Environ. Eng. Res. 2014 Research Paper http://dx.doi.org/10.4491/eer.2014.S1.001 pISSN 1226-1025 eISSN 2005-968X In Press, Uncorrected Proof Effect of Kaolin on Arsenic Accumulation in Rice Plants (Oryza Sativa L.) Grown in Arsenic Contaminated Soils Titima Koonsom1,2, Duangrat Inthorn1,2†, Siranee Sreesai1,2, Paitip Thiravetyan3 1Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10400, Thailand of Excellence on Environmental Health and Toxicology, Thailand 3Division of Biotechnology, School of Bioresources and Technology, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), Bangkok 10150, Thailand 2Center Abstract The As accumulation in part of roots, shoots, husks and grains of rice plants was significantly decreased with the increasing dosage of kaolin addition from 0.5% to 10% w/w. Kaolin addition could reduced As accumulation in rice plants, which mainly could be attributed to the formation of stable crystalline Al oxides bound As that decreased the available As in soil with decreased As accumulation in rice plants. The pH values of the soils did not change significantly when amended with kaolin. The pH values of the soils was neural that proper to adsorb of arsenic with Al2O3. Arsenic tends to adsorb with Al2O3 at acid neutral pH and with desorbing at alkaline pH. The dry weight of rice plant was significantly increased with the increasing dosage of kaolin addition from 2.5% to 10% w/w. The highest dry weight of rice plants was 6.67 g/pot achieved at kaolin addition of 10% w/w with about 13% increasing over the control, which was probably attributed to the highest As concentration formation with kaolin at this dosage. The results of this study indicated that kaolin has the potential to reduce As accumulation in rice plants and enhance the dry weight of rice plants. Keywords: Arsenic; Kaolin; Stabilization; Rice plant; Accumulation This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Copyright © 2014 Korean Society of Environmental Engineers Received May 5, 2014 Accepted August 26, 2014 † Corresponding Author E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +66-2-354-8525 Fax: +66-2-354-8525 http://eeer.org 1 1. Introduction 2 It is well-known that arsenic is a toxic and carcinogenic element to human beings, and a number of 3 environmental problems have been caused by arsenic worldwide. This contamination is mostly 4 originated from mining activity and arsenic leaching produced by the mining activity, which could be 5 discharged to the surrounding area. Furthermore, the leaching could penetrate to the lower parts of 6 soil and endanger the groundwater. Soil is ready to be the recipient of the large amount of arsenic. In 7 Ron Phibun district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province, Thailand, sources of arsenic contamination in 8 the place were thin mining activities around that area. It was reported that people lived in that place 9 suffered from chronic arsenic poisoning with skin cancer, “black fever”, or called arsenic poisoning. 10 They found that arsenic concentration in the soil ranged between 0-3,931 mgAs/kg soil [1]. As 11 polluted soil is considered a major source of contamination in the food chain. However, the 12 remediation of arsenic polluted soil is the great importance for reducing the potential risk of human 13 exposure to arsenic. 14 Stabilization is regarded as one of the most effective remediation techniques whereby various 15 amendments are applied to reduce arsenic mobility and bioavailability [2, 3]. Kaolin are the common 16 adsorbent used in the treatment of arsenic contaminated soil [4]. Yong Zhou et al., 2010 indicated that 17 kaolin is the effective adsorbent of reducing arsenic(III) in the aqueous phase [4]. 