WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE Aug. 21, 2013 CONCEPTS DRAFT REVIEW WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE Programming Workshops: June 3rd&4th Space and Department specific needs Goal Setting Workshop: June 19th-20th Overview of the planning process & goal-setting exercises Road Trip (case study): July 24th-25th Seattle Area Design Charrette/Studio: July 29th – 31st Large group design workshop/Public input/Review program with departments Building Committee CONCEPTS DRAFT REVIEW: August 13 Review of material gathered/generated to date & CONCEPT plan schemes Building Committee CONCEPTS DRAFT REVIEW: August 21 Review CONCEPT plan schemes Presentation & Critique: August 21st Finalize Programming and Concept: August 25th Sustainable Strategies Workshop (LEED): September, time TBD Discuss Sustainable building strategies and impacts Begin Schematic Design Phase BUILDING COMMITTEE CONCEPTS DRAFT REVIEW Agenda • Review Project Priorities/Top Goals & ‘Dots’ votes • Review Road Trip notes/comments • Review Building program – Total building – By department • • • • Design Studio – What we heard Concept Design – Plan Schemes Concept Design – Updated Parking Layout Concepts Comments/Critique GOAL SETTING GOAL SETTING GOAL SETTING GOAL SETTING GOAL SETTING TOP Priorities/Project Goals ARCHITECTURE, MATERIALITY, and ENVIRONMENT Provide a balanced traditional/modern building which will fit in to the character of Whitefish and not look too “cutting edge”. 40% 6|||||| On the exterior, a mixture of other materials (including 53% 8|||||||| glass and timber) should be used appropriately to provide variety, but still provide a low‐maintenance building. 33% 5||||| Use large areas of glass to provide an open, airy, and naturally lit interior space where possible, while still preventing glare to the office environment. 33% 5||||| Provide an iconic building which will “bookend” the city core of Whitefish with the new city hall and parking structure on one side and Central School on the other. Project Goals WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE GOAL SETTING TOP Priorities/Project Goals HISTORY and VISION 67% 10|||||||||| Celebrate the history of Whitefish, incorporating a display of historic data/images in some way, perhaps in the lobby or main corridor. 47% 7||||||| Feature sustainable elements to provide an example of environmental stewardship to the community. 40% 6|||||| Include a mix of traditional and contemporary design elements. 33% 5||||| Celebrate the natural beauty of Whitefish Project Goals WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE GOAL SETTING TOP Priorities/Project Goals SUSTAINABLE ELEMENTS/COST BENEFIT 67% 10|||||||||| Incorporate sustainable elements where appropriate and consider the long‐term cost benefits of items which may come at a ‘first cost’ premium. 53% 8|||||||| Incorporate naturally‐lit interiors into the City Hall for its users. 40% 6|||||| Provide the means to allow fresh air to be available within the building. 33% 5||||| Reduce energy costs by carefully selecting efficient elements/systems. Project Goals WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE GOAL SETTING TOP Priorities/Project Goals STAFF/COMMUNITY USE 47% 7||||||| Provide easy and accessible access to the city hall for the public, but still provide secure and controlled limits to private staff‐ only areas during business hours. 47% 7||||||| Provide and integrate a clear plan layout and flow of departments which, with the addition of well‐defined signage/wayfinding, give visitors an unencumbered understanding of where they need to go. 40% 6|||||| Provide a safe, secure, and accessible “grandma‐friendly” environment in the parking structure for visitors to the city hall and downtown. Project Goals WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE ROAD TRIP Case Study Trip WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE KENMORE CITY HALL 18120 68th Ave NE Kenmore, WA 98028 LEED GOLD Size: 21,000sf City Hall, 16,000sf Parking Structure Completed: 2010 Architect Weinstein A+U, www.weinsteinau.com From wiensteinau.com: Located at the north end of Lake Washington, the City of Kenmore is a highly desirabl e residential community with a population of 21,000 residents. Given its fairly recent incorporation (1998), the city had no real civic presen ce. Responding to a need to vacate t he city's leased office space . t he citizens voted to des ign and construct a new City Hall complex worthy of their aspirations for the futu re. Weinstein A+U was taske d with creating a master plan for the future: new city hall, future pol ice precinct, skate park, festival area, and a public plaza. Phase one was the creation of City Hal l. Its location : an area defi ned by one-story commercial buildings and surface parking lots. By makin g the decision to site the facil ity at th e brow of a slight hi ll, today the building has a commanding presence over the downtown business district. To the south, views of Lake Washington. The new facility is comprised of two elements: a cost effective