SCHOLARSHIPS T h e C e n t e r f o r t h e E d u c a t i o n o f Wo m e n ❂ 2 0 13 Application Important Dates Applications Available: November 1, 2012 Postmark Deadline: February 28, 2013 Awards Ceremony: September 29, 2013 CEW SCHOLARSHIPS 2013-2014 DEADLINES Applications available: November 1, 2012 Postmark deadline: February 28, 2013 Awards Ceremony: September 29, 2013 APPLICATIONS CEW scholarship applications are available through the CEW website www.cew. SCHOLARSHIPS OFFERED Gail Allen Scholarship AAUW Scholarship AAUW: Mary Elizabeth Bittman Memorial Scholarship Jane and Bill Bloom Scholarship Margaret Dusseau Brevoort Scholarship Ruth Jeanette Buttrey Scholarship CEW Graduate Scholarship Collegiate Sorosis Foundation Scholarship Molly H. Dobson Scholarship Robert Bruce Dunlap Memorial Scholarship Elizabeth M. Dusseau Scholarship Privately Funded Scholarships The CEW Scholarship Program for returning women students was established in 1970 to honor the academic performance and potential of returning women students whose education had been interrupted and to commemorate the one hundredth anniversary of the admission of women to the University of Michigan. Thanks to the generosity of individuals and foundations, CEW has awarded over 1,400 scholarships since 1970. CEW Scholarship Awards are invaluable, since they often mean the difference between completing a degree or not doing so for many students at the University of Michigan. Due to the generosity of donors, CEW was able to expand the program in 2008 to include additional scholarships for male and female students on the Ann Arbor campus. Eligibility Awards are given at the graduate, professional, and undergraduate levels to students whose education has been interrupted. The interruption must be at least 48 months whether consecutive or cumulative (interruptions less than 8 months cannot be counted). The interruption may have taken place at any point in the pursuit of higher education (i.e. a four year interruption between high school and community college before attending the University of Michigan). Please review other interruption examples on our website Applicants may already be attending the University and still be eligible. Applicants should be pursuing a clear educational goal in any academic or professional program, full or part-time, at any campus of the University of Michigan. Submission of an application may precede admission, but admission to the University of Michigan is a prerequisite for consideration by the Scholarship Selection Committee and must be confirmed by April 30, 2013. A student may not receive a CEW Scholarship and a CEW Fellowship in the same year. Students are eligible to receive only one CEW Scholarship in their lifetime. Elsie Choy Lee Scholarship Sarah Winans Newman Scholarship Aline Underhill Orten Foundation Scholarship Linda J. Rider Scholarship Helen Huff Shell Scholarship Margaret Dow Towsley Scholarship Irma M. Wyman Scholarship Application Process The postmark deadline is February 28, 2013 for all parts of this application. All applications are made to CEW Scholarships in general and not to any specific scholarship. All applicants will be notified by email of award decisions in July. In addition, it is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the Center receives a complete application packet as follows: * The writeable pdf application found at Please submit 5 singlesided hard copies of full application. AWARDS Approximately 40 Scholarships are awarded annually, ranging from about $1,000 to $9,000, with some larger. * Official Transcripts (preferred), but Unofficial accepted, of all prior academic work, including a transcript from Fall 2012, if enrolled. High school transcripts are required if applicant has completed no further work. Please submit 5 copies of each transcript. Center for the Education of Women * Three (3) letters of recommendation and “Request for Reference” cover sheet mailed or faxed by people familiar with student’s academic, professional, and/or significant volunteer work. 330 East Liberty Ann Arbor, MI 48104 734.764.7271 Selection Criteria Strength of motivation, promise of impact in a chosen field, academic record and potential, and creative and scholarly contributions are among the criteria for choosing the scholars. U - M C e n t e r f o r t h e E d u c a t i o n o f Wo m e n ❂ 2 0 13 S c h o l a r s h i p s C e n t e r f o r t h e E d u c a t i o n o f Wo m e n ❂ 2 0 13 S c h o l a r s h i p s 330 East Liber ty Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Tel. 734.764.7271 Fax 734.998.6203 Checklist for Submitting your Application ____Check the eligibility requirements before you apply. If you have any questions about whether you are eligible, you may visit our website under "CEW Scholarship" at You may also call 734-764-7271 or write the Scholarship Eligibility Committee to explain your situation and ask for a determination of your eligibility before you submit an application. ____Completed applications and