JFCA 990814 BRR RS JAYASHREE JOURNAL OF FOOD COMPOSITION AND ANALYSIS 00, 000—000 (1999) Article No. jfca.1999.0814 Available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on Determination of Arsenic and Selenium in Food using a Microwave Digestion–Dry Ash Preparation and Flow Injection Hydride Generation Atomic Absorption Spectrometry William R. Mindak and Scott P. Dolan Elemental Research Branch (HFS-338), Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 200 C Street, SW, Washington, DC 20204, U.S.A. A flow injection hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry method was developed for determination of total arsenic and selenium content in food. The availability of arsenic and selenium for hydride generation was ensured by using a combination microwave digestion—dry ash preparation that destroyed the organic matrix including refractory organometallic compounds present in some foods. Hydroxylamine was used to enhance arsenic sensitivity by approximately 15%. The ratio of peak area to peak height was used to identify irregular peak profiles and potential interference. Method validation was performed with 21 foods and nine reference materials. Arsenic fortification recovery ranged from 96 to 105% in foods. Selenium fortification recovery ranged from 88 to 107% in foods. Inorganic species were used for fortification. Nine food-related reference materials were analyzed with satisfactory results. Estimated quantitation limits for a 1 g test portion were 0)01 mg/kg for arsenic and 0)02 mg/kg for selenium. Extensive quality control (QC) measures were included to support method performance. 1999 Academic Press Key ¼ords: arsenic; selenium; hydride; atomic absorption; food. INTRODUCTION Selenium is present in a wide variety of foods usually as seleno-amino acids (e.g., selenomethionine) or various selenoproteins (Combs and Combs, 1986). Dietary arsenic is derived mainly from products of marine origin such as seaweed, fish, mollusks and crustaceans (Anke et al., 1997). A wide variety of organoarsenic compounds occur in food sources including arsenobetaine, arsenocholine, arsenosugars and various methylated species (Le et al., 1994). Although arsenobetaine and arsenocholine are usually associated with marine species, they have recently been identified in mushrooms (Kuehnelt et al., 1997). Debate over method selection for arsenic analysis can be traced in the literature for over 150 years. Fresenius pointed out problems with then-current methods such as false positives from antimony and insensitivity to some arsenic species (Fresenius, 1845). Hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (HG-AAS) is an established technique for food analysis because of its great sensitivity, the availability of instrumentation and relative freedom from interference (Fiorino et al., 1976; To whom correspondence and reprint requests should be addressed Fax: (202) 205-4422. E-mail: [email protected]. 0889—1575/99/000000#00 $30.00/0 1999 Academic Press JFCA 990814 BRR RS JAYASHREE 2 MINDAK AND DOLAN Tinggi et al., 1992; Fedorov et al., 1997). Flow injection (FI) coupled to HG-AAS has several advantages over batch systems such as lower reagent consumption, higher tolerance to interfering elements, and automation (Welz and Stauss, 1993; Fernandez et al., 1993). Nitric acid digestion is used extensively as a means of mineralization for trace element analysis. Unfortunately, some refractory organometallic compounds resist HNO oxidation and do not react with borohydride-reducing agent causing a low biased result. Lan et al. (1994) reported that sulphuric acid in addition to HNO was necessary for total recovery of selenium from various fish tissues, even with microwave-assisted heating under pressure. As early as 1937, Cassil (1937) found low arsenic recovery when employing nitric acid alone or in combination with sulphuric acid to prepare products such as shrimp, tobacco and cod liver oil for hydride generation. Complete recovery was possible if a perchloric acid oxidation step was included. Welz and Melcher (1985) determined that including perchloric acid in addition to nitric acid in a PTFE bomb was necessary for recovery of arsenic and selenium in marine food. Incomplete destruction of organic matter can also