rL. Retford Little Theatre by Richard Everett 31st January - 8th February 2014 372nd Production Entertaining Angels by Richard Everett CAST Grace Bardolph Ruth Jo Sarah LESLEY WARBURTON SIMON COX WONNE ROUND LIZZIE BROOKES SUSAN WILES Produced by ROBERT WARBURTON Retford Little Theatre gratefully acknowledges financial assistance From Bassetlaw Distrirt Council . History of Refford Little Theatre . FuIl list of all our productions . A newly-updated photo gallery sketching back to our early days in the 1940s r Full details of the cutrent season - and much more Web Master: Tim Paxton The action of the play takes place in a rural English vicarage garden. Time: the present Act One: Act T\so Scene One: Act T\vo Scene Tlvo: Spring Two days later Seven months later There will be an interval after Act One, during which the Licensed and Coffee Bars will be open in the Theatre Lounge. Ice Cream is also available, The Bar will remain open after the performance for drinks (including coffee) but please note that, ai a general nrle, the Bar will close 30 minutes aifter the final crrrtain Stage Manager BRIDGET SLY Assistant Stage Managers ZOE-LEIGH SLY CAROLE THOMPSON Lights and Sound NICK CI-AYTON DAVID COX PETER ROUND STEPHEN WALKER ROBERTWARBURTON Construction and Decor MIKE BOOTE ARTHUR BRECKE ALAN DUNNING GEOFF FOULDS RICHARD HOYLAND RAYJOHNSON ROGERJONES DAVID LARDER GUY MIDDLETON PETER ROUND JIM SIMPSON Scenic Artist FRANKCANNING The Producer would like to thank all who have helped with this production. Acknowledgements Proturf; George Mudford and Sons Ltd; Windmill \4ew Plant Centre; J. Norman and Son; Ceoff Foulds RIT CASHPOT As many Members and friends will know, the RLT Cashpot represents the funds we hope to raise to off-set the reduced grant-aid we receive from Bassetlaw District Council (likely to reduce even lurther next year). A major feature of this tund-raising is the Cashpot Prize Draw which takes place after every play this season. Add to your tickets (and your chances of winning!) or buy for the ,irst time tonight. El per ticket per play with three more opportunities to win Eroo e50 825 ABOUT THE PLAYWRIGHT Richand Everett besan his career in 1970. He was a professional actor for ten years, making regulai appearances on in the thedm, and in films such as ihe 7bs cult cfassTc . .'.'starrins Malcolm McDowell, Cm of The Bawhee with Vincent Price. and fiaml,et directe'd by Tony Richandson, dnd starring Anthony T! f Hopkins, Marianne Faithful and Nicol Williamson. fn the late 70s he went on to form his own fiinge theatre company. Working with David Wickert, he financed and built The Upstream Thea-tre in Londoi (oooosite the Youns Mc) and was Artistic Director [here for 3 vears. ' fir the 80s Everett turned to writins. He is the author of eig6t oroduced stase plays includine Ha bh,,t Euent, Close Tb"The Wind, Hand Ouer fxt ahd hesent fiim Tti past whiclihaub'ill been published, translited into several languages, and are regularlv performed in the UK and abroad. His latest play DciionJ had its world "oremieie in Heidelberp in 2009. Entlerlaining Angels, surririg Penelope Ikith, opened the Chichester Festival Season in 2006 anil played to"a record$reakinB 26,000 people in just over three weeks. The olav has'sirice had rwo hishlv succEssful UK totirs. Everert his ilso wrinen three plavi loi BBC Radio 4 - A Little Behind On Thc Wrleo, Sonethins Tb Sal, and Grad Airl Faaour He has also -writtenextensivelv for animation with over 150 scrios to his credit. Among them are the BAFTA nominated losebh for the Testam'ent series, Dig, DuE aid Daful. a series he created for Doiline Kinderslev. Nellk Thz EleOhni't. Ttiihrctoo and BuytBusus. He also wrote the scGenplay for the animation feature frlm Under Tfu Blitrk Flog \ehich premiered in Berlin. In 2002, his first learure film Two Men Wml Tb War (directed by ]ohn Henderson and starring l(enneth Cranham, Leo Bill, Deiek lacobi,'lirlian Glover. and Phyllida LawJ rnent on general release in the'UK. He tevelo'p"ed the prciect over nine years r,rith actor Chris \4lliers and was Associate Producer as ivell as screenwrit6r. The movie was in the oflicial selection lor the Holly,vood Film Festival and was released across the USA induding Nen, York. It is regularly screened as a BBC feature moue. In addition to leading seminars and uking writing and comedy workhops for students at all levels,-including at LAMDA and GSA he also runs a weekly drama workhop for Down's Syndrome and Special Needs adults at rhe LArcha' Uommumtv rn Bosnor. Richard Everettls a director of the recently lormed Firsr Media Syndicate, a company which finds media based pmjecfs with commercial potential for tnvestors. Enk_tlaining Angels: "...a uarm. glouing, serious comed.y, lihe an Ayhboum play