THE BIEBERBACH CONJECTURE AND ITS IMPACT ON THE DEVELOPMENTS IN GEOMETRIC FUNCTION THEORY O.P. Ahuja (received 25 March 1986) 1. Introduction The study of Geometric Function Theory is one of the most fascinating aspects of the theory of analytic functions of a complex variable. In this field, we are mainly concerned with the power series of the form f(z) = in the complex variable b Q + b^z + b2z2 + ... + b^zn + ... z that are convergent in a domain power series may be interpreted as amappingof the donain D some range set (i) E in the given the sequence u-plane. {fc0, o {fco>^i>...} ? E , coefficients, what can be said E ; and given some geometric A nice geometric property from the point of view of conformal We recall that a function to be univalent in f(zx) t f{zz) (ii) what can be said about the sequence mapping possessed by an analytic function D . Such a There are two natural questions to ask: f about the geometry of the range set property of the range set D . in the z-plane onto if D , /(z) /O) is that of univalence in that is analytic in D is said if it never takes the same value twice, that is, z l t z2 , whenever z l , z2 e D . Univalent functions are the simplest analytic functions from the geometric point of view. The theory of univalent functions is so vast and complicated that certain simplifying assumptions are necessary. take the unit disk A = {z : \z\ < 1} First is to in place of arbitrary domain Second is to take normalization conditions: D . /(0) = 0 , /'(O) = 1 . Invited address presented at the 50th Annual Conference of the Indian Mathematical Society at Sardar Pael University (India), February 6, 1985 . Math. Chronicle 15(1986), 1-28 . 1 With these assumptions, we can rewrite /(z) in the form 00 v n ) a nz , L » n =2 z + /(*) z e A . (1) It may be noted that the normalization does not disturb the univalence of the function because if /(z) is analytic and univalent in A , so also is the function We may also add that /'(O) t 0 . could not be univalent in A . U = {f : f 5 = {/ : / e U If /'(O) vanishes in A , then /(z) Further, let is analytic and normalized in A) and Example 1. / is univalent in It is easy to see that the function univalent in Example 2. and A , and ^(A) is the half-plane A} . g(z) = (1+z)/ (1-3) is Re g(z) > 0 . One can prove that the function ( 2) is univalent in A . This is called the Koebe function and it maps A onto the entire complex plane except the slit along the negative real axis from -« to -1/4 . In an intuitive sense, the Koebe function is the largest function in the family S because we cannot adjoin to without destroying univalence. property. fc(A) any open set (This is not the only domain with this However, the maximal nature of the domain and the size of the coefficients of fe(z) .) 2 fc(A) The functions is its symmetry 2 also belong to S z + i(n-1)0 n \ ne! Z n=2 (3) and are referred to as the rotations of the Koebe function. The serious study of univalent functions began in 1907, when Koebe published a paper [58] in which he proved the existance of a positive constant a such that In 1916, Bieberbach [13] proved that a = 1/4 . result that the open disk is always covered by the map of any function f e S . |zj| < 1/4 Thus we have an interesting A of Furthermore, Bieberbach observed that the Koebe function or any of its rotations are the only ones whose image domain contains a boundary point on the circle |u| = 1/4 . In the same paper, he proved that the absolute value of the second coefficient of any function in S is never more than function, we have 2 . |a^| = n 2 2 . showed that the class S By proving a distortion theorem, Koebe is compact. Thus for every positive integer there is a uniform bound on the magnitude of the coefficient of f in S . f He further observed that for the Koebe n , z 1 for all These observations encouraged Bieberbach to make the famous conjecture [13] in 1916 . The Bieberbach Conjecture. Among all the functions z + I a z1 (zeA) 71=2 in S , the Koebe function has the largest coefficients, that is S for all n , n > 2 f e S . Ludwig Bieberbach, a German mathematician, is well known in the mathematics community. His conjecture has challenged the best investigators 3 of the world for about 70 