5 シークエンス用 PCR 産物を 新製品 分で 精製 1 チューブ、 1 ステップで 100% の回収率! e r s p s x E T I P A S xo ® E 簡単 PCR 産物に ExoSAP-IT® Express を加えて 37℃ 4 分、80℃ 1 分で処理するだけ! 従来品 ExoSAP-IT より 25 分短縮! 迅速 処理後はそのまま シークエンスなどのステップに使用可能 経済的 スピンカラムや磁気ビーズ不要の酵素処理法なので、 サンプルロスがありません! 40% OFF 12 月16 日(金)受注分まで 2016 年 発売記念 製品番号 75001 200 UL 75001 1 ML 製品名 梱包 キャンペーン 通常価格(税別) キャンペーン価格(税別) ® 100 反応分 ¥ 17,500 ¥ 10,500 ® 500 反応分 ¥ 67,500 ¥ 40,500 ® ExoSAP-IT Express PCR Product Cleanup ExoSAP-IT Express PCR Product Cleanup 75001 4 X 1 ML ExoSAP-IT Express PCR Product Cleanup 2,000 反応分 ¥ 242,000 ¥ 145,200 75001 10 ML ExoSAP-IT® Express PCR Product Cleanup 5,000 反応分 ¥ 548,000 ¥ 328,800 ExoSAP-IT® Express PCR Product Cleanup 480 反応分 (8-tube strip) ¥ 64,000 ¥ 38,400 75001 1 EA * 本製品は試験研究用です。診断の目的には使用できません。 取扱店 〒105 -0 013 東京都港区浜松町 1-24-8 ORIX 浜松町ビル 7F TE L : 0 3- 64 30 -4 020 F AX : 03-6 430- 40 21 FL1607 01-01 following a PCR reaction (Fig. 3). Exonuclease I removes residual ExoSAP-IT Express reagent: PCR cleanup in 5 minutes single-stranded primers and any extraneous single-stranded DNA Overview ExoSAP-IT reagents are a patented mixture of Exonuclease I combined with Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase (SAP) in a specially Our one-step ExoSAP-IT Express reagent ensures quality formulated buffer that removes excess primers and dNTPs sequencing results in a fraction of the time. produced during PCR. SAP removes the remaining dNTPs from Fastest PCR cleanup method the PCR mixture which may interfere with subsequent reactions. Our researchers have engineered a heat labile Exonuclease I, enabling rapid enzyme inactivation in only 1 minute. This 3. How ExoSAP-IT reagentturnaround works nFig. 5 minute protocol—Fastest time to results innovation from the original ExoSAP-IT reagent lets scientists ExoSAP-IT Express の作用 n One-tube, one-step PCR cleanup—Add directly to PCR continue their workflow without disruptions. ExoSAP-IT Express Treat 5 μl of PCR product with 2 μl of Add ExoSAP-IT 37°C, for treatment ℃で4 4min 分(酵素反応) 37 product PCR 産 物 times 5 µL を E xoSAP-IT reagent offers faster turnaround and improved efficiency ExoSAP-IT reagent. Treatment is carried out Our one-step ExoSAP-IT Express reagent ensures quality Fastest PCR cleanup method Express Reagent* 80°C, 1 min to inactivate + 80℃で 1 分(不活性化) n で処理します。 ℃ Express 2 µL 37 Novel enzyme technology—Enzymes are irreversibly of resources while delivering superior sequencing results (Fig. 2). at 37°C a followed by anExonuclease incubation period sequencing results in a fraction of the time. Our researchers have engineered heat labile I, での処理後、両酵素を完全に不活 at 80°C to completely inactivate both inactivated in just 1 minute at 80°C enabling rapid enzyme inactivation in only 1 minute. This enzymes. Once で these contaminants areー 化 するま ℃でイン キュベ n 80Cleanup Conserve PCR samples—100% recovery and no loss of PCR ExoSAP-IT PCR Product n 5 minute protocol—Fastest turnaround time to results innovation from theExpress original ExoSAP-IT lets scientists removed, your reagent PCR products are ready for ションします。 