CEN/TC 264/WG 33 “Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in energyintensive industries” pr EN ISO 19694-2 “Steel” Brussels, 24 November 2014 Steel is a complex industry Iron ore route (60% production share in Europe) Not in Europe One single plant in Europe Secondary steel (40%) EAF steel Direct reduction Scrap BOF steel Integrated route Raw material Raw material preparation Lump ore Coke Coal Smelting reduction Fine ore Lump ore Sinter Lump ore Fine ore Fine ore Scrap Pellets Pellets Pellets Iron making Coal, oil or natural gas Blast O2 Scrap Steel making HCI Reducing gas Meltergasifier Hot metal O2 BOF Casting Fluidized bed Shaft prereduction Blast furnace Liquid steel Rolling / processing Fluidized bed Natural gas Natural gas Coal O2, coal Hot metal O2 Shaft furnace HBI Scrap HBI Scrap BOF Liquid steel DRI EAF Liquid steel EAF Liquid steel Crude steel Finished products (flat & long) Source: Steel Institute VDEh; WV Stahl; WSA; BCG 2 Steel is a complex industry Steel can be produced through several production routes, using different types of raw material (iron ore or products derived therefrom, scrap) in isolation or in combination. Steel production is a multi-step/multi-product industry with by-products, by-product gases (waste gases) which can be recycled internally or outside the industry. Intermediate products can be partially or fully procured from outside the site’s boundaries. Steel sites comprise production units with cross-boundary energy and product flows. Energies are substitutable, to some extent (fossil fuels vs electricity in the EAF). These characteritics make the determination of CO2 performance a complex exercise which requires clear and transparent rules on e.g. • the system boundaries (legal entity, value chain,…) • purchases and sales of intermediate products (e.g. coke) • the rules used for the allocation of CO2 to by-products, by-product gases • … Steel is a complex industry Integrated Steel Plant Flow Sheet (source: I&S BREF, p20) Objectives of the CO2 steel standard Next to the basic CO2 inventory, the objectives are to establish a framework with a specific set of rules and methodologies enabling the assessment of CO2 performance of specific processes or production routes in a defined perimeter: identify the performance of individual operators identify strengths and weaknesses within the value chain (CO2 saving potential) events outside the perimeter (i.e. not under the operator’s control) should not impact this performance give directions on the CO2 accounting of limited resources of raw materials (e. g. scrap), by-products, waste gases used by the processes define a set of core methodologies, each of them conveying a different kind of information: the methodology chosen must be fit for the intended purpose CEN project – process CO2 emission performance Assessment of performance carried out via a tiered approach Determination of CO2 impact at facility level (absolute CO2 emission) • Straight CO2 balance • Corrections for GHG avoided (e.g. because of waste gases export) Assessment of CO2 emission performance (performance indicators) • Assessment of performance at facility (site) level (carbon input performance) • Assessment of performance at process level Performance assessed against ‘Achievable Reference Performance’ (ARP) Roll-up of performance assessment of multiple process steps Assessment of CO2 saving potential No connection with the EU ETS’s ‘stack approach ’ CEN project vs ISO 14404-1 and -2 The ISO developed a standard (published in 2013) and based on the worldsteel methodology: ISO 14404-1 and -2 “Calculation method of carbon dioxide emission intensity from iron and steel production” Part 1: Steel plant with blast furnace Part 2: Steel plant with electric arc furnace (EAF) ISO 14404 uses a ‘black box’ approach. o “The calculation method establishes boundaries for collection of CO2 emissions data.” o “The CO2 emission intensity of the steel plant is calculated by the net CO2 emission from the plant using the boundaries divided by the amount of crude steel production of the plant. With this methodology, the CO2 emission intensity of steel plants is calculated irrespective of the variance in the type of process used, products manufactured and geographic characteristics.” o “It provides a single figure for the plant as a whole.” CEN project vs ISO 14404-1 and -2 CO2 intensity calculation in ISO 14404-1 • Only applicable to BF route • Activity data at site level (stock variations disregarded) • Doesn’t allow the identification of performance ‘hot spots’ • Use of country specific values for electricity and derived parameters (industrial gases) CEN project vs ISO 14404-1 and -2 CO2 intensity calculation in ISO 14404-2 • Only applicable to EAF route • Activity data at site level (stock variations disregarded) • Doesn’t take into consideration upstream emissions from iron-bearing inputs (not compatible with ISO 14404-1) • Use of standard values for electricity and derived parameters (industrial gases) CEN project – CO2 emission assessment Determination of CO2 impact at facility level (absolute CO2 emission) A) Straight CO2 balance Equation 9– Calculation of direct emissions Direct CO2 = ∑1 Diri = ∑1 ( EFi ∗ NU i ) n n Equation 10 – Calculation of indirect emissions Indirect CO2 = ∑1 Ind i = ∑1 ( IEeqi ∗ NU i ) n n Equation 11 – Calculation of total emissions Total CO2 = Direct CO2 + Indirect CO2 Carbon streams leaving the perimeter are accounted as negative CO2 “Emission inventory approach” with no corrections CEN project – CO2 emission assessment Determination of CO2 impact at facility level (absolute CO2 emission) B) Actual CO2 impact (Corrections for CO2 avoided) Energy Equivalent Electricity GJ ncv MWh Straight balance Gas exports PPExp+GasExp to power plants PPExp to other activities OthExp Global GHG impact CO2 emissions (t) Direct Indirect Total DirCO2 IndCO2 DirCO2+IndCO2 -IEeqElec*EqElec -IEeqElec*EqElec -EFNG*OthExp -EFNG*OthExp IndCO2IEeqElec*EqElecEFNG*OthExp DirCO2+IndCO2IEeqElec*EqElecEFNG*OthExp EqElec=PPExp/9. 