years. This conjecture has been considered so difficult to prove or disprove that some eminent mathematicians believed it to be false. A great number of researchers have devoted their careers in trying to resolve it. The Bieberbach conjecture has inspired several developments in geometric function theory by imparting many powerful new methods and generating a large number of related problems, some of which are open while others have been solved completely. In all likelihood, it has already contributed more to mathematics as a challenging problem than it will ever contribute as a theorem. In the mid-summer of 1984, Louis de Branges from the University of Purdue greatly excited and surprised the mathematics world [59] by making a claim that he had resolved the Bieberbach conjecture. Thus he ended the efforts of many mathematicians of almost seventy years. In this expository survey, we mention only those results of the theory of univalent functions which bear directly on the Bieberbach conjecture or on the problems resulting from an effort to resolve the conjecture. also emphasize some recent results and related open problems. is an immense literature surveys [24,40,57] [12,20,39] , books We shall Since there [41,54,74,85,97] and several on theory of univalent functions, we shall make a selection of the results relevant to our precise objective. 2. The Bieberbach conjecture for individual coefficients Let 1 be the class of functions q(z) J = g e \ . 0 |2 | > 1 analytic and univalent in residue 1 . 2 + i> + b z 1 -1 + bz -2 2 + ... except for a simple pole at “ with Grownwall [43] in 1914 proved that \ n\b |2 £ 1 , whenever n= l This elementary result is known as the area theorem. Applying this result to the function = (/(I/s2))"'5 = z - a2/2z + ... , one can easily prove the Bieberbach conjecture for 4 n = 2 . There are many simple proofs available to prove the conjecture for n = 2 In 1923, Lowner [68] proved the conjecture for n = 3 type of functions which map the disk Jordan arc terminating at “ . A by using the onto the full plane slit along some These functions are dense in topology of uniform convergence on compact subsets of A . S in the Lowner showed that they can be generated (along with certain other univalent functions) by a differential equation of prescribed form. respresentation of the coefficient k{t) , |k(t)| = 1 This leads to a parametric in terms of integrals of a function given by a3 -2j e~2t[k(t)]Zdt - 4^| = It can be shown from function. a3 (4) that |a3| £ 3 . (4) with equality only for the Koebe By using variational methods, Schaeffer and Spencer [96] in 1943 gave another proof of Schiffer |a3| £ 3 . [98,99,100] developed a Calculus of variations for the class S and had used it to prove that each A onto the plane slit along a system of analytic arcs satisfying a certain differential equation. f z S which maximizes |a^| must map In 1955, Garabedian and Schiffer [33] used the variational method developed by Schiffer to establish the Bieberbach conjecture for n = 4 . Their proof was extremely complicated. However, in 1960, Charzynski and Schiffer [21] provided an elementary and simple proof of lajJ £ 4 . Their proof was based on the Grunsky inequalities [44] which can be established by a slight generalization of the method used to prove the area theorem. The Bieberbach conjecture for [81] and Ozawa [77,78] . [44] to prove that n = 6 was proved in 1968 by Pederson These researchers have used Grunsky inequalities |a& | £ 6 . Their proof is difficult and too long. Applying a variational method, Garabedian and Schiffer 1967 [34] generalized the Grunsky inequalities to yield certain relations known as the Garabedian - Schiffer inequalities. The inequalities involve auxiliary parameters which can be choosen to optimize the estimates. Using the Garabedian - Schiffer inequalities, Pederson and Schiffer [83] in 1972 5 settled the conjecture for the fifth coefficient. No other case of the Bieberbach conjecture has been verified. Ozawa and Kubota 1972 [79] have shown that Re a2 > 0 . provided that By using a computer, Horowitz 1977 [50] has shown that if r k p(z) = 2 + \a.vz is a polynomial in 1 then |a^| S k , 2 < k < 27 . 