Séminaire Autour des Cycles Algébriques

Autour des Cycles Algébriques
organisé par A. Cadoret - B.Kahn - A. Pirutka
Février 2015, Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris
04/02/15 14h30-15h30 Jan Hendrik Bruinier (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
Jussieu, salle Kudla’s modularity conjecture and formal Fourier-Jacobi series.
A famous theorem of Gross, Kohnen, and Zagier states that the generating series of Heegner divisors on a modular curve is an elliptic modular
form of weight 3/2 with values in the Picard group. This result can
be viewed as an elegant description of the relations among Heegner
divisors. More generally, Kudla conjectured that the generating series
of codimension g special cycles on an orthogonal Shimura variety of
dimension n is a Siegel modular form of genus g and weight 1+n/2
with coefficients in the Chow group of codimension g cycles. We report
on joint work with Martin Raum on the modularity of formal FourierJacobi series, which, when combined with a result of Wei Zhang, leads
to a proof of Kudla’s modularity conjecture.
04/02/15 16h-17h
Christopher Daw (IHES)
Jussieu, salle Heights of pre-special points of Shimura varieties.
In this talk we discuss a bound for the height of the pre-image of a
special point on a Shimura variety in a fundamental set of the associated Hermitian symmetric domain. This bound is polynomial in terms of
standard invariants associated with the corresponding Mumford-Tate
torus and constitutes the final ingredient needed to complete a new
proof of the André-Oort conjecture assuming the Generalised Riemann
Hypothesis, using a strategy of Pila and Zannier. This is joint work
with Martin Orr (University College London).