cause foaming in the reaction cell or gas—liquid separator of an FI system (Lloyd et al., 1982). Foaming can cause irregular absorbance peaks, erratic results, contamination and sensitivity loss. Complete destruction of organic matter is imperative when working with the small dimensions employed with FI systems (Welz et al., 1993a). Environmental regulations and safety concerns restrict the use of perchloric acid in some laboratories. Dry ashing is an alternative to perchloric acid for oxidation of refractory organic compounds (Yban ez et al., 1992). Dry ashing is simple and most food laboratories have the required equipment. Arsenic and selenium, however, are subject to loss by volatilization if test portions are allowed to char or ignite during ashing. Magnesium nitrate and magnesium oxide are commonly employed as ashing aids to prevent volatilization (May, 1982; Cervera et al., 1994). To prevent loss during dry ashing. Brumbaugh and Walther (1989) oxidized potentially volatile analyte species with a nitric acid predigestion. Foster and Sumar (1996) eliminated foaming that occurred during open-vessel wet oxidation by utilizing a nitric acid microwave digestion before dry ashing. The aim of this research was to develop a robust method for the determination of total arsenic and total selenium in a variety of foods. An initial preparation was to be performed using microwave-assisted nitric acid decomposition. Perchloric acid had to be avoided because of environmental restrictions. The resulting solution was to be shared with other analytical techniques. Method Summary The method described here was based on generation of volatile analyte hydride and subsequent measurement by atomic absorption spectrometry. Initial mineralization was performed with a nitric acid microwave digestion. An aliquot of microwave digest was subjected to dry ashing — utilizing magnesium nitrate and magnesium oxide as ashing aids. The resulting ash was dissolved in 6 M hydrochloric acid and diluted to volume. An aliquot of dissolved ash was diluted and analyzed for selenium. Another aliquot of dissolved ash was treated with hydroxylamine hydrochloride and potassium iodide/ascorbic acid solutions and was subsequently analyzed for arsenic. Analytes were determined by using an automated FI system to inject standards and test solutions into a 10% HCl matrix stream. Sodium borohydride solution (0)2%) was injected to reduce analytes to their volatile hydrides. JFCA 990814 BRR RS JAYASHREE 3 DETERMINATION OF ARSENIC AND SELENIUM MATERIALS AND METHOD Reagents (ACS reagent grade unless otherwise specified) E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Hydrochloric acid, HCl, concentrated (sp. gr. 1)18), trace metals grade. Nitric acid, HNO , concentrated (sp. gr. 1)41), high purity double-distilled grade. Nitric acid, HNO , concentrated (sp. gr. 1)41). Reagent water. All references to water in this method refer to ASTM type I water. Arsenic solution, 1000 lg As/ml (commercially available solution). Selenium solution, 1000 lg Se>/ml, prepared from SeO (99)999%). Hydroxylamine hydrochloride, NH OH ) HCl. 50% (m/v) hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution. Potassium iodide, KI. Ascorbic acid, powder. KI/ascorbic acid reducing solution,—25% KI/20% ascorbic acid solution (m/v). Sodium hydroxide, NaOH, pellets. Sodium borohydride, NaBH , pellets, 98% purity. Sodium borohydride solution, 0)2% NaBH /0)05% NaOH (m/v). Magnesium nitrate, Mg(NO ) : 6H O. Magnesium oxide, MgO, powder. Ashing aid, 2% MgO suspension in 20% Mg(NO ) ) 6H O solution (m/v). Sampling Analytical samples were reserve portions from the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Total Diet Study, market basket 94-4 (Pennington et al., 1996). Each analytical sample was a composite of field samples prepared for consumption. Foods were processed to obtain a representative aliquot by grinding, blending, etc., and stored in pre-cleaned plastic containers (FDA, 1993). Sample Preparation CEM Corp Heavy Duty Vessels (HDV) were used in a CEM Corp model MDS 2000 microwave digestion system. Prior to each use, digestion vessels were acid-cleaned with 10 ml of reagent-grade HNO under microwave conditions listed in Table 1. Analytical portion masses are