suppor ting materials, including transcript copies and letters of recommendation, must be postmarked or delivered to CEW by February 28, 2013. ____Read the instructions at the beginning of each section carefully. ____If you are unable to use this writable PDF, please print out the application on single-sided sheets and either type or print legibly your answers using black ink. Typed applications are preferred. ____Please be sure to include your Personal Statement with the application f orm. ____Please acquire Official transcripts (preferred) or Unofficial transcripts from all of your previous educational institutions. Please have them sent to you directly to include in your full application packet to be received at CEW by the postmark deadline of February 28, 2013. Please check to be sure your name and semester dates appear on all copies of the transcripts and are legible. A transcript for winter term 2013 will be requested if you are a finalist and are enrolled for classes winter term. ____Contact three professors, supervisors, and/or colleagues to write recommendations at least 4-6 weeks before the application deadline.This gives them time to wr ite thoughtfully about your work and abilities and also time to meet the postmark deadline of February 28, 2013. It is your responsibility to follow-up on your references prior to the deadline.The people you choose to write on your behalf should be familiar with your academic, professional, and/or significant volunteer work. It is helpful to provide them with a resume and information about your current academic, employment and volunteer activities, and your educational goals and future plans. Please provide them with the "Request for Reference" cover sheet filled out with your personal information. It may also be helpful to supply each of your recommenders with a CEW-addressed and stamped envelope for their convenience in sending the letter and cover sheet to us. Personal friends and family members are not regarded as good choices for recommenders. ____Complete the Financial Statement, along with the Explanation of Financial Statement. The Financial Statement covers the period of September 2013 through August 2014. Please fill out the form accordingly. Estimates are acceptable. If you learn of financial changes to the statement you provided prior to June 30, please submit an amended Financial Statement. ____Please submit 5 copies (the or iginal and 4 copies) of your full application packet. Five copies each: 1) Application 2) Personal Statement 3) Financial Statement 4) Explanation of Financial Statement, and 5) Transcripts. Please submit one copy of the Application Summary card. ____Remind recommenders of deadline for Letters of Recommendation (including Request for Reference cover sheet) DO NOT STAPLE. Attach by using paper clips or binder clips. These scholarships are competitive, and we expect to select approximately 40 recipients. It is your responsibility to be sure that your full application is complete and legible, and that all materials are received by the postmark deadline February 28, 2013. LATE OR INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS AND SUPPORTING MATERIALS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED If you have any questions, including whether your letters of recommendation have been received, please feel free to contact CEW at (734) 764-7271. Center for the Education of Women University of Michigan Personal Information (please type) 1. Mr. / Ms. / Miss / Mrs. (Name in full Date Last 2. Other last names which may identify your transcripts 3. Current address (Street) 4. Permanent address if different 5. Telephone ( 6. UM ID (if assigned) 7. Date of birth 8. Are you a citizen of the USA? Middle) First (City) ) (State) E-mail Address (If you receive a student ID after submission, please contact us.) Age Yes Place of Birth No Optional: Arab American/Middle Eastern Asian American/Pacific Islander Black/African American Native American White/European American Multiracial Other, specify_________________ 9. Marital Status: (Zip) Hispanic/Latino/a Never Married Married/Registered Domestic Partner Living with Partner Separated Divorced Widowed 10. Ages of children Employment Information 11. Employment Record (Please list in descending order by date listing current or most recent job first.) Job Title or Type Employer Part or Full-time Dates 12. Volunteer Activities: (Job Title or Type, Organization, Part or Full-time, and Dates listed in descending order) 13. Special Recognitions (Non-Academic awards and other honors listed in descending order) UM Center for the Education of Women Scholarship Application 2013 – 2014 Page 1 Name:______________________________________________ Education Information 14. Please complete in full. (Include all institutions of study. Use additional paper if necessary.) A. Name of high school/GED Year graduated B. Undergraduate College/University Major Field Dates Attended Degree & Date C. Graduate College/University Major Field Dates Attended