18 Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the most important cereal grown in Thailand. High arsenic 19 concentrations in soil and the use of irrigation water with high As levels may lead to elevated 20 concentrations of arsenic in cereals, vegetables and other agricultural products in As contaminated 21 areas [5]. Bari et al., 2008 found that increasing arsenic concentrations of both soil and irrigation 22 water resulted in significantly increased arsenic concentrations in both rice grain and straw [6]. 23 Human exposure to arsenic is mainly through the intake of drinking water and foods, such as rice 24 grains, that contain elevated amounts of arsenic. Arsenic-contaminated rice could aggravate human 25 health risk because it is consumed in large quantities especially in Asian countries. 26 In this study, 0.5, 2.5, 5 and 10 %w/w of kaolin was studied as soil amendments in As 27 contaminated soil. The effect of kaolin on arsenic accumulation in rice plants (Oryza Sativa L.) grown 28 in arsenic contaminated soils was investigated. 1 29 2. Method 30 2.1 Chemicals 31 Standard solution of Arsenic, Nitric acid (65%) and Sulfuric acid were from Merck, Germany. 32 2.2 Preparation of rice plants 33 Rice plants (Oryza saltiva L.) age of 30 days was cultivated in pot containing uncontaminated soil 34 under the planting condition with day light in green house until their roots grow for 1 cm and plant 35 length about 30-40 cm with 6-10 leaves. The rice plant was watered by tap water. 36 2.3 Soil preparation 37 2.3.2 Arsenic contamination soil preparation 38 Arsenic contaminated soil obtained from arsenic contaminated areas in Ron Phibun District, Nakhon 39 Si Thamarat Province, Thailand. Their texture was that of sandy loam. Soil was sampled at 30 cm 40 depth , air dried and sieved through 2 mm (No. 10) mesh to remove plant materials and stones. 41 Composition of elemental-contaminated soil was analyzed by X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry 42 (XRF)(S4 Pioneer, AXS Bruker, Germany) and the compositions are expressed as relative 43 concentrations in the form of oxides. 44 2.3.3 Arsenic uncontaminated soil preparation 45 Uncontaminated soil was obtained from rice field in Si Sa Ket province, Thailand. Uncontaminated 46 soil was air dried and sieved through 2 mm (No. 10) mesh to remove plant and stone. 47 2.4 Pot experiment 48 Arsenic contaminated soil and kaolin were mixed together in the pots under 4 conditions: 0.5, 2.5, 5 49 and 10%w/w kaolin mixed with 1.5 kg of As contaminated soil compared to uncontaminated soil as a 50 control (without addition of kaolin). Then water 1500 ml was added in the pots. Each conditions was 51 replicated three times. Before planting, the soils were sampled from each pot for analysis of arsenic 52 content. Rice plants were selected in similar size of shoot and length at 30-40 cm. Then the roots were 53 washed several times by tap water to clean the adhering soil. The rice plant were planted as 6 plants 54 per pot. Pots were kept in glasshouse (temperature 28-30 oC) and watered daily by tap water. After 90 55 days growth, the rice plants were washed by tap water thoroughly and then with deionized water. Rice 56 plants were cut and separated into 4 parts as roots, shoots, husks and grains. The samples of plants 2 57 were dried at 60 oC for 72 h. Arsenic content in each part of plants was analyzed. In addition, the dry 58 weight of plants was also measured. 59 60 61 2.5 As concentration analysis in rice plants 62 being separated into shoots, roots, husks, and grains. Then, they were dried at 70oC for 3 days 63 according to the method of Rahman et al. [7]. Soil and plant samples were digested with 1.0 64 mL of HClO4, 1.5 mL of H2SO4 and 4.0 mL of HNO3 following the heating block digestion 65 procedure at temperature 150oC until a clear solution was obtained. The digested samples were 66 diluted with deionized water and then filtered with filter paper Whatman No.42. Total As 67 concentration in plants and soil was determined by Hydride Generation Atomic Absorption 68 Spectrometry (HG-AAS) (AA-6300 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, Shimadzu, Japan) 69 with detection limit at 0.2-0.8 ppb. 70 2.6 Data statistical analysis 71 Statistical analysis of the experimental data was performed using SPSS 21.0 (SPSS, USA) software. 