April 2014 Minutes - Pewsey Tennis Club

Pewsey Tennis Club
Minutes of Committee Meeting held in the Pavilion
on Wednesday 30th April 2014 at 19.45
Colin Gratton
Pauline Archer
Martin Wright
Peter Deck
Beverley Birkett
Jane Watkins
Clare Bamforth,
Paul Coxon
Judith Deck
Cathy Temple-Brown
Jon Gregory
Apologies for absence: Matthew Popham, Dave Major
Colin congratulated Bev on becoming an LTA level 2 qualified coach
Minutes of meeting held on 19th March Jan 2014: Agreed and signed
BB reported that ‘Miscellaneous’ included items such as her coaching course and BB and CB’s First
Aid course. A large amount of subs has been banked since report was generated. 15K in the current
account will be put on a 1 year term deposit. There are 2 deposit accounts maturing in June, one
will pay for the court resurfacing work and one will be put back on deposit
BB is organising for our account to be on-line, but in the meantime will ask bank if they can BACS
the Wimbledon tickets money through to LTA
PA reported that the budget shows that we will almost breakeven. The budget figure for Coaching
for 2014 (£5,750) has been set lower than the Actual 2013 figure to reflect a slight increase in the
costs of running the programme and the anticipation of no growth in the number of children
Martin’s contract was agreed by the committee and will run for 3 years. CG has prepared a personal
development plan for Martin and Jon
CG has reviewed last year’s coaches’ targets. Some of the targets were extremely challenging, 2
out of 5 targets were achieved and therefore each coach will be paid a bonus of £200. Next year’s
targets were agreed as:
Increase the number of juniors entering the Wiltshire Junior Closed (August 2014) to 8
Increase RCJs to 80 for 6+ matches and 30 for 20+ matches
Increase coaching numbers to 275
Increase coaching income (excluding cardio) to £6325
Increase club membership to 340
CTB has circulated membership numbers which show that current membership is 190. Only 1 team
member has not paid (and has played in a match).
Members’ BTM must be affiliated with Pewsey LTC in order to be eligible for tickets from our
Wimbledon draw (an LTA requirement). It should be made clear to members that it is their
responsibility to affiliate their BTM with the right club. CTB has changed our membership form to
say that the BTM number has to be associated with Pewsey LTC. We have 284 BTM members
Club Events
Quiz night - DM sent along a report on the Quiz night – 45 people across 9 teams. A good time was
had by all and the Quiz made £151. DM will try and fit in a quiz in January in the Bowls club. CG
thanked DM for organising a fun evening
British Tennis Weekend 17th/18th May– LOTS of work has gone into this. The website is up and
running and people can sign up for whatever they want to do. The LTA has also created an app so
that we can record details of those who turn up on the day. A few have signed up already.
MW has personalised some LTA material and will print it off. PD has said that we will be able to put
up a banner a week beforehand and M will purchase one
MW will send info/schedule to CTB for CTB to send out to all members encouraging them to pass
on the info to non-members
The LTA has stressed that we should offer a good incentive for people to join on the day. This was
agreed as a 20% discount on full membership, and half price coaching. The 20% discount will not
be available to old members who haven’t rejoined yet
A rota for the weekend was agreed as follows:
- CG will be around most of the weekend
- Sat morning, 10-12, CTB and PA
- Sat afternoon, JW and CB
- Sun morning JD and PD
Refreshments to be bought on the day if needed
Roll-ups - CTB will email out details of the next roll-up tournament, May 14th, to all members
Pewsey Mixed Open – Sunday May 25th
JD will coordinate nibbles (PC offered some food)
PD will help DM with bar, the bar needs to be stocked
CG will contact last year’s winners for return of cup
Kathyrn Brooks, our LTA assistant, will advertise the event
Coaching Report and Juniors
The number of BTM RCJs is up from last term by nearly 100%
Pewsey Junior Open Tournament - JG reported that the tournament had gone very well - events
were run for all age groups fro, 8U to 16U, with a larger number of girls than usual. The weather
was good, the standard was high and the feedback was excellent.
JG thanked all those who helped and those who advertised on the tournament board and Jack
Darvell who donated a raffle prize.
JG asked committee members to each think of somebody who may want to advertise on our board
at next year’s event.
CG thanked JG and MW for running the tournament and BB for manning the shop.
Pewsey Vale School Satellite Club – no start date for this yet as there are no courts and it has to be
run at the school site. Agreement will not be signed until there is a start date
Easter activity week – 42 children attended – a record number, which required several helpers. All
helpers must have a CRB check before they are used. MW/JG to decide who they might want to
use as helpers at the beginning of each year so that CRBs can be organised. The week made
Cardio is now on Friday mornings as well as Mondays, £5 for members/non-members. Friday night
group coaching £5 for members/non-members. Discussion on whether members should receive a
discount (or non-members pay a court fee) for coaching. To be discussed at next meeting.
MW has 4 Wimbledon ground pass tickets for juniors
Forthcoming tournament dates:- Mini red tournament 10th May
- Year 7 tournament 13th June
- Primary Schools Tournament 26th June
Facilities Management
A quote for £18k has been accepted for resurfacing courts 4&5. Work will start Aug 18 th.
CG is exploring LED lighting, having been in touch with Faringdon LTC who are installing some
Various works have been carried out - PAT Testing completed; ceiling painted (more painting to be
done, including woodwork); one gutter fixed (another still to do); all xpelairs replaced
Other Business
 Tennis Clubmark – outstanding matters now all completed
 Welfare report – nothing to report
 Court Etiquette – as we display a Court Behaviour poster it was felt unnecessary to take any further
action. CG has acknowledged Malcolm’s email
 Website tour – JG has met with company who can provide a ‘streetview-like’ image tour of our
facilities. £140 for 5 views and as many still photos as we want. Our facilities will then be viewable
from google and we can include the images on our website. The area will need to be
smartened/’dressed’ before being filmed and we hope to have this done in 6-8 weeks.
 Weekly Events timetable – CTB will put a timetable together and circulate to us all for comment
 PC has bought new winder to replace broken one plus 2 spare winders. PC will reset the nets.
 New kettle needed – PC will purchase before 17th May
 Concern was raised about some ladies who had recently joined the club being left out of teams. The
notice to all ladies re teams goes out at the beginning of season, so new members don’t receive this
email, but captains’ details are on our website if members want to contact them
 JW will take on role of website reviewer to ensure that Holly is kept up-to-date with new information
and advised when out-of-date info needs to come off
Numbers for ladies’ teams are down and only 2 turned up for last match practice. All suitable ladies
need to be encouraged to play for a team and perhaps MW/JG could run a coaching session to get
things going
Dates for your diaries, all Wednesdays at 7.45pm, 11 June, 16 July, 29 October, Sept 3rd and 10th
December 2014