and effi cient two-story administrative office bu ilding and a one-story pavil ion. The pavilion contains the entry lobbies , transaction counter, council chambers, co uncil meeting room. and a community meeting room . An operable partition allows the council chambers and the community meeting room to be combined into one larger space. The cei li ng of th e community spaces extends over the adjacent terrace as a broad roof element, blurring the li ne between interior and exterior civic space . The facility includes a temporary Emergency Operations Center. it is also built to Essential Facility standards. Case Study Trip-KENMORE CITY HALL WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE Case Study Trip-KENMORE CITY HALL WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE Case Study Trip-KENMORE CITY HALL WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE KENMORE CITY HALL The Kenmore City Hall was a really good example of a well sited and very functional City Hall. For the most part, the materials and finishes were appropriate and creative without being over done. Finishes in the public spaces were more refined than the staff offices areas but overall the worry of exceeding the budget led to a fairly austere but well detailed finish. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Entries from north and south come into the same lobby space Council chambers is very accessible from the lobby and used as a community room Very flexible chambers space with attached exec conference room Movable wall in chamber space to provide a smaller meeting room Opens on to patio space Chamber space used by community (including wedding reception) One stop shop at the front reception counter. Very large and wide counter space. Reception separated by glass wall from staff areas. Staff generally meet with public at the counter or in lobby meeting room. The lobby could be somewhat noisy with a lot of people. The receptionist mentioned that it is hard to hear when too many people. Staff areas are a mix of open and closed offices Offices are ‘right’ sized. Generous offices. City Manager office is approx 300 sf but used to be a lobby conference room. Manager moved to that space to be closer to the public. Has door from public (lobby) and door into staff area Raised access floor throughout the office areas. Access panels left exposed in circulation areas as the finished floor. Design considerations for small functional spaces like a hidden coat rack/equipment area for field staff Underground parking area Well designed site with storm drainage collection/retention system The building was design the easily expand office areas to the north. Case Study Trip-KENMORE CITY HALL WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE MUKILTEO CITY HALL 11 930 Cyrus Way, Mukilteo, WA 98275 LEED COLD Size: 19,000sf Compl eted: 2008 Architect: Arc Architects, www.arcarchitects.com From arcarchitects.com: The City Hall is a welcom e and integral addition to Mukilteo's city fabric. The entry f eatures a soaring two-story gal lery that takes its place between t he Hal l' s counci l chambers and administrative areas. Highly visi ble from the street, the gallery reads as a beacon of light inviting community involvement in local governance. Innovative sustainable desig n elem ents include geothermal piping for heat control, pervious paving , bio-retention swales and rain gardens, and a vegetated roof over coun cil chambers. Case Study Trip-MUKILTEO CITY HALL WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE Contact: NANCY PASSOVOY EXECUTI VE ASSIST ANT CITY OF MUK ILTEO n. passovoy@ci . m uki lteo.wa. us 425.263 .8018 Case Study Trip-MUKILTEO CITY HALL WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE Case Study Trip-MUKILTEO CITY HALL WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE Case Study Trip-MUKILTEO CITY HALL WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE MUKILTEO CITY HALL The Mukilteo City Hall was built on a site selected as a compromise between downtown and the edge of town. It was somewhat difficult to find as it was not on a main street or entry corridor. The first impression from the grass parking areas and pervious concrete drive isles was that the project would be purposely designed with sustainability in mind. Although, after touring, the building and site were not nearly as refined in detail and functional as the previous city hall. • • • • • • • • • • • • • The entry hall was relatively cramped and narrowed towards the end of the hall/lobby Chambers located adjacent to the entry hall and openable to the outside Pay attention to who attends council meetings and think about seating Many of the details didn't work we'll • Make sure movable podium actually moves • Not a flexible space • Two large sliding doors open to lobby with exit door between • Council monitors not built into the diascis • Council members need to front lit so they are visible during presentations • Locate control room for access TV adjacent to the chambers • Study building orientation including evening meetings. Glare from us in evening • Green roof is not accessible or seen from the inside of the building • Pervious concrete was not done correctly and repairs are difficult Used by community. Key card access Staff areas are mostly open office with some key private offices Reception desk is one stop shop for all departments. Staff areas are secure from the public. Short on conference room space Reception area on second floor is not used. Somewhat wasted space Work/copy rooms are tight Staff break room is functional but out of the way Good mud room and shower area for field staff Case Study Trip-KENMORE CITY HALL WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE BAINBRIDGE ISLAND CITY HALL - tm Al'iimw~-s:x1r1:n1,. t1. r.1.1. 