72 The statistically significant differences were determined by one way analyses of variance on ranks 73 and two way ANOVA with p < 0.05. The harvested plants were washed with tap water, and rinsed with deionized water before 74 75 3. Results and discussions 76 In this study, As contaminated soil contained As concentration 578.83 mg/kg. The results conformed 77 to the study of Chintakovid et al., 2008 that the arsenic concentration in soil at the contamination site 78 was set at 417.76 µg/g [8]. The elemental analyses indicated the main minerals in As-contaminated 79 soil as Si, 53.20%; Al, 8.61%; Fe, 1.79%; K, 0.34%; Ti, 0.72; Ca, 0.61%; P 0.06 %; Na, 0.07%; As, 80 0.01%. The soil was analyzed for its physical and chemical properties using standard methods [9]. pH 81 of arsenic contaminated soil, uncontaminated soil and soil amendments in distill water ratio 1:1 were 82 7.09, 6.52 and 4.90. Plant growth can influence on As accumulation such as organic acids lead to 83 higher As accumulation. [10]. The chemical characteristics of kaolin affected for As accumulation in 84 plants [4, 11, 12]. Kaolin contained high composition of Al2O3 3 as 42.4 %w/w [13]. The As 85 contaminated soil had pH 7 that was suitable for planting the rice plant [14]. The internal distribution 86 of As in plants are in apoplast and the symplast. In rice about 60% of the total plant As was located in 87 the apoplast of the roots [15]. Cellular uptake of arsenate is mediated by phosphate transporters [16]. 88 Another detoxification mechanism used by plants is the efflux of arsenic from the plant cell [17]. 89 90 91 92 93 Table 1. Chemical constituents of kaolin used and arsenic contaminated soil Constituent Kaolin Uncontaminated soil As contaminated soil (%w/w) (%w/w) (%w/w) (%w/w) SiO2 53.9 67.2 53.2 Al2O3 42.4 17.6 8.61 Fe2O3 1.11 8.86 1.79 K2O 2.03 2.21 0.337 TiO - * 1.12 0.724 CaO - * 0.935 0.605 MgO - * 0.988 0.125 Remark: * Non detected 94 3.1 Effect of kaolin on As accumulation in rice plants 95 The effect of kaolin at 0.5, 2.5, 5 and 10% w/w on As accumulation in roots, shoots, husks and grains 96 of rice plants shown in Fig 1(A-D). The result showed that As concentration in rice roots was 97 decreased significantly when increasable added kaolin from 0.5 to 10%w/w in As contaminated soil 98 (Fig 1A). As concentration in rice roots with 0.5, 2.5, 5 and 10% w/w kaolin addition were 532.2499, 99 509.1041, 491.7891 and 480.1966 mg/kg, respectively. The decreasing of As concentration in rice 100 shoots when dosage of kaolin addition increase from 0.5, 2.5, 5 and 10% w/w was shown in Fig. 1B. 101 As concentration in rice shoots were 111.06, 93.50, 85.67 and 72.76 mg/kg. As concentration in rice 102 husks with 0.5, 2.5, 5 and 10 w/w kaolin addition was 0.01, 0.01, 0.008 and 0.007 mg/kg that lower 103 than the control (Fig 1C). The result of As concentration in grains was conform to the As 104 concentration in roots, shoots and husks. Fig 1D shown that also decreased with the increasing dosage 105 of kaolin from 0.5 to 10% w/w. As concentration in rice grains were 0.004, 0.004, 0.004 and 0.003 106 mg/kg, respectively which lower than the control about 36, 41, 47 and 56%, respectively. The result 4 107 indicated that As concentration in part of roots, shoots, husks and grains of rice plants was 108 significantly decreased with the increasing dosage of kaolin addition from 0.5% to 10% w/w. Kaolin 109 includes high component of Al2O3 42.4% w/w. Al2O3 could form with As in soil, decrease available 110 As that effect on the decreasing of As accumulation in rice plants. These results were conform with 111 the results of Jeong et al., 2007 who indicated that the rate of As(V) adsorption was found to be higher 112 with high dosages of Al2O3 to As(V) [18]. Based on studies of activated alumina and aluminum- 113 loaded Shirasu zeolite, the As(V) adsorption