listed in Table 2. Analytical portions were removed with an air displacement pipetter or Teflon spatula into a tared, clean vessel liner. Nine milliliters high purity HNO was added and a digestion was performed according to TABLE 1 Microwave digestion programs Cleaning program Stage Power (% of 630 W) Max. pressure (psi) Max. temperature (°C) Time at max. (min) Run time (min) 1 100 600 200 6 : 00 10 : 00 2 0 20 20 5 : 00 30 : 00 Digestion 1 55 85 130 3 : 00 — 2 65 200 150 3 : 00 10 : 00 program 3 100 450 180 3 : 00 10 : 00 4 100 600 200 3 : 00 10 : 00 5 0 20 20 5 : 00 10: 00 JFCA 990814 BRR RS JAYASHREE 4 MINDAK AND DOLAN TABLE 2 Typical analytical portions Food Beef, strained junior Beer Bread, white Broccoli Cheddar cheese Corn Egg, soft boiled Evaporated milk Fruit flavored cereal Haddock, cooked Lemonade, reconstituted Mayonnaise Peanut butter Pear Pancakes Analytical 2)2 6)7 1)2 9)5 0)88 2)7 1)7 2)3 0)84 1)7 7)7 0)41 0)59 5)0 1)4 Food portion Bacon, cooked Prune juice, bottled Radish Spaghetti w/ meat balls Sweet potato, baked Tuna, canned in oil NIST SRM 1548 NIST RM 8415 NIST SRM 1577a NRCC DORM-1 NRCC TORT-1 NIST SRM 1568a NIST SRM 1566 NIES 6 NRCC DOLT-1 Analytical Material 0)58 4)4 16 2)8 2)2 0)96 0)70 0)66 0)63 0)81 0)66 0)91 0)75 0)76 0)70 Mean (n"3) NIST"National Institute of Standards and Technology (U.S.A). NRCC"National Research Council Canada. NIES"National Institute for Environmental Studies (Japan). the microwave program listed in Table 1. Digests were diluted to 50 ml. Twenty milliliters of digest were pipetted into a 20 ml glass beaker containing 2 ml ashing aid and carefully heated on a hotplate until dry. Beakers were then placed in a muffle furnace and ashed according to the following program: ramp to 150°C for 1 h, hold at 150°C for 1 h, ramp to 450°C for 3 h, and hold at 450°C for 8 h. The ashed analytical portions were dissolved by adding 4)5 ml of 6 M HCl, covering the beakers with a Teflon watch glass, and heating to 90°C. Temperature was maintained at 90°C for 20 min to ensure reduction of Se> to Se>. The ash solution was allowed to cool to room temperature and then diluted to 10 ml. Arsenic test solutions were prepared by pipetting 5 ml dissolved ash, 2 ml 50% hydroxylamine hydrochloride, and 0)4 ml KI/ascorbic acid solution into a 10 ml volumetric flask and diluting to 10 ml. Arsenic analysis proceeded after waiting at least 1 h to ensure complete reduction of As> to As>. The remaining 5 ml dissolved ash solution was diluted to 10 ml and analyzed for selenium. Determination Analyses were performed with a Perkin—Elmer model 5100PC AA spectrometer. FIAS 400 flow injection system, AS90 autosampler and Electrodeless Discharge Lamp (EDL) System II lamp power supply. Instrumental parameters were: As Type 2 EDL operated at a current of 300 mA; Se Type 2 EDL operated at a current of 210 mA; As wavelength 193)7 nm; Se wavelength 196)0 nm; As slit width 0)7 nm; Se slit width 2)0 nm; peak area mode with 15-s integration; 2 replicate injections; 900°C cell temperature; pump one operated on 100 rpm; pump two operated on 120 rpm; 500 ll injection loop; 110-mm reaction coil; 1000-mm stripper coil; 80 ml/min argon flow; 8 s wash; 5 s prefill; 9 s fill; 15-s read; and 0)5 mm autosampler probe diameter. Inside surfaces of the gas/liquid separator was polished with optical rouge to improve droplet shedding. Outside surfaces of the gas/liquid separator were polished to JFCA 990814 BRR RS JAYASHREE DETERMINATION OF ARSENIC AND SELENIUM 5 improve viewing of phase separation. Sodium borohydride solution was prepared daily and filtered through fine porosity (2)5-lm retention) filter paper. Instrument sensitivity was determined by analyzing a 5 ng/ml standard and calculating characteristic mass (m ). The m control limit was 100$20% of the mean value calculated over three months. Instrument stability was determined by analyzing five replicates of a 1-ng/ml standard and calculating the standard deviation. To ensure stable instrument operation, the control limit for the absorbance signals was (5% of relative standard deviation (RSD). After demonstrating proper sensitivity and stability, standardization was performed by using two replicate injections each of standardization blank and five standards (0)5, 