Degree & Date D. Academic Honors (fellowships, honorary society affiliations, prizes, exhibits, artistic recognitions) 15. Please give dates of interruptions in education during which you received no academic credit. (Complete Either A OR B) A. 48 (or more) consecutive months with no academic credit. From (Date) To (Date) Number of months B. 48 months with no academic credit. Interruptions of 8 months or more need to be added together and total 48 months or more. Interruptions of less than 8 months do not qualify. (Use additional paper if necessary) From (Date) To (Date) Number of months 0 Total Number of Months_______________ UM Center for the Education of Women Scholarship Application 2013 – 2014 Page 2 Name:______________________________________________ Your Student Status 16. Please provide information about your student status. (Confirmed admission to the University of Michigan by April 30, 2013 is a scholarship prerequisite.) Are you presently attending UM? Yes No If no, when do you plan to enroll? (Date)____________________ Have you been admitted to the University for the degree for which the scholarship will be used? If no, have you applied? Yes Date Applied _________________ Yes No No Anticipated Application Date________________ What degree are you seeking? Major When do you expect to complete it? Plans upon completion of degree (include any other educational plans) In Fall 2013, will be: Undergrad MA/Prof PhD Will attend: School: Department: Example: LS&A Example: Biology Have you applied for a CEW Scholarship before? Yes No UM Center for the Education of Women Scholarship Application 2013 – 2014 Ann Arbor Dearborn Flint Year:_________________ Page 3 If you type on these pages, do not tab from page to page, but use your cursor instead. If you type your statement in a separate document, please be sure to have your name on each sheet. Personal Statement Name:______________________________________________ 17. Please submit a typewritten personal statement focusing both on the path that has led you to your current academic program and on your vision for your future career, including: why you decided to return to school, whether you have changed fields and what caused such a change (if applicable), your perception of your abilities and potential impact in your field, and other comments relevant to your application. Do not include financial information in this section. (Statement should be 2-3 pages in length, single sided, double-spaced, font size 11 or larger). UM Center for the Education of Women Scholarship Application 2013 – 2014 Page 4 Name:______________________________________________ FINANCIAL STATEMENT Period September 2013 - August 2014 Scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit; however, a statement about your financial needs and how you expect to meet them in 2013-2014 will aid the Awards Committee in determining the amount and type of scholarship award. Be sure to provide the specific information requested below. Please also fill out the additional Explanation of Financial Statement form. If funding is not secured, please provide us your best estimate. Please update the Awards Committee prior to June 30, 2013 if there are any changes in your financial situation. Income First, we need to understand your past year's income. 1. a. *Monthly Gross Household Income for 2012 (January-December) self ____________+ (if applicable) spouse/partner____________ + Other _____________ = b. $0.00 Total(1a) _____________ $0.00 Total(1b) _____________ Annual Income for 2012 (1a x 12) = We understand that your income may change during the 2013-14 academic year. Please provide your best estimate below. 2. a. *Anticipated Monthly Gross Household Income 9/2013 - 8/2014 self _________+ (if applicable) spouse/partner_____________ + Other ______________ = b. Anticipated Income 9/2013 - 8/2014 (2a x 12) = c. Of the total from 2b, how much will be available for educational expenses 3. $0.00 Total (2a) ______________ $0.00 Total (2b) _____________ (2c) Anticipated 2013-2014 income from grants, scholarships, graduate research or teaching assistantships and fellowships. Source_______________________________ Amt ______________ Source_______________________________ Amt ______________ Source_______________________________ Amt ______________ If you anticipate income from parents or sources other than those listed above, please specify: Source_______________________________ Amt ______________ Source_______________________________ Amt ______________ Source_______________________________ Amt ______________ $0.00 Total (3) _____________ Total Anticipated Funds Available for 2013-2014 Educational Expenses Total Anticipated Educational Loans Needed for 2013-2014 (2c+3) $0.00 * If monthly income varies, give your best estimate of the average. Savings 1. a. Please list all of your savings and/or investments (please explain special circumstances): b. Of your savings, how much will you use to meet your 2013-2014 educational expenses? Self ____________ Spouse _____________ UM Center for the Education of Women Scholarship Application 2013 – 2014 Self ____________ Spouse ______________ Page 5 Name:______________________________________________ Debt 1. Outstanding educational loans (do not include anticipated loans for 2013-14 listed above): Self____________________ 2. $0.00 1.Total _____________________ Spouse/Partner_____________________ Other debt (Specify medical, car, mortgage, credit card, etc. in first column & dollar amount in second): $0.00 2.Total _____________________ Expenditures (September 2013 - August 2014) 1. 