3. Re aQ < 8 However, S of degree not greater than 27 , Some estimates for all the coefficients In the meantime, mathematicians got closer and closer to the Bieberbach estimate for all the coefficients. The first good estimate for all the coefficients was given by Littlewood [65] in 1925 . estimation of the Cauchy integral formula for \an \ - r (r >f) , By using the crude : 0 < r < 1 , where 1 'a |d0 , 1o he proved that logarithms. \an \ < en f°r n » where e is the base of the natural In 1951, Bazilevic [ll] improved Littlewood's estimate for to prove that 1974 [9] proved that |a^| < en/2 + 1.51 , n = 2 , 3 , ... . Baemstein \an \ < en/2 , n = 2 , 3 , ... . Milin [72] developed a new method in 1965 to obtain information from the Grunsky inequality and thus proved that |a^| < 1.243 n , n > 2 . result was improved by FitzGerald [30] in 1972 . His Using a method involving, roughly speaking, exponentiation of the Grunsky inequalities [44] , he obtained the inequalities n , 2n - 1. l k \ a k \Z * I {2n-k)\ak \Z k= 1 k=n+1 6 > |a | \ n = 2 , 3 ...... (5) FitzGerald [30] used the inequalities (5) to prove |a | < (7/6)'s n < 1.081rc , n > 2 . Horowitz 1978 [49] further improved the estimate of FitzGerald by using a stronger form of (5) , again due to FitzGerald [30] . |a | 5 (1,659,164,137/681,080,400) 1/1I+n S His estimate was 1.0657n. The Bieberbach conjecture is true for functions with sufficiently small second coefficient. We list the estimates on the second coefficient as follows: For each function f(z) = z + Jv 1 ) a z L n n= 2 in S , a < n ’ 1 n1 for all n > 2 if \a2 \ < 1.05 , Aharonov 1970 [l] and Illina 1973 [52] \a \ < 1.15 , Ehrig 1974 [28] |a2 | < 1.55 , Bishouty 1976 [15] |a2 | < 1.61 , Bishouty 1977 (unpublished). Bieberbach Conjecture for subclasses of 4. S Failure to settle the Bieberbach conjecture for all the coefficients has led many researchers to introduce and investigate properties of several subclasses of S . We give below some of the most important subclasses of S . Convex univalent functions. These are the functions which map the unit disk A A domain onto the convex domains. segment joining any two points of E A studied hy E. Study [1063 in 1913 . z e A . f t S is convex in is said to be convex if the line lies wholly in of all convex univalent functions in that function E by K . K . In fact, we have Denote the class Roberston [87] , in 1936, observed A if and only if Robertson [87] further proved that in the class E . These functions were first \a \ £ 1 7 Re(l+z/"(s)//' (z)) > 0, |a^| 2 n , n 2 2 for all f z K for functions and z/{l-z) = 2 + of la I 1 n1 \ z 1 is an extremal function. n= 2 for K can be lowered. Starlike univalent functions. Thus the Bieberbach estimate Another important subclass of S consists of the starlike functions first treated by Alexander [7] in 1916 . functions map A domain E A These onto a domain starshaped with respect to the origin. containing the origin w = 0 is said to be starshaped (or starlike) with respect to the origin if the line segment joining any other point of E lies completely in starlike univalent functions in is starlike because it maps -00 < y < _i/4 . A S* by S* . w - 0 2 /(1-2)2 The Koebe function f z S* The inequalities Spiral-like univalent functions. if and only if \a^\ i n , and are sharp for the Koebe function n > 2 hold for [87] . A class wider than the class S* is the class of spiral-like functions introduced by Spacek [105] in 1932 . analytic normalized function if all f for some rj such that A . Sj5acek [ 105] proved that and that the Bieberbach conjecture holds for Univalent functions with real coefficients. S |r]| = 1 . SB H^ of c S H^ . Let SR for which all the coefficients The Bieberbach conjecture holds for H A Taking Libera [64] in 1967 introduced the class \-spiral-like functions in functions in An is said to be spiral-like function in Re{r)2 / '(2 )//(2 ) } > 0 , 2 e A r) = exp(£V) , |\| £ it/2 , to Denote the class of all onto the entire complex plane minus the slit Robertson [87] showed that Re{zf'[z)/f(z)} > 0 , 2 e A . the class A E . denote the subset of of f are real. and it was proved by Dieudonne [22] in 1931 . Close-to-convex functions. In 1952, Kaplan [56] introduced the class all close-to-convex functions in A . is