これらのコンタミナン products, regardless of amplicon lengthdirectly to PCR n One-tube, one-step PCR cleanup—Add continue their workflow without disruptions. ExoSAP-IT downstream applications such asExpress sequencProduct code Pack size トを除去した PCR 産物は、シーク n ing (Sanger/NGS), analysis, SNP Scaleable—Treat PCR reaction volumes from 5 µl to 5 L reagent offers faster turnaround product times and fragment improved efficiency エンシング (Sanger/NGS ) 、フラ 75001 40 μl 20 reactions analysis, in vitro transcription, or single base n n Novel enzyme arebeads—Significantly irreversibly of resources while delivering superior sequencing results (Fig. 2). Eliminate spintechnology—Enzymes columns or magnetic extension. グメント解析、 解析、 SNP in vitro inactivated in just 1 minute at 80°C 75001 200 μl 100 reactions decrease time and expense while increasing yield 5 分の簡単プロトコル ExoSAP-IT Express reagent: PCR cleanup in 5 minutes ® 転写、単一塩基伸長など、下流の Conserve PCR samples—100% recovery and no loss of PCR ExoSAP-IT Express PCR Product Cleanup 75001 1 ml 500 reactions アプリケーションにすぐに利用する products, regardless of amplicon length High quality—accurate results Product code Pack size n 75001 4 × 1 mlことができます。 2,000 reactions Scaleable—Treat PCR reaction volumes from 5 µl to 5 L Compared to alternative PCR cleanup methods, ExoSAP-IT Express 75001 40 μl 20 reactions n Eliminate spin columns or magnetic beads—Significantly 75001 10 ml 5,000 reactions *Representative of all ExoSAP-IT formulations. times differ for ExoSAP-IT Express, original ExoSAP-IT, reagent provides accurate and Incubation consistent results in just 5 minutes. 75001 200 μl 100 reactions decrease time and expense while increasing yield and HT ExoSAP-IT Fast reagents. n 75001 1 ea This unique, highly stable, one-tube solution allows for 100% —longer recovery of DNA and read lengths for greater confidence, ハイクオリティ 正確な結果 High quality—accurate results 75001 1 ml 480 reactions × 8-tube strip 500 reactions 75001 4 × 1 ml 2,000 reactions consistency, and accuracy. PCR products produced supeCompared toExpress alternative PCR Treated cleanup methods, ExoSAP-IT Express は、わずか ブ溶液は、DNA 及びそ ExoSAP-IT 5 分で正確かつ一貫した結果を出します。この独自で安定性の高い、ワンチュー 75001 10 ml 5,000 reactions rior results whenaccurate treatedand with ExoSAP-IT Express (Fig. 1). reagent provides consistent results in justreagent 5 minutes. れ以上のリード長を、より高い精度、一貫性、及び正確さで 回収します。実際、PCR 産物を ExoSAP-IT Express で処理するこ 100% The original ExoSAP-IT formulation 75001 1 ea 480 reactions × 8-tube strip This unique, highly stable, one-tube solution allows for 100% とにより、優れた結果が得られています。 recovery of DNA and longer read lengths for greater confidence, Fig. 1. Sequencing results treated with ExoSAP-IT Express reagent Considered the gold standard in when enzymatic PCRproduced cleanup, ExoSAP-IT PCR Product Cleanup consistency, and accuracy. Treated PCR products supeで処理後のシークエンシング結果 ExoSAP-IT Express ExoSAP-IT Product has been cited reagent in over 10,000 rior resultsPCR when treatedCleanup with ExoSAP-IT Express (Fig. 1). Product code Pack size Sequencing of a 1 kb PCRで処理した product treated publications. Affymetrix is the only manufacturer of USB ExoSAP-IT Express 1 kb with ExoSAP-IT Express. ExoSAP-IT Express treatment 78250 40 μl 20 reactions ExoSAP-IT reagents, ensuring your lab of product consistency の PCR 産物のシークエンシング。シー Fig. 1. Sequencing results when treated with ExoSAP-IT Express reagent prior to sequencing eliminates miscalls and improves 78200 200 μl クエンシング前に ExoSAP-IT 100 reactions and integrity. Express sequencing scores (numbers and bars above n 30 minute cleanup protocol で処理することで、ミスコールがなくな of error 78201Sequencing 1 ml sequence; reactions of a 1 kb>60, PCR probability product500 treated with ≤0.0001%). n Recommended for processing 1-96 samples at a time Sequence shown is approximately 400 bases from り、シークエンシングスコアが改善さ 78202ExoSAP-IT 4 × 1 mlExpress. ExoSAP-IT Express 2,000 treatment reactions primer binding site. miscalls and improves60 prior to sequencing eliminates n Best cost per reaction value れます (配列上の数字及びバー:> (numbers and bars above 78205sequencing 10 ml scores 5,000 reactions でエラー率≦ 0.0001%)。