! W!TOI!!ia!!PWipPPi^P^«rf»^^f?^'^i^.ir-r"-""*:-"" • » ,.„ : • « ) >f::-:.».;?-:!B',WO'f:J:f!.:!»•:•; JAMESTOWN (N.Y.) POST-JOURNAL-Saturday Evening, January 19, 1958 JACOBY on BRIDGE NOTES: Many of our friends are asking us for ideas • NORTH 18 on carrying their jpoUisettis over 41 *» for another year. First, you want VJ1088? to get ail the mileage you can • AJ from your plant. It likes plenty of light and prefers a temperature +Q0M& of 70 degrees F. by day, and WEST <D> EAST not less than 60 degrees at night AQ643 4A1097 Dropping of the leave* is caused f AS W873 by poor light, high temperature, 47543 +KQS too much water, or not enough. * 7 4 2 * K103 Low night temperature plus lots SOUTH of water will also cause the leaves AJ852 to curl and drop. ¥KQ4 * When the plants begin to fade, • 10962 you can plan on growing them *AJ again for next year's show. Dry P O S S I B L E DANGER—At sea in rough weather on * small the soil by withholding the water North and South vulnerable boat. Whenever any kind of craft heads out on the most limited gradually. Set the ported plant in West North Bast Sooth a dark, cool cellar where uV tem- trip, she should be thoroughly prepared for the worst that could l+ Pass Pass Pass perature wiB go around 50 de- ever happen to her. Pass Pass 1 N.T. l* grees. Then in March. April or D •• m . . , tr%r\\ktm a J C A M/ Pass 2N.T. Pass Paw May you can cut the plant hack Dill KODlnSOn S P O W E R A n d S A I L Past to about 5 or 6 inches to allow —--——----------—«--——-«-----————— Opening lead—* 7 new growth to atari New plants can be started from the branches you cut off. These cuttings can By OSWALD JACOBY be 3 or 4 inches long, and can Written for XEA Service be stuck in moist sand. They root East's hand really calls for within a couple weeks and make pass in third seat but match point fine plants for Chriatma* bloom. duplicate players just don't pass You can take FOinsettU cutting!, up through August and still make I At Morehead City, NiC, on the and by then it began to b e appar- 12-point hands in this position. Ho; blooms by Christmas. jlntracoastal Waterway south of ent that this w a s no short-lived opened one club and passed his After danger of frost is over, set Cape Hatteras. the 60-foot schoon- squall, but a s m a l l intense, unpre- partner's one spade response. the mother plant outdoors, pot and 'cr Yankee Girl H, familiar to dicted storm center. A succession South refused to be shut out and all. and keep it watered during wmany yachtsmen ever since she of blinding squalls with gale force went to one no-trump. North chose! Whofr Young People Think summer. Turn pot every 2 or 3 cn the Bermuda Race in 1928, is winds" kept her raildwn"andT"la-,£> raise to two no-trump and that weeks so roots wont grow through now undergoing a thorough over- boring hard until dawn, with con- became the final contract time bottcm of pot. Give your plant haul to prepare her for a voyage ditions rugged on deck and below, West opened a club. East duck an occasional feeding of a liquid to the Bahamas and West Indies, #where things were described as and South won the trick with plant food. From September on, J It is an interrupted voyage that nmmultuous-much gear adrift." jack. He knocked out West's act ace * * the plant will need different treat- almost ended in tragedy late last of hearts next and West returned Held Her Own ™ent. : J fan, and the fact it is being con- The Jib blew out, Its remnants a small spade. East won with the FREEt Want to know more tinued at all is a tribute to the thundering like machine guns for ace and led back the ten. West about raising Poinsettias? Send sturdy sea-keeping qualities of the the rest of the ordeal. The engine gathered in South's jack with his rock *n' roll shouter, but a smooth me a self-addressed, stamped en- famous old campaigner and to the also gave trouble with fuel line queen. B y E U G E N E GILBERT y e tope for a copy_ of our revised j seamanship and" hardihood of the breaks, but was kept repaired and Now West made the killing play. Perry Como, the baritone barber and relaxed balladier. Does this bulletin. How to Make Your Pohv'crew who started south with her. Yankee Girl was able to hold her He shifted to a diamond. This of Canonsburg, P a . , shaved the mean rock 'n' roll also is in desettia Bloom For Christmas. No They were able to rally magnifi- own, close hauled with shortened play established two diamond sideburns of Elvis Presley to win cline? p t ^™»^e^i»LrleiSf A ^ y . ^ . u n e T x P e c t e d 1 t r o u ! ) l e - Jsail and engine keeping her up into tricks for East and set the two a flock of honors in our annual Perhaps s o . Sinatra and Boone, no-trump contract one trick, both basically crooners though teen-aged popularity poll. F A F . R G R E E N CARE: This de-( Yankee Girl n was almost tost the wind given occasional fits of rock E a s t and West thought they h a d partment is evergreens receiving letters aek- which in one have of a series Early in the morning a distress (•a good score. North could h a v e "The Slouch," a s Como is known 'n roll to ing us why have such plaguedof mishaps cruising call edged out Presley by c o m was sent to the Coast Guard in entertainment circles, proved poor color to them. In most cases; yachts heading for southern wa- utter Chilula about SO miles in- m a d e three hearts and the best h i m e i r n o slouch* tt t h e b a & ' b n x ! fortable margins. An <f . s w e e t over-all coloring is nothing to be * ters this year. And her adventures shore, who reported herself out of they could have done w a s t o m a k e as both boys and girls voted Urn " t e e d Eddy Fisher, yvho hasn t alarmed about since the cold point a lesson that should be heed- the storm area in moderate seas. two spades. It turned out that they the top male vocalist of the year. !**ad a sohd hit song in many a •vv-%1^%1/ s weather Is responsible for it. Yews ed by all who go afloat for pleas- From then on the vessels kept ra had a bad score and it w a s all Presley, last year's winner by a,moon, still remained strong enough AsA\ *Tw^ turn black arborvitaes turn, ure boating, whether in a small [dio contact as Chilula took'bear- East's fault. wide margin, dropped all the way!** tie tie rhythm and blues singer C I M *r TW CTlim« Tn> •••. brownish to black, andorra juni-j out board on an inland lake, or off- ings and headed for the embattled East had violated an important to fourth place, behind Frank T o m m y Sands for fifth place Unscramble the 4 sets of letters, making- a word of each pers turn pinkish-purple, and hem- shore in a seagoing vessel. schooner. Nonchalance P a y s Off principle of duplicate which is thaf Sinatra and fast rising P a t Boone. jumble. Print each word, a letter to a square, beneath each locks, scotch pine, Mugho Pines, j The lesson Is: Be prepared for In midday Yankee Girl went if y o u a r e going t o open a poor Como further solidified his posi- Como drew first place votes from and others will turn yellowish the worst at all times. Never get through the patch of clear weather hand in third seat attack with your tion as pin-up boy of the bobby sox 26 per cent of the girls, nipping jumble. The letters you have printed o n t h e circled squares Don't worry about these color!under way unless you are able and at the eye of the storm and they best suit. E a s t should have opened set by winning first place in the P a t Boone by a single percentage may then be arranged to spell the turpriee atuwer suggested changes, because just as soon as.ready to eope with any kind of headed off into increasingly vi- one spade. by the cartoon clue. What i s i t ? (answer on Monday) voting by the gals for favorite point. Presley appearled to enough warm weather rolls around in sudden change in the weather. cious squalls from the northwest West would have raised to t w o television personality of the year. bobby soxers to beat out Sinatra Yc.lerd./i auwens RADAR BOOUSATOMC OtMINI -DOOMCAANG spades and North and South would But funnyman spring natural colors will return.[Never assume things will remain!in the anticyclone. Steve Allan for third place in the feminine vot Evergreens near a road can!calm and pleasant, even on the Conditions aboard were now ex- have been nicely shut out of the copped the overall title of favorite imftake on a grayish cast now (due [quietest of summer mornings, tremely serious, but the stout hull bidding. TV personality when the votes of ^mong the boys, Como was first applique designs by stitching to salt sprays) and in the spring i Properly Equipped The defense could h a v e gone In managed to rise to wave after both boys and girls were tabulated w l H i a n M per cent vote Sinatra w around the outlines. Cut away exthe side facing the road may show| The husky schooner, headed !wave. Contact with the cutter was any one of a number of w a y s a n d together3. The boys ranked Como! second withtfper cen andllkxjne cess fabric after stitching. Trim signs of