323................................................ * . - . . . . 70 . 80 . . . . - ... . : * ....................................................................324 . ) . . ( ) ( . : . : : : 2 : (1961) .1380 1376 1 : -1 1367 1. Narcotic Drugs 1351 1961 .2 . 325................................................ 2 1 1971 .1354 1367 40 ( 3 : ) 12 1988 1376 . 4 -2 . . -1 ( ) ( ) . . . 1. Psychotropic Substance 1377 .2 . . 1370 (5 1988 ) 1373 .3 .4 . ....................................................................326 -1-1 -1-1-1 : 1376 1338 .« :1354 » -2-1-1 ( ) » . . .« -2-1 -1-2 -1 :1988 2 .« . 1 1972 1961 ( ) 1 » 1961 3 : -2-2-1 1 » .«(4) (3) (2) (1) 327................................................ . 2 . ( ) . . : 1 : ( 3 -2 ) 2 . . ( ) . . . 1. Prevention 2. Crime 3. Deviation ( ) ....................................................................328 . . . 1 . ( ( ) 1 . ( 2 ( ) ) ) . ( . ( . : . ) . . ) ( ) . ( ) . .1 156 . ( 5 ) .2 329................................................ : . . : . . : . . : . . 1 ... . ... . ( ) . ( ) .1 . . . ....................................................................330 1 . 3 . [ . -2 -4 ] . 5 . 6 7 . 8 : . . . . . 3. Basic Principles 4. Execution 5. Organization 6. Methods 7. Approaches 8. Non-Governmental : .1 2002/13 .2 331................................................ ( ) : ( ( .( ) ) ) . . 1 . . ... 2 . ( . . ) ( ) ( ) . (1385 5 . ) : . 1988 1 2 .United Nations Conventions against Transnational Organized Crime 2000, Art. 1. 3 .1 ....................................................................332 1 . . . ( ) . 2 ... . ) ( ( ) .( ) .( ) ) .( 3 . ) ( . .1370 30 (1385) .1376 .1 .2 . 5 15 .3 333................................................ ) ( . . + . ( ) ) . .( . ) ( ) ( . . 1 . . ... . 16 15 . . .1 ....................................................................334 ( ) . . . ). . ( .( ) ( . ) . ) .( ( ) . . . .( ) 335................................................ ( : ) . ( ) . . . . . . . . . . . . -1 . ....................................................................336 1 2 . ... . . . : -1-1 :1961 - ...» .« : 35 - 1. Guidelines for the Prevention of Crime, Economic and Social Council Resolution 2002/13. 2. Guidelines for the Cooperation and Technical Assistance in the Field of Urban Crime Prevention, Economic and Social Council 1995/9, Section A. 2. 337................................................ ( . )» .« :1971 -2-1 20 1 - » .« : 9 .« 21 - » . . . -1 :1325 : 23 : . . .« » ....................................................................338 ( . ) -2 : . 1367 . 1376 . . . : : . (11 7 6 : . ) (32 ) 1367 -1 339................................................ ] .[ -2 .[ ] . 1367 : 33 -1-2 » .« ( 34 ) -2-2 » .« 1367 -3-2 » 1367/8/3 33 ]« .[ : 35 -4-2 » ....................................................................340 1 .« . 1376 . . : . -1 . -2 -3 1367 6 ( 33 ) 1376 -4 . : » :1367 » :1376 67/9/29 1376 33 .«... . «... 33 .1 341................................................ 8 6 4 ( ) ) ( -5 .( : ) .(3-71 1370 .(104 1354 ) ) ( ) ) ( .( 1 ) 589 . -1 11 . 11 . ( 5 ) ( 6 3 ) 5 (1383) . . . :. . . .1 ....................................................................342 . .( 4 3 . .(6 ) ) . . . . 1 . -2 :(11 3 ) 2 11 -1-2 » .« . .1 343................................................ 1 ( : ) -1-1-2 . : 11 ( ( ) ) ) 1376 1367 33 .(1376 ]( 33 -2-1-2 : . 11 -1-2-1-2 . 2 . . . . 3 -2-2-1-2 . .1 . .2 ....................................................................344 . . . 1 2 . . 3 ( ) ( 34 33 ...» .« 11 ) -2-2 . 77/11/6 . : : -1 . . . .1 .2 345................................................ ) . . ( . . . . . . . -2 ( ) .(36-26 : ) . ) . -1 ( 7 4 . 33 ....................................................................346 . 11 -2 15 -3 . . . 16 8 6 . . -4 . . . . . 22 .(1988 1376 . . -5 5 ) 28 . 33 -6 347................................................ 1 . . 33 . 8 -7 . . ) -8 .( . -9 . 1378 . . . . . 79/5/16 -171 .1 ....................................................................348 . 1 . . . ( ) . . : . ( -1 ) .( -2 ) -3 . . . . . (1386) :. . . . .1 349................................................ . . (1383) -1 . (1) . (1370) -2 (1354) -3 . (1990) -4 : . (1378) -5 . (1385) -6 . (1380) -7 . . (1370) -8 ( -9 ) . ....................................................................350 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Commentary on the Convention on Psychotropic Substances (1971), United Nations, New York. Commentary on the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs (1961), United Nations, New York. Commentary on the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, (1988), United Nations, New York. Compendium of United Nations Standards and Norms in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, United Nations, Office on Drugs and Crime. Handbook of Basic Principles and Promising Practices on Alternatives to Imprisonment, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Siegel, L.J. (2000), Criminology, West/Wadsworth Publishing Company, Sixth Edition. United Nations Conventions against Transnational Organized Crime.
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