REC-FM-001.05 Oklahoma Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory PO Box 7001, Stillwater, OK 74076 (US Mail only) 1812 Farm Rd. Stillwater, OK 74078 Phone: 405-744-6623 Fax: 405-744-8612 ________________________________ OADDL Accession # CLIENT INFORMATION Owner OADDL Account # Farm Name Veterinarian Premise ID Clinic Name Address Address City State Phone # Zip City Cell # State Phone # Email Zip Fax # Email Bill to: Veterinarian Owner Third party (see back) Report to: Veterinarian Owner Clinic Method: Yes Rabies Suspect Yes Legal Insured Signature of Submitter/Date: Animal ID Date Collected:________________________ SIGNALMENT / HISTORY / CLINICAL SIGNS Breed Sex M Yes or Email Mail (add’l charge) Yes Printed Name of Submitter: Species Euthanized? Fax No, Method: F MC FS Age Weight (lb) Date:___________ Attach additional pages if needed. SPECIMEN(S) SUBMITTED (indicate quantity submitted in the boxes below) # Fresh # Fixed #Fresh #Fixed Whole Animal Biopsy (location; see back) Ear Notch Lymph Node Intestine Stomach Heart Lung Liver Kidney Spleen Brain ______________ ______________ Swab (source)__________________ Smear (source)_________________ Blood, clotted Blood, unclotted Serum Trich Pouch Aqueous / Ocular fluid Urine Cysto Voided Catheter Stomach or Rumen Contents Feed Water TEST(S) REQUESTED (see fee schedule for complete list of tests) Necropsy Histopathology ( see back) Short or Virology Detailed report Clinical Pathology (Antech) CBC Profile Other Cytology (Antech) Parasitology Rabies Abortion Panel Diarrhea Panel Serology (see back) Toxicology (see back) Avian Influenza PCR Bluetongue PCR Bovine Coronavirus PCR BVD PCR Canine Distemper PCR Canine Parvovirus PCR Campylobacter (Campy) culture Salmonella culture CEM culture Bacterial/Fungal ID- DNA sequencing Anaplasma marginale PCR Cytauxzoon felis PCR Clostridium perfringens PCR Fluorescent Antibody (FA) Rotavirus ELISA BVD ELISA (antigen test) serum ear notch (fresh) Virus Isolation Bacteriology/Mycology Aerobic culture Sensitivity Anaerobic culture Fungal culture Mycoplasma culture Trich culture Trich PCR Clostridial FA test LAB USE ONLY RECEIPT RECORD FedEx Vet USPS post mark____________ Postage Due_______________ UPS Owner Drop box Other________________________________ LAB ASSIGNMENTS: P H G:\SOPS\Receiving\forms\OADDL submittal REC-FM-001.05.doc B My S T CONDITION UPON RECEIPT Good Broken Frozen Leaked Cold Pack No refrigeration V Mo Mp R Antech Exotic Newcastle Disease PCR Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease PCR Equine Herpesvirus 1&4 PCR General Herpesvirus PCR Other PCR_________________ Johnes PCR Leptospira sp. PCR Mycoplasma bovis PCR Streptococcus equi (Strangles) PCR Other PCR_________________ REC-FM-001.05 SEROLOGY TESTS REQUESTED THIRD PARTY INFORMATION (from front) Name Address City State Zip Phone Fax Sample Information: use additional sheet(s) if needed # ID Species Breed Sex Age 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Anaplasmosis c-ELISA Bluetongue c-ELISA Bovine Leukemia ELISA BRSV SN (antibody) BVD SN (antibody) BVD ELISA (see Virology) Brucella abortus (only official for swine) Brucella canis card or IFA CAE c-ELISA Canine Distemper SN Canine Parvo IFA EPM (referral lab) Ehrlichia canis ELISA EIA C-ELISA (send form) EHV SN (antibody) Equine Piroplasmosis c-ELISA Babesia (Theileria) equi Babesia caballi EVA SN (antibody) Heartworm ELISA (canine only) IBR SN (antibody) Johne’s ELISA Leptospirosis MAT (5 serovars) Lyme Disease ELISA (canine only) Neospora ELISA (bovine only) PI3 SN (antibody) PRRS ELISA Pseudorabies gB ELISA Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever IFA West Nile Virus IgM ELISA Other (list) SEROLOGIC PROFILES (all are ANTIBODY tests) 8 Canine (CPV-IFA, CDV-SN) Cattle Abortion I (Lepto, IBR, BVD, Brucella) Bovine ELISA panel (BVD, BLV & Johnes) Cattle Abortion II (Lepto, IBR, BVD, Brucella, Neospora) Cattle Respiratory (IBR, PI3, BVD, BRSV) Canine Profile (2 sp. EKrlichia, 2 sp. Anaplasma, Lyme, Heartworm) Goat/Sheep Abortion I (Lepto, Toxoplasmosis, BT, Brucella) Horse Abortion (Lepto, EHV I, EVA) Sheep Abortion II (Lepto, Toxoplasmosis, BT, Brucella, B. ovis) Swine Abortion (Lepto, Brucella, PRRS, Pseudorabies) Tick Profile (EKUOLFKLV canis, RMSF, Lyme, Anaplasma) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 HISTOPATHOLOGY 16 Location: 17 18 19 Size and shape 20 TOXICOLOGY TESTS REQUESTED Available ICP analysis * Circle the element(s) requested under the sample type submitted. You may select one (1) element or all. See price list. Tissue As Cd Cr Co Cu Fe Pb Mn Mo Se Zn Serum Co Cu Mn Se Zn Blood As Cd Cr Co Pb Se Urine As * Interpretation cannot be made on all elements for all species Other tests Aflatoxin (feed only) Blister beetle ID Bluegreen algae ID Cantharidin (urine, stomach content) Cyanide/prussic acid (forage) Drug screen-GC/MS Ethylene glycol-GC/MS confirmation Fumonisin (feed only) Ionophore screen (feed only) Monensin quantitation Lead-blood-same day Nitrate (forage, aq. humor) Nitrite Petroleum Hydrocarbons Rumen pH Rumen pH, total salts Strychnine Sulfate (water only) Sulfur on feed (referral lab) Toxic plant/seed ID Water Quality (pH, Nitrate, Nitrite, sulfate, total salts, bluegreen algae) Are margins submitted? Yes No Unknown Color, texture, and presence of capsule: Growth pattern (expansion, invasion, pedunculation, etc.): Duration: Rate of growth: Unless written agreements are in place prior to submission to OADDL, all submitted materials plus any biological or chemical material derived from the submission shall be the property of Oklahoma State University. Any use of such derived material is by permission of Oklahoma State University. OADDL reserves the right to forward samples to reference subcontractors for tests not currently available at OADDL unless otherwise noted. G:\SOPS\Receiving\forms\OADDL submittal REC-FM-001.05.doc
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