プライマー sequence; >60, probability of error ≤0.0001%). 結合部位から約 塩基分の配列。 400400 Sequence shown is approximately bases from primer binding site. Also available in a Fast, high-throughput formulation 精製後の DNA 回収率 Table 1. DNA recovery after purification Conserve PCR samples—simple one-step, 100% recovery の回収率 100% 14 minute cleanup protocol HT ExoSAP-IT Fast High-Throughput PCR Product Cleanup is an n The ExoSAP-IT Express enzymatic cleanup method minimizes PCR size PCR size Agencourt AMPure® XP beads Express ExoSAP-IT reagent B社 磁気ビーズ精製法 ExoSAP-IT ExoSAP-IT Express を用いた精製法は、プロトコルをたっ n Stable at 4°C for 1 month and at room temperature for alternative formulation of the original ExoSAP-IT reagent specifierrors by reducing your protocol to a single pipette step, allowing 86 bp 10% 100% た 1 回のピペット操作にまで減らすことでエラーを最小限に Table DNA recovery10% after purification Conserve PCRfor samples—simple one-step, recovery 86 bp 100% 21. days cally designed the unique requirements of100% high-throughput, for automated or manual processing. ExoSAP-IT Express reagent ® The ExoSAP-IT Expressand enzymatic cleanuppipettes. method minimizes n 抑えます。 の性能は、長短にかかわら ExoSAP-IT Express Scalable for cleanup a single ExoSAP-IT tube 100% up toreagent a 384-well bp PCR 12% 12% 100% automated platforms multi-channel HT ExoSAP-IT 103 PCR size103 Agencourt AMPurefrom XP beads bp outperforms the competition by 100%step, recovery of all errors by reducing protocol to aensuring single allowing plate PCRbpreaction 10% ず全てのアンプリコン サイズを確実に 回収するとい 100% Fast reagent quicklyyour provides accurate and pipette consistent results. This 86 bp545 100% 63% 100% 545 bp 63% 100% amplicon sizes,orboth short and longExoSAP-IT (Table 1).Express reagent for automated manual processing. formulation offers a decreased viscosity and is ideal for automated う点で、他の製品をはるかに上回ります。 103 bp 12% 100% 1007 bp 88% 100% outperforms competition ensuring 100% recovery all 1007 bpExoSAP-IT Fast88% 100% Cleanup HT High-Throughput PCR Product liquid handlingthe platforms, withbythe same convenience andofstability 545 bp 63% 100% amplicon sizes,come both to short and from long (Table 1). reagent. that you have expect ExoSAP-IT Pack 100% size 1007 bpProduct code 88% Fig. 2. Compare cleanup methods 迅速で正確な調製法 精製法の比較 Fig. 2. Compare cleanup methods 78595 20 rxn 78595 1 ea 20 reactions 480 reactions × 8-tube strip Use of ExoSAP-IT Express reagent 5,760spin reactions × 1magnetic plate eliminates columns, beads, 78595 1 pk (12 × 8-tube Use of ExoSAP-IT Express reagent sedimentations, filtrations, を 用strips) い るand と、gel ExoSAP-IT Express eliminatespurifications. spin columns, With magnetic beads, protocol, a 5×minute スピンカラム、磁気ビーズ、沈降、ろ 78595 4 pk 23,040 reactions 4 plates sedimentations, filtrations, andreagent gel ExoSAP-IT Express is the fastest 過、ゲル精製の必要がありません。 purifications. With a 5 minute protocol, 78595 1000 rxn 1,000method reactions ml)cleanup, and easiest for (2 PCR ExoSAP-IT Express Express reagent is は、 the fastest ExoSAP-IT 5 分 のorプ minimizing pipetting errors 78595 5000 rxnand easiest 5,000 (10 ml) method for reactions PCR cleanup, ロトコルで終了する、最も迅速かつ contamination. minimizing pipetting errors or 簡便な PCR 産物精製法で、ピペット contamination. 操作のエラーやコンタミを最小限に 抑えます。 Affymetrix, USB and ExoSAP-IT are registered trademarks of Affymetrix, Inc. Please see affymetrix.com/trademarks for a complete list of Affymetrix trademarks. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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