said to be close-to-convex in A g z S* A function f , analytic in C of A , if there exists a starlike function such that Re zf'(z) \ .g W / 2 z A (6 ) Geometrically, the condition \z\ = r < 1 (6) implies that the image of each circle is a curve with the property that as 0 the tangent vector does not decrease by more than [©1,02] . increases, the angle of -u in any interval Thus the curve cannot make a "hairpin bend" backward to intersect itself. Kaplan [56] proved that C c S . Reade [86] in 1955, proved that the Bieberbach conjecture holds for the family C . Typically real functions. f(z) = z + in A If the function and if for every non-real z in / that the upper half of interval > 0 , is said to be a typically real function in the lower half of (-1,1) A A A . This merely means must go into the upper half-plane under must go into the lower half-plane under goes into the real axis. typically real functions in Rogosinski [93] in 1932 . is analytic A (Im z)(Imf(z)) then \ a zn n= 2 A by TR . f ; / , and the Denote the class of all the The class TR was introduced by He also proved the Bieberbach conjecture for TR . From the definitions of the above subclasses of univalent functions, it follows that K c S* c C c S , K c S* c HX c S and SR c TR c S . We remark that various subclasses of the above classes have been introduced and studied by many researchers including the author. [2,3,4,5,6,41,53,64,70,80,86,87] . See for instance Usually, one studies distortion theorems , coefficient estimates, bounds, radius of univalence, convexity, starlikeness, spiral-likeness, transformations and extremal results for such subclasses of 9 S . which are class preserving 5. Local form of Bieberbach Conjecture The local Bieberbach conjecture states that the Koebe the maximum of Re{a^} at least for those functions f function yields in the family which are close enough to it in some appropriate topology. S There are several interesting results on the local form of the Bieberbach conjecture. Using the Grunsky inequality, Garabedian, Ross and Schiffer 1965 [35] proved the local Bieberbach conjecture for the case of even index n = 2m . 1967, Garabedian and Schiffer [34] In derived a generalization of the Grunsky inequality through a differential equation of the form [f’(z)f E where E(t) is almost quadratic = R (2 ) and R{z) , is a rational function; and they used generalized Grunsky inequality to prove Theorem. [34] If a function function, for example, if e > 0 , m a 2m+\ f in S \a2-2\ < is close enough to the Koebe for an appropriate small number then the Bieberbach conjecture is true for the odd coefficients > wi-th equality holding for the Koebe function. Using the Lowner method together with the variational method developed by Duren and Schiffer 1962 [27] , Bombieri 1967 [16] proved the local Bieberbach conjecture in the following interesting form ( where and 6^ n - a (2-Recz ) n 2 if n even, 12 - a I < 6 1 2' n n - a^(3-Rea3) if n odd, |3 - ^ 3 | < 6^ , are some positive constants. In 1969, Pederson [82] established the equivalence of various topologies near the Koebe function. 6. Successive coefficients of univalent functions Let d = lla I - la II , n = 2 , 3 , ... denote the difference of the n rc+i1 1 n" ’ ’ moduli of successive coefficients of functions in S . The problem of estimating d has attracted the attention of many researchers. following results have been obtained: 10 The dn = 0 (n1^ log n ) , Goluzin 1946 [37] d-n = 0( (log n)3//2) , dn < K Biemacki 1956 [14] for some absolute constant, Hayman 1963 [47] d < 9 , n ’ Milin 1968 [73] d < 4.17 , n I1ina 1968 [51] . Milin [74] was able to obtain bounds for the moduli d for coefficients of odd univalent functions more precisely. Leung 1978 [61] proved a conjecture made by Pommerenke [84 , Problem 3.5]; namely, He further observed that equality occurs for fixed 2/(1-y3)(1-^2) for some y K with n only for the functions |yj = |^| = 1 . Robertson [90] showed M a J for the class C with Leung 1979 [62] that n and m . m - n (7) - - (7) |m2-nZ I being an even integer. holds for the class C It has been shown by for all positive integers However, Jenkins 1968 [55] showed that the inequality cannot hold for the whole class S . For the class S , (7) Duren 1979 [25] has shown that with Hayman index 7. 