mechanism of Al2O3 can also be considered a ligand 114 exchange process between As(V) and the hydroxide groups that also effect on As bioavailable uptake 115 into rice plants [19, 20]. The pH of arsenic contaminated soil with 0.5, 2.5, 5.0 and 10%w/w kaolin 116 were 7.04, 7.03, 7.01 and 6.99, respectively, compared to the control about 7.08. The pH values of the 117 soils did not change significantly when amended with kaolin. Arsenic tends to adsorb with Al2O3 at 118 acid neutral pH and with desorbing at alkaline pH [21]. The pH values of the soils was neural that 119 proper to adsorb of arsenic with Al2O3. According to Xu et al., 2002 who indicated that activated 120 alumina used in the pH range of 5.5–8.5 preferred OH− to H2AsO4− [22]. The results shown that 121 arsenic uptake in rice plants decreased with the increasing of adsorption of As and Al2O3 that 122 conducted by the raising dosage of kaolin and neural pH. Kaolin is a good adsorbents because it is 123 non hazardous materials, easy availability and low cost. Therefore, it indicated that kaolin might be a 124 potential amendment for As stabilization in contaminated soil [4]. 125 126 180 700 600 500 Conc. As in shoots (mg /kg) Conc. As in roots (mg /kg) 800 672.4649e 532.2499d 509.1041c 491.7891b 480.1966a 400 300 200 100 0 127 128 129 160 155.0151e 140 120 100 111.0638d 93.4954c 85.6861b 72.7620a 80 60 40 20 0 Condition (A) Condition 5 (B) 0.008 0.0164e Conc. As in grains (mg /kg) Conc. As in husks (mg /kg) 0.018 0.016 0.014 0.012 0.0124d 0.0104c 0.01 0.0084b 0.0078a 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.002 0.007 0.0067e 0.006 0.005 0.0043d 0.0040c 0.0036b 0.004 0.0030a 0.003 0.002 0.001 0 0 (C) Conditions Conditions (D) 130 131 132 133 Fig. 1 As accumulation in rice plants grown in arsenic contaminated soil amended with kaolin in part 134 of roots(A), shoots (B), husks (C) and grains (D) of rice plants grown in arsenic contaminated soil 135 amended with kaolin. Bars represent S.D. of three replicates, and the different letter above column 136 indicates a significant difference at p<0.05 according to two way ANOVA 137 138 3.2 Effect of kaolin on dry weight of rice plants 139 The dry weight of rice plants grown in arsenic contaminated soils increase with the increasing of 140 kaolin addition from 0.5 to 10% w/w (Fig 2). The results indicated that kaolin could raise the growth 141 of rice plants. The dry weight of rice plants was the highest at 6.67 g/pot when added kaolin at 10% 142 w/w that higher than the control 13%. The rise of dry weight was probably attributed to the highest As 143 concentration formation with kaolin at this dosage [4]. 144 8 Dry weight (g) 7 6 5.77a 6.19b 5.95a 6.39c 6.67d 5 4 3 2 1 0 145 146 Condition 6 (E) 147 148 149 150 Fig. 2 Dry weight of rice plants grown in arsenic contaminated soil amended with kaolin. Bars represent S.D. of three replicates, and the different letter above column indicates a significant difference at p<0.05 according to two way ANOVA 151 4. Conclusion 152 The results showed that kaolin might be a potential amendment for As stabilization in contaminated 153 soil. Kaolin addition increased rice plants dry weight and reduced As accumulation in rice plants, 154 which mainly could be attributed to the formation of stable crystalline Al oxides bound As that 155 decreased the available As in soil with decreased As accumulation in rice plants. Additionally, kaolin 156 are inexpensive chemicals and has a high potential as a soil amendment. Rice plants grown in As 157 contaminated soil amended with kaolin in this experiment was safety for eating according to 158 Australian Food Standard that established a permissible limit maximum for grain arsenic 159 concentration of 1.0 mg/kg (National Food Authority, 1993) and the Maximum Contaminant Level 160 (MCLs) for inorganic arsenic in rice grains was set at 0.15 mg/kg in China (Chinese Food Standards 161 Agency, 2005). 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