salt injury—brownish to j from New Jersey to a winter voy- finally made after dark, but it was did at the other tables, where E a s t inthird place as a personality after 3 , notch behind at 14 Presley with bright sequins and beads. reddish cast, as if winter-burned, age in southern waters, was thor- impossible to get a line aboard de- opened one spade but in all cases a ^ ^ g i S 9 m m % J U t k Hosing of the foliage in winter roughly well-found and properly spite several desperate hours of when the s m o k e of the battle had picking him in the top spot as Mount pictures on cardboard or cleared a w a y E a s t had m a d e two " On the basis of the vote of bothl^tom rung with 4 per cent each, will help reduce the salt injury J prepared in equipment and person- trying. stiffened buckram and finish with and girls, Ed Sullivan finished What makes Como so popular spades for a plus of 110 instead boys A screen of burlap Will help keep nel for an offshore voyage. Yet 151 Finally, after one collision In, y g narrow frames. in second place as a television!™* the youngerJ-JJ salt off. minutes too long in carrying sail!mountainous s e a s the next morn-™ 100 To keep colors bright, give picCard Sense Black or burned spots around and one loose screw almost put jing, the line was secured and an personality, losing, to rival Allan;, A l^ear-old Little Rock Ark^, Iad uts !t wa : Need a gay picture to brighten tures an occasional going-over the base of evergreens mean dog;her on the grim roster of vessels all-day ordeal of towing corn- Q — T h e bidding h a s been: [Dy a single percentage point. ! P **• X H e acts m m with the upholstery brush attachthe playroom or the children's self and puts all he has behind it West North E a s t South burns. Rope repellent or fences ! mysteriously missing at sea. ^menced, with the schooner slamHudson Rocks Gals ment of your vacuum cleaner. but still remains easy going"" You don't need to go overDouble Redbl. Pass will keep pets away. In spring if She left Morehead City Nov. 29lming through the seas and rolling 1 Dia. Despite the havoc he made with « * . j " « S T Zs E mU ^ l y J eEf Hl eU corner? Pass Pass ? you notice that your evergreens, for an outside passage to the Ba-j70 degrees. In late afternoon at the 2 Dia. ,e rating sy systems in his occasion- S S ^ f c * . . ! ! ^ £ . S ^ board on fine paintings. Just turn the have an over-all browned appear- hamas with a favorable weather [entrance to Morehead, the tow You, South, hold: Spades, 5-3-2; al television appearances. Presley efforts have won him a host of to your sewing machine and make ance. chances are the plants have forecase of moderate to fresh was cast off, with the expectation Hearts, A-7-6; Diamonds, 9-3-2; did not figure as a top TV person- admirers among the nation's teen- your own wall decorations. agers. winterkilled due to too little moii-1 southwest breezes, no storms pre-{that Yankee Girl could get in un- Clubs, A-9-4-3. Domestic wool felt can be used ality with the teen-agers. "He seems like he just has a to make effective pictures, say ture in the. soil. Low soil mois-j dieted, and a 15 m.p.h. sou'wester def h«f own power, but her engine What do you do? Behind Allan. Sullivan and Como good time on TV and doesn't act local sewing center experts. ture is the greatest killer of ever- actually blowing. was dead. The cutter was unable A — Pass. You would like to came Phil (Bilko) Silvers, comedigreens. • Things went along beautifully to maneuver in the narrow chan- compete since yap** two aces must an Ernie Kovacs, rustic Ernie stuck up." commented Paige Dun- In order to make a felt picture, (,REEN THt'MB BONUS: If!until late evening. The wind fresh- nel and had to proceed inside and mean that your side can afford Ford, entertainer Arthur Godfrey navant of Richmond, Va. The same relaxed, offhand ap- first select your design. Many patyou're having trouble making yourlened a bit and went further ahead, the schooner then drifted o n the to compete but you just don't hav# a n d n e w & m a n Edward R. Murrow tern companies have transfer patDiteeatiaaed Colors evergreens come through the win-j air temperature 70 degrees with a jetty. It w a s not until after mld- anvthing to bid. You have P w f c r T ^ b ^ p f c ^ K S ^ A I S S ^ M S . I ? 