2 e6a_3i < n+l n a > 0 , where 1.37a”5* , 5 < 0.312 n > 2 is the Milin's constant. Various conjectures related to Bieberbach conjecture We now investigate several conjectures given so far to resolve the Bieberbach conjecture. the class S Our inability to prove the Bieberbach conjecture for suggested that perhaps we should attack somewhat weaker conjectures. 11 Littlewood conjecture (1925). number w , If f z S and /(z) ? w for some complex then \an \ £ 4|u|n , n > 2 . (8) It is well known that for such an omitted complex number |u| 2 1/4 and that if |u| = 1/4 , its rotation, and in this case hand, if |u| > 1/4 , then (8) f is true for all then the right side of w , we have must be the Koebe function or (8) n . exceeds On the other n and hence the Littlewood conjecture is weaker than the Bieberbach conjecture. The above conjecture was proposed by Littlewood [65] in 1925 . Littlewood - Paley conjecture (1932). g(z) in the class S , = |c | £ 1 For each odd function [ / O 2)]'5 = for ... 2 + c 32 3 + n = 3 , 5 , ... . This conjecture was proposed by Littlewood and Paley [66] in 1932 . In the same paper, they showed that |c | £ A absolute constant (their method gives conjecture to the equation Bieberbach conjecture. S* [66] . for all A < 14) . n , where A is an If we apply their /(z2) = [g(z)]2 , f z S , it easily implies the The Littlewood-Paley conjecture is true for the class However, the conjecture is false in general because Fekete and Szego 1933 [29] obtained the sharp inequality |c | £ 1/2 + e"2^3 = 1.013 . Using a variational method, Schaeffer and Spencer 1943 [96] proved that the equality |e | = 1.013 is attained for odd functions with real coefficients. Moreover, for odd functions in has shown that S \c7 \ £ 1090/1083 , Robertson conjecture (1936). is any odd function in S , If then with real coefficients, Leeman 1976 [60] and this bound is sharp. g(z) = z + b 3z + ... + b2k_lZ + ... If we apply the Robertson conjecture to the odd function [<7 (2 ) ] 2 = f(z2) > the Bieberbach conjecture immediately follows. conjecture was proposed by Robertson [88] in 1936 . conjecture is equivalent to \a^\ < 2 . For The above n = 2 , the Using the Lowner1s variational method, Robertson [88] proved his conjecture for n = 3 . After a period of thirty- four years, Friedland 1970 [32] proved the conjecture for n = 4 . He used the Grunsky inequalities. Rogosinski conjecture (1943). analytic in A , If a function g(z) = b xz + b 2z2 + ... , is subordinate to a function f belonging to S , then \b | £ n , n > 1 . 1 n1 This conjecture was advanced by Rogosinski [95] in 1943 . Since any function is subordinate to itself, it follows that the Rogosinski conjecture implies the Bieberbach conjecture. For is contained in the Schwarz lemma. Earlier, Littlewood [65] proved it for n = 2 . and n = 1, Rogosinski [95] proved it for all SR . n the Rogosinski conjecture for the classes Robertson 1965 [89] established this conjecture for S* , K , C . In 1970, Robertson [92] observed that the Rogosinski conjecture is implied by the Robertson conjecture. Mandelbrojt-Schiffer conjecture. function J , If f and g are in S , then the defined by J{Z) = / (2) « 5 (2 ) = 3 + I Zn , n=2 is in S . If the above conjecture was true, we could immediately prove the Bieberbach conjecture. J(z) = z + (an/n2)zn . In fact, we merely set g(z) = z + z 1/n and then For many years, this conjecture was an open problem but in 1959 it was disproved by Lowner and Netanyahu [69] . conjecture was proved to be true for various subclasses of Asymptotic Bieberbach conjecture (1958). If However, the S[4l] . This weaker conjecture than the Bieberbach conjecture was proposed by Hayman [46] in 1958 . In the same paper, he proved that A^/n tends to a limit. Nehari [76] proved that this conjecture implies the Littlewood conjecture. 