1, 2, 5 and 10 ng/ml). Arsenic standards and blank contained 10% (v/v) HCl, 10% (m/v) hydroxylamine hydrochloride, 1% KI (m/v) and 0)8% (m/v) ascorbic acid. Selenium standards and blank contained 10% (v/v) HCl. The nonlinear curve-fit algorithm supplied by the instrument manufacturer was used to convert integrated absorbance (peak area) to concentration units. The standardization curve was verified by analyzing a standardization blank and a 5 lg/ml standard prepared from a source independent of standards. Control limits for standardization blank and standard was $3 times LOD and 100$10% of expected value, respectively. Instrument stability was verified by analyzing a standardization blank and a 5 ng/ml standard after every 10 test solutions and at the end of an analytical run. Test solutions with absorbance above the highest standard were diluted with standardization blank solution. The ratio of peak area absorbance to peak height absorbance (A/H) was used as a quantitative means to identify peak profiles significantly different from standards. Test solutions were diluted by a factor of two or more with standardization blank if their A/H ratio differed by more than 20% from the mean standard A/H ratio or if visual inspection indicated an irregular peak. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION General The microwave digestion was adapted from a procedure used to prepare test portions for analysis by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) (Dolan, 1998). Sharing digests with ICP-AES reduces sample preparation time for a multi-technique analysis scheme. Direct analysis of microwave digests was unsuccessful because some refractory compounds did not oxidize completely even under the harsh conditions of microwave digestion (200°C, 600 psi). Arsenic recoveries were less than 20% for National Institute of Standards and Technology standard reference material (NIST SRM) 1566 (Oyster Tissue). National Research Council Canada (NRCC) DORM-1 (dogfish muscle) and NRCC DORM-1 (lobster hepatopancreas) and only 42% for NIST 1568 (rice flour). Selenium analysis was not attempted on the microwave digests because of the poor arsenic recovery. The high concentration of HNO in the microwave digests also presented several problems with analysis such as poor sensitivity and oxidation of iodide to iodine. Several researchers have reported interference with HG-AAS analysis when high concentrations of nitrates, nitrites or nitric acid were present (Pettersson et al., 1986; Voth-Beach and Shrader, 1986; Tinggi et al., 1992). While investigating reagents for destroying unreacted HNO in the microwave digest, hydroxylamine was found to enhance arsenic sensitive by approximately 15%. As hydroxylamine increased from 0 to 10% in standards m decreased from 48 to JFCA 990814 BRR RS JAYASHREE 6 MINDAK AND DOLAN 40 pg. Sample digestion test solutions behaved similarly. No contribution of arsenic was observed in the blank at the level prescribed. A portion of the microwave digest was dry ashed to eliminate the HNO and organic matrix. Dry ashing was performed in small beakers without problems, because most organic compounds were destroyed during microwave digestion. Inexpensive, reusable glass beakers performed satisfactorily and eliminated the need for expensive quartz beakers. Magnesium from the ash aid had no effect on blank absorbance and sensitivity when peak area was used for quantitation. Thus, matrix matching with magnesium nitrate was not required for standards. However, magnesium in great excess of levels recommended can interfere with HG-AAS (Reamer and Veillon, 1981; Yban ez et al., 1992; Cervera et al., 1994). A heating step was incorporated during ash dissolution to reduce Se> to Se>, which is necessary for hydride formation. Hydrochloric acid was chosen for selenium reduction over many other options because of matrix compatibility, ease of use and effectiveness (Bye, 1983), Potassium iodide was utilized to reduce As> to As>, which is preferred for hydride formation. Stripper coil lengths of 300, 600 and 1000 mm did not significantly affect arsenic sensitivity. The 1000-mm coil resulted in highest sensitivity for selenium. Burguera et al. (1996) also found that longer stripper coils aided selenium