1 280 Madison Ave N, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 2000 A/A/COTE National Top Ten Green Project Size : 24,000s f Completed: 2000 Depts: Executive/ Legislative, Finance and Administration, Planning & Community Development, and Pu blic Works. Architect: Miller I Hull Partnersh ip, www.millerhu ll.com From millerhu/l.com: Miller Hull designed th is 24 ,000 s.f. Ci ty Hall for th e newly formed City of Bainbridge Island. The building consolidates the Executive/ Legislative, Finance and Administration, Plann ing & Comm un ity Development, and Pu bli c Works Departments. By p lacing the building on th e street we provided an opportunity t o creat e a civic green between the new City Hall and the existing Bainbridge Performing Arts Faci lity. In addition, several urban des ign challenges wi ll be m et, inclu ding the creation of a strong link from downtown businesses to th e new Civi c Center. Design issues included the desire to fi t the 24,000 s.f. build ing into a mostly residen tial scaled st reet, and t o respond to the local vernacular architectural character. In additi on, there were strong public sent im ent s that the bui lding not be an expensive monument, yet stil l have a stron g civic presence. Miller Hul l was selected for th e ability to provide a creative, low cost design soluti on, and, through active publi c participation, a civic building that t ruly represe nts it's citizens. Awards 2000 A IA/ COTE National Top Ten Green Project 2000 A IA Seattle Chapter Honor Award 2000 AIA Washington State Civic Design Honor Award Case Study Trip WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE Case Study Trip-Bainbridge CITY HALL WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE Case Study Trip-Bainbridge CITY HALL WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE Case Study Trip-Bainbridge CITY HALL WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE BAINBRIDGE CITY HALL Bainbridge City Hall is impressive in its arrival, siting, and entry, although the two entry places from the street and the parking area make it difficult to control the public flow. The attention to detailing, daylight in the public areas and the signage make the architecture of the building fun, energetic and inviting. The architecture ‘fits’ the context of Bainbridge very well. The material use and windows/skylights bring the outside in and the exterior patio spaces bring the inside out. For the most part the building is very functional, but with a few quirks or shortages compromise a complete success. • Very impressive and functional public interaction with departments. Good and deliberate signage for each department reception. • Large (long and wide) counters at the reception areas for permitting and laying out drawings and maps • Council chambers is adjacent to the entry and used as a community space. • Chamber area can be gated off from the rest of the building • Side meeting room is openable to the chamber room. Staff generally sit in this area during council meetings. • Lighting could be better in the chamber and the side meeting room • TVs in the department head office allow broadcast of the council meetings • Think about how the building is used when staff is not in the building • HVAC maintenance issues. Heat pumps aren't very accessible • Height of ceiling makes maintenance difficult • Public toilet accessible from the outside is located adjacent to the farmers market area • Daylight is very positive in the public areas buts is not as good in the staff areas • Number of Private offices is good but the offices are small • Farmers market, exercise, sitting, lunch in courtyard • Public self help area is not a success. Not used • Lack of conference rooms • File storage!!! Not enough • Need to sink council monitors in the dais • Theater lighting is not used. Case Study Trip WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE POULSBO CITY HALL 200 NE Moe Street Pou lsbo, WA 98370 Size: 2 4,000sf Completed: 2010 Depts: City Clerk , Finance, Mun . Court, Planning/ Bui lding, and Publ ic Works. Architect: Lew is Architects, www.lewisarchitects.com Contacts: REBECCA "BECKY" ERICKSON, MAYOR 360-394-9700 [email protected] and GARY NYSTU L, Councilman Case Study Trip WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE Case Study Trip WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE POULSBO CITY HALL The Poulsbo City Hall is located adjacent to the downtown area after a lengthy and bitter fight. The Mayor finally pushed forward with the city hall at its current location after the initial design was nearly complete for a different site. The design process completely started over after the dust was settled on the site location. • Political considerations. Site location. Passed ballet to move downtown • 72 under building parking spaces • 70 organizations that use the facility. Pay for use • Traditional bid project after failed GC/CM process (distrusted the cost information) • Live on TV local access. AV closet adjacent to council • Best feature. Council chambers/community room • Open spaces • Technology in the building • Worst part • Debt • Curve dais. • Make as flexible as possible • 16x17 and 18x24 work copy space • 20x17 Mayer space Case Study Trip WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE PROGRAM: Net Department Areas WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE PROGRAM: Net Department Areas WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE PROGRAM: Net Department Areas WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE PROGRAM: Net Department Areas WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE PROGRAM: Net Department Areas WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE PROGRAM: Net Department Areas WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE Y 0 U R I N PUT I S N EEDEDI • 10-20 minutes of your time will ass1.st in defining . the future design of the new city hall. TUESDAY, JULY 29 - PUBLIC DESIGN CHARRETTE 7:00pm - 9:00pm (immediately following the Farmers' MarketI IF YOU CAN'T MAKE THAT. drop-In anytime on Wed July 30 ·Thurs July 31, 9:00am-5:00pm f!l!lj{j~ City Council Chambers, City Hall 402 East 2nd Street (2nd and Baker) Please join Mosaic Architecture in a community design charrette for the new Whitefish City Hall and Downtown Parking Structure. mDSi!iC architecture I planning I design DESIGN CHARRETTE: Public Input WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE ' I .J. n1 E.lstST. . LU > <( ~I ~ <( cc SITE: Views, Sun, and Site Layout WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE I~ tl I I 200’-215’ 85’-100’ SITE: Views, Sun, and Site Layout WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE Parking Structure Siting: -Kimley-Horn and Assoc. City Hall Siting: Primary Façade facing South to E. 2nd St. • • • • • • • • • DESIGN CHARRETTE: Public Input WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE Retail Space at 1st Ave. Alley w/ dedicated drive aisle Main Entry to City Hall at corner of 2nd and Baker Provide access from parking structure to City Hall Private Staff entry from PG to CH 15min. Street Parking (Baker) Temporary (short term) parking in PG Green space at Baker side of City Hall Street trees • • • • • • • • • DESIGN CHARRETTE: Public Input WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE Visible/active pedestrian corner at Baker/1st Ave. Entry to City Hall at corner of Baker and 2nd Ave. Display elements at canopies Level 01: P&R, Clerks, Utilities Parking ingress on 1st Parking egress (rt turn) on Baker Provide access to view to NW (Big Mountain) Provide info. center “one‐stop shop” at lobby Street trees at Baker PLAN SCHEME 1 • • • • SCHEME 1 City Hall: Plan Organization WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE South and Central Lobby Council Chamber on 2nd Level Departments have clear divisions from each other Floor Heights: Level 1: 100.0’ Level 2: 116.0’ Level 3: 130.0’ Basement: 88.0’ SCHEME 1 – Basic Organization City Hall: Plan Organization WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE Main Entry: South-facing, close to corner of Baker Ave. and E. 2nd St. Secondary Entrances/Exits: Baker Ave. and Alley – access to downtown Access to Parking Structure: Shared elevator and stair SCHEME 1 – Main Floor – Central Lobby WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE Lobby: Grand and open space with “Irresistible” Open Stair, connects with E. 2nd St. Entrance and parking structure -Information and wayfinding Irresistible Stair: Access to all levels-attractive and open, views south from upper levels Horizontal circulation: Access from/to streets, alley, and parking structure Support Areas: Restrooms, IT, Mech. & Elec., and Storage-stacks with upper floors SCHEME 1 – Main Floor – Central Lobby WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE PARKING GARAGE Staff Access from PG W M BPZ Utility PW Alley Baker Avenue Utility Spaces Small Mtg. Large Mtg. Bldg. up Entry Info Entry Lobby Landscape at corner SCHEME 1 – Main Floor (south lobby) PR Bike Racks PR Alternate Door for PR Open to above East 2nd Street City Hall: Plan Organization WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE 9400 sf PARKING GARAGE AD Large Mtg. Small Mtg. M open to below mech COUNCIL Council Conf. Alley W data Verify need for stair Chamber Lobby Baker Avenue Staff Access from PG Council work stations Covered walk SCHEME 1 – 2nd Floor East 2nd Street