2. 3. Anticipated 2012-13 educational expenditures for yourself, exclusive of living costs (only provide information for terms which you will be in attendance): Fall: Books & Supplies _________ Winter: Books & Supplies _________ +Tuition & Fees _________ + Other ________ +Tuition & Fees _________ + Other ________ Spring: Books & Supplies _________ Summer: Books & Supplies _________ +Tuition & Fees _________ + Other ________ +Tuition & Fees _________ + Other ________ $0.00 =_____________ $0.00 =_____________ $0.00 =_____________ $0.00 =_____________ If Other, please specify: ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ $0.00 1.Total _____________________ Other anticipated educational expenditures for 2013-2014: Spouse/Partner _______________ Children ___________________ Please explain: $0.00 2.Total _____________________ Non-educational family living costs: Rent/House Payments monthly Child Care monthly Utilities monthly Food monthly Dental/Medical monthly Insurance monthly Transportation monthly Other (specify) monthly Estimated Taxes Income Social Security Property Other (Specify) $0.00 ___________ x 12 = annual____________ $0.00 ___________ x 12 = annual____________ $0.00 ___________x 12 = annual_____________ $0.00 ___________x 12 = annual_____________ $0.00 ___________x 12 = annual_____________ $0.00 ___________x 12 = annual_____________ $0.00 ___________x 12 = annual_____________ $0.00 ___________x 12 = annual_____________ Self_____________ Spouse/Partner______________ Self_____________ Spouse/Partner______________ Self_____________ Spouse/Partner______________ Self_____________ Spouse/Partner______________ $0.00 3.Total______________________ $0.00 Total Expenditures (1+2+3)______________________ UM Center for the Education of Women Scholarship Application 2013 – 2014 Page 6 Name:______________________________________________ Authorization to Request Information I, _______________________________________, authorize the Center for the Education of Women to request and receive information from the Office of Financial Aid and to share with the Office of Financial Aid any financial information deemed necessary for the determination of the amount of my scholarship award. Explanation of Financial Statement Please assist the Awards Committee in accurately interpreting your Financial Statement by briefly providing as much information about your past, present, and future financial situation as you feel is important in the space provided below. If there are any changes prior to June 30, 2013, please notify CEW as soon as possible. Use additional sheets as necessary; please use only one side of the paper. UM Center for the Education of Women Scholarship Application 2013 – 2014 Page 7 Center for the Education of Women University of Michigan Application for CEW Scholarship – Request for Reference The CEW Scholarship Program The CEW Scholarship Program for returning women students was established in 1970 to honor the academic performance and potential of returning women students whose education had been interrupted and to commemorate the one hundredth anniversary of the admission of women to the University of Michigan. Thanks to the generosity of individuals and foundations, CEW has awarded over 1,400 scholarships since 1970. CEW Scholarship Awards are invaluable, since they often mean the difference between completing a degree or not doing so for many students at the University of Michigan. Due to the generosity of donors, CEW was able to expand the program in 2008 to include additional scholarships for male and female students on the Ann Arbor campus. You are asked to give your comments regarding: Candidate: Street: City: State: Zip Code: who is applying for a CEW Scholarship given by the University of Michigan Center for the Education of Women. Please state how long and in what capacity you have known the applicant. Biographical information and academic transcripts have already been submitted.Your forthright appraisal of the candidate will be most helpful.The committee considering applicants welcomes comments about candidates strengths, academic and professional achievements, the ability to persevere and succeed in their plans for university work, and their potential for impact in their chosen field. Please send or fax this recommendation form and your letter of reference to the following address by February 28, 2013: Center for the Education of Women 330 East