2 ? J E terns. If you would rather draw BENJAMIN MOOR! ter. send me a self-addressed. | moderate sea. and the husky night that a smaller Coast Guard g ^ t e actor, followed by fee A t t s a t J W a n g t t « £ tele- your own or trace from a magastamped envelope for our bulletin schooner barreling along at 10 boat w a s able to work her free ably rious. been fixed but it is not g f | M ^ _ zine, transfer the design to the ———— knots under full working sail—per-1 and bring her to the dock, William Holden. J a n « - a « ^ i ^ P J ^ % ^ S S i e on this subject. of DUPONT and John Wayne. humor.''"remarked a 17-year-old|fabric with dressmaker's carbon feet deep-water sailing. . ••< • Special stuffed buffet eggs: mil; The girls didn't see it that way g ^ ' p J S T I paper. crabmeat, finely chopped "lery;at JJU. tek were noted to me^soSh^es^lind | M ™« k e cube section of the reIt is advised to back the dethere was talk of shortening s a i l . f e ! ™ ^ 8 " ° L j £ t 2 2 2 f f t 5 and green pepper and seasoning Place in their fluttering^f ^ »£ f r o m Providence. R.I., praised Al- sign with organdy for extra body. Until Sold w th mayonnaise and mashed e g g i an overwhelming margin, distantly . .. . . . , unrehearsed Cut out your design, leaving plenf but it had not been done when t h e \m*o"r *e tS™£j"*£ * * L?tt hby v 7J aa m ess Stewart, warf followed Burt han yolk to fill e g g white halves. »"*—•« ™ ^ nonchalance, even if it took hours ty of seam allowance, and baste sudden fury of the squall caught ! *"*** m f o u r °*y** Lancaster and Clark Gable. of practice to get that w a y . " the boat 15 minutes later, knocked the organdy in place. You may Inexplicably, in an a g e when TV 1 Nonchalance just about explains embroider features on felt aniher down and split the big mainwesterns have revived the fortunes 66c q t sail with an ear-rending of the strong, silent types. Gary the voting in almost every direc- mals. H crack. All tion. Como, "the Slouch," emerges hands were immediately on deck After details are stitched, baste Cooper wound up in ninth place on as the top vocalist: Brando. " t h e j d e s i g n to felt backing. Set mato take in sail, but the big hunk of bom lists Men may be going around soon canvas jammed 20 feet up the Kim Novak, the slinky blonde I ;LbruS.'.the t < £ a 5 2 S t 1 * ^ ! chine for a namwsaffi stitch and in transparent suits and chiffon mast when one screw of the track siren, won enough wolf whistles to * « « J 2 • S t S ' S L i ' S S IIZ\ ~ WALLPAPER t PAINT CO. shirts if the present trend toward pulled away from the mast, blockC ' hf»«t sftrmw honor* smomr I to P actress honors and easy going; tair* light-weight clothing continues, ac jing the slides, ;Se boyT who next liked K S l l g j v e n Allan winds up as the top t S. Moin St Phono 4811 studied nonchalance cording to members of the Inter-j It took over half an hour to work leg..:.*«— ,.,;„,?<, „T* «. «K« f i e about to enter the era of n n w e a r We Give S ft H Groon Stomps Reynolds. . Ingrid Bergman and i ^ ^ f l . J * ? ? ^ „a hnw« H B So let's get with it kids, cut out VataliP Wnnd Evidently, as the voting shows, national Assn. Of Clothing Design- j the wildly flapping tatters of the the rockings and the rollings and ers. . I main down and get them furled A l t h o u g h ^ hasn't made a pic- oSl df "h a?t W l t^h S ^ L J S J ^ S slouch a bit. The avenge man has shed about! ' • ••• ture within the past year. Princess fe teen-agers and 15 pounds in clothing weight since s p e n d t h e b u s i n e s s d a y i n s c i e n . Grace remained the top actress of the turn of the century, says Carl tifically heated offices and live in the year as far as the girls were! A. Forney, president of the asso-lhomes where the temperature is concerned. Ingrid Bergman took] nation, who points out: .___. I kept constant, summer and winsecond place and Debbie Reynolds and Audrey Hepburn tied for the "WTien the breadwinner of 1900 ter." next position. ran for the morning trolley, he Grandpa's suit was made Of Marilyn Monroe, inactive in her fortified himself against the cold woolen fabric so heavy it could career since marrying Arthur Milwith long underwear, heavy sui*. almost stand alone, but the modler, was seventh on both lists. waistcoat, leaden-weight overcoat, ern man wears feather-weight Singers All Shook Up muff ter, gloves, bowler hat and suitings which are tailored to the The biggest shakeup in teen-aged sometimes spats or leggings. natural lines of his body and don't loyalties and emotions since last 'The aim In clothing design to-hamper his movements; year's poll came in the ranking of day is light-weight clothing with-j For the age of space travel male