8 DirCO2 Gas exports to external power plants are transformed in equivalent electricity on the basis of a reference energy equivalent (the corresponding electricity is subtracted from the facility procurements diminishing the indirect emissions) Gas exports to other activities are accounted for at the level of natural gas chosen as reference substitution fuel and accounted for as indirect emissions CEN project – CO2 performance assessment Assessment of CO2 emission performance (performance indicators) A) Assessment of performance at facility level (carbon input performance) Comparison of direct emissions of a site with reference emission levels of main upstream processes (coke, sinter, BF,BOF, DRI, EAF, smelting reduction) “Accounted equivalent direct CO2 input” (carbon input excluding utilities and downstream) compared to a reference value for the facility. Facility performance indicator = Accounted equivalent direct CO2 input Likely CO2 emission with Likely CO2 emission = α ∗ Coke + β ∗ Sinter + γ ∗ Hot metal + δ ∗ Hot rolled and α, β, γ and δ reflecting good practice. CEN project – CO2 performance assessment Assessment of CO2 emission performance (performance indicators) B) Assessment of performance at process level and roll-up of performance along the value chain Determination of CO2 intensity of each process in a level playing field Based on generation and use data for the process Including direct and indirect emissions Exclusion of factors depending of site location (transport) Unique indirect (upstream) data for any material involved including electricity Homogenization of by-product gas at level of natural gas Introduction of specific rules (optional) for specific materials (scrap, slag, DRI) Assessment of performance against ARPs (‘Achievable Reference Performance’) Comparison of calculated CO2 intensity to a reference (ARP) for determination of process performance, determination of CO2 saving potential Intermediate products are accounted at reference level in subsequent production steps Methodology developed at Eurofer Climate Change Committee in 2005, parallel to the one developed for Worldsteel Energy reporting CEN project – CO2 performance roll-up Determination of a net use for the roll-up scope Calculation of the total accounted CO2 on the basis of net use including direct and indirect CO2 except for product deliveries Product deliveries are credited at their reference CO2 value Comparison of accounted and attributed CO2 gives a performance indicator for the roll-up step CO2 saving potentials are accumulated for calculation of total saving potential without credit from performing processes CO2 saving potential = Reference production ∗ (CO2 intensity − Reference CO2 intensity ) CEN project – CO2 performance roll-up Roll-up of performance along the value chain Reference Site Steel Making Steel Steel Making Making Iron Making Iron Making Coke Penalty Bonus Coke Making CEN project – CO2 performance roll-up BOF shop performance CEN project – CO2 performance roll-up CEN project – determination of ARPs ARP: ‘Achievable Reference Performance’ i.e. reference values First quartile (25%) CEN project – determination of ARPs ARP: ‘Achievable Reference Performance’ i.e. reference values • Analysis of a set of data for 60 facilities over a period of six years • Exclusion of data sets with identified important data quality problems (energy and carbon balance, characteristics of solid fuels, material efficiency) • Choice of an Achievable Reference Operation valid for CO2 and Energy at 25% of the distribution • Possibility given to attribute a CO2 value to: Iron making slag based on analysis of effect of ore quality on balance of Iron making plant Scrap based on a comparison of BOF and EAF steel references But consistency required as regards the methodology used in the assessment and in the determination of the ARPs CEN project – conclusions The CEN CO2 steel standard (EN 19694-2) provides a tool to determine CO2 performance: at site level (quick evaluation of the operations performance) at process level (vs baseline) and along the value chain (vs baseline) The standard: allows comparison (e.g. it enables the user to monitor its performance over time against a reference and identify the processes which are under or outperforming the reference) allows identification of the overall performance of CO2 friendly technologies enables the user to assess the CO2 saving potential along the value chain quantifies incremental improvement potential for existing facilities This all rely on a set of rules meant to provide level playing field so as to make the assessment as transparent and equitable as possible.
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