00 Robertson second conjecture (1970). to n f{z) = z + \ a z n- l where f If is in g(z) = \ b zn is quasi-subordinate n= 1 ” then |b | £ n , n > 1 . n S , The concept of quasi-subordination was introduced by Robertson [91,92] CO in 1970 . We say that a function g(z) = \ b z 1 n if both functions are analytic in ftz) = \ a z 1 ” $( 2 ) , analytic and bounded in is subordinate to f(z) in A with The above conjecture is true for all n if is in 5* and there is a function |$(3) | £ 1 , such that n = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 n > «o (/)[9l] . are all real / A g{z)/${z) A . sufficiently large values of coefficients is quasi-subordinate to {b or and for all It is true for all may be complex) [9l] . or in TR [9l] . n if the It is true for Further, it is observed by Robertson [92] in 1970 that the Robertson second conjecture (1970) , if true, implies the truth of the Bieberbach conjecture and Rogosinski conjecture, and is true if the Robertson first conjecture (1936) is true. Thus all these conjectures are ture if the Robertson first conjecture is true. Mil in conjecture (1971). For every I k{n+l-k)\ak \2 < k«i where c^ I -L'- - , k= 1 K = 2 g(z) = I &,z2<~1 2 £ c, 2 k t k= l K n 2 1 k are the logarithmic coefficients of log If f z S , f e S given by the equation z e A . is an odd power series such that then J y k ~' - Sl e x p f j a / ) 14 . \,g{z)~\Z = f(.z2) , In 1967, Lebedev and Milin [75] obtained the inequality n+i n I n + 1 k=Il exp n + 1 k= l (9) n+l-k Equality holds if and only if a complex number w of absolute value one v exists such that c^ = w /k for k = 1 , 2, ..., n . Because of the Lebedev-Milin inequality (9) , the Milin conjecture implies the Robertson conjecture and, so implies the Bieberbach conjecture [74] . [42] has verified the Milin conjecture up to Sheil-Small conjecture (1973). of degree For each Grinspan 1972 n = 3 . f e S and for each polynomial P n , IIP * / I I . 2 llPll. where ||*|| denotes the maximum modulus in and P * f stands for the convolution (or Hadamard product) of P This conjecture of Sheil-Small [104] lies between the Robertson and Rogosinski conjectures. Taking and A , P(s) = zn , f . it can be easily seen that the Bieberbach conjecture is implied by the Sheil-Small conjecture. Relationships between various conjectures Interestingly, seven of the above mentioned conjectures are related as follows: Milin conjecture (1971) =» Robertson conjecture (1936) Robertson conjecture (1936) =«=» Sheil-Small conjecture (1973) Sheil-Small conjecture (1973) = Rogosinski conjecture (1943) ==> Bieberbach Conjecture (1916) Rogosinski conjecture (1943) Bieberbach Conjecture (1916) =» Asymptotic Bieberbach conjecture (1958) Asymptotic Bieberbach conjecture (1958) =» Littlewood conjecture (1925) . All these seven conjectures have remained open till as late as mid-summer 1984 . In fact, the Bieberbach conjecture was considered so difficult to prove that some eminent mathematicians believed it to be false. 15 8. Discovery of the proof of Bieberbach conjecture At last, the Bieberbach conjecture that has stumped several hundred mathematicians for about 70 years has now been solved by Louis de Branges. De Branges, 52 , comes from Purdue University. He, in fact, has proved a stronger conjecture that was proposed by Milin in 1971 . settled all the seven conjectures as mentioned above. that he worked on the conjecture for He finally succeeded in May 1984 . was not willing to read his 385 7 Thus he has De Branges has claimed years before he had any success. But the American mathematical community pages typed manuscript [59] . in the Soviet Union that he finally got a hearing. It was only Milin and his colleagues in Leningrad performed an extraordinary service to de Branges and mathematics, by being a patient audience. The proof has now been accepted by U.S. mathematicians too, and the results have appeared in the Acta Mathematica [18] . In October 1984, FitzGerald and Pommerenke [31] circulated an informal communication giving a shorter version of the de Branges theorem. De Branges has proved the following result (Milin conjecture) which implies the Bieberbach conjecture via the Robertson conjecture. De Branges Theorem [18] . Then, for Suppose that f e S and write n = 1 , 2 , n I kin+l-k) fc-l Further, if f e S n + 1 - k k and if f{z) i — £— (l-ars) then the strict inequality holds in , (10) . 