
 Adults NUMBER 1 2 3 4 NAME Narelle Tasker
Narelle Tasker
Narelle Tasker
Kim Holden
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Kim Holden
Kim Holden
Joe Lonergan
George Condon
George Condon
George Condon
Flynn Jowitt
Flynn Jowitt
Flynn Jowitt
David Robertson
David Robertson
David Robertson
Sara Carey
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Denise O'Hagan
Denise O'Hagan
Denise O'Hagan
Grant Sheldon
Grant Sheldon
Grant Sheldon
Brett Slater
Brett Slater
Brett Slater
John Coyle
John Coyle
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Mal Campbell
Mal Campbell
Mal Campbell
Charl Pienaar
Charl Pienaar
Charl Pienaar
David Brittain
Mac Robertson
Mac Robertson
Mac Robertson
Joy Coyle
CAPTIONS Father and son together
No where in particular undies x 2
Somewhere up North
Out through the heads – where would
you like to go
Destination cloaked through time
Family day fishing
Just 100 more steps
Dazzling Bridge
Fairy Bower Sunrise
QVB, Architectural Masterpiece
Kosciuszko sunrise walk
Wedgetail’s journey
Colourful journey
End of the Road
Natures Garden
Monthly Supplies
A journey is all about the perspective
you have
Choose our destination well…
A new way of seeing things …
If some doors seem to shut us out…
Blooms Heralding Spring
Nowhere to go
Just three rambling
Lodge at See
Not far now
Arrival at Emigrant
Northbridge bound
Northbridge Library after Starring at
many Northbridge Centenary functions
Knitted by Margaret West
Up Up and Away
Final Trip Home
A Long Row
Wish I Could Stay
Lone Commuter
Waiting For Rain
An old man reflects of his life
Pearl of Great Price
Mawson’s Hut
The Sky’s the Limit
COMMENTS 40 41 42 Joy Coyle
Joy Coyle
Dorothy Howieson
43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Dorothy Howieson
Dorothy Howieson
Rodney Campbell
Rodney Campbell
Rodney Campbell
Margaret Wright
Margaret Wright
Margaret Wright
Edna Senior
Edna Senior
Gordon Hunter
Gordon Hunter
Gordon Hunter
Margaret Hunter
Margaret Hunter
58 59 Margaret Hunter
Elizabeth Fitzsimons
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Yangrae Son
Yangrae Son
Yangrae Son
Mi-Yong Son
Annette Robertson
Annette Robertson
Annette Robertson
Peter McNair
Peter McNair
Peter McNair
Philip Peake
71 72 73 74 75 Philip Peake
Philip Peake
Susan Peake
Susan Peake
Susan Peake
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Keith Clarke
Keith Clarke
Keith Clarke
Eloise Roberts
Henry Kilham
Henry Kilham
Henry Kilham
John Fitzsimons
John Fitzsimons
Vivid Sydney
Grandparents Day
Chapel where baptism, marriage and
funeral happen
Journey starts with tropical breakfast
Touch of paradise
End of the Line
City of Light
A Higher View
Peaceful retreat
Ships of the Desert
Told you I was Sick
On the road again
Beyond Sunrise, Shoal Bay
The Alhambra (Spain)
The Tree of Knowledge (QLD)
Cradle Mountain (Tasmania)
Windy Ridge, Mount Wilson, Blue Mts
Across the seas they came, Serville
Where is she going? Cordoba (Spain)
Mum leads girls to the destination,
northern Jakarta, Indonesia
Threading a way through many layers
Light at the end of the road
Being lost in desert
Footsteps On Top of the World
The Worlds at Ones Feet
Island Dreams – Bora Bora sunset
Bali High – “My own special island”
Venice Gondolas
Eco-Resort- Not always the destination
you expect
Home, but still a long way to go
A destination far from the original
Are we there yet?
Not where we thought we’d end up!
A Destination Reached Once in a
Tip or Town
Decy's Eyrie
Phegans Bay
Banksia Vista
A destination for birds
On the way to a destination
Towards Wilsons Promontary
Staying connected in the Kimberley
Timeless destination
85 86 87 88 89 John Fitzsimons
Catherine Fitzsimons
Catherine Fitzsimons
Catherine Fitzsimons
Peter Son
A journeying destination
Reflections I
On the jetty at Derby, WA
When we travel, we find ourselves
Appreciating the Journey on the
Narelle Tasker Father and son together nd
2 Prize Sara Carey 3 Prize rd
David Robertson A journey is all about the perspective
you have End of the Road Rodney Campbell A Higher View Yangrae Son Light at the end of the road Elizabeth Fitzsimons Mum leads girls to the destination,
northern Jakarta, Indonesia Bridge of size, Rialto Bridge, Venice st
1 Prize Highly commended Highly commended Commended People’s Choice Jackson Denneen Youth #5