City Hall: Plan Organization WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE 8000 sf PARKING GARAGE Large Mtg. W M mech COUNCIL CHAMBERS Alley LS Kit./Vend data Community Rm. /Break Area Verify need for stair Chamber overlook deck green roof Baker Avenue Access from PG deck green roof SCHEME 1 – 3rd Floor East 2nd Street City Hall: Plan Organization WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE 4166 sf PARKING GARAGE Equip. Storage Locker Rooms Expansion space Daylight basement SCHEME 1 - Basement Data PR East 2nd Street City Hall: Plan Organization WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE Elec AD Mech PW Storage BPZ Alley Baker Avenue Access from PG LS 7451 sf PLAN SCHEME 2 • • • • SCHEME 2 City Hall: Plan Organization WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE Western Lobby Council Chamber on 2nd Level Departments largely integrated with one another Floor Heights: Level 1: 100.0’ Level 2: 116.0’ Level 3: 130.0’ Basement: 88.0’ SCHEME 2 – Basic Organization City Hall: Plan Organization WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE SCHEME 2 – Basic Organization City Hall: Plan Organization WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE PARKING GARAGE Public access from PG & Baker Staff Access from PG Mech/Elec work Entry stor BPZ Large Mtg. PW Reduced Landscape at corner SCHEME 2 – Main Floor IT East 2nd Street City Hall: Plan Organization WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE Alley PR M Info Entry Lobby Whitefish Rising sculpture work W Utility up Small Mtg. Data PR Bldg. Baker Avenue Main open stair from first to second floors Semi‐closed shared office for planners/ inspectors Semi‐closed shared office for engineers/ PM/constr. 9575 sf PARKING GARAGE Staff Access from PG Staff/Council restroom Mech/ Elec W M stor open to below COUNCIL stor Chamber Lobby Large Mtg. Alley Small Mtg. data Baker Avenue Main stair from first to second floors LS AD Council Conf. Council work stations Covered walk SCHEME 2 – 2nd Floor East 2nd Street City Hall: Plan Organization WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE 8585 sf PARKING GARAGE Access from PG open to below M Alley deck COUNCIL CHAMBERS Large Mtg. deck SCHEME 2 – 3rd Floor W Kit./Vend Community Rm. /Break Area green roof Baker Avenue Mech/ Elec green roof East 2nd Street City Hall: Plan Organization WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE 5580 sf PARKING GARAGE Equip. Storage Locker Rooms Expansion space SCHEME 2 – Basement Floor Data PR East 2nd Street City Hall: Plan Organization WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE Elec AD Mech PW Storage BPZ Alley Baker Avenue Access from PG LS 8255 sf SCHEME 2 – Test Layout B – Main Floor City Hall: Plan Organization WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE PLAN SCHEME 3 • • • • SCHEME 3 City Hall: Plan Organization WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE Central Lobby (on 3 levels) Council Chamber on Main Level Departments have clear divisions from each other Floor Heights: Level 1: 100.0’ Level 2: 117.0’ Level 3: 131.0’ Basement: 88.0’ SCHEME 3 – Basic Organization City Hall: Plan Organization WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE SCHEME 3 – Basic Organization City Hall: Plan Organization WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE 9400 sf SCHEME 3 – Basic Organization City Hall: Plan Organization WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE 9400 sf SCHEME 3 – Basic Organization City Hall: Plan Organization WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE SCHEME 3 – Basic Organization City Hall: Plan Organization WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE 6000 sf Parking Structure Updated Concepts Parking Structure Concepts Parking Structure: Layout WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE 85’ 215’ Move stair Potential mech/elec for both buildings Pass through at third level 232 spaces with reductions Parking Structure Updated Concept 1 – 215’ Parking Structure: Layout WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE CONCEPTS DRAFT REVIEW Comments? City Hall/Parking Structure: Program and Concepts WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE DESIGN CONTEXT & CONSIDERATIONS City Hall: Plan Organization WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE E. 2nd Street City Hall South Elevation, Along 2nd Street WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE -~ WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE Rooftop View Looking NW WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE Baker Avenue Central Avenue FAÇADE DIVISION: West Elevation Along Baker Ave. WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE E. 1st Street FAÇADE DIVISION: North Elevation at Parking Structure WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE Ed Gilliland Photos – GlacierParkPhotography.com WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE / / / ·/ Birdseye from NW WHITEFISH CITY HALL AND PARKING STRUCTURE
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