16 CIO) The proof of de Branges is very ingenous in many respects. It makes use of an important result of Askey and Gasper [8] on Jacobi polynomials n (namely, £ P^, (x ) 5 0) that was published in 1976 . The other result k- o which was used is the Lebedev-Milin inequality (9) . The proof of the Milin conjecture given by de Branges depends on a continuous application of the Riemann mapping theorem which is due to Lowner [68] . Lowner used the method to prove the Bieberbach conjecture for the third coefficient. In this approach the problem is to propagate information by means of a differential equation. For this purpose, information has to be coded in a convenient form and then carried from one end of the interval to the other. However, the classical theories do not help because there is no fixed energy quadratic form which is preserved by the propagation. Thus de Branges had to develop some new techniques. An expository account of the new methods used by de Branges in proving this theorem are to appear in [19] . FitzGerald and Pommerenke [3l] have shown that the de Branges method cannot work directly for the proof of the Bieberbach conjecture, and one has to use the ingenious Lebedev-Milin inequality (9) which enables one to prove first the Milin conjecture, leading to the solution of the Bieberbach conjecture via Robertson's proceedure. FitzGerald and Pommerenke [3l] have given a shorter version of the de Branges proof. The difference between these two proofs is purely technical. De Branges deduces his theorem by first proving a more general result on bounded univalent functions. He uses the ordinary Lowner differential equation which describes a contracting flow in the unit disk. On the other hand, FitzGerald and Pommerenke use the linear partial differential equation of Lbwner which describes an expanding flow in the plane. We close this section with a remark that a great deal of support work is generally necessary for any scientific breakthrough. More precisely, mathematics progresses by an accumulation of insights - including, of course, the major insights of Louis de Branges. Above, we have witnessed that the Milin conjecture was necessary for the proof of the Bieberbach conjecture. But the Milin conjecture would not have been made without a few fundamental 17 results, including the Robertson conjecture, the Grunsky inequalities, and Milin's earlier work showing |a | 5 1.243n . Finally, de Branges has reduced his approach to the Bieberbach conjecture to an explicit question concerning special functions, specifically the non-negativity of certain sums related to Jacobi polynomials. That there would be any connection between univalent functions and these sums even now astonishes the mathematical community. These observations, indeed, speak of the interdisciplinary aspect of the de Branges proof. 9. What next after the Bieberbach conjecture? The importance of the conjecture is mainly that it has proved so difficult and so much useful mathematics was developed as researchers tried to resolve it. However, it is too early to predict whether de Branges' method or his theorem will have any great significance for mathematics in general. We now discuss some of the related open problems as raised by earlier researchers. In view of the discovery of the proof of the Bieberbach conjecture and de Branges1 method, one may now hope to solve some of these challenging problems. Goodman conjecture for multi valent functions A function f is said to be a multivalent function of order p-valent function) in We let ^(p) A if it assumes no value more than p p (or times in A . denote the class of all functions of the form /(z) = b^z + b2z2 + ... , that are analytic and p-valent in A . Goodman [38] in 1948 has made a conjecture analogous to the Bieberbach conjecture as follows: If /(z) = biz + ... + \b | for every For I < n + ••• belongs to F(p) , ------------------- 2 k ( n + p ) l ------------------- | ^ then (n ) k=l (p+fe)! (p-fc)! (n-p-1)! (n2-fc2) n > p + 1 . p = 1 = 2?1 , the Goodman conjecture yields the Bieberbach conjecture which now holds for the class few special subclasses of S . V(p) . The conjecture is known to be true for a Recently, Livingston [67] has shown that 18 (11) is true for all z e A , and f(z) find in [39,40] n is if f{z) has the form f{z) = p-valently close-to-convex in ^ A . 