fnished $ J. M. Barrie. (Sunday limesf " EXTRAS to the 2014-2015 SEASON Once again, Phil Wood has kindly agreed to co-ordinate our "Extras". These can be short-run full productions, rehearsed readings of plays, themed evenings of readings/perlormances - in short, anything you wouldn't normally expect to see in the main subscription season. lf you have ideas, suggestions or otfers, please let Phil know by the end ot February: TeL01777 817994 Email: [email protected] NEWS and VIEWS Much seems to have haooened since the last olav. On the veru next dav after The Beautt Oueen of Leehdne closed, a very apbrdciative audiehce thor6ughly enioyed L[ciE Griffiir's (Branching OuU Chri'stnia's flower arranging demonstra'tioir - th6 first of this season's "Extras'-- contributing f323 to our fuird:raising account. Onlv four davs later. we were ooen for business asain wirh two nishts o[ Talhins Helds \v Alari Bennett. These olaved to ve"rv larse audiencEs who were freatly entartained by the brilliancE ol" the writini and the excellence of the pioduc'tion and perfoimance. Thanks to all concb'rned. A profit of over f,1600 was a welcomi' addition to the fund-raising account. Thanks to everyone who contributed to our Children in Need collection. We were able to dohate f I 0 I to this very worthy cause. Pantotime, courtesy of the Retford Operatic Society, brought more crowds into the Theatre (many of whom would'not normally visit usf and sent our ice cream sales through the ceiling! Christnas was heralded, as bv our Carol Service at Hallcroft Methodist Church. A very fulI church e our orir readinEs. readings, the singing sinqinq oIThe ofThe Edwardians ns of favoulite carolsl Ai alwavs. the rhe evening evenins - and of cours'e the was rounded offwith a rowdv andini"ovable niovable game same of Beetle back bat lt ht the Theatrel Many thanks to all who coniributed'to rhese"evenrs in any way. A slance throush the coffee hatch will show that our newlv refurbished kitcJren- is almolt complere. Installed bv Houseproud, funding has been received lrom WREN and from Charitv'on Whdels (whose \en senerous donation will also. help to fund orher piojects). The installation is c"omplere arrd redecoratlon ls lmmtnentAlready we are looking towards the fi nal olav of the currenr season. Boeinp-Boeins is a gr'eat farcical co"medy, revived ncit [6ng ago in the West End "ro ravE reviews. For anvone intere5ted in beins involvEd."there will be informal castins readings in th6 Theatre Lounge on Y0th and l3th February. Full details ofi the baca page of this programme. St Valentine's Day will be celebrated at RLI wift another of our "Extras" on Friday, l4th Febmarl when RLT actors will present verse (and worse) on the theme of r-,o''ve. The readirigs will be interspersed with r-hemed musical items fiom our fiiend Martin Yates a-"nd a zuest vocalist. Details are on rhe back oase. Please buv your tickets in advance - ir ?eally does help our preparation ficr ev'en?s such as thi(. Our next play is special in seveml wavs. It is presented ro commemorate the centenarv 6f the ouibreak ofWorld War'One. U6ins documents and sonss of the pefod,. iis anti-war dreme is pushed home by its Gometimes scathing) tomedy. A live band and a oierrot show nresent "The War Game" rn a unroue wav. krnission to perfonh the play in *iis annivemary year has been stricttv cohtrolled and we are vei1, Iucky to h'avi been granted a lii6nce. Not to be mis'sed! Retford Litt e Theatre Programrres one genenously sponsor€d 6y W W xrl ?T2 :*,1?#-# :::"" .. COMING SOON Monday 10rh and Thursday February at 7.30pm in the Thestre Lounge 13th Play Readings to cast the final play of the season BOEING-BOEING (3 youngish, I older), 2 male (middle-aged) Cast: 4 female Scripts available from the Box Oflice Producer: Mary Lenanton (01427 890435) Friday 14m February at 7.3opm of Poetry and Music for St Valentine's Day An amorously entertaining evening featuring Little Theatre actors, Martin Yates (Piano) and guest singer TICKETS: i [5.00 ON SALE TONIGHT! OH WIIAT A LOVELY WAR t_ by Joen Littlenood's Th0rtre Workrhop, Charles Chilton, Gerry Raftles and members oI the origind "lfelcor,e ro our liltle pietot shol,: fhe Mety Roosters. We're got sofigs lor !ou, o few bat some A sp€ciel jokes" crst a and prase rlioo to commemorete iie certeDtry ofthe outblerl olwortd Wer Ooe Fridoy 4n April ot 7.30pm RAGS TO RICHES A fascinafing, otrnzing and entertaining glinpse backstage lo discover how the audience can be fooled by costunes and props nade fron and for next to nothifig! Presented by WDY COLBY suNneY l'H Mey A DATE FOR YOUR DIARY SIMON KBIYWORTHY AND TRIENDS fe aaming M ARIA BOY INO (S op m no) ord ALISON IIUDSON (Meuo Soprano) er z,+spl.t
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