sensitivity. Stability studies indicated test solutions were stable for five days or until solutions started to turn brown from oxidation of iodide to iodine. Adjustments of argon flow and gas—liquid separator drain pump rate were critical for optimum performance. Draining the separator too rapidly resulted in reduced sensitivity because of insufficient analyte hydride residence time. Foaming was not observed in the separator, therefore, antifoaming agents were not necessary. Better precision was obtained by using integrated absorbance rather than peak height. Contamination control was verified by analysis of method blanks. Method blank results averaged LOD so no blank correction was performed. This method can be extended to foods not listed in Table 2, but recovery and interference properties must be evaluated. Of particular importance is the maximum safe analytical portion for microwave digestion, which depends on food composition (Dolan, 1998). There is danger of the microwave vessel bursting from excessive pressure if a very large quantity of food mass is used. High fat foods (mayonnaise, butter, etc.) should be limited to a relatively small analytical portion. Dry foods (cereal, bread, etc.) should be limited to smaller portions compared to high moisture foods (radish, pear, etc.). The minimum analytical portion to insure a representative sampling depends on the degree of analyte homogeneity. Method Performance and »alidation The limits of detection (LOD) was determined by analysis of 17 method blanks and calculated as 3 times the standard deviation estimate. Arsenic and selenium LODs were 0)05 and 0)09 ng/ml, respectively. The limit of quantitation (LOQ) was calculated as 10 times the standard deviation estimate for 17 method blanks. LOQs in food depends on the mass of the analytical portion and number of dilutions required (Tables 3 & 4). Based on a 1-g analytical portion. LOQs in food were estimated as 0)01 mg/kg for arsenic and 0)02 mg/kg for selenium. Arsenic findings are summarized in Table 3. The results ranged from less than LOQ to 5)7 mg/kg. Arsenic was determined at levels greater than LOD but less than LOQ in the foods reported as containing less than LOQ. Selenium findings are summarized in Table 4. Results ranged from less than LOQ to 0)66 mg/kg. Selenium was determined at levels greater than LOD but less than LOQ in pear, lemonade, prune juice JFCA 990814 BRR RS JAYASHREE 7 DETERMINATION OF ARSENIC AND SELENIUM TABLE 3 Arsenic recovery and concentration of selected foods Food Lemonade, reconstituted Corn Pear, canned Prune juice, bottled Evaporated milk Beef, strained junior Egg, soft boiled Cheddar cheese Fruit flavored cereal Bacon, cooked Mayonnaise Broccoli Spaghetti w/ meat balls Pancakes Beer Radish White bread Sweet potato, baked Peanut butter Tuna, canned in oil Haddock, cooked LOQ (mg/kg) Conc 0)001 0)003 0)002 0)002 0)004 0.004 0.005 0)010 0)011 0)0216 0)02 0)001 0)003 0)006 0)002 0)001 0)008 0)004 0)02 0.03 0)1 (0)001 (0)003 (0)002 (0)002 (0)004 (0.004 (0.005 (0)010 (0)011 (0)0216 (0)02 0)003 0)004 0)007 0)007 0)007 0)009 0)013 0)022 1.0 5)7 RSD (mg/kg) Fortification (%) Recovery (mg/kg) — — — — — — — — — — — 4 7 5 0)6 15 26 4 6 8 3 0)029 0)060 0)032 0)033 0)068 0.062 0.093 0)191 0)188 0)296 0)410 0)030 0)050 0)108 0)059 0)037 0)135 0)098 0)307 1.66 8)47 100 105 98 96 100 98 96 101 104 98 102 102 97 100 98 98 100 105 98 98 96 Limit of quantitation. Mean (n"3). Mean (n"2). TABLE 4 Selenium recovery and concentration of selected foods Food Pear, canned Lemonade, reconstituted Prune juice, bottled Sweet potato, baked Broccoli Beer Corn Radish Beef, strained junior Evaporated milk Mayonnaise Fruit flavored cereal Spaghetti w/ meat balls Peanut butter Pancakes White bread Cheddar cheese Bacon, cooked Egg, soft boiled Haddock, cooked Tuna, canned in oil Limit of quantitation. Mean (n"3). Mean (n"2). LOQ (mg/kg) Conc (mg/kg) RSD (%) Fortification (mg/kg) Recovery (%) 0)003 0)002 0)004 0)008 0)002 0)002 0)006 0)001 0)008 0)007 0)04 0)02 0)006 0)03 0)01 0)014 0)02 0)03 0)02 0)04 0)03 (0)003 (0)002 (0)004 (0)008 0)009 0)010 0)011 0)016 0)040 0)050 0)060 0)086 0)12 0)17 0)17 0)18 0)23 0.37 0)42 0)54 0)66 — — — — 3 0 7 13 10 2 10 3 7 11 5 4 1 16 2 2 6 0)032 0)029 0)033 0)098 0)030 0)059 