1 +b ^ + ... , The reader will some progress on the Goodman conjecture up to the year 1979 . Coefficient conjecture for class E Closely related to the class g(z) = z + b Q + b^/z + ... a simple pole at class E z - 2z was S is the class °° with residue 1 . |i>^| £ 2/[n+l) , /(rz+1) + ... . some special cases. E of functions analytic and univalent in \z\ > 1 except for The suggested conjecture for the with equality for the function This conjecture has been proved to be true [24] for However, the general conjecture is false even for the third coefficient. Bazilevic [10] , in 1937, had shown that among all odd functions the sharp upper bound for not 1/2 g e E , as asserted by the conjecture. prove a coefficient conjecture for the class the coefficient problem for the class E |Z?3 | is 1/2 + e 6 , and Thus the problem "Establish and E" is still open. In fact, is considerably more difficult than the Bieberbach conjecture. Extreme points of class A point r) S in a convex set A is called an extreme point of is not an interior point of any line segment contained in convex hull of a set Let E[S) A It is well known that S is a compact subset of a locally convex U theorem [23] , is contained in the closed convex hull of Open problem. E(S~) of all analytic functions in A . By the Krein-Milman S . should provide tremendous information about Determine all the extreme points of We observe that the Bieberbach conjecture for the conjecture is now known to be true for S . and its rotations are certainly extreme points but points as well. A . S . topological space determination of if it is the smallest closed convex set that contains denote the set of all extreme points of S A A . The closed Thus the S . S . E(S) is true because Further, the Koebe function S has other extreme In fact, it is known [17] that closed convex hull of the Koebe function and its rotations contain S* but not all of S . Further, the extreme point theory has been applied to a number of problems involving 19 special subclasses of S mappings to investigate known to the author. [7l] . Hamilton [45] has now used quasiconformal E(S) . However, the results of Hamilton are not But the author feels that quasiconformal mappings can possibly be used to get E(S) . General coefficient problem In most general form, the coefficient problem is to determine the region Vn of °n~1 occupied by the points The special problem of estimating resolved by de Branges. (a2,a3,...,an_1) \a^\ But the for all V is now being general coefficient problem is still open and is really a challenging problem for analysts. about for all . f z S . f e S A wealth of information can be found in the book of Schaeffer and Spencer [97] . Coefficient problem for class Let S^ analytic in S^ be the class of homeomorphisms of the Riemann sphere which are A with normalization A = {1 < |2 1 5 °°} . ^-quasiconformal in k-quasiconformal /(0) = 0 = /'(O) - 1 in A A function f and which are is said to be if relative to each standard rectangle in A , / is absolutely continuous on almost every horizontal and vertical line and satisfies the dilatation condition 1 Since £ 141 + l%l - 2------ ^ ' 7- 1-quasiconformality is conformality, 2 / ( 1 -cz) , |c| £ 1 . mappings - - -r consists of the Mobius On the other extreme, as k ■* 00 the class S, becomes dense in the familiar class S . In 1976, Schiffer and Schober k [101] raised the following coeffient problem for S ^ : Each Find f e , has the expansvon r? 72 f(z) = z + 1 a^z , 2 e A . max Ia I . f**k n Since f t to find max fzsk if and only if e~taf{etaz) t Re a n 20 , a real, it is equivalent The problem of [lOl] . more 10. max Re a0 is completely solved by Schiffer and Schober However the general problem, I believe, is still open. recent open problems, a reader may refer to For some [107,108] . Conclusion In this brief survey, I have made an attempt to document the importanc of various methods generated or furthered by the Bieberbach conjecture. I have been compelled to omit a number of related interesting problems - open or solved. However, I have tried to convey that the Bieberbach conjecture has been an effective inspiration and testing ground for the developments i geometric function theory in the last seventy years. REFERENCES 1. D. 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