Liberty, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104-2274 Tel. (734) 764-7271 Fax (734) 998-6203 Signature: Date: Your name (please print): Position: Address: Institution: Please do not staple UM Center for the Education of Women Scholarship Application 2013 – 2014 Page 8 Center for the Education of Women University of Michigan Application for CEW Scholarship – Request for Reference The CEW Scholarship Program The CEW Scholarship Program for returning women students was established in 1970 to honor the academic performance and potential of returning women students whose education had been interrupted and to commemorate the one hundredth anniversary of the admission of women to the University of Michigan. Thanks to the generosity of individuals and foundations, CEW has awarded over 1,400 scholarships since 1970. CEW Scholarship Awards are invaluable, since they often mean the difference between completing a degree or not doing so for many students at the University of Michigan. Due to the generosity of donors, CEW was able to expand the program in 2008 to include additional scholarships for male and female students on the Ann Arbor campus. You are asked to give your comments regarding: Candidate: Street: City: State: Zip Code: who is applying for a CEW Scholarship given by the University of Michigan Center for the Education of Women. Please state how long and in what capacity you have known the applicant. Biographical information and academic transcripts have already been submitted.Your forthright appraisal of the candidate will be most helpful.The committee considering applicants welcomes comments about candidates strengths, academic and professional achievements, the ability to persevere and succeed in their plans for university work, and their potential for impact in their chosen field. Please send or fax this recommendation form and your letter of reference to the following address by February 28, 2013: Center for the Education of Women 330 East Liberty, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104-2274 Tel. (734) 764-7271 Fax (734) 998-6203 Signature: Date: Your Name (please print):: Position: Address: Institution: Please do not staple UM Center for the Education of Women Scholarship Application 2013 – 2014 Page 9 Center for the Education of Women University of Michigan Application for CEW Scholarship – Request for Reference The CEW Scholarship Program The CEW Scholarship Program for returning women students was established in 1970 to honor the academic performance and potential of returning women students whose education had been interrupted and to commemorate the one hundredth anniversary of the admission of women to the University of Michigan. Thanks to the generosity of individuals and foundations, CEW has awarded over 1,400 scholarships since 1970. CEW Scholarship Awards are invaluable, since they often mean the difference between completing a degree or not doing so for many students at the University of Michigan. Due to the generosity of donors, CEW was able to expand the program in 2008 to include additional scholarships for male and female students on the Ann Arbor campus. You are asked to give your comments regarding: Candidate: Street: City: State: Zip Code: who is applying for a CEW Scholarship given by the University of Michigan Center for the Education of Women. Please state how long and in what capacity you have known the applicant. Biographical information and academic transcripts have already been submitted.Your forthright appraisal of the candidate will be most helpful.The committee considering applicants welcomes comments about the candidates strengths, academic and professional achievements, the ability to persevere and succeed in their plans for university work, and their potential for impact in their chosen field. Please send or fax this recommendation form and your letter of reference to the following address by February 28, 2013: Center for the Education of Women 330 East Liberty, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104-2274 Tel. (734) 764-7271 Fax (734) 998-6203 Signature: Date: Your name (please print): Position: Address: Institution: Please do not staple UM Center for the Education of Women Scholarship Application 2013 – 2014 Page 10 Application Summary Form Please fill out and include one copy with your application. Name_____________________________________________________________ Phone No._________________________________________________________ Email Address_______________________Student ID_______________________ Names of requested references (If available) 1._________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________ Transcripts requested from (include Fall Term 2012) All Institution(s) where you earned Undergraduate credits____________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ All Institution(s) where you earned Graduate credits_________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Please make only one copy.
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