vocalists. The sudden emerout heavy padding and excess lin-jahead, say the clothing designers, gence of the serene and confident ings, to give freedom of move- men may have transparent, weightMr. Como as the top vocalist and rnent and avoid bulk. Today we go less clothing which never gets the equally sudden downfall of the to work in heated cars or trains.'soiled and never needs pressing. frantically writhing Mr. Presley came as something of a shock. We had expected that Presley Answer to Previous Puzzle 1 might slip a notch in the popularity _IS ! - 2 | ^ [2 ! P New Zealand Jaunt poll and be replaced by some other rock 'n' roll artist, since all our •; 3P3 irji o f i E i s a i By ELINOR WILLIAMS 'same dance on Friday nights. -I surveys in the past year pointed ITcml unmrmrr Q-'Dear Miss Williams: I am I don't know which one to take hon|e j to a steady decline in his appeal r i Rotflaxby • r j - j : ! r-jwnifj J -^a t a boy 14 years old and I like a girl and how to handle the situational [to teen-agers S r j r j r .-; . - -jn.ar-r. i very much. I would like to date Ans.—Apparently none of these' Last year at this time he was; largest In the „ ! S u ? T ^ her, but am not sure my parents girls Is "special" to you. So find a tops, winning 33 per cent of all J IS ! 1 • W^^immm will approve. How would I go fourth one—a date you'll like so;first place votes. By mid-year he Srouji .. •m_iLfui„ i G » r i^iri z • a s i n iran about letting my parents know I much that there's no doubt abaft l was still riding high, but his per1 • b o are in this 1 1 A t t o r n e y whom to take home-you'li went centage had slipped to below 20. would like to date her?" [ : n 71R , 7 3 m ~ crnf m n '-1 nr to choose her! |In the current poll he drew 11 r 1 Ans.—If it would be easier and '^11 l -2'"! i a u i 3] (For free printed tips on "Date per cent of the votes and wound !i£S MSaeredsongs less embarrassing, wait tor a spe43 Bamboolike • * » 0 0 lo 21 Musical note 29 Social cial dance, play, party, school or Msnners for Boys," send s u p fourth. grass n Blariner's beginners church affair, then simply tell your stamped, self-addressed envelope But the amazing thing is that MDtrk 44 Church part *" HirMHina 20 Dirk parents shout It, adding casually to Elinor Williams st this paper.) the new king is not a rollicking 48 Crafts 34 East (Fr.) 25 Costlier that you're thinking of inviting N e w Zealand's 37 Arid 4 7 Remove Carol Smith to go with you. Then 38 Everlasting (printing) ifs up to you and them to arrange 15 All 48 Fruit drink (poet.) the details, money for the tickets, I t Dutch eMy turbid 38 Symbol for transportation (one of your parITSailsr '1 iron 51 Drink ents driving the car) etc. d f Kind of 41 Change Q.—"Dear Elinor: What's wrong (naut.) 53 Over (poet.) ttMskea with a boy who seems to like you, 54 Man's name but exchanges dances when we go out, and leaves ma sitting alone while he talks with other girls and friends, never asking me to be 4 with them?" tm Ans.—It's all right for a boy to let at bt exchange dances when you're dating if you, as well as he, always have a partner. But It's bad manners and rude (and crude!) to leave you alone, while he's your THOUSANDS O f OUR CUSTOMERS escort, to dance with other girls SAY WE ARE FAST AND EFFICIENT or chat with friends. If he wants to dance with somebody else, h i # DIRECT DAILY SHIPMENTS • should sea that you also have a partner, if he's your date. And FREE MAILING LAIELS ^ when he talks to friends, he should take you along and Introduce you, and not prolong the chit-chat, because you are the main event of tht evening, as his date. Maybe he doesn't like you to a really special way or perhaps be just doesn't know any better. You'd be ltd end Moi. — Open All smart to find a more considerate SPORT and CAMERA 4 - Die! 41.119 or Jest date! Next to CHy Had Phone 61-240 Q.—Dear Elinor: I have three DIRECT DEALERS ALSO POt KODAK • £ M W • NUHOWgirl-friends and they all go to the EU • ZEISS • LEICA • tAUSCM ft " M l • GRA'LEX In Boating, Be Prepared To Cope With The Worst a C o m o Scores, Presley Skids I n T e e n a g e Poll T" i Make Gay Felt Pictures For Children 100 DAY PAINT SALE! Reduced V Z Male $ Lightweight Now 1 I TIPS FOR TEENS Clothing J HOLMLUND'S I KODACHROME jj J Aj m • • • • JI il • • 1 H • !• J • 1 KlDAC0L0R EASTMAN KODAK JO H N S O N BEAUTY SALON L • SALES • tEMTALS • TRADE-INS • REPAIRS. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com *
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