0)060 0)037 0)082 0)112 0)410 0)188 0)166 0)307 0)359 0)225 0)318 0)494 0)618 0)848 0)832 88 104 100 107 105 100 101 102 96 103 104 99 96 98 96 98 95 101 99 98 101 JFCA 990814 BRR RS JAYASHREE 8 MINDAK AND DOLAN and sweet potato. Analytical portions and consequently LOD ranged from 0)41 g for mayonnaise to 16 g for radish. Recovery was assessed in foods by analysis of 21 fortified foods. Test portions and fortified test portions were prepared and analyzed in triplicate. Fortification of foods was performed before microwave digestion using solutions of As> and Se>. Recovery was within control limits of 100$20%. Arsenic recovery ranges from 96 to 105%. Selenium recovery ranged from 88 to 107%. Method precision was assessed as the relative standard deviation (RSD) of triplicate test portion results of reference materials (RMs), food and fortified food. Except for white bread, precision was within control limits of 20% RSD when analyte level was greater than LOQ. Findings are summarized in Tables 3—5. Typical short term instrumental precision expressed as RSD of two replicate test solution injections was less than 2% with control limits of 10% RSD for values greater than 10 times LOD. The method was evaluated by using nine reference materials (RMs) that were prepared and analyzed in triplicate. Findings are summarized in Table 5. Recoveries were 100$14% of the certified value or within certified value of uncertainty, which ever was greater. Arsenic results were within certified value uncertainty except for NIST SRM 1577a (bovine liver), which was recovered at 114%. Selenium results were within certified value of uncertainty except for that in NRCC DORM-1 (dogfish muscle) and NIST 1548 (total diet) in which recoveries were 113 and 111%, respectively. Interferences Three general types of interferences can be present with HG-AAS analysis: spectral, memory, and matrix. Spectral interference is rare with hydride generation because analyte is volatilized and separated from test solution matrix. Appropriate rinse and cycle times eliminates simple memory effects leading to false positive signals. Matrix components can inhibit analyte-hydride formation or alter analyte-hydride reaction kinetics. Matrix components can also cause foaming and large bubble formation in the gas—liquid separator resulting in analyte transport problems. High concentration of other hydride-forming elements can cause suppression or distortion of analyte signal, multiple absorption peaks or induce a memory interference requiring cleaning of various flow injection components (Welz and Stauss, 1993). A complete mineralization procedure, such as dry ashing, destroys organic compounds and eliminates source of interference. Optimized acid/reductant ratio improves analyte hydride generation. Although transition metals can suppress analyte hydride generation (Welz and Shubert-Jacobs, 1986) they are not expected to be present in most foods at levels that will interfere. Possible exceptions where elevated concentrations of transition metals might be encountered would be vitamin and mineral fortified foods and organ meats. Ideally, the absorbance peak shape of a food test solution should be the same or highly similar to those of standardization solutions. Irregular peak profiles indicate interference or other problems and can lead to inaccurate results. If peak profiles are similar, results calculated by using peak height should be equivalent to those calculated using peak area. Peak area and peak height calculated concentrations were not equivalent for test solutions with an irregular absorbance peak. This difference increased as the A/H ratio of irregular peaks deviated from the mean standards A/H ratio. Maintaining test solution A/H ratios within 20% of standard’s A/H ratios and using peak area is recommended for accurate results. The A/H ratio remains constant when certain interferences are absent but increases slightly where response starts to nv 0)01 0)047$0)006 17)7$2)1 24)6$2)2 0)29$0)03 13)4$1)9 9)2$0)5 10)1$1)4 0)111 0)015 0)054 18)6 25)5 0)32 13)5 9)69 10)6 Mean L (mg/kg) 2 35 6 2 5 4 2 1 2 RSD (%) Arsenic result 0)245$0)005 1)39$0)17 0)71$0)07 1)62$0)12 6)88$0)47 0)38$0)04 2)1$0)5 (1)5) 7)34$0)42 Selenium cert. value$uncert. (mg/kg) 0)273 1)49 