Consultation on Business Community President Mr David Toua and key members of the private sector participated in the recent consultations with the Business Community on the review of the PNG migration legislation. Over the last 12 months, the Immigration and Citizen Service Authority has undertaken FRPSUHKHQVLYHUHYLHZRI31*¶VPLJUDWLRQOHJLVODWion with a view to developing more comprehensive and modern border control and visa arrangements. In terms of visa arrangements, the government is keen in supporting the economic development of the visa systems and would like to see this legislation reflect its intentions and that is to being able to deal effectively with the business visa. According to Mr Greg Mills, a consultant on this review, the legislation is close to its final draft. BizClim Business Cocktail The cluster initiative is fully funded by the European Union which is a first of its kind in the Pacific Region. Four neighbouring Pacific Countries Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu and PNG have been identified to create the Pilot Cluster Initiative respectively. The number of potential clusters in PNG made it difficult for the team to identify the cluster. Industries identified were Fisheries, Music, and Bio-Tech, fashion Design, ICT and Agro Industry. The Business Cluster Cocktail organized by the European Union and Business Council of PNG introduced to the industries a range of stakeholders, including Private Sector, Public Sector, Donors, Financial Institutions and $FDGHPLD¶WRKHDUWKHSRWHQWLDOFOXVWHUVSURPRWHWKHLULQGXVWU\LQDQRSHQFRQYHUVDWLRQ Mr David ToXDGLGVWURQJO\DIILUPLQKH¶VVSHHFKWKDWWKH3ULYDWH6HFWRULVIXOO\VXSSRUWLQJWKLVMRLQW-initiative project and will assist in any way possible to help develop the PNG Pilot Project. A further consultation was done and the ICT Sector was identified on merit to be PNG's Pilot Cluster Project to build value chains. The ICT Cluster Workshop will be hosted in Port Moresby at Gateway Hotel on the 10th of April 2014. I N T E R N A T I O N A L R E L A T I O NS Official Lunch in honour of the Prime Minister of Australia, Honourable Tony Abbott, MP The President and several members were invited for a luncheon to welcome Prime Minister Tony $EERWW ,Q KLV EULHI GLVFXVVLRQV ZLWK 0U $EERWW 3UHVLGHQW KLJKOLJKWHG %XVLQHVV &RXQFLO¶V RQJRLQJ support for a robust bilateral framework that not only promotes trade and investment but also facilitates aid arrangements strengthening trade and investment facilitation. He also highlighted the need to invest resources to expand the current Asia Pacific Technical Colleges so as to build the Technical and Vocational centres as skilled workforce is an urgent priority. Prime Minister Abbott briefly responded in stating that the signing of the Economic Corporation Treaty intends to address these issues and urged the President and the Council to continue its healthy existing dialogue with PNG and Australian officials in ensuing they are an integral part of the Treaty. State Dinner with His Excellency President of the Republic Fiji Executives were invited to a State Dinner hosted by the Governor General of PNG, Sir Michael Ogio, to welcome his counterpart, President Ratu Epeli Nailatikau. Discussions with his private sector entourage ensued interest in deeper trade and investment relations. Regular dialogue was a key area Executives stressed as a pathway on fostering business relations. Consultations with Papua New Guinea Honorary Counsel to Turkey The Executive Director briefly met the new Papua New Guinea Honorary Consul to Turkey, Dr Celal Metin and his delegation which included Special Envoy to PNG, Ambassador Mural Ersavci as well as the previous PNG Honorary Consul, Sir Hugo Berghuser. They showed great interest in facilitating investment in gas, petrochemicals and energy. Agriculture was also another sector they would want to explore as well. Consultations with Deputy Foreign Minister of Argentina The Executive Director briefly met the Deputy Foreign Minister of Argentina and his delegation that consist of Argentina Ambassador Designate to PNG, Mr Petro Delgado and two colleagues from Buenos Aires in charge of Pacific. Agricultural exports as well as manufacturing are areas they would like to explore investment opportunities. Consultations with PNG Asia Pacific Economic Corporation Secretariat on the APEC 2018 Hosting Business Council was invited to an APEC 2018 update hosted by the PNG APEC Secretariat Director, Mr Lahui Ako. His presentation indicated a 4 year plan in preparation of the 2018 event. 6 committees have been designated and range from logistics, security, policy and the private sector. Each has various Ministers providing LW SROLWLFDO VXSSRUW 7KH %XVLQHVV &RXQFLO ZLOO ZRUN FORVHO\ ZLWK 0U $NR¶V RUJDQL]DWLRQ LQ SURYLGLQJ SULYDWH sector input. Therefore members will be updated on the progress of the 2018 event. 2014 East Asia /PNG Investment Forum & Trade Expo The up-coming East Asia / PNG Investment Forum and Trade Expo is set to feature the top 20 investors in both East Asia and Papua New Guinea. The Business Council is gearing up to host a high level engagement on potential investment in both East Asia and PNG. In preparation to this significant event, the Council has had dialogue with relevant entities such as the Investment Promotion Authority (IPA), PNG APEC Secretariat and financial Institutions. This initiative is the first of its kind and has already gained interest from all sectors. This is also an opportunity for PNG investors to attract huge potential markets from the East Asian region. The East Asia Seminar committee will meet later this week to further collaborations with partner agencies. The Forum will be held in Singapore, from the 29 ± 30 July 2014. C O M M U N I T Y SUPP O R T PNG Business Coalition for Woman Inaugural General Meeting The Inaugural General Meeting was a milestone in the efforts of the private sector and various development partners in progressing women participation in business. The Council congratulates Ms Lesieli Taviri as President of the organization. In her acceptance speech, she was thankful for the opportunity to partake in this exciting initiative and looks forward building support to progress women in business. F R O M T H E SE C R E T A R I A T 2014 Events Calendar For more info on the Business Council 2014 Events Calendar contact the Business Council office on the telephone numbers provided. 2014 Membership Renewal As you are aware, the Business Council of PNG financial year in-terms of membership will end in March 31st 2014. Members are urged to renew membership for 2014. Membership covers the year 1st April 2014 to 31st March, 2015. Membership applications for 2014 will be circulated for renewals. For more information on membership contact the Business Council office on telephone numbers below or you can also download copies from the website. UP-C O M I N G E V E N TS East Asia Investment Seminar Committee Meeting ࡊ 4 April 2014 Business Cluster Consultations 9 ࡊ 10 April 2014 Board Meeting ࡊ 9 April 2014 Tax Review Consultations ࡊ 21 April 2014 National Working Group ࡊ 24 April 2014 For more information do not hesitate to contact the Business Council on 3200700 or go online and visit our website:
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