2014 GLAOC Workshop FINAL Agenda

2014 Great Lakes Areas of Concern
Remedial Action Plan Implementation Workshop
Sharing P ractical BUI Strategies
February 12-13, 2014
Nelson Ballroom
Waterfront Hotel, Burlington
8:00 – 9:00am
9:00 – 10:00am
Day 1 - Wednesday February 12, 2014
Registration & Refreshments (entrance to the Nelson Ballroom)
Welcome & Opening Remarks
Welcome to the Biennial Remedial Action Plan Implementation
Workshop and review of Areas of Concern progress,
accomplishments and challenges since the 2012 workshop.
10:00 – 10:30am
Jon Gee, Environment Canada
Dawn Walsh, Ontario Ministry of the Environment
Great Lakes W ater Quality Agreem ent (GLWQA) and Annex
An update on the GLWQA Annex 1 (Areas of Concern), and
discussion about the linkages with the annexes, the annex work plan
and committees and what to look forward to with the new Canada
Ontario Agreement.
Jon Gee, Environment Canada
10:30 – 10:45am
10:45 – 11:30am
Areas of Concern Priority Issues, Remaining Actions,
Challenges and Opportunities
Facilitated discussions about the next five years that will identify
priority issues, particularly for goal 1 Areas of Concern, remaining
actions, challenges and opportunities.
11:30 – 12:00pm
Facilitator: Joanna Kidd, Kidd Consulting
Success/Learning Story
Peninsula Harbour Thin Layer Capping Project. Video and backstory
12:00 – 1:00pm
Kay Kim, Environment Canada
LUNCH – provided (Beaver & Bulldog Restaurant)
Day 1 - Wednesday February 12, 2014 - Continued
1:00 – 2:30pm
Strategies for BUI Redesignation and Resolving the
Restrictions on Dredging BUI
A discussion on the Beneficial Use Impairment (BUI) redesignation
process, targets and candidates for redesignation. New strategies
for removing the restrictions on dredging activities BUI.
2:30 – 2:45pm
Jon Gee, Environment Canada
Success/Learning Story
Wastewater: Where does it go? Video and backstory
Natalie Green, Detroit River Remedial Action Plan
2:45 – 3:00pm
3:00 – 4:30pm
Breakout Panel Discussions: Developing BUI Redesignation
1. Beach Closings BUI
Moderator: Laud Matos, Environment Canada
Panelists: Tom Edge, Environment Canada
Mahesh Patel, Toronto Public Health
Jacqui Milne, Environment Canada
Sue Gilpin, City of Hamilton
2. Fish Populations BUI
Moderator: Dawn Walsh, Ministry of the Environment
Panelists: Jim Sherry, Environment Canada
Marilee Chase, Ministry of Natural Resources
3. Wildlife Populations and Consumption Advisories BUIs
Moderators: April White, Environment Canada
Mary Ellen Scanlon, Ministry of the Environment
Panelists: Greg Grabas, Environment Canada
Pamela Martin, Environment Canada
Angela Darwin, Environment Canada
Shane DeSolla, Environment Canada
4:30 – 5:00pm
Panel discussions to identify challenges and share practical
approaches to redesignation.
Breakout Discussion Summaries and Day 1 Wrap-Up
6:00 –10:00pm
Facilitator: Joanna Kidd
Evening Out: Sochi Olympic Soiree (Emma’s Back Porch)
Details in the registration package and on the workshop website.
Day 2 - Thursday February 13, 2014
8:00 – 9:00am
9:00 – 9:15am
Light refreshments
Opening Remarks and Day 1 Recap
Identification of the plan and anticipated outcomes for the
day ahead.
9:15 – 10:30am
Facilitator: Joanna Kidd
Strategies for Weight of Evidence Approach and Areas of
Concern in Recovery
Sharing strategies and lessons learned on how and when to apply
the weight of evidence approach. Facilitated discussion towards
developing binational guidance on when and how to use the Area of
Concern in Recovery designation.
Jon Gee, Environment Canada
10:30 –10:45am
10:45 – 11:45am
New Approaches for Fish Consumption Advisories BUI
Panel discussion to identify current challenges and to share
approaches to addressing the fish consumption advisories BUI.
11:45 – 12:00pm
Moderator: Ted Briggs, Ontario Ministry of the Environment
Presenters: Satyendra Bhavsar, Ontario Ministry of the Environment
Ken Drouillard, University of Windsor
Success/Learning Story
Fish Acoustic Tagging in Toronto Harbour
Dr. Jon Midwood, Carleton University
12:00 – 1:00pm
1:00 – 2:00pm
LUNCH – provided (Beaver & Bulldog Restaurant)
New Approaches for Degradation of Plankton BUI
Panel discussion to identify current challenges and to share lessons
learned and new approaches to addressing the degradation of
plankton BUI.
Moderator: Sue Watson, Environment Canada
Presenters: Marten Koops, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Tara George, Ontario Ministry of the Environment
Ken Drouillard, University of Windsor
Ora Wood, former Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Day 2 - Thursday February 13, 2014 Continued
2:00 – 3:00pm
Remedial Action Plan Scope
Panel discussion to clarify and confirm the scope of the Remedial
Action Plan (RAP). Facilitated discussions of the role of the RAP in
regards to emerging issues such as climate change, endocrine
disrupters, etc.
Moderator: Mark Chambers, Environment Canada
Presenters: Matthew Child, International Joint Commission
Lisa Sealock, Environment Canada
Tim Fletcher, Ontario Ministry of the Environment
3:00 – 3:15pm
3:15 – 3:30pm
Success/Learning Story
Severn Sound Fish Monitoring
3:30 – 4:45pm
Jason Ritchie, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
Approaching Delisting and Post-RAP Considerations
Sharing strategies for approaching delisting and discussions of the
Areas of Concern post-delisting – challenges and opportunities. A
look at the Great Lakes nearshore framework. Highlighting the Great
Lakes Nearshore Framework and the Great Lakes Protection Act.
4:45 – 5:00pm
Moderator: Jon Gee, Environment Canada
Presenters: Janette Anderson, Environment Canada
Chris Lompart, Ontario Ministry of the Environment
Workshop Wrap-Up Discussion
An overview of the strategies developed throughout the workshop
and identification of next steps.
Jon Gee, Environment Canada
Dawn Walsh, Ontario Ministry of the Environment
Thank you for attending the 2014 Great Lakes Areas of Concern Remedial Action Plan
Implementation Workshop. Presentations and related materials will be posted on the
workshop website.