0)77 1)83 6)71 0)40 2)43 1)78 7)60 Mean L (mg/kg) 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 RSD (%) Selenium result NIST"National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA); NRCC"National Research Council Canada; NIES"National Institute for Environmental Studies (Japan). nv"no value provided by certifying organization. non-certified information value. n"2. NIST SRM 1548 (total diet) NIST RM 8415 (whole egg powder) NIST 1577a (bovine liver) NRCC DORM-1 (dogfish muscle) NRCC TORT-1 (lobster hepatopancreas) NIST SRM 1568a (rice flour) NIST SRM 1566 (oyster tissue) NIES 6 (mussel) NRCC DOLT-1 (dogfish liver) Reference material Arsenic cert. value$uncert. (mg/kg) Reference material results TABLE 5 JFCA 990814 BRR RS JAYASHREE DETERMINATION OF ARSENIC AND SELENIUM 9 JFCA 990814 BRR RS JAYASHREE 10 MINDAK AND DOLAN deviate from linearity. Ratios start to decrease when analyte concentration is less than LOQ. Although irregular peaks can be visually discerned, calculating the A/H ratio permits quantifying irregularity instead of relying on a subjective observation. Typical A/H ratios for arsenic and selenium standards ranged between 3)5 and 4. The only irregular selenium peaks encountered were for test solutions from livertype RMs (bovine liver lobster hepatopancreas and dogfish liver). Diluting these test solutions until the selenium concentration was 2—5 ng/ml resulted in regular shaped peaks and an A/H ratio within 20% of the mean standards value. The analytical challenge presented by liver samples is probably due to their relatively high concentration of transition metals, such as copper and nickel, which can interfere with HG-AAS (Welz and Shubert-Jacobs, 1986). Beer was the only food with arsenic greater than the LOQ that had irregular peak shapes as indicated by a low A/H ratio of 2)2. Diluting by a factor of 2 resulted in normal peaks. Cheese, beer, lemonade, prune juice, spaghetti and pear fortified test solutions resulted in arsenic A/H ratios of 2)6—2)9 and thus narrow peaks. These fortified test solutions were diluted by a factor of 2—4 before arsenic analysis resulting in improved A/H ratio and fortification recovery. Quality Control Extensive quality control (QC) guidelines are needed to ensure high quality, reliable data. QC documentation is valuable to data end-users to assess quality and is essential when data are used to support litigation or enforce regulations. Various QC measures have been illustrated in this method including instrument performance (sensitivity, stability and precision), matrix validation, matrix recoveries, RM recoveries, standardization verification, potential interference identification, and contamination control. Use of QC measures is imperative to ensure reliable data and to substantiate proper instrument performance. The analyst must decide an appropriate QC criteria limits to meet data quality objectives. CONCLUSION Combining microwave digestion, dry ashing and HG-AAS has been shown to be effective for arsenic and selenium analysis of food. The combined preparation procedure permits quantification of total arsenic and selenium, including refractory organometallic compounds present in some foods. Problems with charring and resulting analyte losses were eliminated by dry ashing a portion of microwave digest instead of a portion of undigested food. Perchloric acid was not required, which eliminated hazards and special equipment requirements associated with its use. The ratio of peak area to peak height can be used to identify irregular peak profiles and potential interference. Quality controls throughout the method ensure high-quality data. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank J. Kevin Cline of FDA’s Kansas City District Laboratory (Lenexa, KS) for providing homogenized food samples and James A. Easterling of FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition for polishing the phase separator. JFCA 990814 BRR RS JAYASHREE DETERMINATION OF ARSENIC AND SELENIUM 11 REFERENCES Anke, M., Glei, M., Arnhold, W., Drobner, C., and Seifert, M. (1997). Arsenic. In Handbook of Nutritionally Essential Mineral Elements (B. L. O’Dell, and R. A. Sunde, Eds.), Chap. 23, pp. 631—639. 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